3.5e Alternate Class Features
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[hide]Alternate Class Features[edit]
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WotC Class Alternate Class Features[edit]
Name | Description | Class |
Ablative Damage Reduction | Barbarian, Sohei and a number of other classes grant DR at such an abysmally slow rate that the feature is utterly useless. This ACF seeks to make the DR noticeable for a couple of hits at least, by turning it from an always active improvement into a stronger improvement that ablates as it gets used. | Any standard or prestige class that gains Damage Reduction from class levels, e.g. Barbarian, Sohei, Green Star Adept |
Abyssal Heritor Warlock | Not all warlocks need damage reduction. For those that don't, gaining a few flavorful feats is a better choice. | Warlock |
Adamantine Monk | An improvement to the monk, one which really does turn their body into a living weapon... and armor. | Monk |
Adapted Training | Every monastery has its own prefered weapons. | Monk (or other monk-like class) |
Adrenaline Surge | The fury of battle gives your character a higher consciousness. | Swordsage |
Adventuring Barbarian | An Alternate Class Feature set made to increase the power of the Barbarian class to be usable in higher level of play without going as far as the Tome Barbarian in it rework. | Barbarian |
Adventuring Fighter | Bring the fighter in line with the rest of the party. How is he expected to adventure if he doesn't have the skills and abilities needed? | Fighter |
Alchemical Chef | You create wondrous food items with a combination of arcane and alchemical expertise. | Chemist |
Alchemist Wizard | You are a potion-making wizard, dabbling in chemicals and biology. | Wizard |
Alternate Crusader Recovery | You recover your maneuver not by flashes of divine insight, but by supplication. You recover your maneuvers slower, but chooses which one you have access to. | CrusaderToB |
Ancestral Style | You were not taught like others of your kind, instead do learning how to fight with weapons you were told a highly advanced unarmed technique. You are stunted in the development of your weapon skills but gained fantastic insight style passed from master to apprentice for generations. | Any |
Arbalester Rogue | An Arbalester Rogue is a master of the crossbow, killing her foes left and right with a well placed bolt. | Rogue |
Arcane Archer Fix | You combine archery and magic almost perfectly. This time however you don't suffer from crippling flaws built in your class. | Arcane Archer |
Arcane Combat Fighter | A variant of the fighter, who possess inherent magical abilities at the cost of some versatility and ability to fight in heavier armor. | Brave Fighter |
Arcane Training Swordsage | All swordsages receive training in more supernatural disciplines than other martial adepts. You, however, have a knack for supernatural techniques, focusing on them so much your nonmagical knowledge has suffered. | Swordsage |
Arcane Vanguard | While some mages spent their time fostering a connection with an external creature, you practiced simplifying your motions to better channel your powers in situations where you'd otherwise be hindered. | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Arcanist Ranger | You did not form a strong bond with nature, instead studying a spellbook and learning the secrets of wizardry. | Ranger |
Armored Monk | Turns out fighting without a shirt was a bad idea. Put on some armor and punch them in the face! | Monk (or any class with a monk-like AC bonus) |
Astral Binder | You are not a mere binder, instead you bind the spirit of the vestige in an ectoplasmic shell. Thus being more of a summoner than those who chain vestige to themselves. | Binder |
Auraknife | Rather than forming a weapon out of their mind, the auraknife draws upon her own personal aura. When made into a weapon, the auraknife has great control over it lethality, but is not easily separated from it. An auraknife eschew both armor and mental attacks, using her aura for defensive purposes. | 3.5e Soulknife and Pathfinder Soulknife |
Avowed Protector | An ACF for bodyguards and guardians, it grant the ability to take charge of an ally or innocent and protect them. An Avowed Protector guard her charge and destroy opponents who would strike them. | Fighter or Variant |
Axelord | The axe is perhaps the most iconic weapon of the barbarian, although far from the only one. Some barbarian sacrifice their mobility in exchange for greater mastery over these weapons which are often mocked and cast aside by more 'civilized' people. | Barbarian |
Backstabbing Bard | You're not a spoony bard and you don't sing. You charm your opponents and then knife them in the back. A mix of bard and rogue. | Bard |
Barbarian's Pride | Some Barbarian do not froth at the mouth when they fight, instead they draw upon their immense pride and ego to pull through anything. These barbarian are less resilient than their brothers, but can focus their mind much better and even issue challenges and warning to their foes. However they find themselves unable to turn down dangerous challenges. | Barbarian or Pathfinder Barbarian |
Bardic Familiar | Trade Suggestion and Mass Suggestion out for a familiar and other bonuses. | Bard |
Bardic Warlock | A mashup of bard and warlock using warlock as the main chassis. | Warlock |
Battle Bard | You were trained with a weapon since a young age, gaining a solid grasp on how to use it. This comes at the cost of some of your spellcasting abilities. | Bard |
Battle Binder | Battle Binders focus more on physical fighting skills, using vestiges to augment their combat abilities at the expense of some of their versatility and mental defense. | Binder |
Battle Rancher | A battle rancher is unlike many rangers, he isn't a man of the wild, but rather a man of the field. Their skills are in maintaining animals, teaching them to behave and if need be, defend her land. Yee haw! | Ranger |
Battlelock | A warlock whose eldritch blast manifests as a corporeal weapon, and takes on a more martial stance. | Warlock |
Battlemage | Where your brethen focus on large-scale combat, functioning as magical artillery, you've mastered some of the basics of small-scale combat. | Warmage |
Beastmaster | Rather than improve your own combat capabilities, you've recruited some animal friends to do some fighting for you. | Ranger |
Bird of Prey Barbarian | When you rage you grow wings and break shit. | Barbarian |
Black-belt Pokemaniac | Some Monks (Dungeonomicon) like to travel with pokmon. Hai-yah! | Monk |
Blackguard Spellcaster | A blackguard spellcaster is a variant of the blackguard class, instead of granting it own spellcasting it instead advance previous spellcasting. Either full for classes with partial spellcasting or partial with class with full spellcasting. | Blackguard or Black Knight |
Bokor | Instead of firing lasers of eldritch energy, some Warlocks are content with stabbing dolls with sharp things. | Warlock |
Bomber Rogue | You rely less on sneak attack and trapfinidng and more on blowing things up with bombs. | Rogue or Magic Rogue |
Bonded Object | Replaces your familiar with a bonded object. It's not as bad as the pathfinder bonded object. | Any class which grants a familiar, or if you gain the Obtain Familiar featCA. |
Bonus Invocationer | Trade off damage reduction for more invocations | Warlock |
Bookish Sorcerer | Become an intelligent sorcerer. | Sorcerer 1 |
Bookish Wizard | You cast your spells straight from your spellbook. | Wizard |
Boxing Monk | The boxing monk focus on offense rather than defense, it sacrifice it ability to resist mental attacks in exchange for more bonus feat, better attack bonus and higher hit points. | Monk |
Broad Experience Warblade | You have sampled from a wider variety of training than other warblades, and you have the techniques to prove it. You know maneuvers from a wide variety of different styles. | Warblade |
Brutal Charge | While it takes you longer to build up speed than other scouts, none can contest that once you get going, you hit harder. | Scout |
Cairnsinger | A necromantic bard that specializes in summoning undeads under her control. These miscreants use necromantic energy-charged music to control and bolster undead under their control. Fully compatible with both 3.5e and Pathfinder, recommended to be used alongside the Dirge bard for the latter. | Bard |
Cerebral Knife | A cerebral is a particularly mentally capable soulknife, with less martial aptitude but greater psionic abilities. | 3.5e Soulknife or SoulknifeDreamscarred Press |
Champion | This is a spell-less variant for the Paladin In The Dungeon | Paladin |
Channeling Sorcerer | An extremely specialized sorcerer who know very very few spells but cast them with great potency. | Sorcerer |
Chaos Monk | Typically not raised in monasteries but instead by lone wandering masters, chaos monk see the world for what it is, a rough and chaotic place. They see Order merely as a shackles, a burden humanity must free itself from. Chaos monks typically focus on the physical parts of the world, bothering less about the more esoteric part of the training however they are nothing if not varied. | Monk |
Charming Strike | Replace Insightful Strike with Charming Strike. | Any |
Classic Healer | Trade out armor proficiencies and gain arcane spell failure for ranged healing, more spell slots, and superior healing abilities. | Cleric |
Classic Thief | A classic thief is a rogue that does not rely on hugely damaging blows to win a fight. Instead she trains to be better at thievery, while still being no slouch when fighting. A classic thief uses rogue's strike instead of sneak attack, which applies on every hit and is increased in situations that sneak attack would apply, but is always less damaging. The classic thief is a differently balanced rogue, better at fighting foe she cannot flank and stealing, instead of being able to do incredible burst damage. | Rogue or Unchained Rogue |
Cloistered Archivist | You concentrate even more on your studies than other archivists. | Archivist |
Cloud Dancer Monk | You step on the clouds and run through the air. | Monk |
Codex Hexblade | This alternate class feature aim to make the Hexblade a class that is usable in high and very high level of play. It grant a superior form of spellcasting, more skills, a few more bonus feat as well as the ability to actually have any impact with the stupid hexblade's curse ability. | Hexblade |
Codex Marshal | This ACF fix the base attack bonus issue of the marshal as well as making it major aura more relevant. It also add some interesting class features to the mix. | Marshal |
Combat Magician | A combat magician is an adept of both the battlefield and the esoteric world of magic. | Sorcerer |
Combat Stylist | Rangers and Wandering Heroes can sacrifice their companion for more combat styles. | Ranger, Wandering Hero |
Commando | Relying on stealth rather than brute force, a commando strikes from the shadow. | Fighter |
Confounding Dwarven Defender | A dwarven defender who uses spell-like abilities in order to not suck. | Dwarven Defender |
Construct Companion | Your animal companion is a construct instead. | Any class which grants an animal companion. |
Cooking Bard | A cooking bard is exactly what it sound like, it a bard who inspire not with words, dance or song, but by making succulent food. | Bard |
Court Sorcerer | A court sorcerer is an individual with inherent arcane talents, however that were diligently trained under the eyes of a wizard. As a result she uses her magic through intellect rather than intuition and possesses some of the versatility of a wizard. | Sorcerer (or variant) |
Courtly Fighter | A courtly fighter is a master of finesse and etiquette, usually trained at a noble’s court. They act as defenders, entertainers and messengers. Some courtly fighters serve a specific noble, while others travel from court to court, finding love, challenge and excitement along the way. | Fighter or Pathfinder Fighter |
Crack in the Armor | Your damage reduction isn't foolproof, but it's hardy. | Any |
Cunning Barbarian | A Cunning Barbarian is slightly less sturdy and well armored than the typical barbarian. However they use their cunning to evade attacks while fighting dirty. | Barbarian |
Dabbler of the Forbidden | You dabble in terrible, forbidden rituals. As a result you do not have the usual close link with your vestiges but instead can greatly empower which vestige you can bind, at the cost of your sanity. | Binder |
Dark Hexer | A dark hexer is a hexblade who completely eschewed the art of combat, instead focusing on throwing curse around. | Hexblade |
Darkest Shadow Devotee | Although the Darkest Shadows answer no prayers, and many churches frown upon it, you know better - why give up such a source of power in the service of your god (and yourself, while you're at it)? | Cleric |
Deadwood Druid | Your druid casting no longer helps the plants and animals. Instead you embrace all the energies of the world, fire, frost, storm, and even that of life and death. | Druid or any class with druidic spellcasting |
Death Pact Warlock | Throughout history, countless magical secrets have been discovered, hoarded, and taken to their inventor's grave. Necromancy being what it is, those secrets aren't always as lost as some might want to think. Many Warlocks rise to power on the back of the ancient lore held by Lich Queens, Vampire Lords, or Ghost Princes. Some of these were even Warlocks in life, passing on their knowledge in a twisted sort of apprenticeship. Others employ magic like speak with dead to learn of these forgotten magics without needing to consort with unliving horrors, or simply plunder the tombs of ancient mages. Regardless of the source of their power, those who follow this path inevitably surrender to the temptation of eternal unlife. | Warlock |
Deathdealer Ranger | A deathdealing ranger is essentially an assassin-ranger hybrid. | Ranger |
Dedicated Manifester Wilder | Trade out wilder's gish-traits like BAB and HD for more powers known. | Wilder |
Dedicated Marksman | A dedicated marksman is a ranger that lose some of her versatility for greater skill at ranged combat, especially when it come to dealing with the denizen of nature. | Ranger |
Deity's Champion | You are truly a champion for your deity, able to face down any foe in combat. | Favored Soul |
Depths Pact Warlock | The sea is vast, powerful, and full of secrets. Naturally, many are tempted to turn those secrets to their own ends. Most die. Drowned, killed by storms, or eaten by the beasts of the sea. But enough survive to tempt more to try. Warlocks who have dived beneath the waves to uncover the secrets of sunken cities, ancient sea monsters, or the gods of the depths find that they soon become more at home in the sea than on land. Such spellcasters are prized among seafaring cultures, their ability to foresee and eventually control the weather excusing a great deal of eccentricity. | Warlock |
Devoted Cleric | A Devoted Cleric does not have the same combat prowess of a cleric but possess an extra domain. | Cleric |
Devoted Druid | You are more devoted to the ideal of spellcasting, sadly this severely hamper your ties with nature. | Druid |
Diabolic Cleric | A diabolic cleric is not devoted to a God, but rather to the Powers of the Nine Hells. | Cleric |
Disciple of Eilistraee | A specific cleric to the goddess Eilistraee the Moonmaiden. | Cleric |
Discipline Focused | You only know maneuvers from a single discipline, but you know all of them. | Any maneuver-granting class or prestige class |
Discipline Specialist | You are a super specialized psion, to the point you cannot even normally learn powers of other discipline. However in exchange for your extreme dedication you gain some nifty abilities. | Psion |
Disciplined Wilder | You lose the ability to elude touch attack in exchange for the ability to draw powers from a discipline. | Wilder |
Divine Spark Paladin | Not all Paladins are powered by their Gods, some carry their own divine spark within them which is further empowered by their own righteousness. They cannot be stripped of their power, going after their core beliefs cause their divine spark to shrivel and weaken then considerably. This alternate class feature is designed for those who like the idea of the Code of Conduct, without all the hassle rulewise it causes. | Paladin |
Divine Warlock | You are a warlock powered by either divine ancestry or the direct intervention of a deity, you do not rely on your deity as much for power but need it help to attain your full potential. | Warlock |
Divine-Blooded | You have a tinge of deific blood flowing through your veins, which greatly alter the way you channel your divine spells. | Cleric |
Domain Archivist | You use both prayer and study, and your deity recognizes that, granting you power at the cost of your physical toughness. | Archivist |
Draconic Duskblade | As a duskblade you draw your powers from the draconic blood within you, altering your magical abilities slightly. | DuskbladePHB2 |
Draconic Paladin | The draconic deities these paladin serve grant them the abilities of dragons rather than healing and traditional spells to help them to vanqish evil. | Paladin |
Dragon Knight | Paladin | |
Dragonfire Ascendant | A version of the bloodline warlock for the dragonfire adept, allowing you to have some mad fun alongside the wizard. | Dragonfire Adept |
Dragonmark Pact Warlock | Magical abilities often manifest in bloodlines. The most famous examples of this are the Dragonmarks. Most who bear them have little interest in finding out how they work, preferring to instead spend their time exploiting the gifts they've been given for profit. Some, however, instead seek to master the secrets of the Marks. Most learn little beyond a few tricks for using their mark more efficiently, but others uncover truths about these powers that many feel are better off hidden. | Warlock |
Drifting Justiciar | There are few vagabond paladin who eschew the use of the heaviest armor and instead rely on their agility to fight. These paladins travel light by foot to dispense justice far and wide. | Paladin |
Dual Specialist | Specialize in two schools, but you are more restrained in your casting. | Wizard |
Dual Specialist Psion | You have access to the special power list of two psionic disciplines. | Psion |
Dungeon Delver | A dungeon delver is a fighter who is an expert at delving in ancient ruins, killing what inside and take the treasures. They may or may not have any archaeological interest in the thing they steal, but it generally a good thing for them to know about ancient civilizations if they want to survive through a delving. | Fighter |
Dwarven Lorekeeper | While not restricted to Dwarves this ACF has roots in Dwarven tradition as Dwarven Bards were less charismatic or musically inclined as other bards. | Bard |
Eddanic Paladin | A Norse-flavored paladin who smites down giants, calls upon the power of thunder and war, and bonds with a raven familiar. The eddanic paladin is not as effective against undead, and she possesses a different code of conduct than the typical paladin. She also does not possess a special mount, which reduces her mobility options. | Paladin |
Educated Barbarian | Not all barbarian are braindead maniacs, the educated barbarian is a a clever warrior more than capable of using his brain to bring down the opposition. In exchange for a weaker rage progression and increased MAD, the educated barbarian gain much needed versatility. | Barbarian |
Eldritch Bard | A bard whose arcane talents run to invocations rather than spellcasting. | Bard |
Eldritch Curse | You do not possess an eldritch blast, instead you are able to spread a dangerous invisible curse. | Warlock |
Eldritch Tuner | Instead of casting spells you are able to call upon invocation as a WarlockCA. This is essentially a weaker version of the eldritch bard ACF. | Bard |
Elemental Specialist | This alternate class feature allow the Wu Jen to specialize in an elements of her choice, much liike a wizard spelcailize in spells. | Wu Jen |
Elements Pact Warlock | Most interactions between mortals and genies are transient. Wishes granted for freedom, in trade, or simply on a whim. But there are stories of those who came away from the genies with more. Not some temporary boon or magical working, but real and lasting power. It's unclear weather this power is something anyone could wish for, or if it represents a deeper relationship. Some claim these individuals are genie outcasts, stripped of the bulk of their powers and forced to wander among mortals. Others hold that this state is a punishment for mortals who's wishes overstepped the bounds set by the genies, or that these Warlocks have simply managed to tap into whatever power source the genies draw their strength from. | Warlock |
Erudite, Spell to Power Variant | A less stupid version of spell to power for the erudite. | Erudite CP |
Erudite-ish Sorcerer | Why have only a few spells you can cast now? Why not have... As many as you like? | Sorcerer |
Evangelist | Most religions need people who spread them, many of these people are clerics, paladins and other believers. The evangelist is a divine bard, they sacrifice their superior arcane spellcasting and some of their later bardic music for slightly weaker divine spellcasting and orating spell. | Bard |
Expanded Unique Powers | Tired of being limited to such a tight selection of unique powers per day? Get some more! | EruditeCP |
Expanded Variant Paladins | Why should the extremes get all the fun? Introducing paladins for LN, NG, CN, NE, and TN. | Paladin |
Fae Pact Warlock | Many Warlocks appeal to the fey for their power. While the stories of children wandering into the woods and returning with terrible gifts of Mab or Oberon are largely exaggerated, even stumbling upon a dryad grove, nymph's pool, or satyr revel can be a path to tremendous magical power. Provided, that is, you can convince the fae you are worthy of their attention, and survive receiving it. Most who follow this path become simple hedge witches (in many cultures, "witch" refers almost exclusively to fae-sworn Warlocks), but the truly powerful among them find themselves drawn into the otherworldly machinations of the great courts. | Warlock |
Familarbound Caster | You know how most wizards have a familiar? Well, in your case, you are the familiar. | Any class with a familiar |
Familiar Ranger | You have a familiar, much like many arcane spellcasters, however you eschew your enhanced connections with animals. | Ranger |
Familiar Warlock | Instead of focusing on magic items, you gain the service of a loyal familiar serving your bloodline. | Warlock |
Fan Fighting Monk | You eschew the traditional martial arts, you relies on fan with hidden blades within as well as the ability to create high winds. | Monk |
Favored Enemy, Revised | A better version of the ranger feature | ranger |
Favored Sole | Gain divine favor to move better | favored soul |
Fear-Monger | Add a bit of fear to that dagger strike! | Any class with Sneak/Sudden Attack progression |
Feat Sorcerer | Lose your familiar and gain bonus feats. | Sorcerer |
Feat Wilder | Not all wilder go crazy when they wild surge, some have a calmer mind and focus on other things. | Wilder |
Fencing Fighter | A fencing fighter use a single one-handed or light in one hand and nothing in the other. Kind of like a diet swashbuckler. | Fighter |
Fiendblooded Knight | Known as corrupter, fiends get their taint over entire bloodline. Some of these souls become irredeemably tainted and become warlocksCA or are slaughtered for it. However mercy take many forms and some of these tainted child are taken in monasteries to be trained to resist evil. The Fiendblooded Knight is a Paladin who mastered their own inner demon and plan on using the power of 'evil' to defeat evil. On the other hands, those who oppose good also seek those child and some Fiendblooded Knights belong in the ranks of servants of evil. Perhaps this is more common than the occasional brave soul facing and defeating corruption and much more willing to delve into the depth of their abilities. | AntipaladinPathfinder, Paladin (and Variants) or PaladinPathfinder |
Fiendish Pact Warlock | When it comes to the trade of souls for power, few do more business than the fiends. Among every people of the world, there are those desperate enough for power to accept even the most terrible of prices. Contrary to popular expectation, these are not all howling madmen, or fools seduced by false promises of power. Many who offer up their souls do so with eyes open, believing their cause important enough to be worth risking everything for. Of course, many of these stories end in tragedy nonetheless, with victorious Warlocks defeating invading armies only to inflict back the cruelties their people suffered tenfold, calling up demonic servants to extract a terrible revenge on those who have wronged them. | Warlock |
Fiendslayer | You are specifically trained in the art of fiendslaying, relentlessly killing the denizen of the lower planes. | Ranger |
Flame Priest | The archetype for maddened cleric of fire, who sacrifices tributes to the flames while filled with raving zeal. The flame priest has a direct approach, both to their faith and in combat. They have power over fire, being as capable blaster as most arcane spellcasters. | Cleric |
Fleshbender | The druid turns from a scion of nature to a freak collection of genetics and grafting, enabling transformation into many beasts. | Druid |
Flower Pact | A flower pact druid is a strange relatively new kind of druid who eschews many of the ancient druidic traditions. They accept civilization as part of nature and their view of nature is somewhat rose-tinted. They refuse to kill animals, or wear animal-based armor and clothes. They sometimes oppose traditional druids, who see them as self-righteous youngsters at best and enablers of civilization’s conquest of nature at worst. | Druid or other classes with the Druid's code of conduct |
Flowering Blossom Monk | A flowering blossom monk is a Charisma-based monk with a focus on mobility. | Monk |
Flurry Monk | Monks are fast but can't take advantage of it, they need to stand still to flurry. Well, not anymore. | Monk |
Flurry of Blasts | Gain the ability to shoot multiple blasts, devastating opponents. | Warlock |
Focused Sorcerer | A sorcerer who specialized in one or more schools of magic, gaining additional benefits. | Sorcerer |
Follower of the Fao | The Way of The Fao is a foreign tradition to the Druidic World. It teaches that the true power of nature can be attained through every part of it, including one's inner self. The Follower of the Way as a result hone their mind in their own spiritual pursuit and thus are not reliant on nature to gain their powers. On the other hand the ability to transform through Channel Anima and Wildshape are themselves foreign to their own way. | Druid or Geopsyche |
Frontline Warlock | You're still a spellcaster...but you prefer to cast fist. | Warlock |
Geisha | About as historically accurate to real Geisha as the monk is to real monks , this alternate class feature is for oriental flavored bard. Geisha lack the ability to cast in armor but receive multiple class features to make up for it. | Bard |
Genie | This alternate class feature transforms the Dragon magazine Sha'ir into a full genie. A genie has greater control over her spellcasting and the ability to grant wishes to others. However despite their great power, a genie must follow a few rules. | Sha'irDragon Magazine |
Green Knight | The green knight is a martial focused druid, eschewing much of their spellcasting abilities in exchange for pure combat abilities. A green knight is especially proficient at using slashing weapons, such as scimitars, to hunt down the foes of nature or her fey liege. A green knight still gain access to a mighty companion and spellcasting abilities, which make her a great foe to face. | Druid |
Grenade Adept | A fighter who trades some of his martial training for the ability to dabble in alchemical destruction. | Fighter |
Grimoire Fighter | You learn to deal massive damage with weapons that you've mastered. | Fighter |
Grimoire Paladin | You trade some of the protection of your deity to punish the enemies of your faith. | Paladin |
Grimoire Ranger | Where other rangers are tougher in certain conditions and call upon animals to stand at their side, you find that the only help you need in vanquishing your foes comes from within. | Ranger |
Grimoire Rogue | An alternate rogue who's a bit more customizable and stands out compared to other rogues. | Rogue |
Grimoire Soulknife | Honing your Mind Blade allows you to perform at far higher levels when compared with other soulknives. | Soulknife |
Grimoire Totemist | You lose some of your natural speech with animals for enhanced ferocity. | Totemist |
Guided Mystic | Rather than developing a bond with a familiar, you are guided by one or more spirits. | Any class that grants a Familiar, or the Obtain Familiar feat. |
Guild Thief | A Guild Thief is a Rogue ACF with less focus on traps and more focus on the art of crime. A Guild Thief also possess a unique blend of skirmish and sneak attack, making them versatile mobile flankers. | Rogue |
Gunkata Monk | You're a monk from the school of gun-fu. | Monk |
Healing Helper | Some wizards call energy from the plane of positive energy to serve them, rather than a familiar. | Wizard |
Hexer | You gain access to the ability to prolonging the suffering of your opponent and manipulate curses. | Sorcerer |
Hexing Fury | You have anger issues, which sometime interfere with your ability to cast spells but grant you additional combat might. | Hexblade |
Hideskin Warrior | You eschew armor to instead train your body, gaining an invincible hide-like skin. | Barbarian or Bloodrager |
High Invoker | You have a really weak eldritch blast, but you have lots of invocations. | Warlock (or variant) |
Holy Squire | You have a young and hopeful apprentice who follow you around, hoping to also become a paladin of legend one day. | Paladin |
Hoplite | An hoplite is a heavily armored combatant wielding a spear and a shield in tandem. They are well-trained in phalanx formation, but are not left without recourse in close combat. An hoplite is expected to have a certain set of skills, making them ideal adventurers. | Fighter |
Horse Lord | You trade the versatility of a bonus feat for a powerful mount and the ability to use it correctly. | Fighter |
Humble Champion | Not all paladins are clad in shining armor, nor wield the sword and shield. Some prefer a lonely, ascetic existence, while others may live and work side-by-side with the poor and vulnerable. Others take up the mantle of humility as a personal choice and demonstration of piety and service to their cause, while continuing to work and train alongside the more traditional paladins of their order. On rare occasions, a deity may test a chosen warrior's devotion to the faith and not to glory, imposing these restrictions upon them for either a set amount of time, or permanently. Whatever the reason, these paladins find that devotion and faith can provide just as much power and protection as manufactured arms and armor. | Paladin |
Hunter's Trance | While some of your tribesmen learn to channel their inner fury to enhance their strength, you have learned to concentrate and focus yourself, greatly enhancing your senses and allowing for great feats of agility. | Barbarian |
Ill Omens | Whenever you or your opponents get a stroke of good luck, you're able to balance it out with some bad luck. | Hexblade |
Infinite Lotus Disciple | You are in-tune with the Infinite Lotus in a way your brother and sister martial adepts are not, at the cost of some diversity. | Any martial adept class |
Jousting Paladin | A paladin with a mount right away, and powers which are much more mount focused. | Paladin |
Ki Blade | Through endless meditation and practice a Mind Blade user gain the ability to channel her psionic power in more monastic ways than their brethren. The Ki Blade do not wear armor, instead having learned the ability to project a shield of psychic energy over her body. A Ki Blade also learn a more advanced and specialized psychic strike, although it carry risks and can only be used against those unaware of her presence. Some Ki Blade eschew the user of a blade and become soulfists. | Soulblade or Soulknife |
Ki Trickster | Add new options to ki users. | Any ki-based class (such as Monk or Ninja) |
Knight Nurse | Not all Paladins seek to destroy evil, some are protectors and rescuers. The Order of the Knight Nurse focus on providing medical relief to communities besiege by war. They are adept of both magical healing and mundane medical healing and possess the ability to defend themselves. While they can, like normal Paladins, be decked in the heaviest armor and wielding martial weapons, they lack the ability to detect and smite evil. | Paladin |
Knight of the Wood | A ranger with several paladin traits, as they champion the cause of nature. | Ranger |
Lay on Hands Crusader | Most Crusaders learn to better steel their wills against foreign assaults. Your will, however, is already plenty sharp, so you have instead spent your time practicing your healing abilities. | Crusader |
Learned Cleric | You do not prepare spells like a cleric, instead you prepare from a book much like a wizard. | Cleric |
Life Sight | Some rangers mastered the ability to see other's life force as a way to gauge their strength, rather than getting animals to be friendlier to them. | Ranger |
Lifedrinking Sorcerer | A little bit of a fix for Lifedrinker, but as a base class. | Sorcerer |
Lightly Armored | You do not wear cumbersome armor like your brethren, preferring lighter loads. When wearing light or no armor you are quite proficient at getting out of the way. | Any |
Logical Paladin | You're the thinking man's paladin. Working for the greater good is the only logical choice. | Paladin |
Lone Wanderer | You are less of a friend of nature and more a lone hunter stuck in her way. However your self-reliance has increased your ability to deal with threats you face. | Ranger |
Loner Ranger | A ranger who forgoes a companion for more power alone | ranger |
Machinist Fighter | A machinist fighter is a fighter who know his or her way around machine and technology. | Fighter |
Mage | A more elaborate take on specialist wizards. Reducing their versatility but giving flavorful rewards towards their specializations. | Wizard |
Mage Gunner | Some mages prefer blasting their foes with magically enhanced bullets, rather than speaking incoherently and weaving their hands randomly. | Sorcerer/Wizard |
Mage Hunter | A ranger dedicated to hunting spellcasters. | Ranger |
Mage of the Empyrean | You are an arcane caster who also gain power from the studies of the Empyrean planes. | Sorcerer or Wizard |
Maneuver-like Monk | This alternate class feature turns the monk into essentially a maneuver sorcerer, with few maneuvers known but having all of them readied. | Monk (SRD version only) |
Martial Adept Barbarian | The core Barbarian with a smidget of aditional rage fun and some Tome of Battle goodness added. | Barbarian |
Martial Adept Factotum | This ACF gives the factotum a more "mundane" feel by giving him Tome of Battle maneuvers instead of arcane spellcasting. | Factotum |
Martial Adept Fighter | The core Fighter with some flexibility and Tome of Battle goodness added. He needed it. | Fighter |
Martial Adept Monk | The core Monk with some Tome of Battle goodness added. He needed it... A LOT! | Monk |
Martial Adept Paladin | The core Paladin with more smitiness and some Tome of Battle goodness added. | Paladin |
Martial Adept Ranger | The core Ranger with some Tome of Battle goodness added. | Ranger |
Martial Adept Rogue | The core Rogue with some Tome of Battle goodness added. | Rogue |
Martial Aptitude Warblade | Rather than wasting your time playing around with various weapons, you've been studying hard, and have mastered a discipline that is a mystery to most Warblades. | Warblade |
Martial Artist | You sacrifice your studies and deep contemplation of the multiverse in order to punch people more effectively. It seems to be working out ok. | Monk |
Martial Beguiler | A version of the beguiler roughly equivalent to the battle sorcerer. | BeguilerPHII |
Martial Ranger | Forgo your usual weapons and use what nature gave you: your fists! Mix monk fighting styles with ranger. | Ranger |
Masked Binder | A masked binder do not bind vestige to herself, instead she bind them to various ritual masks. She is capable of switching between vestige easily, however she lack sheer versatility. | Binder |
Master Elementalist | You do not have a connection with animal and nature as other Druids and Worldseer, however you possess innate talents with the elements. | Druid or Worldseer |
Master of Magic | A Master of Magic is a wizard who eschews the higher studies of magic for sheer volume of spells. While giving up access to great power can be a difficult choice, some are willing to make it. | Wizard |
Mastermind Rogue | A Mastermind is a rogue who use deception, manipulation and planning to win the fight. They possess uncanny abilities to deceive and manipulate outside of combat, granting them great social agility. The Mastermind need a high Intelligence to plan and grant herself non-negligible skill bonuses, however it also has an inherent problem with MAD. Both a high Dexterity and Charisma scores are highly beneficial to her in combat and out. This makes the Mastermind tricky to play, especially given that she sacrifice much combat effectiveness for skills. | Rogue |
Masterwork Monk | Punching is an inferior weapon in D&D. But you're a monk! Show them how to really do unarmed strikes! | Monk |
Messianic Soul | The Blood of the Gods run in your vein, making your abilities much more personal than the typical favored soul. This alternate class feature improve the Favored Soul at the cost of some of their martial abilities. | Favored Soul |
Militant Spellcaster | You give up your familiar and some of your spellcasting ability to become better at fighting. | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Monk of the Voice | A monk from an ancient order, that channel their ki through their voice. This allowed them to defeat their opponent with a simple whisper, and open the gate to a known with a shout. Sadly an betrayal from within caused the downfall of their order, it last members scattered to the wind, teaching a few apprentices in the way before their way is lost followers. | Monk |
Monk of the Wilderness | A monk of the wilderness is a monk who do not live a monastic lifestyle, instead focusing on living a natural life much like a wild animal. monk of the wilderness is often combined with rage monk. | Monk |
Monster Hunter Ranger | A Monster Hunter ranger is trained in tracking beasts and monsters who prey on mankind. Their link to animals are lesser, but they are trained at identifying a large array of monsters. | Ranger |
Mountain Barbarian | You don't dodge attacks, you soak them. | Barbarian |
Mountain Druid | You are just as comfortable clothed in the fruit of the mountains as with the skin of animals, and are comfortable with tools crafted from its ore as well. | Druid |
Musical Paladin | A Musical Paladin often follow a deity of art and music, inspiring allies instead of smiting their foe with divine powers. That said these paladin are no less martially inclined than their standard brethren. | Paladin |
Musical Pokemaniac | For the Bard (Frank's Revision) that wants a co-star | Bard |
Mystic Pokemaniac | For Psions who wish to share their mental gift with a pokemon | Psion |
Mystical Paladin | While most paladins focus on martial superiority, the mystical paladin leans toward the magical side. She is more skilled caster, but her combat skills are comparable to a cleric. | Paladin or Pathfinder Paladin |
Mystical Warden | A ranger with inherent arcane magic, much like a sorcerer, typically the descendant or offspring of fey. Some mystical wardens serve powerful mages as wardens, acting as bodyguards and protectors of their land. | Ranger |
Natural Geomancer | A natural geomancer is a druid that rather than gaining power through reverence of nature, simply gathers the energy from the environment around her. As a result her powers are deeply innate, her spells are known by years of practice and weaving the energy channeled through her. Whether she respectfully borrows that power, or usurps it for her own needs depends on the druid. A natural geomancer is able to easily make use of the environment around her, allowing her to access new spells based on where she is. | Druid |
Natural Psychic | A natural psychic is very similar to a sorcerer, her psionic powers are a result of her bloodline or perhaps experiment done to her ancestors. In any case a bit of taint from psionic creature remains in her blood, although it grant her new strange abilities. | Psion |
Naturalist | A Naturalist is a druid or worldseer with a more scientific approach of nature, which come at the cost of her combat abilities. She use her mind rather than her sense to empower her abilities. | Druid, Geopsyche or Worldseer |
Necropsion | You are a psion who can use necromancy-like power. | Any Psionic |
Nightshade Monk | Belonging to an order of ancient assassins, the nightshade monks practice sudden blows to pressure points. It is said that the true initiates of the nightshade are capable of delivering blows so quick they cannot be seen. | Monk |
Noble Cleric | While you are devoted to the Gods, you are of noble stocks. You have learned to harness divine energy with strength of personality instead of through contemplativeness. You may possess a high office in the clergy, or believe you deserve one. | Cleric |
Occult Tattooist | The strange traditions of the warlocks never cease to surprise more mainstream magic-users. Some warlocks use fiend blood or other strange ink to tattoo their dark magic directly onto their skin. These warlock wear their magic and origin on their sleeve, but are able to share it with allies and minions. The dark rituals and occult scarification has a cost, the warlock becomes unable to project her eldritch blast outward as they normally could. | Warlock |
Overwhelming Psyche | Filled with intense inner strength, the overwhelming psyche forms her mind blade not through contemplation and quiet training, but through raw kinetic energy channeled through her force of personality. | 3.5e Soulknife or SoulknifeDreamscarred Press |
Pack Mother Druid | A druid who sees their calling as the role of the alpha wolf in a pack, instead of as a caretaker of the natural order. | Druid |
Pain Point Monk | Strike key nerves with your blows to inflict pain and break your opponents will to fight. | Monk |
Paladin of the Gate | A paladin of the gate is a paladin focused on fighting and destroying eldritch abomination and other creatures that lurk in the dark and chaos. | Paladin |
Paladin of the Light | Paladins of the Light usually come from Pelorian Faith, The sun god. Most paladins of the light follow Pelor's teachings in some fashion. They are charitable and usually go out of their way to help others. They strive to do the utmost good wherever possible, they are not constrained by order or chaos. Paladins of the Light are known to go on crusades to rid the world of Undead and Evil in all forms, but do not Blindly chase those such evils. | Paladin |
Pantheist Priest | A pantheist priest is a cleric who is dedicated to the worship of all deities as a cosmic whole, and thus has access to a greater range of power. | Cleric |
Pathfinder Dread Necromancer | An adaptation of the lovely Dread Necromancer from heroes of horror? To the Pathfinder System. This variant removes the infinite healing exploit present in the 3.5e class and ‘modernizes’ several of the abilities to be in-line with pathfinder classes. Some new abilities were added, as many features were cut or consolidated. | Dread Necromancer |
Pathfinder Warmage | This alternate class feature is an alteration to the Warmage from the Miniatures Handbook to be more viable in games of Pathfinder, or in general really. | WarmageCArc |
Penetrating Fist | Punch through your foes | Monk |
Performing Wizard | You are a showman of a wizard, it's time to show the crowd real magic! | Wizard 1 |
Pheonix Vicar | Clerics who have devoted their life to the study of fire can become Phoenix Vicars. Phoenix Vicars can only have one Domain. | Cleric |
Philosophical Monk | Some people don't need to believe in an ordered universe to punch things really hard. You are one of those people. | Monk |
Pilgrim Cleric | A cleric who worships its deity by travelling, never at home in life, preparing for its heaven. | Cleric |
Poisoner | You are not the kind to poison your weapons and use poison in combat. Rather you are skilled at poisoning drink, meal, furniture and killing or incapacitating your victim when they expect it the least. | Any |
Polearm Master Monk | You come from a tradition of monk which had less emphasis on unarmed combat, instead training it students in the way of the polearm. | Monk |
Positive Connection | Some barbarians have a connection to the plane of positive energy and simply heal faster, rather than taking less damage. | Barbarian |
Positive Song | Some bards draw on the energy of the positive energy plane to heal their friends, rather than bewitching their enemies. | Bard |
Positive Strike | Some rogues learn to channel positive energy with their attacks rather than how to avoid traps. | Rogue |
Preacher | A cleric who focuses its faith and knowledge of its doctrine to bestow boons onto its allies or convert the unfaithful. | Cleric |
Prodigious Training | Some swordsage factions allow their recruits to choose their abilities according to their own aspirations. If some martial adept choose speed, others learn more fighting skills. | Swordsage |
Psion Loremaster | For Manifesters instead of Casters | Loremaster |
Psionic Bard | Bards, now with MIND BULLETS! | Bard |
Psionic Champion | Convert the Abjurant ChampionCM class to psionics. | Abjurant Champion |
Psionic Interference | Your powers are very subtle but also strangely disrupted when wearing armor. This lack of physical defense lead you to adapt using flahses of isnight for defensive purposes. | Any Manifesting Class |
Psionicist | A alternate class feature for psionic character loosely based on the 2nd edition ruleset. | Any Psionic Class |
Psychic Fist | The psychic fist is a martial artist who honed her skills alongside her psionic power. She usually focused on defeating her fors with quick consecutive blows, or a single decisive attack. | Psychic Warrior |
Psychic Hexblade | Replace hexblade casting with psionics. | Hexblade (or Dark Hexer Hexblade) |
Psychic Marshal | You are a marshal with psychic power, because why not! | Marshal |
Psychic Wellspring Warrior | Give the psychic warrior more power points, at the cost of health. | Psychic Warrior |
Pugilist Fighter | You are a fighter who fight with fisticuffs, not hindered by large weapon or massive plates of steel to cover your muscular body. | Fighter |
Quivering Blow | Revised quivering palm | monk |
Rage Monk | You're an angry monk! Screw peace and harmony and feeling the flow of the universe, you're gonna rage out your ki so hard you break reality! | Monk |
Rage, Simple Math | Barbarians don’t have time for lots of math. This is a variant to the rage mechanics to make its effects easier to implement, but it also may be a power buff to Rage as a side effect. | Barbarian |
Raging Rider | The sound of hooves and the screeching of tires send this barbarian into a frenzy. | Barbarian |
Rapid Blast | You've gained enough proficency with your eldritch blast that you're capable of firing it off much more quickly than normal. | Warlock |
Rapid Charge | You gain the ability to make a quick attack-less charge. | Any |
Retrained Armor Proficiency | Instead of training to use armor, you trained to do something else. | Any |
Righteous Paladin | You believe you're Good, and effects that detect this agree. This doesn't mean it's true. | Paladin |
Roar of the Universe | Release a deadly roar containing the language of the universe | Truenamer |
Royal Knight | A Royal Knight is a Paladin who pledge themselves to a mortal ruler instead of higher powers and ideals. | Paladin or Antipaladin |
Runecaster | Remove vocal components, but use somatic components to inscribe glowing drawings on a surface in order to cast your spells. | Any class with spellcasting. |
Rustic Mage | A spellcaster residing in the countryside, expert in farming crops. | Any Arcane Spellcaster |
Sage Wizard | You are a wise wizard, and your arts seem closer to divine than arcane. | Wizard 1 |
Saint's Helper | You called out to an archdevil and realized too late that you misread your new patron's name. If you've ever wanted to work for Santa, now's your chance. | Warlock |
Scholarly Monk | Scholarly Monks focus on studies and versatility rather than martial arts. | Monk (or other monk-like class) |
Science Wizard | You're a scientist of magic, not unlike an artificer. Your magic is really all magic items. | Wizard |
Scourge of the North | You are a Raider from the North, master of cold, fog and the sea. | Barbarian |
Self Familiar | Instead of a familiar, you gain benefits based on emulating a creature you could choose as a familiar. | Any with a familiar |
Sensible Repertoire | Fix some oddities in the way the Erudite learn powers. | Erudite CP |
Shadow Bard | A shadow bard possess the ability to move and strike from the shadow as a rogue, she also possess multiple roguish spells and the ability to manipulate shadow and darkness to her whim. | Bard |
Shadow Companion | Your animal companion is a shadowy construct from the shadow plane. | Any class which grants an animal companion. |
Shadow Paladin | Not all Paladins fight in the light, some prefer the cover of the shadow to do their work. These paladins have a mildly different code of conduct, allowing them to associate with evil creature and later take them out with lies and poison. Those Paladins know that in in light's triumph against the darkness, there will always be shadows. | Paladin or Pathfinder Paladin |
Shadow Stalker | While most rangers are most comfortable while in nature, others can flourish in any environment as long as they are cloaked in shadows and darkness. | Ranger |
Shadowstriker Monk | The Temple of the Shadow Cobra was handled by worshipers of the eponymous deity. They became capable over time, to draw their ki into weapon made of shadows. The Temple was destroyed by Paladins, but the technique is still passed on, hidden away in monasteries in the form of jet black scrolls. | Monk |
Shining Sword Paladin | A shinning sword paladin is a clear improvement over the base paladin, gaining better spellcasting and class features. | Paladin |
Simple Wizard | Get the vibes of being a wizard with a few powerful spells and then some standbys, without being overwhelmed with 20 spell slots at level 10. | Wizard, or other prepared full caster with similar spells per day progression. |
Single Blow Monk | The one-inch punch, the five-point death palm, the falcon punch, monks with this ACF are focused at doing one extremely deadly attack per round instead of flurrying. | Monk |
Skill Trickster Barbarian | A Skill Trickster Barbarian use her skill tricks to get ahead in and out of combat. | Barbarian |
Skill Trickster Fighter | You trade your ability to use heavier armour in exchange for skill trick goodness. | Fighter |
Skill Trickster Rogue | You use a lot of skill tricks and can use them more often at the expense of the ability to find and disarm traps. | Rogue |
Skinless Druid | These druids eschew using hides and materials made of creatures as armor. | Druid |
Smite Opposing Alignment Crusader | You find it hard to channel your righteous might against those of a similar viewpoint to yours; however, those with opposite views draw your ire even more fiercely. | Crusader |
Sorcerer Supreme | The name is deceptive, a sorcerer supreme is a sorcerer with a supreme focus in a single school of magic. | Sorcerer |
Sorcerous Theurgy | Your divine ability come from a divine spark within yourself or perhaps through intensive studies of the divine powers themselves. | Any Divine Spellcasting Class |
Soulfist | The Soulfist has learned how to channel her inner psionic strength into her fists, granting herself a deadly weapon. She may even shape her psionic energy into a deadly gauntlet. Soulfist are also frequently Ki Blades. | Soulblade or Soulknife |
Soundblaster Bard | As a bard you focus on sonic spells, at the loss of other spells focuses. | Bard |
Special Attack | You switch out extra attacks for one massive one. | Any (other than primary casters). |
Spellcasting Lifedrinker | You give up some of your maximum Lifewell points to advance in your spellcasting. | Lifedrinker |
Spellcasting Spellcarved Soldier | A Spellcarved Soldier that actually advances casting. | Spellcarved Soldier (Races of Eberron, page 166) |
Spellmaster Bard | You are not quite as inspiring as a normal bard, but your spellcasting abilities rival with the best guys around. | Bard |
Spellweave Monk | A spellcasting monk who transforms their inner energy into power. | Monk |
Spirit of Psychomachia | Replace your special mount with a spirit which guides you and grants bonuses. | Paladin |
Spiritshaper Druid | You surround yourself with spirit energy rather than turning into animals. | Druid |
Spontaneous Druid | This alternate class feature turns the druid into a spontaneous spellcaster instead of a prepared spellcaster. | Druid |
Spontaneous Wu Jen | Trade the wu jen prepared spellcasting for spontaneous spellcasting. | Wu Jen |
Staff Fighting Monk | Some monks focus on the quarterstaff to a great degree! | Monk |
Star Pact Warlock | Far beneath the surface world, beneath even the great cave-cities of the dwarves and drow there is a world older than man. Older than writing. Older even than the gods. But not older than magic. In the bones of the earth, there lurk horrors fetid with eldritch knowledge who have been practicing their mystical arts since time began. Among their slaves there number Warlocks, and all of these are sworn to the Great Old Ones, the stargods that dwell beyond and beneath this reality. Most among them die in the wars of their inhuman masters, but over the years, some have escaped and spread their arts among the people of the world. Those who devote themselves to this path learn great and terrible secrets, learning to warp space, time, and even magic itself, but are warped in turn by the touch of beings beyond mortal comprehension. | Warlock |
Starseeker Cleric | Rather than choosing two domains and chasing away undead, you can embody a constellation, blast foes, and ward or heal allies. | Cleric |
Stealthy Combatant | Unlike most stealthy types that strike opponent's weak points for extra damage you prefer a more flexible approach to combat. | Any that grant sneak attack dice. |
Steel Sage | You are part of a martial tradition that does not eschew armor, and encourage more typical martial aspiration. | Monk or other class gaining Wisdom to AC (or another ability scores). |
Strength of Conviction | Your righteous zeal lends strength to your attacks and those of your allies. | Paladin |
Sublime Marshal | An improvement on the marshal class, which seriously suck. You gain a better bab, hit dice and martial maneuvers in exchange for your grant move action class feature. | Marshal |
Sublime Ranger | A Sublime Ranger trades her spellcasting for the ability to initiate maneuvers. | Ranger |
Superstar Bard | Hell yeah! A superstar bard is good with crowds and music, but a little inferior in the spellcasting department. | Bard |
Superstitious Barbarian | You don't quite trust mages and gain benefits against them while raging. | Barbarian |
Survivor Spell-less Ranger | This ranger forgoes his divine connection and spellcasting in favor of raw surviving power and a likewise tougher companion. | Ranger |
Talented Barbarian | The talented barbarian focuses on training his body, improving its ability to survive in the wild. He gains various bonus feats as a result, at the cost of his uncanny ability to avoid traps. | Barbarian |
Technical Pokemaniac | The scientists of the pokemon world - a Rogue with a companion | Rogue |
Templar | While you aren't as learned in your deity's ways as other clerics, you've taken the time to better train yourself for battle. | Cleric |
Terrible Bard | You are terrible at your job. All of your bardic abilities that usually provide a bonus for party members now have the opposite effect, reversed into penalties. You don't realize that you're a terrible bard as you happily sing (or whatever you do) about all the horrible ways the party could meet its end or how they are bravely running away | Bard |
Theurgist | You draw your spell from inner faith rather than logic. | Archivist |
Third Eye Psion | Trade a psionic bonus feat or psicrystal for a third eye. | Psion or other class with psicrystals |
Thug | Some rogues prefer to beat things up before they try to rob them. | Rogue |
Timmy | If you like the idea of loading up a caster with nothing but Fireballs and letting them loose, you have no brain. If you don't like the idea of loading up a caster with nothing but Fireballs and letting them loose, you have no heart. This ACF is for when you just want some brainless Michael Bay fun for Timmies and create as many explosions as possible without worrying about your daily spell slots. | Warmage |
Tough Wizard | Trade class ability for "Arcane Toughness" | Wizard |
Trapper Ranger | A trapper ranger focus less on fighting or spellcasting and more on trapping her foes, she use a clever combination of traps in order to gain the upper hand in combat. Trapper ranger make for great ambusher, being able to prepare their battlefield ahead of time. Finally the trapper has the option to use Intelligence for many of her class features, although her spellcasting is still Wisdom-based. This allow a ranger who ignore her spellcasting (or trade it away) to focus on skills and other Intelligence related focus. | Ranger |
Trapspringer Bard | You are wary of traps, though some of your other abilities languish over time. | Bard |
Two-Weapon Fighter | You fight light but with a weapon in each hands. | Any |
Ultrametamagical Sorcerer | You sacrifice knowledge of higher level spells for extra levels of spell slots. | Sorcerer |
Ultraspecialized Sorcerer | An Ultraspecialized Sorcerer is a a Sorcerer only able to cast from a single spell school, however in exchange they gain several powerful abilities and the ability to switch their spells around a bit. | Sorcerer |
Unarmored Duskblade | All the other Duskblades you trained along were not as nimble as you, relying solely on their strength to fight, and their armor to protect themselves. You know that the armor that your comrades use will only slow you down. | Duskblade |
Undead Soul Eater | The Soul Eater class, with the ability to be undead | Soul Eater |
Underworld Musician | Not all rogues practice low-blows and sneaky strikes. Many prefer to turn to art and music to suit their needs. Some use their talents to be invited to concert halls to pickpocket jewelry, while others stay in the underground scene and inspire their fellows. In any case a Underworld Musician is skilled in performance, while a bit lacking in combat abilities. | Rogue or Pathfinder Rogue |
Unevasive | A character looses Evasion and/or Improved Evasion for a bonus feat. | Any class with Evasion and/or Improved Evasion |
Unholy Regeneration | Gain fast healing in place of extra hp as an undead. | N/A |
Unsworn Dragon Shaman | An unsworn shaman does not dedicate herself to a single dragon, instead revering dragonkind by itself. Through the use of a dragon relic, an unsworn dragon shaman can alter her totem dragon. However the lack of a pact causes the unsworn dragon shaman to have a dependency on their dragon relic for their powers. This alternate class feature is overall an upgrade on the rather poor Dragon Shaman, allowing them more versatility | Dragon ShamanPHB2 |
Use Magic Weapon Swordsage | You do not know how most magic weaponry works, nor do you care; you just know that it works, and that it works better for you than it does for most others. | Swordsage |
Wand Wizard | A Wand Wizard uses a wand instead of somatic components. A Wizard also stores his spells in his wand instead of his Spellbook. | Wizard, Sorcerer |
War-Lock | Not all warlocks throw energy blasts... | Warlock |
Warfist | A warfist is an unarmed striker version of the warblade. Looking more like a hardened martial artist than an ironclad fighter, the warfist prefers the gi to the armor. Most warfists relish in improving their martial skills and seek ever-greater challenges to test their unarmed skill against. | WarbladeToB |
Warmachine | A Warmachine is a fighter who trained ceaselessly and attained the ability to master the sublime ways. They possess abilities that few other combatants can imitates, at the cost of their versatility however. | Fighter |
Warrior-poet | You are able to seamlessly mix combat and art, and work to further both your physical talents and your intellectual capacity. | Bard |
Wisen Hermit | Adventuring is a young man's game, at some point you will have to settle down so you can continue your studies study of magic in peace. Luckily with a bit of spellcasting you can have yourself a respectable Wizards Tower. | WIZARD! Prestige Class or a full caster with a level 20 capstone ability |
Homebrew Class Alternate Class Features[edit]
Name | Description | Class |
Acrobatic Pokemaniac | For the Thief-Acrobat (Dungeonomicon) who wants a pokemon companion | Thief-Acrobat |
Alchemical Chef | You create wondrous food items with a combination of arcane and alchemical expertise. | Chemist |
Alternative Scoundrel Recovery | You rely on your quick wit and fast blade. You recover maneuvers much more quickly, but leave yourself open when you do so. | Scoundrel |
Amaranthine Wanderer | The temporal powers that manifest within an 'amaranthine wanderer' time walker are vastly different from that of a normal time walker, and allows them to focus more directly upon the raw manipulation of time and it's nuances. | Time Walker (3.5e Class) |
Ancestral Bloodline | Instead of dragons or demons, your powers draw on your mortal ancestors. | Bloodline Warlock |
Ancestral Style | You were not taught like others of your kind, instead do learning how to fight with weapons you were told a highly advanced unarmed technique. You are stunted in the development of your weapon skills but gained fantastic insight style passed from master to apprentice for generations. | Any |
Anointed Vindicator | This is a variant for the prestige class erinys, better suited for a paladin (if you want to use the standard paladin you may simply drop any requirement or feature not compatible). | Erinys |
Apprentice | You gain some of the spellcasting ability of your dormant talent, with some chance of backfire. | Unfledged |
Archaeologist | While most archaeologist are not all dashing adventurers (most would be simple Specialists), some of them are. These unconcentional adventurers have acquired skill and moxie allowing them to survive even the most unlikely of situations. They however do not possess the awesome power of virtuous performance, instead having the ability to draw upon their own experience and insight to thrive. | Minstrel |
Architect, Very High Variant | Very High variant of Architect | Architect |
Artificer Warlock | A warlock who focus on crafting things, losing a lot of her inherent resistance and combat bonus feats. | Bloodline Warlock |
Bardic Warlock | A mashup of bard and warlock using warlock as the main chassis. | Warlock |
Barrage Sharpshooter | Rather than carefully placed shots one at a time, the barrager excels in overpowering his enemy with a hail of arrows. | Sharpshooter |
Black Arrow Ninja | The Black Arrow Clan fought not using blades, but bows and arrows. They soon faded into legend but some schools of shinobi still teach their art. | Shinobi |
Blackguard Spellcaster | A blackguard spellcaster is a variant of the blackguard class, instead of granting it own spellcasting it instead advance previous spellcasting. Either full for classes with partial spellcasting or partial with class with full spellcasting. | Blackguard or Black Knight |
Blade Dancer | A Blade Dancer is a hybrid initiator and spellcasting with access to the Dancing Goddess discipline. | Codex Ranger |
Bomber Rogue | You rely less on sneak attack and trapfinidng and more on blowing things up with bombs. | Rogue or Magic Rogue |
Bonded Object | Replaces your familiar with a bonded object. It's not as bad as the pathfinder bonded object. | Any class which grants a familiar, or if you gain the Obtain Familiar featCA. |
Catalyst Witch | Not all witches focus on familiars, some possess powerful catalyst which they cast their magic through. | Codex Witch |
Celestial Warlock | Even though rarely, sometimes warlocks gain their powers from celestial forces and heavenly creatures. They subvert the usual trope, but they are not required to be or act good. Many aasimar warlocks are celestial warlocks. | Warlock In The Dungeon |
Charming Strike | Replace Insightful Strike with Charming Strike. | Any |
Civilized Monster | An elegant monster for a more civilized age. | Monster |
Codex Rouge | A High to Very High adjustment of Ganteka's excellent Rouge class. | Rouge |
Coldsmith | Cold-flavoured Thundersmith | Thundersmith |
Combat Stylist | Rangers and Wandering Heroes can sacrifice their companion for more combat styles. | Ranger, Wandering Hero |
Commando Pokemaniac | For the Assassin (Dungeonomicon) who keeps a deadly companion | Assassin |
Construct Companion | Your animal companion is a construct instead. | Any class which grants an animal companion. |
Corrupted Death Knight | Not all Death Knights make oath of servitude to concept, some are enrolled in the army of death through bad luck or by pledging oneself to a dark lord. These death knight do not have an oath, they cannot fall, for their power is inborn. Many Corrupted Death knight are the result of negative energy tainting the world. Although most Corrupted Death Knights are evil, they do not need to be, a few strive to be brave soul despite their curse. | Death Knight |
Crack in the Armor | Your damage reduction isn't foolproof, but it's hardy. | Any |
Crane School Shinobi | While most shinobi fight with strange exotic weapons, the crane school focus on their skills with unarmed combat. The school was ultimately destroyed by a band of roaming monks, who sought to prove themselves. The remaining students wandered and joined other schools, but their tradition survived and many shinobi today possess their fighting style. | Shinobi (and Sublime Shinobi) |
Dark Occultist | A strange breed of Mindrender who are more carefully gifted in the art of reading and bending mind, they are more telepathically focused than the typical mind render but lose access to some of it power high. They possess less powers, but through their research are capable of changing them. | Mindrender |
Death Eye | A Death Eye is a mentalist which draw incredible energy from death, becoming deadlier but losing important support abilities. | Mentalist |
Deathmoth Disciple | The Deathmoth Disciple hail from a forbidden tradition, enshrining the Deathmoth, a terribly poisonous flying insect as a sacred being. The Deathmoth Disciple are skilled in the use of poison, including eventually creating the legendary toxin itself. Unlike the typical Iaijutsu Master, they sacrifice their ability to react quickly and instead become extremely skilled in delivering injury and contact poison through their favored weapons. | Iaijutsu Master |
Deepdweller Warlock | Warlocks of the depths have a strong with connection with aberrations, vermins and magic of the sea, caves and Underdark. They exist in two variants, depending on their environment, be it marine or underground. | Warlock In The Dungeon |
Delving Scoundrel | A delving scoundrel is essentially a maneuver-using picaroon, getting a few of it mobility class and feature and a few of it tricks. It come ast the cost of some of it offensive ability as well as it ability to avoid magical detection. | Scoundrel |
Demon Barber | You grow no hair on your own. Your great power comes from the hide and hair of the beasts you pull it from. | Variant Hairbinder |
Devilsouled | Some evil incarnum users make pacts with Devils instead of worshiping demons. | Demonsouled |
Disciple of The Living Shadow | You are a disciple of the terrible shadow school. | Shinobi |
Discipline Focused | You only know maneuvers from a single discipline, but you know all of them. | Any maneuver-granting class or prestige class |
Dragon Progression | You are dragon and level up as a dragon, dragon dragon. | Trueblood Dragon |
Dragoon Edgemaster | The Dragoon Edgemaster is a master combatant who does not bother with heavier armor and magic, instead possessing heightened weapon skills and the ability to strike with incredible speed. | Dragoon |
Drakon | Some barbarians revere dragons as totemic guardians, trying to imitate their power, others are draconic heritors or serve wyrms, thus gaining unique abilities. | Barbarian In The Dungeon |
Elementalist Warlock | Some warlocks have ties with the Elemental Planes and with genies, deriving their powers from them, either by a connection of blood, a pact or study. Many warlocks genasi follow this path. | Warlock In The Dungeon |
Empowered Grim | Not all grims perform their duties as psychopomp constantly, some maintain mortal identities and work under the cover of anonymity. These grims often use standing as mortals to keep watch of the world of the living. | Grim |
Encounter-Based Wordcasting | You are too impatient to wait a whole day for more words. | Any class with Wordcasting |
Enduring Cardshark | The Enduring Cardshark is capable of lasting more than a single encounter at low level and is much like the warlock. | Abstruse Cardshark |
Familarbound Caster | You know how most wizards have a familiar? Well, in your case, you are the familiar. | Any class with a familiar |
Fanatical Pokemaniac | For Barbarians (Races of War) who want to also be pokemasters, fighting alongside their best friends. | Barbarian |
Favored of Dragons | Similarly to other draconic classes, a favored of dragons admires the magical and physical power of dragons, and, through a draconic deity, gains a spark of their power in its spirit.
Wielding this draconic flame their bodies and souls change in the shape of a dragon, gifting them with an energized breath, claws and arcane spells. || Favored Soul In The Dungeon | |
Favored of Nature | This is a variant for the favored soul base class.
The favored of nature is another nature-oriented divine spellcaster, that has a special tie to the natural world, its habitants and its forces. They don't manipulate nature around them rather they channel its strength through themselves, taking the aspect of animals, plants and elementals, while maintaining some of the feature of the classic favored soul. || Favored Soul In The Dungeon | |
Favored of the Fiends | This twisted soul is not serving divine beings but fiendish ones. The favored of the fiends is a champion of corruption and wickedness. They indulge in sins of various kinds and their fiendish patrons lend them some powers through a form of magical pact stolen from deities, that grants far more power their patrons should be able to give. | Favored Soul In The Dungeon |
Fear-Monger | Add a bit of fear to that dagger strike! | Any class with Sneak/Sudden Attack progression |
Fetish Witch | Not all witches relies on familiar for their spellcasting. The fetish witch use powerful fetishes to commune with dark spirit, who in turn advise and inspire her. This complicit relation make these witches more like clerics than wizards. | Patron Witch |
Fiendish Warlock | Warlocks are already often connected with fiends, but this time it's for real. A fiendish warlock use powers derived from demons, devil or yugoloths. They are more offensive than standard warlocks. | Warlock In The Dungeon |
Fighting Warlock | You are more focused on fighting than pursuing your bloodline. You are more resilient and powerful than the average warlock. | Bloodline Warlock |
Fire-Breathing Shinobi | The reliance on sneak attack and assassination for many is a weakness, the school of the fire lizard has abandoned such technique. While the school was destroyed in a tragic and totally-unrelated fire, their technique is still passed on onto shinobi who prefer a more direct approach to combat. Through breathing exercises and ingestion of alchemical reagents the shinobi is capable of mimicking many creature and unleash a dangerous breath weapon. | Shinobi |
Fistful Acrobat | A Fistful Acrobat has neglected her skills and some her trickier class feature to perfect the art of self-defense. She gain improved ability to fight unarmed and unarmored as well disarming and tripping her foes. Combine well with the Grimoire Acrobat. | Thief Acrobat |
Flamesmith | Fire-flavoured Thundersmith | Thundersmith |
Flavorless Blue Mage | The Blue Mage class was obviously created with a specific campaign setting in mind, and many of its abilities reference creatures and organizations that are not defined in the given material; And because it's so ill-defined and specific, it doesn't fit the usual customization that D&D classes tend to exhibit. The class is absolute genius, using an obvious Incarnum theme with a completely unique set of rules. However, I'd like to draw inspiration from this and create my own variant, both with my own ideas and my takes on the original author's ideas, and with a more vague, malleable fluff that is closer to the Totemist/Necrocarnum in style. | Blue Mage |
Flesh Golem Domineer | A rather simple alteration to the Golem Domineer turn it from a construct controller to a mad scientist who play with the very toys of the Gods. A flesh golem domineer has a less resilient proto-golem, but one that boast higher hit points and healing potential. Ultimately they also trade a powerful partial spellcasting that deal with construct and teleportation for another powerful partial spellcasting that deal with biological stuff. | Golem Domineer |
Flower Pact | A flower pact druid is a strange relatively new kind of druid who eschews many of the ancient druidic traditions. They accept civilization as part of nature and their view of nature is somewhat rose-tinted. They refuse to kill animals, or wear animal-based armor and clothes. They sometimes oppose traditional druids, who see them as self-righteous youngsters at best and enablers of civilization’s conquest of nature at worst. | Druid or other classes with the Druid's code of conduct |
Flurry Sniper | Not all mystic sniper rely on precision damage, some prefer to turn their foes into pincushions instead. Which tend to work regardless of immunities and whatnot. | Mystic Sniper |
Focused Trance | Instead of flying into a berserker rage, your psychic powers flare up and you can tap into an inner reserve of energy you didn't know you had. However the transformation is taxing on your body and mind. | Wrathmind |
Follower of the Fao | The Way of The Fao is a foreign tradition to the Druidic World. It teaches that the true power of nature can be attained through every part of it, including one's inner self. The Follower of the Way as a result hone their mind in their own spiritual pursuit and thus are not reliant on nature to gain their powers. On the other hand the ability to transform through Channel Anima and Wildshape are themselves foreign to their own way. | Druid or Geopsyche |
Footsoldier Knight | Not every knight fight on the back of a valorous steed, you are one of them. | Tome Knight |
Gadgeteer | A Gadgeteer Scoundrel is skilled with mechanical devices and strange artifacts and is capable of wielding with great effectiveness. A gadgeteer has mainly access to the crazy gadget discipline, her specialized maneuvers and one other discipline of her choice. In exchange for the more limited scope of abilities, she refreshes her maneuvers much quicker and has access to a broader range of abilities, at least initially. | Scoundrel |
Gravebound Warlock | Not only clerics and necromancers dabble with the undead. A small cabal of death-worshipper warlocks exists in secrecy. They have either done a pact with some powerful undead or their blood is touched by the taint of undeath, as in the case of mortifs. | Warlock In The Dungeon |
Green Beast Tamer | A green beast tamer is a unique type of worldseer who eschewed the art of spellcasting and combat to purely focus on an unique aspect of nature itself. They are able to call a mighty creature made from the essence of nature itself, a green beast. Often resembling an animal a green beast appear to be made from terrain and plants, they are loyal to the wordlseer and represent their bound with nature itself. Even if a green beast is slain nothing is lost, indeed the green beast are only a small part of the worldseer and nature's essence and is easily recreated even if utterly destroyed. | Worldseer |
Grim Mystic | While other grim focus on martial prowess you have developed much stronger spellcasting abilities. You also gain the ability to steal spells from the memories of the dead, building a dangerous repertoire of spells. | Grim |
Grim Transformation Specialist | A grim that stays transformed longer at the cost of their damaging scourge attack. | Grim |
Grimoire Acrobat | Less thief, more acrobat! | Thief-Acrobat |
Grimoire Tenken | An alternative to the tenken which focuses even more on speed and special techniques. | Tenken |
Grimoire Witch | Some witches prefer intellectual pursuit, although far from all witches who use a old grimoire are intellectuals. Usually a grimoire witch is a botched wizard or a follower of the old way. | Patron Witch |
Guided Mystic | Rather than developing a bond with a familiar, you are guided by one or more spirits. | Any class that grants a Familiar, or the Obtain Familiar feat. |
Gunslinger Scoundrel | Not all scoundrel smell like rose and blood, some smell like black powder and rose! The Gunslinger Scoundrel is a ranged variant of the Scoundrel, losing the ability fight effectively in melee in exchange for ranged ability. Their ability to use maneuvers is also reduced considerably, losing about half of their maneuvers known and access to many disciplines. In exchange they gain a higher HD, base attack bonus and some additional special abilities and feat. | Scoundrel |
Hairfighter | Instead of bothering with spellcasting you use your possessed hairs as an enhanced machine of war. | Hairbinder or Variant |
Harbinger | This is a spell-less variant for the Hexblade In The Dungeon | Hexblade |
Healer Chemist | A Healer Chemist embrace violence a little less and instead receive much greater healing capabilities. They reject some of the darker science of the chemist and instead focus on alchemical healing as well as mundane healing. | Chemist |
Heresiarch | It is very unusual for a False Prophet to come from the ranks of a deity's clergy. However sometime a cleric become disillusioned or convinced or a falsehood in the doctrine, if these clerics are allowed to bloom they may become heresiarch. An Heresiarch is the originator of an heresy, and through it they gain their own divine powers even without the approval of their patron. Sometime heresiarch are clerics other deities or even fiend worshipers who work as undercover clerics and fool the general populace as well as other cleric for their dark master. | False Prophet |
High Roller | Improve the spellcasting of a regular Gambler. | Gambler |
Highborn Knight | Not all knights are hulking brutes smashing through the battlefield in the heaviest of plate, the Highborn Knight represents a more refined, but still resilient and willful, version of the sublime knight. It combine many of the abilities of the Duelist and Swashbuckler, however it comes at the cost of their ability to use heavy armor effectively and battlefield resilience. | Sublime Knight |
Hollowblood Magus | The Death Magus draw her power from destruction, feeding off death in order to fuel her abilities. While most do so like a cleric, using death and destruction as a channel of some sort. Others can manifest their abilities as a Sorcerer do, most likely due to fiendish or other dark bloodline dwelling in the Magus's family history. | Death Magus |
Human-Pact Warlock | By forming a pact with a powerful human overlord, you or your ancestor have been granted mystical Human powers. This is a complete refluffing and partial remechanizing of the Body Sprouter. | Body Sprouter |
Hunter | This is a spell-less variant for the Ranger In The Dungeon | Ranger |
Ideal Fist | An unarmed version of the ideal armsman, turning into an ideal version of themselves whenever their heroism is needed. However unlike the ideal arsman who can rely on the unlimited power of an artifact, the ideal fist is limited by the limits of her physical body. | Ideal Armsman |
Idolater | A variant of the False Prophet class, an Idolater is actually a (usually) genuine worshiper of a "false deity". The deity may be an actual but forgotten deity, a dead god or it might simply be a blasphemous graven image with not being behind it. Unlike a Cleric the Idolater do not draw spells through faith and work, rather they take an insidious shortcut through abominable means. | False Prophet |
Incarnum Monk | This is a variant for the monk base class. This class uses the incarnum rules from Magic of Incarnum. | Monk In The Dungeon |
Infinite Lotus Disciple | You are in-tune with the Infinite Lotus in a way your brother and sister martial adepts are not, at the cost of some diversity. | Any martial adept class |
Iron Pagoda | As the order grew in popularity, emperors wanted more and more of these incredible warriors. Because of this, the masters of the Iron Buddha decided to accept those who failed to become proper iron buddhas into a suborder of the group: the iron pagodas. Less inclined towards culture and more martial, these warriors depart a bit from the usual iron buddha, but not enough to be distinguishable by outsiders and not enough to impair their effectiveness in battle. | Iron Buddha |
Ironclad Samurai | Not all Iaijustu Master use incredible speed to take their foes, some embrace a more diligent and patient approach. They often allow their foe to take a shot at them, dodge or allow the attack to bounce off their armor and immediately strike them down. These masters are often intimidating, training and honing their body and voice to make themselves true obstacle on the field. The Ironclade Samurai fulfill more the role of a tank than a striker, using her added hit point and mobility to focus on dangerous target and draw their ire for themsleves. | Iaijutsu Master |
Judge of Existence, Magical | A Judge of Existence for magical campaigns. | |
Ki Blade | Through endless meditation and practice a Mind Blade user gain the ability to channel her psionic power in more monastic ways than their brethren. The Ki Blade do not wear armor, instead having learned the ability to project a shield of psychic energy over her body. A Ki Blade also learn a more advanced and specialized psychic strike, although it carry risks and can only be used against those unaware of her presence. Some Ki Blade eschew the user of a blade and become soulfists. | Soulblade or Soulknife |
Ki Bruiser | While you still possess the ability to blast apart your foes, you really prefer smashing their face in. The change in your training routine made you tougher, but less likely to evade enemy blasts. | Ki Master |
Ki Hyperarmor | You do not have the constant passive protection afforded by damage reduction, instead however your ki act as a second skin. | Ki Master |
Ki Mystic | The Ki Mystic is a Ki master who enjoy great harmony with her ki, however it come at the cost of being less sturdy and the need to focus before unleashing hell. | Ki Master |
Ki Trickster | Add new options to ki users. | Any ki-based class (such as Monk or Ninja) |
Lightly Armored | You do not wear cumbersome armor like your brethren, preferring lighter loads. When wearing light or no armor you are quite proficient at getting out of the way. | Any |
Lightsmith | Light-flavoured Thundersmith | Thundersmith |
Looter Fighter | Instead of crafting you prefer looting, stealing and pilfering. Who needs to make magic items when you can pry them from the hands of your dead enemy or in the tombs of their ancestors? | Brave Fighter |
Mad Warrior Swordman | Instead of acting quickly with finesse, a Mad Warrior Swordman act with great anger to strike down her foes. This alternate class features trade away the ability to act quickly and the ability to wear medium armor for the ability to rage. | Iaijutsu Master |
Mage | A more elaborate take on specialist wizards. Reducing their versatility but giving flavorful rewards towards their specializations. | Wizard |
Magic-User Spellthief | Some Mystic Spellthief prefer using magic items over defeating spellcasters and train as such. | Mystic Spellthief |
Magical Red Magus | You sacrifice some of your martial prowess and the ability to fight with two weapons in exchange for more magical might. | Red Magus |
Martial Scourge | You trade your spellcasting abilities for the abilities to initiate maneuvers. A martial scourge is more battle ready than a normal, using powerful martial maneuvers to tame the forces of death. | Grim |
Master Elementalist | You do not have a connection with animal and nature as other Druids and Worldseer, however you possess innate talents with the elements. | Druid or Worldseer |
Master Hacker | You are such a good hacker that you are able to hack enemies, hack health, hack the planet, hack the everything! | Truenamer |
Master Swordsman | A Master Swordsman seeks to master the art of the blade. They eschew the uses of other weapons, and instead focus solely on the way of the sword. They quickly become masters of their craft, but lose in versatility. | Combatant |
Metallic Dragon Patron | You devote yourself to the study of a metallic dragon type. | Dragon Aspirant |
Monstrous Wildblade | The Monstrous Wildblade is a monster in the skin of a man, a beast only waiting to erupt. A monstrous wildblade is not bound by the natural code of conduct wildblades normally are, instead they are driven by their instinct and must either attempt to resist it and embrace it. These monsters are not in peace or harmony with themselves, nevermind the forces of nature. | Wildblade |
Mystic Cavalier | Sacrifice some general mount-riding ability for a special mount of your very own. | Cavalier |
Mystic Form | Sometimes also referred to as the ultimate form, this form allows you to access the peak of your current potential, giving you immense power. | Ki Warrior, Saiyan Warrior, or Ki Demon. |
Mystical Hero | A mystical hero is much like a normal Transforming Hero except with powerful, but still limited spellcasting. When they don the transforming hero outfit it is not with their fist or heroics that they save the day, but with the power of their mystical art. | Transforming Hero |
Naturalist | A Naturalist is a druid or worldseer with a more scientific approach of nature, which come at the cost of her combat abilities. She use her mind rather than her sense to empower her abilities. | Druid, Geopsyche or Worldseer |
Naturopath | A mix between the druid and chemist, the naturopath lose some of the mad science available but gain some druidic powers. | Chemist |
Necrocarnum Knight | Instead of spellcasting you have access to the ability to wield necrocarnum. | Death Knight |
Necropsion | You are a psion who can use necromancy-like power. | Any Psionic |
Ninja Ambusher | Not all ninja wait in the shadow to strike their foes, some prefer agile moment to constantly strike at their foes and inflict a lethal amount of damage. The Ninja Ambusher does rely on stealth and flanking, but not for it kill, as it able to prowl the battlefield with great agility to strike her foe in a most unexpected angle. | Shinobi |
Ninja Exorcist | Not all shinobi are Assassin, some temple train specialized priestess in the art of banishing evil spirits and allow good spirits to rest. These shinobi wander the world and seek out and destroy the threat of undeath wherever they find it. They are usually accompanied by a benign spirit or a hallowed bird, which aid them on their journey and allow them to channel holy energy. | Shinobi |
Ninja Pokemaniac | For the Ninja (Tome, by not-silly one) who also wants a pokemon | Ninja |
Paleodruid | A druid which reveres ancient and extinct creatures, a primitive caster and archeologist. Often wears primitive looking garments or armor made out of fossils. | Druid |
Pathfinder Rouge | A pathfinder adaptation of Ganteka Future’s Rouge class. | Rouge |
Patron Warlock | You did not get your powers from a pact made by your ancestor, you made the pact yourself. You lose access to your Bloodline Powers and Ascension, instead you gain the power of a patron, who of course you need to please... | Bloodline Warlock |
Poisoner | You are not the kind to poison your weapons and use poison in combat. Rather you are skilled at poisoning drink, meal, furniture and killing or incapacitating your victim when they expect it the least. | Any |
Pokemon Blooded | The strange essence of pokemon flows through your blood. | Bloodline Warlock |
Prankster Pokemaniac | For the Jester (Dungeonomicon) who needs a partner in crime. | Jester |
Proteus Collectivist | A variant of the Proteus class, the Proteus Collectivist is based on the Vitalist. They gain increase ability to manifest powers on allies as well as support class features and at the cost of their Class Mnemonic ability and increase MAD. The Proteus Collectivist need both high an Intelligence for it skills and powers and a high Charisma for her class feature. | Proteus |
Psilosopher | A psionic Version fo Sulacu's Excellent Philosopher class. The Psilosopher tap into the depth of the mind in order to draw her powers, making her a flavorful if limited version of the Psion. | Philosopher |
Psionic Biomancer | Unlike others in your class, you focused on the developments of psionic powers through medical experiments instead of gaining power over nature. | Biomancer |
Psionic Interference | Your powers are very subtle but also strangely disrupted when wearing armor. This lack of physical defense lead you to adapt using flahses of isnight for defensive purposes. | Any Manifesting Class |
Psionic Jaunter | A variation of the Jaunter class which use psionic powers instead of spellcasting. | Jaunter |
Psionicist | A alternate class feature for psionic character loosely based on the 2nd edition ruleset. | Any Psionic Class |
Psychic Magelock | A psychic Magelock draw your power from occult sources rather than arcane source, with all strength and weakness which come with it. | Magelock |
Psychic Soulknife | For the soulknife who devotes more energy towards the power of the mind, rather than the power of the blade. | Soulknife |
Pursuer of Vengeance | This is a variant for the prestige class erinys, better suited for a ranger, (if you want to use the standard ranger you may simply drop any requirement or feature not compatible). | Erinys |
Pyrogenius | A variant of the Pyropsyche which is a full manifester rather than a partial manifester. A Pyrogenius possess much greater psionic might, but are quite a bit more lacking in their martial prowess. | Pyropsyche |
Raging Hulk | A Raging Hulk for non-humanoids, and anti-magical environment. | Raging Hulk |
Raging Rider | The sound of hooves and the screeching of tires send this barbarian into a frenzy. | Barbarian |
Ranged Scoundrel | You are a scoundrel that use ranged weapon instead of melee weapon. While less useful than melee weapon for maneuvers, it allow you to focus on staying alive. | Scoundrel |
Ranged Soulblade | Lightsabers aren't for everyone, why not try lasers instead. | Soulblade |
Rapid Charge | You gain the ability to make a quick attack-less charge. | Any |
Ravenveil Initiate | Sorceress who draw power from an ancient abyssal artifacts. | Sorcerer, Tome |
Reciting Truenamer | A reciting truenamer is essentially a 'wizard truenamer', possessing a unique Book of Recitals she need to study to 'ready' her utterances. She has access to a lot more utterances known, however she suffer the problems of a prepared caster; she is unable to spam her utterances and she is limited to the utterances she readied. | Truenamer Rebuild |
Retrained Armor Proficiency | Instead of training to use armor, you trained to do something else. | Any |
Riftstriker | The Riftstriker is a more martial-focused jaunter, who rely on the clever use of portals to fight her foes. While they are more versatile fighter than most jaunter, they tend to be less knowledgeable and do not possess the disrupting touch ability. | Jaunter |
Rookie | You gain some of the combat ability of your dormant talent. | Unfledged |
Runecaster | Remove vocal components, but use somatic components to inscribe glowing drawings on a surface in order to cast your spells. | Any class with spellcasting. |
Rustic Mage | A spellcaster residing in the countryside, expert in farming crops. | Any Arcane Spellcaster |
Samurai Pokemaniac | For the Samurai (Races of War) who wishes to have a pokemon brother in arms. | Samurai |
Sapphire Soul | Sapphire souls are a special kind of favored souls. Blessed with incarnum from birth or after training, they meld their divine prowess with the power of incarnum, shaping the divine soul of their deity and the mystic forces that it exudes. They gain a unique incarnum ability that mirrors the domain feature of the cleric in the form of a powerful soulmeld called divinemeld. They bind these melds in their Divine Soul chakra, manifesting the glory of their deity. | Favored Soul In The Dungeon |
Scholarly Monk | Scholarly Monks focus on studies and versatility rather than martial arts. | Monk (or other monk-like class) |
Scientific Flammenwerfer | You are a scientist who built a very dangerous weapon, you understand it better than anyone else could and can easily modify it further. | Flammenwefer |
Scoundrel Blademaster | The Scoundrel Blademaster is much more of a reckless duelist and daredevil, possessing greater combat prowess at the cost of her maneuver variety. | Scoundrel |
Self Familiar | Instead of a familiar, you gain benefits based on emulating a creature you could choose as a familiar. | Any with a familiar |
Self-Experimenter | Maybe it because you ran out of test subjects or perhaps you have a twisted sense of ethic, but you make dangerous bizarre experiment upon yourself. This grant you strange and powerful abilities beyond most chemist but distract you from | Chemist |
Shadow Companion | Your animal companion is a shadowy construct from the shadow plane. | Any class which grants an animal companion. |
Simple Scoundrel | You are a Scoundrel without access to their normal maneuvers, instead you benefits from improved combat prowess and access to more Specialized Maneuvers. | Scoundrel |
Simple Wizard | Get the vibes of being a wizard with a few powerful spells and then some standbys, without being overwhelmed with 20 spell slots at level 10. | Wizard, or other prepared full caster with similar spells per day progression. |
Singsword | A singsword trade her ability to cast spells in order to use maneuvers, she is also much better at defending herself. | Codex Bard or Minstrel |
Sky Mariner | Some worlds don’t have much in the way of oceans, they can be deserted planets or simply a collection of floating islands. The mariner on those worlds operate sky ships, which sails through the cloud instead of water. A sky mariner operates a airship much like they do with a sailing ship, but puts their survival talents to the test as a single slip could mean death. | Mariner |
Sorcerous Theurgy | Your divine ability come from a divine spark within yourself or perhaps through intensive studies of the divine powers themselves. | Any Divine Spellcasting Class |
Soulfist | The Soulfist has learned how to channel her inner psionic strength into her fists, granting herself a deadly weapon. She may even shape her psionic energy into a deadly gauntlet. Soulfist are also frequently Ki Blades. | Soulblade or Soulknife |
Special Attack | You switch out extra attacks for one massive one. | Any (other than primary casters). |
Spirit Rager | A barbarian that doesn't fall in a frenzied bloodlust, instead it allows spirits (of ancestors, animals, nature or other supernatural sources) to occupy its body, gaining ethereal powers and a lucid, mystic lunacy. | Barbarian In The Dungeon |
Spiritual Barbarian | A spiritual barbarian does not distrust magic like most of her kin, instead she embrace it as part of her spiritual tradition. | Codex Barbarian |
Staff Duelist | The staff duelist is an expert of using pole-like weapons to poke at his foe, strikes them with great strength and easily parries their attack aside. | Duelist |
Stalking Acrobat | The Stalking Acrobat is a Thief Acrobat with greater skillful and combat potential, at the cost of of it ability to find traps. This ACF is meant to improve the thief and combat aspect of the Thief-Acrobat in High or Very High games, especially at earlier levels, given it is likely the weakest tome class. | Thief Acrobat |
Starspawn Warlock | These warlocks, also known as starborn or cosmic warlocks, have an affinity with the multiverse, the night sky and forces and creatures from the Far Realm. They are renowned prophets and madmen. | Warlock In The Dungeon |
Stealthy Combatant | Unlike most stealthy types that strike opponent's weak points for extra damage you prefer a more flexible approach to combat. | Any that grant sneak attack dice. |
Steel Sage | You are part of a martial tradition that does not eschew armor, and encourage more typical martial aspiration. | Monk or other class gaining Wisdom to AC (or another ability scores). |
Stormsoul Adept | This is a variant class for the prestige class stormtamer, better suited for a monk (if you want to use the standard monk you may simply drop any requirement or feature not compatible). You have conquered the Storm Dragon and gained dominion over the Storm within you. If you have monk levels, you may opt to choose this variant. Your flurry of blows may substitute Two-Weapon Fighting as a prerequisite. |
Stormtamer |
Street Thug | You eschew the finesse of swashbucklers and charlatan, relying on brutality and your dishonorable fighting style to get what you want. You are a punk, a hooligan and troublemaker at heart. This ACF sacrifice the finesse class features to make the Picaroon a tough as nail and a fearsome street fighter. | Picaroon |
Sublime Acrobat | A sublime acrobat mix acrobatics and martial combat at the cost of trapfinding and delayed sneak attack progression. | Thief-Acrobat |
Sublime Blacksmith | You are a maker of legendary blades. | Sublime Samurai |
Sublime Commando | You trade your sudden strike progression and a few class features for the ability to initiate martial maneuvers. | Cas' Commando |
Sublime Death Knight | The Sublime Death Knight is a simple ACF which combine the Death Knight class and the Paladin of the Sublime Way. Unlike the Paladin of the Sublime Way, the Sublime Death Knight do not have any fancy martial domains or special stances, instead using the power of her oath to supplement her maneuver. | Death Knight |
Sublime Jaunter | You sacrifice your ability to cast spells, including powerful teleportation effects, to instead initiate maneuvers. | Jaunter |
Sublime Monk | This is a variant for the monk base class. This class uses the sword magic rules from Tome of Battle. | Monk In The Dungeon |
Sublime Zen Monk | You give up the supernatural abilities granted by channel ki to gain maneuvers. | Zen Monk |
Sudden Striker Scoundrel | A sudden striker scoundrel prefer a full progression of Sudden Strike over a weak sneak attack progression. | Scoundrel |
Sudden Striker Shinobi | You have full sudden strike progression instead of limited sneak attack progression. | Shinobi |
Temporal Manipulator | You manipulate time and space not through careful study, but through your own innate magic. | Time Mage |
Terrible Bard | You are terrible at your job. All of your bardic abilities that usually provide a bonus for party members now have the opposite effect, reversed into penalties. You don't realize that you're a terrible bard as you happily sing (or whatever you do) about all the horrible ways the party could meet its end or how they are bravely running away | Bard |
Third Eye Psion | Trade a psionic bonus feat or psicrystal for a third eye. | Psion or other class with psicrystals |
Threatening Threat | Where other threats learn to defend and themselves against bullrushes and the like you develop a more straight-forward combat defense as well as learning to attack for even more damage when you have the perfect attack. | Threat (3.5e Class) |
Time Skipper | While most skippers have anomalous power over space, the time skipper's power is over time. A time skipper has the ability to greatly accelerate her own personal time, to the point of 'skipping' ahead in time. Because of subtle but key differences in their ability, they lack control over inertia and thus rely on surprise attacks to fight. | Skipper |
Tomb Raider | An alternate class feature for the Thief Acrobat that make it into a more capable fighter and explorer, at the cost of her ability to deal precision damage. Combine well with the Grimoire Acrobat. | Thief Acrobat |
Trapper Ranger | A trapper ranger focus less on fighting or spellcasting and more on trapping her foes, she use a clever combination of traps in order to gain the upper hand in combat. Trapper ranger make for great ambusher, being able to prepare their battlefield ahead of time. Finally the trapper has the option to use Intelligence for many of her class features, although her spellcasting is still Wisdom-based. This allow a ranger who ignore her spellcasting (or trade it away) to focus on skills and other Intelligence related focus. | Ranger |
Trapspringer Sharpshooter | Giving up the ability to quickly reload ponderous weapons on the fly, the sharpshooter gains the ability to easily disarm even the trickiest of traps. | Sharpshooter |
True Dancer | You dance the dance of creation, altering reality with your movement. | Truenamer |
Truemaestro | It is said that the multiverse was weaved from primal music, the Truemaestros seek that primal music and to harness their melody. They are much like truenamer, except weaving their power in strange melodies instead if garbled words. | Truenamer |
Tyro | You gain some of the skill of your dormant talent. | Unfledged |
Umbral Warlock | Also known as shadow warlock or dark warlock, these arcanists pledged their soul to shadows or study it and have a strong connection with the Plane of Shadows. In Eberron the first umbral warlocks were umbragen warlocks, that gave their body and spirit to the Umbra. | Warlock In The Dungeon |
Unarmored Soulblade | Some soulblades find that even armor made out of their own mental energy is a hindrance. | Soulblade |
Unevasive | A character looses Evasion and/or Improved Evasion for a bonus feat. | Any class with Evasion and/or Improved Evasion |
Unholy Regeneration | Gain fast healing in place of extra hp as an undead. | N/A |
Variant Elemental Flammenwerfer | This is my.... cyrowerfer? Wait a moment... | Flammenwerfer |
Warriorlock | A more brutal melee warlock, and master of casting in any armor. | Bloodline Warlock |
Wisen Hermit | Adventuring is a young man's game, at some point you will have to settle down so you can continue your studies study of magic in peace. Luckily with a bit of spellcasting you can have yourself a respectable Wizards Tower. | WIZARD! Prestige Class or a full caster with a level 20 capstone ability |
Pathfinder Archetypes[edit]
Name | Description | Class |
Academy Graduate | An academy graduate has been trained at a reputable military academy and exceeded in tactical and weapon training. They eschew the uses of mounts and glorious charges to focus on commanding and inspiring their troops. Through superior training she has learned how to use martial maneuvers and has a superior grasp on tactics. | Cavalier |
Alchemical Blade | While a travelling swashbuckler pick-ups on many strange talents, some of the more intellectual members of the class are able to pick on truly unique abilities. An alchemical blade is a swashbuckler who has learned how to use alchemy, being able to brew limited extracts and use splash weapons with greater intensity. | Swashbuckler |
Alchemical Chef | You create wondrous food items with a combination of arcane and alchemical expertise. | Chemist |
Alpha Sniper | Usually coming from the ranks of fierce monster hunters, military forces and mercenary gangs. Alpha snipers are trained to be elite marksmen, striking fear in their enemies with their ranged prowess. Most often an alpha sniper is known only by their callsign, a nickname that they acquired or gave themselves during their service. | Vigilante |
Ancestral Style | You were not taught like others of your kind, instead do learning how to fight with weapons you were told a highly advanced unarmed technique. You are stunted in the development of your weapon skills but gained fantastic insight style passed from master to apprentice for generations. | Any |
Ancient Beastlord | Either the result of time travel, or living in some lost world or another planet. The ancient beastlord is a primeval type of ranger who is used to facing long-vanished animals of an ancient era. As a result they are tougher and meaner, and are able to tame such beasts… but lack the connection to nature necessary for spells. | Ranger |
Anticavalier | The anticavalier is a counterpart of the antipaladin, however much less extreme in nature. While the antipaladin committed to the forces of evil, the anticavalier lost her valor and dedication to her duty. They are grim-faced loner overwhelmed with bitterness and driven by anger and resentment. They have no need of allies, beside their trusty mount perhaps, and instead strike on their own. While motivation might be lacking, their combat skills are carefully honed. Perhaps the only thing that can raise an anticavalier’s resolve is facing an heroic foes, a reminder of what they once were and what they lost. | CavalierPathfinder |
Arbalester | A fighter that mastered the crossbow over all other weapons, they are capable of truly incredible feats with their trusty ranged weapon. | Fighter |
Arcane Amalgamation | Why pick spells when you can instead have more bloodlines? | Pathfinder Sorcerer |
Arcane Inquisitor | Unlike normal Inquisitor you do not draw your powers from the divine, instead through intense studies you are able to cast arcane spells. | InquisitorPathfinder |
Arcane Phantom | A variant of the arcane trickster made to accommodate the phantom thief instead of the base rogue. Instead of advancing sneak attack, an arcane phantom continue to receive increase to her refined education as well as a few bonus rogue talents. | Arcane Trickster |
Arcane Traditionalist | The Unlettered Arcanist is a fun idea, if generally thought to be a little underwhelming. This archetype attempts the same thing from another angle, retaining the witch's own unique ability rather than the arcanist's. | Witch |
Arcane Wanderer | An arcane wanderer is a ranger with arcane magic instead of divine magic. Typically they are the children of sorcerers, who lack the sheer magical skills of their parent, and chose a different path in life. | Ranger |
Archeotech Collector | A mild remake of the Construct Collector, the archeotech collector is designed to be compatible with a wide array of archetypes. The archeotech collector gathers energy by harvesting destroyed constructs and timeworn technological devices and has an inherent knack for technology. They learn to power ancient devices using their own mental powers. | Occultist |
Auraknife | Rather than forming a weapon out of their mind, the auraknife draws upon her own personal aura. When made into a weapon, the auraknife has great control over it lethality, but is not easily separated from it. An auraknife eschew both armor and mental attacks, using her aura for defensive purposes. | 3.5e Soulknife and Pathfinder Soulknife |
Awakened Hero | Life is unfair. Some individuals may be born weak or crippled, unable to really stand for themselves. However due to a wishing star, the intervention of a deity, a power passed between successors, or the words of an ancient wizard, such an individual may gain a spark of a greater power. The awakened hero is one of such individuals, who gained the ability to transform into an idealized version of themselves, free of their weaknesses.
More often than not, they seek to right the wrongs they suffered and protect those weaker than themselves. However some poor souls let their bitterness consume them and give in to the feeling of revenge against an unfair world. || Vigilante | |
Back-Alley Mage | A back-alley mage has actual training in magic, which is a league better than a typical rogue isn't enough to become an actual spellcaster. Typically they are magic college dropouts who only learned a few tricks, the apprentice of minor hedge mages or latent sorcerers with an developed bloodline. | Unchained Rogue |
Ballroom Brawler | A refined unarmed combatant, the ballroom brawler is used to both bloody personal combat and the comfort of high society. While their fighting style might be criticized as brutish and primitive, their etiquette and manners are excellent. | CavalierPathfinder |
Banshee Medium | A banshee medium is an unfortunate soul with a deep psychic connection with a banshee, usually as a spirit possessing the psychic. The result is a high necromantic potential as well as the ability to channel some of the banshee’s inner ability. | Psychic |
Barbarian's Pride | Some Barbarian do not froth at the mouth when they fight, instead they draw upon their immense pride and ego to pull through anything. These barbarian are less resilient than their brothers, but can focus their mind much better and even issue challenges and warning to their foes. However they find themselves unable to turn down dangerous challenges. | Barbarian or Pathfinder Barbarian |
Bardic Warlock | A mashup of bard and warlock using warlock as the main chassis. | Warlock |
Battle Bard | You were trained with a weapon since a young age, gaining a solid grasp on how to use it. This comes at the cost of some of your spellcasting abilities. | Bard |
Battle Scoundrel | A expanded version of UA's variant rogue adapted to pathfinder. A battle scoundrel does not rely on getting an easy hit in, rather she meets her mettle in a direct confrontation. While lighter and weaker than most combatants, she uses her cunning to give herself an edge in her fights. The battle scoundrel archetype is perfect for a highly skilled martial character. | Ninja or Rogue |
Battle Twins | Adventuring is a strange and unusual job, where a variety of accidents are liable to happen. Some of those accidents involve the creation of hostile duplicates, who often perish trying to extinguish the original. Due to gazing into a cursed mirror, drinking an unlabeled potion, annoying a powerful fey or whatever else silly accident; the battle twin has ended with a magical duplicate of herself. However, unlike in most cases, the duplicate is friendly and willing to work alongside the original. As a result the battle twins are a dangerous duo of fighters. | Fighter |
Battle Warden | A battle warden is a defender of nature, who protects her charge with the fervor of her faith. They usually protect land which is especially sacred to their religion, or sites important to nature spirits. | Warpriest |
Battlemage Skald | A battlemage skald is trained extensively in the use of war magic, at the cost of some of her musical talents. Typically trained in military academies, or trained directly by an evokers, and don't have access to the vast library of lore most skald do. However as a result of their training, their selection of spells is vastly increased, at least in regard to evocation. Many battlemage skalds are also spell warrior | Skald |
Bellicose Egoist | A bellicose egoist is a mesmerist who has inherently deeply self-centered powers, While they lose the ability to aid allies, and even use their mental abilities to soothe their ills, they have developed advanced combat abilities beyond the typical mesmerist. | Mesmerist |
Bewitcher | A bewitcher is a witch who relies on her guile and wiles, rather than intellect. | Witch |
Black Armor Berserker | An antipaladin driven to near-insanity by their angers and desolation. These antipaladin don’t seek good to pervert or destroy it, but turn their anger toward everyone. Some are able to control themselves, only unleashing the beast when bloodshed begins or when provoked. While others allows themselves to freely destroy all those in their path, often to a very early grave. | AntipaladinPathfinder |
Blackthorn Punk | The Blackthorn Punk are brawler rogues whop fights with their fist combined with spiked gauntlet. They are adept at unarmed combat and fighting in urban environments. However they lack the normal versatile proficiency of a rogue and do not deal with traps. | Pathfinder Rogue |
Blood Belt | A remake of the Bloody-Knuckled Rowdy, the Blood Belt is a Bloodrager who learned how to use their body as their main weapon, at the expense of their training with manufactured weapons. Their focus on combat grant them an array of style they are able to use, but stunt their magical growth. | Bloodrager |
Bloodbinder | A rare breed of occultists, bloodbinders are practitioners of sorcery. Instead of drawing power from the occult resonant energy of arcane curiosities, they instead bind the power in the veins. Through the use of sigils, tattoos or other even more esoteric methods they are able to fully draw upon their heritage. | Occultist |
Bloodline Blade | A bloodline blade is capable of forming a weapon out of the energy of her bloodline, making a powerful magical weapon. Most bloodline blade are Battle Sorcerers. | Sorcerer |
Bonded Object | Replaces your familiar with a bonded object. It's not as bad as the pathfinder bonded object. | Any class which grants a familiar, or if you gain the Obtain Familiar featCA. |
Cairnsinger | A necromantic bard that specializes in summoning undeads under her control. These miscreants use necromantic energy-charged music to control and bolster undead under their control. Fully compatible with both 3.5e and Pathfinder, recommended to be used alongside the Dirge bard for the latter. | Bard |
Calamity Witch | A calamity witch serves a ruinous power which allows them to unleash terrible natural disaster upon their foes. Calamity witches are often associated with evil deities of nature. | Witch |
Caporegime | Caporegimes are captains amongst crime syndicates, leading unruly mobs of common thieves and muggers to cadre of professional made-men. They are socially skilled and possess refined talents, allowing them to operate mostly openly in society. | Rogue or Unchained Rogue |
Century Student | You are a particularly talented inventor, probably amongst the first to discover and use gunpowder. While many self-taught geniuses exist, it is also possible that you were trained under another revolutionary mind. In any case, you draw your grit for your superior reasoning abilities instead of your instinct. | Gunslinger |
Cerebral Knife | A cerebral is a particularly mentally capable soulknife, with less martial aptitude but greater psionic abilities. | 3.5e Soulknife or SoulknifeDreamscarred Press |
Challenge Contender | Some martial artists push themselves higher and higher, seeking harder challenges to test their skills. These monks often have a strong code of honor, and some belong to strict martial traditions. Challenge contender also often take the martial artist archetype and usually belongs to the Order of the Flame or the Order of the Cockatrice. | Monk or Unchained Monk |
Charmer | A charmer rogue is a Charisma-based rogue with the ability to charm her ways out of trouble. | Rogue |
Charmweaver | A charmweaver is a sorcerer with a unique mastery over mind-altering spells. Despite their name, and focus on charm effects, they are also capable wielders of all enchantment. A charmweaver is especially good at concealing the effect of her spells, allowing her to remain undetected. | Sorcerer |
Chivalrous Aspect | A cavalier with this archetype eschews the typical battlefield tactics of her class. Instead she forms a bond of honor and virtue with her mount, a bond that persists even in death. A cavalier with this class feature gains a similar ability to a hunter, however instead of calling upon aspects of nature she channels aspects of chivalry. | Cavalier |
Chrono-Ronin | A chrono-ronin is a warrior who learned how to manipulate their own personal clock, allowing them to stop time, or move extremely quickly to everyone's else perception. The origin of their power is often mysterious, but as they grow in power it becomes more and more natural for them to exist while time is stopped. | SamuraiPathfinder |
Circle Warden | A particular brand of inquisitor who serves druidic circles, the circle warden acts as protectors of sacred groves and natural land on the behalf of druids. Some circle wardens serve effectively as police within druidic enclaves and toward nearby communities. | Inquisitor |
Construct Companion | Your animal companion is a construct instead. | Any class which grants an animal companion. |
Cool Mastermind | The Cool Mastermind is an extremely capable manipulator with a tendency to pull quick one. They however do not possess any alchemical abilities, simply relying on their moxie to get their job done. | Investigator |
Corpotheurgist | A corportheurgist is an expert at manipulating the body, especially flesh. These psychics undertake intensive studies in human anatomy, and most are either specialized in necromancy or transmutation. Their in-depth education allows them to discover secrets that most are not privy to. | Psychic |
Court Sorcerer | A court sorcerer is an individual with inherent arcane talents, however that were diligently trained under the eyes of a wizard. As a result she uses her magic through intellect rather than intuition and possesses some of the versatility of a wizard. | Sorcerer (or variant) |
Courtly Fighter | A courtly fighter is a master of finesse and etiquette, usually trained at a noble’s court. They act as defenders, entertainers and messengers. Some courtly fighters serve a specific noble, while others travel from court to court, finding love, challenge and excitement along the way. | Fighter or Pathfinder Fighter |
Covert Wizard | Not all societies are tolerant toward magic, especially not arcane magic. In such places wizards and sorcerers are hunted down, imprisoned or even killed. However struggles breed innovation. The wizards produced by such circumstances are especially adept at hiding their magic, from covering up their spellbook to casting spells with little fanfare. | WizardPathfinder |
Crack in the Armor | Your damage reduction isn't foolproof, but it's hardy. | Any |
Dark Bairn | A dark bairn is a witch chosen as a child, lacking a familiar but possessing a mark on their body where they draw their powers. Most dark bairns are taken as a child to be given as offering, but survive the process with a dark mark on their body where their sacrificial wound would be. Some dark bairns are chosen by their patron as a child, drawn to the wood by a strange voice where they vanish for a time and return with an odd mark on their body. They grows into adults with strong connection with an unseen force, granting them strange abilities. A dark bairn has an innate connection through their patron, but not one under the patron's control. Some dark bairns rebel from their unwilling covenant, using power stolen from their patron to thwart them. All the while others embrace the connection, and study the art of witchcraft in isolation. | Witch |
Dark Magician | A dark magician is a practitioner of black magic, and are often associated with large conical hats. The art of black magic is overly focused on powerful offensive spells, with regards to damage over helpful or crippling effects. Dark magician can also raise powerful personal wards, protecting them on the battlefield. Particularly experienced dark magician can cast multiple spells at once. | Sorcerer |
Dark Robin | The dark robins are a rather enigmatic type of antipaladin who oppose the law. While as destructive as their brethren, they can make alliances with rebels and do-gooders if it helps them bring down a tyrannical empire. Of course a dark robin sees little difference between a good or evil country. At best a dark robin lives a free life outside the boundaries of the laws, at worst they seek to bring down civilization itself. | Antipaladin |
Dark Scoundrel | Not all Antipaladin are armored champions with heavy weapons that strikes fear in the heart of men. The dark scoundrels are wily and tricky, preferring to use deceit and trickery to gain upper hand rather than brute force. | Antipaladin |
Darkhunter | The darkhunter are a specialized function of inquisitors, who renounce fighting over religious differences and instead focus on defeating the scourge of the night. | Inquisitor |
Deathcult Reverend | A deathcult revered is solely dedicated to the power of death. Whether they are evil or not, they are focused on their philosophy. A good-aligned deathcult reverend typically follows a solemn deity of death, and make it their duty to follow the natural order. An evil-aligned deathcult reverend may be the minion of a reaper, God of undead or similar entities, hellbent on spreading death far and wide. | Cleric |
Depraved Reanimator | A depraved reanimator is an alchemist who dabbles in a unique sort of necromancy. They are proficient at reanimating zombies, using similar methods to giving life to certain constructs. While more than capable of using typical means of animation, their unique zombies are tough and lack many of the weaknesses of a typical zombie. However, their vile craft often leave them to be hated and even hunted in most civilized society. The vast majority of depraved reanimators are also vivisectionist. | Alchemist |
Desperado | A roguish gunslinger, who is able to aim and fire before a target can react. While most desperado are brigands, outlaws and career criminals, some follow a more righteous path as hunters or vigilante. | Gunslinger |
Diabolic Cleric | A diabolic cleric is not devoted to a God, but rather to the Powers of the Nine Hells. | Cleric |
Dūjūn | The dūjūn is a master strategist and accomplished warrior, and perhaps after success a statesman as well. The dūjūn is able to use martial maneuvers, eschewing the use of challenges and obedience to an order. While not all dūjūn are dishonorable and some may keep a code of honor, most dūjūn pledge allegiance to one thing: victory. They are fantastic leaders of armies, who themselves can fight like the best soldiers. | Cavalier |
Edgemaster | An edgemaster is a master of fighting with any weapons. An edgemaster often pick up weapons left discarded on the battlefield, treasure hoard and on the corpses of adventurers and masters them. | Fighter |
Effigy Puppeteer | An effigy puppeteer is not a true summoner. Instead they have learned how to empower a carved imitation of a mythical creature with their own life force. This ‘puppet’ is purely artificial and is little more than an articulated statue on its own, but with the effigy puppeteer’s will behind it, becomes as capable as a summoned eidolon. | Summoner |
Eldritch Warrior | An eldritch warrior is a fighter who has learned to use spellcasting in addition to her martial capacities. Sacrificing a vast amount of martial mastery, the eldritch warrior makes uses of the additional versatility granted by her spellcasting abilities. | Fighter |
Elemental Artificer | The idea of binding an elemental to an item isn’t so strange, after all it is widely used in the creation of the Elemental Airship. However some brilliant minds have extrapolated, correctly, that a smaller elemental could be bound to a suit of armor to provide its wearer with great power. The risk however where great, the suit’s containment system isn’t bottomless which can lead to an overload, or even an elemental escape. But those who succeeded became Elemental Artificer, harnessing elemental powers through their suit. | Kineticist |
Elemental Daredevil | An elemental daredevil is a swashbuckler who descends from a dragon, outsider or powerful magic users who had an affinity for an element. They use their residual magical abilities and combine them with their swordplay. | Swashbuckler |
Elemental Mentalist | An elemental mentalist sacrifices the ability to implant tricks to instead learn to use spells of specific elements. These mesmerist are often associated with geniekind, using guile and trickery alongside their powerful elemental magic, | MesmeristPathfinder |
Enclave Mystic | An occultist with ties with druidic traditions, drawing powers from sacred implements to perform deeds of ancient nature magic. These occultists study the old ways, usually looking very far back in history for snippets of ancient lore, or a spell of yore. | Occultist |
Explorer | An explorer is a ranger alternate class feature which focuses less on combat and more on exploration and skills. She lacks most of the martial training of the ranger, being less able to fight and unable to access martial weapons. Instead they focus on teamwork and improving their allies, as well as adapting to their environment. | Pathfinder Ranger |
Falconer Knight | While most cavaliers train relentlessly with their mount in order to become fearsome warriors, the falconer knight trains with a trusty bird of prey. While still powerful warriors, the falconer knight is usually trained to be a vanguard scout or a hunter of monsters, rather than a mounted combatant. The bond between a falconer knight and her raptor is very strong, and they learn how to rely on one another. | Cavalier |
Familarbound Caster | You know how most wizards have a familiar? Well, in your case, you are the familiar. | Any class with a familiar |
Familiar Ranger | You have a familiar, much like many arcane spellcasters, however you eschew your enhanced connections with animals. | Ranger |
Fey Warden | Fey wardens are warpriest associated with nature magic over deific magic, who eschew heavier armor, instead relying on their superior guile and evasiveness. While many are dedicated to the worship of fey, some guard small communities from the fair folks. | Warpriest |
Field Biologist | An investigator more interested in living processes, and how to stop them in an emergency, than poisons. A field biologist is resistant to both poison and diseases, but less so for the former than a normal investigator. | Investigator |
Field Chemist | A well-learned fighter who supplement her fighting capabilities with alchemical knowledge. The field chemist eschews extensive training with armor to edge her craft. | Fighter |
Fiendblooded Knight | Known as corrupter, fiends get their taint over entire bloodline. Some of these souls become irredeemably tainted and become warlocksCA or are slaughtered for it. However mercy take many forms and some of these tainted child are taken in monasteries to be trained to resist evil. The Fiendblooded Knight is a Paladin who mastered their own inner demon and plan on using the power of 'evil' to defeat evil. On the other hands, those who oppose good also seek those child and some Fiendblooded Knights belong in the ranks of servants of evil. Perhaps this is more common than the occasional brave soul facing and defeating corruption and much more willing to delve into the depth of their abilities. | AntipaladinPathfinder, Paladin (and Variants) or PaladinPathfinder |
Flame Priest | The archetype for maddened cleric of fire, who sacrifices tributes to the flames while filled with raving zeal. The flame priest has a direct approach, both to their faith and in combat. They have power over fire, being as capable blaster as most arcane spellcasters. | Cleric |
Flame Witch | The flame witch were ancient practitioners of magic who practiced pyromancy. They were dedicated to the ‘flame’ as a patron. While the flame witch eventually burned themselves away, some of their descendants still persist. This is meant as a fire-based alternative to the winter witch. | Witch |
Flowing Style Shinobi | The Flowing Style Shinobi is practicing a style of rapid strikes with her weapon, basing their movement on flowing water. Unlike their stealthy counterpart, they do not rely on sneak attack to get the job done. Rather they use consecutive deadly attacks used in quick succession to bring any foe down. | Ninja (Pathfinder) |
Frontline Warlock | You're still a spellcaster...but you prefer to cast fist. | Warlock |
Galactic Guardian | While an occultist draws power from strange objects and resonant occult energy, the galactic guardian is empowered by cosmic energy. Either chosen by an entity, or accidentally coming into the possession of a rare cosmic artifact. | Occultist |
Gallant Rider | A knight in shining armor, the gallant rider brings down her foes with sublime martial techniques. The gallant rider uses the mobility of her mount and the moxie of her stare to make an impact on the battlefield. | Cavalier |
Gallant Thief | Not the common ruffian, the gallant thief is a refined gentleman who makes thievery into an art. The typical image of a gallant thief is one of a bored noble who turns thievery into a hobby, adhering to eccentricities such as announcing his crime, leaving calling cards or even returning the stolen item to its owner. A gallant thief knows how to fight, but does not rely on sneaky strikes like scoundrels, instead being skilled duelists. | Unchained Rogue |
Genie | This alternate class feature transforms the Dragon magazine Sha'ir into a full genie. A genie has greater control over her spellcasting and the ability to grant wishes to others. However despite their great power, a genie must follow a few rules. | Sha'irDragon Magazine |
Glacial Rider | A glacial rider is a mighty cavalier riding on an icy steed. These cavaliers do not ride living mounts, instead creating theirs with ice, snow and magic. A glacial rider eschew the use of tactics, instead relying on their limited hexes and combat skills. | Cavalier |
Gravebinder | A gravebinder is a sorcerer with a strong affinity with the undead. The talent of a gravebinder typically manifest in their youth, as they use their powers to raise a pet that passed away or even a relative to their will. The strong connection they are able to make with their minion strengthen them, beyond what is typical for a skeleton or zombie. | Sorcerer |
Gravitokineticist | Gravitokineticist are dedicated void kineticists who intensely focus on the manipulation of gravity, neglecting their connection to the negative energy plane. This grants them almost telekinetic-like abilities through fine control of local gravity waves. This mastery of a fundamental force comes with a cost, as they are unable to learn to master another element. | Kineticist |
Guided Mystic | Rather than developing a bond with a familiar, you are guided by one or more spirits. | Any class that grants a Familiar, or the Obtain Familiar feat. |
Gunmetal Merc | A gunmetal merc is a warrior with expertise in firearms, explosives and siege engines. These hard-hearted soldiers of fortune eschew the use of heavier armor and shields, the gunmetal merc instead relies on her arsenal of ranged weapons to live through the day. Almost all gunmetal mercs also take the Trench Fighter archetype. | Fighter |
Gunwitch | A gunwitch is a spellcaster who is bound to a firearm, which they control with uncanny abilities. Unlike a standard witch, a gunwitch’s bond to her magic is more inherent, and while many make a pact with patrons; they often inherit their power within a bond firearm. | Witch |
Halberdier | Eschewing the use of a mount, a halberdier is a footsoldier or knight who fights with a polearms, typically the halberd. Halberdiers are sometimes found as mercenaries or skilled guards of some kind, with the highest ranked one being halberd-wielding royal guards. The halberdier archetype was designed after the Disciple of the Pike but with neutral flavor. | Cavalier |
Havocker, Rebuilt | A remake of the Havocker Witch to give it a bit more bite. This altered version keeps some hexes which is the witch’s most unique class feature. In addition the way spellburn is used is altered to be keyed to the burn cost, rather than level of the infusion. | Witch |
Heavy Knight | A valiant fantassin is a heavily armored knight who eschews the use of a mount to instead fight on-foot. These footsoldiers stand as champions amongst common soldiers, fighting in the fray alongside their men. Valiant fantassins are typically on the frontline as vanguard, and as last to leave. | Cavalier |
Hedge Knight | A hedge knight is a wandering cavalier who lacks the means or will to use a regular mount. These cavaliers were trained in infantry tactics over mounted combat, including the use and maintenance of their precious armor, oftentime the only thing of real value of their own. While many hedge knights hail from impoverished families that could not afford to train their children how to mount a horse; a number of them are from cultures which prefer on-foot combat. Hedge Knights are almost universally wanderers, without an army or mount. As a result they have grown to be deeply self-reliant, eschewing some of the regular tools of a cavalier. While most lack a master, and many are outright outcasts, most hedge knights still cling to the concept of chivalry. This left them deeply resolved.
The hedge knight is an hybrid archetype between the cavalier and the samurai, with a focus on armor usage. || Cavalier | |
Hedge Witch | A young alchemist trained in the art by witches, allowing her to use witch's hexes and having access to limited spellcasting. While not as talented at scientific discovery as her fellow alchemists, or at spellcasting as her witch's mentor, the hedge witch can draw upon both. | Alchemist |
Heir of Thunder | A barbarian or bloodrager with an inherent connection with the storm, the heir of thunder can be a descendant of a thunder god or a sorcerer who never explored her natural abilities. These individuals have the ability to manifest lightning in their hands. | Barbarian or Bloodrager |
Hermetic Thaumaturge | Some uniquely-gifted alchemists learn the art of transmuting energy into matter and matter into energy. These alchemists pour away their focus from bombs and chemicals, to the finer art of magic. As a result, their alchemy has transcended fully to spellcasting. The earliest application of hermetic thaumaturgy is the transmutation of energy into elemental power, but the erudite alchemist soon finds their ability to be far less restrained. | Alchemist |
Heroic Aspirant | While most skalds are traveling warrior-poets and historians, the heroic aspirant are usually young and foolish glory seekers. These individuals, emboldened by the stories of great heroes and invincible warriors, seek to write their own stories rather than record the stories of others. While most of them are doomed to a violent death, then being forgotten, a few are aiming to be forever the subjects of songs. While many heroic aspirants can still be inspiring leaders, they have a strong focus on their own combat abilities. This increase in martial might come at the cost of their abilities to inspire allies and their spellcasting, but reward them with access to powerful maneuvers. | Skald |
Hexmaster Mesmerist | Witches often take on irregular apprentices, especially outcasts to societies. Sometimes a witch will teach her art of a psychically sensitive individual, who develops the ability to inflict a hexing gaze upon their foes. The hexmaster mesmerist is well-learned in curses and ailments, but does not have a knack for hypnotic healing. | Mesmerist |
Hideskin Warrior | You eschew armor to instead train your body, gaining an invincible hide-like skin. | Barbarian or Bloodrager |
Holy Bolt | Most paladin face threats with a melee weapon in hands, often a sword or a shield. However a few prefer more advanced weapons, such the crossbow. The holy bolts focus on ranged combat over melee combat, and master the crossbow in particular. | Pathfinder Paladin |
Holy Witch | A holy witch derives her powers from consorting with holy powers, such as kami, angels and other good outsiders. They are specialists of using ofuda to perform exorcism and defeat evil spirits. | Witch |
Horse Jockey | Unlike a typical cavalier, a horse jockey is a sportsman at heart. She focuses on her riding talents instead of wearing heavy armor and using obscene weaponry. When she fights she prefers lighter weapons and lightning quick attacks from the back of her mount. | Cavalier |
Huskarl | An huskarl is an honor bond retainer and bodyguard oftentimes in the service of a lord, and sometimes selling their service. The huskarl is a freeman, or even a noble, who eschews the furious fighting style of barbarians, and instead crush her opponents with powerful challenges. | Barbarian |
Imperious Kaiser | An imperious kaiser is a powerful champion who seeks power in the form of conquest. While not always evil, they seek to assert domination over those weaker than them. While some imperious kaiser have ideals beyond conquest, they almost always use the same ruthless methods when quelling dissent. As a result they have the ability to enforce their will on others, and mentally assail those who stand up to them. | Antipaladin |
Inspired Alchemist | An inspired alchemist is an alchemist that draws more from her alchemist side than her rogue side. She learned how to make full potions, and use splash weapons to backup her melee combat style. | Investigator |
Inspired Minstrel | An inspired minstrel is a talented young musician who trained as bard, but focuses on personal inspiration instead of magically augmented bardic performance. This archetype exists to allow a player to play a ‘bard’ that does not rely on inspire courage, while having similar abilities and being capable of holding their own. | Investigator |
Inspired Pupil | Inspired pupils are prodigious young men and women who trained as mage's apprentice, but rather than sheer magical potential they possess incredible talents. Most train to become universalist wizards, eventually finding their true calling later. While still adept magic-users, they cannot reach the same magical height as their more focused brethren. Instead learning how to best use the tricks they have learned as apprentices. However they are incredibly skilled in more than just magic, including handling themselves in direct battle much better than their peers. | Investigator |
Inspired Technician | An inspired technician is a investigator with proficiency with technological items, often acting as battlefield engineering or field scientist. They are not trap-warry like most of their peers, and many of them eschew melee combat completely. | Investigator |
Instinct Adept | An instinct adept is a warrior capable of reaching deep in their subconscious and attaining a heightened state. An instinct adept is less skilled in alchemy than most investigators, but their training makes them able to instantly react to incoming dangers. | Investigator |
Inventor | An inventor is an alchemist that eschewed the studies of potions and instead focused her efforts on the secrets of clockwork and other wonderful technologies. | Alchemist |
Iron Kanabo Warrior | A iron kanabo warrior is a samurai who wears the heaviest armor and relish in brutal melee combat. They eschew the use of a bow and a mount, instead relishing on the use of heavier weaponry such as the nodachi, naginata and tetsubo. Their status on the battlefield makes them fearsome warriors. | Samurai |
Iron Shinobi | An iron shinobi is an expert warrior trained in ninjutsu, but prefers direct confrontation over stealthy assassination. Many of these warriors are typically ill-fated, but a few manages to blend martial discipline and the art of stealth in a single discipline. | Fighter |
Ironclad Berserker | A heavily armored samurai who disregard the use of a mount, using her raw unabated fury to bring her foes down. The ironclad berserker stand victorious against army, with her bloodied blade in hand, | Samurai |
Ironfist Investigator | An ironfist investigator is a well-learned individuals who dabbles in the martial arts. They as a result gain formidable unarmed abilities, but never bother with striking their foes with underhanded studied strike. | Investigator |
Kami Ritualist | An alternate take on the Ward Spiritualist, the Kami Ritualist does not call upon a phantom. Instead she uses her medium abilities to commune with nature spirits, which leads her to have a strong body and mind. The kami ritualists place a lot of importance on sacred objects and follow a strict martial regiment. This leads her to have a wide understanding of unarmed fighting styles and how to use the spirit of her implement. | SpiritualistPathfinder |
Kenjutsu Disciple | Not all samurai wear heavy armor and carry banners, some prefer to be duelists perfecting their art. The kenjutsu disciple is a master of sword-fighting, eschewing heavy armor and becoming an unparalleled champion of the blade. | SamuraiPathfinder |
Kinetic Savant | A kinetic savant is a student of the psychic energy used by the kineticist. Unlike a kineticist, a kinetic savant carefully studies the elements and slowly learns to tap into it safely. | Wizard |
Kinetic Wilder | A kinetic wilder relies on surges of emotions and mental energy to control her kinetic energy. They lack fine control over the elements, but make up for it by unleashing their unfettered power. However doing so often has dire consequences for the kinetic wilder, leaving her utterly vulnerable in moments she loses herself and becomes consumed by her own power. | Kineticist |
Knight-Evoker | A spellcaster wearing some of the heaviest armor, a knight-evoker is a specialist of the evocation school of magic. knight-evokers don’t tend to fight like typical magi, instead preferring an approach closer to classical evokers. Particularly skilled knight-evoker are also able to mix martial attacks and magic. Without the limitation of a light weapon. | Magus |
Knightreaver | A knightreaver is a well-armored killer who roams the battlefield, eschewing stealth. These heavily armored assassins prefer to directly confront their prey and slay them in the open, rather than patiently wait for a kill. | Slayer |
Landsknecht | The landsknechts known to be eccentric and rather fashionable mercenaries, who prefer heavy swords and polearms to small blades. While their allegiance may be for sale, they are disciplined and capable of taking out any foe that stands in their way. | Swashbuckler |
Libero | The libero is a swashbuckling rogue who fights against those who oppress the populace. The libero is a rebel at heart, although not always benevolent. The libero is a natural fighter, who does not rely on hidden strikes to bring down her foes. Instead she uses lightning quick strokes of the blade, delivered with deadly precision. | Unchained Rogue |
Lightly Armored | You do not wear cumbersome armor like your brethren, preferring lighter loads. When wearing light or no armor you are quite proficient at getting out of the way. | Any |
Lone Wanderer | You are less of a friend of nature and more a lone hunter stuck in her way. However your self-reliance has increased your ability to deal with threats you face. | Ranger |
Mad Beast | The curse of lycanthropy is akin to an illness that bore deep in the mind of those afflicted. Some hold the urges in, trying to be model citizens during the day and locking themselves in at night. Others revel in their urges, becoming a serial killer at night and using the veil of innocence as a shield. | SlayerPathfinder |
Maestro | A maestro is a wizard who specialized in the art of conducting, casting spells like a mundane maestro would conduct an orchestra. Many maestro are also Bookish Wizard reading their spellbook like sheet music. | Pathfinder Wizard |
Majutsu Mystic | The practitioners of majutsu draw upon a long tradition of ancient magic. Their ancestral school of magic dabbled in animalism, exorcism and necromancy. While good-aligned majutsu mystics hunted evil spirits and delivered succor to their victims, evil majutsu mystics practiced the forbidden art of necromancy. Often known as majutsu exorcist and majutsu diabolist, the former tends to consort with kami and good-aligned spirits, while the latter often seek the aid of fiends and other evil-aligned spirits. Some majutsu mystics simply see themselves as arbiters and protectors of nature, these mystics tend to be neutral but can be of any alignment. | Occultist |
Malchemist | The study of fiendish blood and essence is a dangerous rabbit hole to delve into, and many lose their lives and souls attempting to become the masters of the lower plane. A malchemist is an alchemist who infuses her extract with components taken from being from the lower planes, and master rituals which allow them to bind their powers. | Alchemist |
Manipulator Bard | Sometime an individual with minimal magical abilities will attempt to learn the trade of bards. These bards learn to be wily and cunning, rather than relying on spells. | Bard |
Mechanical Shinobi | A mechanical shinobi has been grafted by a mysterious prosthetic, allowing them to perform strange and unusual feats. As they advance in level they hone their mastery of the device, becoming more and more apt with its uses. | Ninja |
Medical Ninja | Instead of focusing on stealthily taking down your opponents, your training was focused on unarmed combat, pressure points and using ki to restore the body and spirit. A medical ninja is less suited to pure combat situations, but their medical knowledge and ki ability make them valuable allies. | NinjaPathfinder |
Mental Kineticist | This archetype attempts where many failed, making a mental-focused kineticist not reliant on burn. The mental kineticist has a reserve of mental energy and is at her best when it is full, becoming weaker as she burns herself out. A mental kineticist follows an opposite design to the normal kineticist, not being rewarded for accumulating burn. This relative safety comes at the cost of raw powers as they possess a weaker version of elemental overflow. | Kineticist |
Mentalist | A mentalist is a psychic that focuses solely on mental manifestation of her psychic power. They become potent manipulators of the mind and have an improved ability to foresee the future, but struggle at best with physical manifestation of their powers. | PsychicOA |
Meteorite Monk | An uncommon vocation for monastic fighters, meteorite monks attune themselves with the heavens above. Only a few monk orders, such as the Brotherhood of the Astrolabe or the Anchorite of the Stars train meteorite monks. Ultimately a meteorite monk learns how to control gravity, and imitate the sheer impact of a falling star with their unarmed strike. | Monk |
Mind Warrior | A mind warrior is a fighter with a glint of psychic potential, which she will eventually evolve into minor psychic spellcasting. | Fighter |
Monster Hunter Ranger | A Monster Hunter ranger is trained in tracking beasts and monsters who prey on mankind. Their link to animals are lesser, but they are trained at identifying a large array of monsters. | Ranger |
Monster Hunter Ronin | A monster hunter ronin is a warrior who abandoned all pretense of serving an order for the singular purpose of monster hunting. Instead of honorable duels, they learn to focus on the target of their hunt, exploiting their weakness through their singular focus. | Samurai |
Mysterious Mime | A mysterious mime is a bard who relies on a very peculiar method of acting. Using her strange powers she can create imaginary walls, which behave much like a vaunted wall of force. | Pathfinder Bard |
Mystic Sage | An oddity amongst a rarity, mystic sages are young oracles who are trained at a young age to fulfill a particular deific event or duty. Since they were training from a young age, they are highly capable spellcasters with access to two mysteries, but have severely deficient martial abilities. A mystic sage is trained to use her insight instead of force of personality to control her powers. | Oracle |
Mystical Paladin | While most paladins focus on martial superiority, the mystical paladin leans toward the magical side. She is more skilled caster, but her combat skills are comparable to a cleric. | Paladin or Pathfinder Paladin |
Mystical Warden | A ranger with inherent arcane magic, much like a sorcerer, typically the descendant or offspring of fey. Some mystical wardens serve powerful mages as wardens, acting as bodyguards and protectors of their land. | Ranger |
Natural Geomancer | A natural geomancer is a druid that rather than gaining power through reverence of nature, simply gathers the energy from the environment around her. As a result her powers are deeply innate, her spells are known by years of practice and weaving the energy channeled through her. Whether she respectfully borrows that power, or usurps it for her own needs depends on the druid. A natural geomancer is able to easily make use of the environment around her, allowing her to access new spells based on where she is. | Druid |
Necrohost | A dedicated student of necromancy, the necrohost studies the limit of her very soul. Instead of drawing power from occult implements, the necrohost draws power directly from her immaterial self. While dangerous, these studies allow the necrohost to gain an array of necromantic abilities, not normally accessible to a normal occultist. Furthermore, the manipulation of energy allows the necrohost to learn more from the dead, and acquire dangerous battle skills. Experienced necrohost are even able to bind the energy memories of powerful souls to themselves, gaining their battle experience for a limited time. | Occultist |
Night Count | A night count is a dhampir who draws upon his heritage, attempting to become a fully-powered vampire. While they never truly undergo the same changes as a vampire, their own power eventually matches or exceeds the power of their brethrens. Ultimately a night count can be viewed as a vampire in their own right, just one that took an alternate step to power. While an antipaladin in class level, a night count does not rely on the blessing of outside influence, instead relying on their own strength alone. | Antipaladin |
Night Hunter | While not the knight in shining armor, the night hunter is a skilled destroyer of evil. Typically hailing from countries in the borderland, plagued by evil at night, the night hunter seeks out monsters who prey on humanoids and destroy them. Many of them have developed techniques that aid them in stalking evil in rural or wild areas. Rather than fighting in a blaze of glory, the night hunter is trained in studying their foes and dealing devastating damage to them. These techniques are especially potent against their nemesis, an ever-growing list of monsters they are trained to destroy.
As a result of their lifestyles, the night hunters tend to be more cynical than most paladins. They lack many of the paladin’s more powerful divine powers, but have a looser code of conduct and restriction on their beliefs. They do not rely on heavy armor, preferring to say light armored, and make good uses of their spells. || Paladin | |
Night Sorcerer | Night sorcerers are descendants of an ancient cabal of nightcasters, who drew their power from the night sky. While the ancient cult is no more, their children and children's children have inherited a portion of their power. Night sorcerers are usually sorcerers of the arcane or shadow bloodline, but some of them have more exotic lineage. | Sorcerer |
Nightshade Monk | Belonging to an order of ancient assassins, the nightshade monks practice sudden blows to pressure points. It is said that the true initiates of the nightshade are capable of delivering blows so quick they cannot be seen. | Monk |
Nihilistic Champion | Most antipaladin are dedicated to the ideals of evil, such as imposing tyranny, slaughtering the innocent and crushing the weak. The nihilistic champion however does not fight for any ideals, seeing them as meaningless, much like all of existence. They mock the concept of good and evil, drawing their power from the dark being, whobenefits or even encourage such views. They are able to act much more freely than most antipaladin, some being fuelled by pure selfishness and id, seeking only short-term benefits and pleasures. Other nihilistic champions are more philosophical, and enjoy convincing others to see their way, especially would-be heroes. Rarely, a nihilistic champion will turn against the forces of evil, as a grand mockery of purposes, or perhaps to show those who would control them that they also ultimately don’t matter. | Antipaladin |
Noble Chemist | A noble chemist is either educated by a noble, or are themselves of aristocratic background. Instead of being taught to meddle in poison, like street alchemist, a noble chemist is highly educated on the technical skills. Their sheltered education has shielded them from dangerous chemicals used in typical alchemical getups, and the alchemist's more criminal skills, but has rewarded them with unusual skills much more suited for a socialite. | Alchemist |
Noble Tyrant | The stereotype of a corrupt decadent aristocrat is hardly a fantastic one. While there are many stout-hearted and virtuous nobles, true leaders of men, it is true that there are a handful of bad apples. A rare breed is those with a dark heart that is filled with courage and strength. Both trained in the way of the court and the battlefield, these men and women may be cunning aristocrats, conquering lords or anything in between. At best they are autocratic individuals, who rarely tolerate dissent, but see order as worth preserving over individual rights. At worst they are as debased and decadent as the darkest example of aristocracy in history. | Bard |
Nocturne Scholar | A nocturne scholar is an occultist who studies the dangerous secrets of necromancy through the lens of one of the night’s most dangerous denizens. A nocturne scholar uses special necromantic implements, specifically the preserved or mummified body of slain vampires. Some nocturne scholars acquire these parts by slaying vampires, often as part of their duties as vampire hunters. All the while, others seek to become more like the subject of their research.
Many nocturne scholar are full time students of necromancy, and also take the necroccultist archetype. || Occultist | |
Occult Mentalist | An occult mentalist possesses potent psychic powers, although in a limited array. | Pathfinder Bard |
Occult Mystic | An occult mystic is a sage who invests her mental focus in koan, prayers, and the teachings of her philosophy. They are adept at hand-to-hand combat, and are able to focus on their power with incredible effectiveness. | Occultist |
Ordained Erudite | The ordained erudites are particularly philosophical and learned clerics, who study their spells from annotated holy texts. They do not draw powers directly from prayer, rather gaining them from studying the theosophic mysteries of their religion or philosophy. This allows them to cast closer to an arcanist than a cleric, at the cost of some of their growth. | Cleric |
Order Herald | You were chosen as an herald for a powerful order, keeping their history and legends alive and bolstering knights into combat. | Skald |
Order Swordmaster | A peerless master of the way of the blade, the order swordmaster is a cavalier that eschews mounted combat to focus on her swordsmanship. While many of them are great champions or their order, they are also commonly seen as teachers, working either alone or as part of their order to train the next generation of swordsmen. | Cavalier |
Order of the Flame, Variant | A slight redo of the Order of the Flame that does not force a character to smite all the mooks before going for the boss. An Order of the Flame can have essentially unlimited challenge, but doing so embolden her and reduce her AC significantly. | Cavalier |
Origami Ninja | A master of the many techniques of ki is said to allow one to turn her body as strong as steel. Some users are slightly more creative. The origami ninja has learned a trick that allows her to channel her ki through paper, turning a few folded sheets into a deadly weapon. As they grow in ability they can imbue life into their creation as well. | NinjaPathfinder |
Overwhelming Psyche | Filled with intense inner strength, the overwhelming psyche forms her mind blade not through contemplation and quiet training, but through raw kinetic energy channeled through her force of personality. | 3.5e Soulknife or SoulknifeDreamscarred Press |
Palachemist | A palachemist is a militant member of a church, who also has dedicated a significant amount of time to scientific pursuits. As a result, these enlightened individuals often abandon the recklessness of blind faith to the pursuit of a more stoic and logical approach to their duties. As a result they have mastered the art of alchemy, but have forsaken a degree of divine protection as a result. It is not uncommon for a palachemist to also be a Night Hunter. | Paladin |
Paladin of Nothing | You are not a champion of good. Or evil. Or anything. You are the purest expression of reality, the unfeeling void that is and is not. | Pathfinder Paladin |
Pantheist Priest | A pantheist priest is a cleric who is dedicated to the worship of all deities as a cosmic whole, and thus has access to a greater range of power. | Cleric |
Parallel Channeler | The result of an extremely bizarre phenomena, the parallel channeler does not channel spirits like most mediums. Instead she channels alternate versions of herself from parallel dimensions, using their memory and experience to expand her own abilities. The parallel channeler loses most of her connection to this world and its spirits, but instead gains a greater tie to herself, and herself, and herself, and herself. | Medium |
Pathfinder Dread Necromancer | An adaptation of the lovely Dread Necromancer from heroes of horror? To the Pathfinder System. This variant removes the infinite healing exploit present in the 3.5e class and ‘modernizes’ several of the abilities to be in-line with pathfinder classes. Some new abilities were added, as many features were cut or consolidated. | Dread Necromancer |
Pathfinder Rouge | A pathfinder adaptation of Ganteka Future’s Rouge class. | Rouge |
Pathfinder Warmage | This alternate class feature is an alteration to the Warmage from the Miniatures Handbook to be more viable in games of Pathfinder, or in general really. | WarmageCArc |
Persecuted Witch | Some societies forbid and punish witchcraft, or even arcane casters as a whole. You are either from such society, or are descendants of a tradition that hailed from one. You do not rely on a familiar as a link to your patron, instead drawing power directly from your patron. You were also trained in the art of silent casting, to avoid being caught and victimized. | Witch |
Phantasm-Haunted | While madness is a ail that plagues all men, it is most dangerous to a psychic mind. A phantasm-haunted mesmerist is an afflicted being, whose mental struggles have taken a terrible form. The abilities to manipulate mind granted by a mesmerist is turned on its head, with the phantasm-haunted mesmerist being able to manifest a ghostly being that is naught but a shard of her consciousness. Typically, phantasm-haunted mesmerists are individuals deeply troubled by despair, seeking unconscionable revenge or similar negative emotions; who have been driven to the very end of their sanity through mistreatment, imprisonment or arcane experiments. | Mesmerist |
Phantom Knight | Your phantom has an inherent knowledge of martial arts, prefering to deliver a barrage of blows over powerful slam attacks. | Spiritualist's Phantom |
Poisoner | You are not the kind to poison your weapons and use poison in combat. Rather you are skilled at poisoning drink, meal, furniture and killing or incapacitating your victim when they expect it the least. | Any |
Psychic Inspector | Some advanced civilization, especially space-faring one, also employs inquisitors with psychic powers. Often trained from psychic stocks to root out the heretic, daemons and traitors with their ability to read minds being particularly prized. As a result of their training, their psychic powers are reduced but the additionally gained skills more than make-up for it.. | Inquisitor |
Psychic Rider | Through a connection with nature spirit or perhaps the planet itself, some psychics establish a link with a mount. These psychics possess a trusty steed or other mount and have access to nature magic. Some psychic riders become protectors and servants of natural spirits alongside druids, while others use their ability for their own gains. | PsychicPathfinder |
Psychic Shaman | The Psychic Shaman draw from the collective mind of spirits, greatly changing her methods of casting in the process. | ShamanPathfinder |
Psycho-Medic | Trained in the art of healing, the psycho-medic specializes in using her power to heal wounds, both physical and psychological with their powers. Their training come at the cost of their ability to improve their stares. | Mesmerist |
Psychohost | A psychohost is an unusual type of spiritualist, who possesses powerful psychokinetic abilities in addition to her normal haunting abilities. This can be the result of possession by a poltergeist, an unusual mutation at birth, or the results of occult experiments. A psychohost does not bind a normal phantom to her will, and instead manifest an apparition made of psychokinetic energy. The lack of mind behind her phantom leaves it unable to fight itself, but a psychohost has heightened fighting abilities over a normal spiritualist. | Spiritualist |
Psychokinetic | A psychokinetic psychic is a powerful telekinetic, who is somewhat less skilled in other fields. While a less versatile spellcaster, their vast telekinetic abilities typically allows them to make up for any deficiencies. | PsychicOA |
Psyhexer | A simple alternate class feature that makes the witch into a spontaneous spellcaster. | Witch |
Punch Ghost | Your phantom has an inherent knowledge of martial arts, preferring to deliver a barrage of blows over powerful slam attacks. | Spiritualist's Phantom |
Rapid Charge | You gain the ability to make a quick attack-less charge. | Any |
Renaissance Polymath | Not content with experimenting with chemistry, a renaissance polymath is a master of many skills. They are especially well-learned in knowledge and crafts, but they lack the alchemist's innate affinity with poison. | Alchemist |
Retrained Armor Proficiency | Instead of training to use armor, you trained to do something else. | Any |
Ribbon Herald | Some paladins make pact with outside entities to uphold justice and virtues. These paladins are guided by familiar which provide them with counsel and magical abilities. The ribbon herald uses their power to transform into an idealized version of themselves. | Pathfinder Paladin |
Royal Knight | A Royal Knight is a Paladin who pledge themselves to a mortal ruler instead of higher powers and ideals. | Paladin or Antipaladin |
Royal Scion | A royal scion is a character descended from royalty, whether the bastard of the current king or the descendant of the first monarch of the land. They are less versatile than a normal bard, but inspire their allies with bold tactics and draw from the strength of their lineage. | Pathfinder Bard |
Runecaster | Remove vocal components, but use somatic components to inscribe glowing drawings on a surface in order to cast your spells. | Any class with spellcasting. |
Savant Artificier | The equivalent of a mad scientist for arcane casters, the savant artificer stores her magic in strange arcane implements. The stereotypical savant artificer is an eccentric and foolhardy inventor who pushes the limits of their magic by building more and more esoteric devices. It should be said that many are scientific and patient minds, who carefully learn the limits of their invention… just so they can push them. | Occultist |
Scholarly Monk | Scholarly Monks focus on studies and versatility rather than martial arts. | Monk (or other monk-like class) |
Self Familiar | Instead of a familiar, you gain benefits based on emulating a creature you could choose as a familiar. | Any with a familiar |
Sellsword Captain | A sellsword captain is a cavalier without strong allegiance to a lord or higher cause. While not entirely causeless, many sellsword captains are in the game for coins and will not hesitate to work for whoever will pay them. | Cavalier |
Sha'ir, Variant | A sha’ir is a binder of genies, starting with rather humble elemental spirits called jin. As she grows in power, so do her magical abilities. Unlike an occultist, the sha’ir relies on her personal charisma to negotiate for her powers, or force it out of her bound jin.As a result they are extremely capable | Occultist |
Shadow Companion | Your animal companion is a shadowy construct from the shadow plane. | Any class which grants an animal companion. |
Shadow Paladin | Not all Paladins fight in the light, some prefer the cover of the shadow to do their work. These paladins have a mildly different code of conduct, allowing them to associate with evil creature and later take them out with lies and poison. Those Paladins know that in in light's triumph against the darkness, there will always be shadows. | Paladin or Pathfinder Paladin |
Shadowblade | A shadowblade is a ninja that forgoes sneak attack, rather relying on flashes of psychic inspirations and weapons made entirely of her own ki. | Ninja |
Shokushu Witch | It is well known that obsession can start with very small things. It is especially true for witches who are often infatuated with power, making pacts with creatures or things beyond their ken. Shokushu witches are often obsessive individuals, seeking powers from entities beyond this world. They become obsessed with the basic manifestation of such powers, tentacles, and seek to emulate their power and properties. | WitchPathfinder |
Silver Swordsman | Not all swashbucklers are lightly armored dastardly dashing foes. The silver swordsman, known for the silver full plate they tend to wear, fights while wearing the heaviest of armor. A silver swordsman is able to wear heavy armor, but lacks the inherent nimbleness of the typical swashbuckler. | SwashbucklerPathfinder |
Siren's Voice | A rarity amongst the races of the sea, the Siren’s Voices are powerful psychic caster descendants of sea witches. They have the power to bewitch others with their voice, and wield powerful enchantment, illusion and water magic. | Mesmerist |
Sorcerous Theurgy | Your divine ability come from a divine spark within yourself or perhaps through intensive studies of the divine powers themselves. | Any Divine Spellcasting Class |
Soul Exorcist | A soul exorcist is an omdura who specialize in learning and dealing with fiends. While most of them are good-aligned fiend hunters, some become corrupted and consort with the maleficent beings. In any case, a soul exorcist gives up some amount of versatility to focus in dealing with the denizen of the lower planes. | Omdura |
Soul Kensai | A warrior who focuses her mind on a single weapon only, gaining the ability to manifest such a weapon as a construct of sheer will. | SoulknifeDreamscarred Press |
Soulpriest | A variant of the Warpriest, which is based of the Oracle instead of the Cleric. | Warpriest |
Special Attack | You switch out extra attacks for one massive one. | Any (other than primary casters). |
Spectral Harbinger | Some unlucky individuals sometimes stumble upon haunted objects while scourging the local antiquarians, inheriting the possession of a strange uncle, or even creating such items themselves in a baleful rites. No matter the case, the spectral harbinger is in possession of an item inhabited by a powerful spirit. The spirit, incapable of escaping its prison often has to deal with the occultist, creating a working relationship between both. Some of these spirits are quite evil and destructive, and the spectral harbinger needs to keep them in check with threats of sealing. | Occultist |
Spellsword | You have learned how to channel your sorcerous abilities through a sword you have bound to your will. You can wield your blade at a distance and channel your spells through it. However such martial study comes at the cost of your bloodline, gaining less knowledge from it as normal and losing some of its inherent abilities.
This archetype is recommended to be mixed with the Battle Sorcerer if allowed. || Sorcerer | |
Spirit Ritualist | A spirit ritualist is a shaman of an ancient tradition, and draws their spells from inherent talents rather than asking spirits directly. A spirit ritualist is thus closer to a sorcerer than a typical shaman. | Shaman |
Spiritfinder Shaman | This Alternate Class feature combine elements from the Pathfinder Shaman and the Spirit ShamanCD. | ShamanPathfinder |
Stealthy Combatant | Unlike most stealthy types that strike opponent's weak points for extra damage you prefer a more flexible approach to combat. | Any that grant sneak attack dice. |
Steel Sage | You are part of a martial tradition that does not eschew armor, and encourage more typical martial aspiration. | Monk or other class gaining Wisdom to AC (or another ability scores). |
Sublime Thief | A sublime thief is a practiced expert of her craft, with an exceptional understanding of martial ways of combat. They are rarely thugs who don't think, and are instead often refined gentlemen or ladies who truly know their way around a blade. Many sublime thieves are also Phantom Thieves, who gain additional benefits from this archetype. | Rogue or Unchained Rogue |
Suncursed Impaler | A suncursed impaler isn't a typical antipaladin, instead they are individuals suffering from a vampiric curse, either as a result of their bloodline or a malediction conjured by the Gods at their terrible bloodlust. | Antipaladin |
Surge Sorcerer | You gain wild surge in exchange for your bloodline. | Pathfinder Sorcerer |
Sword Student | A sword student is an investigator who places intense focus on her swordplay. This allows her to become a master sword fighter, but loses some of their alchemical abilities and ability to deal with traps. | Investigator |
Tech Salvager | The wonders of ancient civilization are often lost to time, and some adventurous sort often brave ancient ruins and abandoned sites in search of their technology. The tech salvager seeks wonders of the ancient time, eschewing natural skills to become better ruin delvers. | Ranger |
Telekinetic Blademaster | Not all fighters use sheer physical prowess, some who are adept of the occult have learned the art of wielding weapons telekinetically. These strange fighters rely on their Dexterity as they wield weapons without touching them, eschewing strength and instead using sheer mental prowess to damage their foes. | Fighter |
Terrible Bard | You are terrible at your job. All of your bardic abilities that usually provide a bonus for party members now have the opposite effect, reversed into penalties. You don't realize that you're a terrible bard as you happily sing (or whatever you do) about all the horrible ways the party could meet its end or how they are bravely running away | Bard |
Third Eye Psion | Trade a psionic bonus feat or psicrystal for a third eye. | Psion or other class with psicrystals |
Trained Psyker | While most psyker remains untrained, some do manage to get a grasp on their powers. Those who manage to keep their powers in check become fearsome psychic spellcasters. | Psychic |
Treacherous Cutthroat | Unlike most antipaladins you do not rely on magical spells, instead you prefer fighting much like a rogue and stabbing your opponents in the back. | AntipaladinPathfinder |
Twinblade Sellsword | Once members of a company which favored the use of dual weapons, twinblade sellswords are dangerous fighters who can adapt their tactics to work with the common rabble that they often have to serve alongside. While more cravenly and specialized than most fighters, the twinblade sellswords are often well-worth the price of their service, | Fighter |
Underworld Musician | Not all rogues practice low-blows and sneaky strikes. Many prefer to turn to art and music to suit their needs. Some use their talents to be invited to concert halls to pickpocket jewelry, while others stay in the underground scene and inspire their fellows. In any case a Underworld Musician is skilled in performance, while a bit lacking in combat abilities. | Rogue or Pathfinder Rogue |
Unevasive | A character looses Evasion and/or Improved Evasion for a bonus feat. | Any class with Evasion and/or Improved Evasion |
Unholy Regeneration | Gain fast healing in place of extra hp as an undead. | N/A |
Urban Witch | An urban witch is attuned to the spirits of the street, capable of drawing on strange magic and containing it in drawing-like glyphs. These witches do not rely on familiars as a link to her patron, instead drawing on innate traditions of rumors and whispers. | WitchPathfinder |
Valiant Dragoon | The dragoons are heavily-armored cavalry known for their skills with firearms from horseback. This archetype is designed for firearm-wielding cavalier in a setting where martial firearms are somewhat common. Cavaliers with this archetype who traded their mount are usually instead known as valiant musketeers. | Cavalier |
Valkyrie Herald | A valkyrie herald is a mortal spiritualist who acts as a living valkyrie, using her connection with the dead to connect with the valkyries beyond. Instead of binding a single phantom, the valkyrie herald enlist the service of one or more einherjar, deceased warriors who lives in spirit, to fight alongside her. | Spiritualist |
Valkyrie Reborn | It is said that some individuals are born with the soul of a valkyrie, a semi-divine being reborn. These individuals are born with inherent divine abilities, strong inner conviction and a talent in martial skills. Since they lack context of their previous existence beyond vague dreams and faded memories, most valkyrie reborn dedicate themselves to mortal causes, which she holds very close to her heart. Since her powers are derived from her soul and conviction, a valkyrie reborn usually doesn't follow a deity like a typical warpriest.
Unlike a typical warpriest a valkyrie reborn eschews heavier armor, casts spells spontaneously as part of themselves and possesses great martial talents. || Warpriest | |
Vanguard Technician | A vanguard technician is a machine expert that isn’t afraid of being on the frontline. Some of them are hackers and saboteurs, fighting oppressive governments. Others might be actual professionals with some combat training, willing to put themselves in harm's way for their beliefs. A vanguard technician lacks the ability to delivers deadly blows, instead relying on skills to prevails. | Rogue |
Varg Warrior | A varg warrior is a brigand with more in common with a barbarian than a thief. They fight their foes heads on, flying into rages, instead of relying on cheap hits. While capable fighters, the varg warrior isn’t of the same stock as barbarian, but more than makes up for it with their skills and tricks. They are especially talented outdoorsmen, capable of tracking their victims through the wilderness and setting up ambushes. Varg warriors often mix both melee and ranged combat, with many of them being talented at archery or throwing weapons. | Unchained Rogue |
Vector Runner | Time-traveling rascals from the future, vector runners are a strange breed of rogues. Gaining their power from strange magical experiments, quantum devices and other odd methods, they have the ability to move through time non-linearly. Most vector runner are little more than incredibly fast nuisance, who use their ability to outrun town guards and spray paint over governmental buildings. However a few become heroes, few of a very rare breed, and use their abilities to bring evil-doers to justice.
This archetype is based on the Voyager psionic class. || Unchained Rogue | |
Vibrokinetic | A vibrokinetic is a psychic bard capable of manipulating vibration with her psychic abilities. | Bard |
Wandering Duelist | A wandering duelist is a bard who relies on her own bladework rather than inspiring her allies to get out of trouble. | Bard |
Wandering Skald | You are from a far-away land and traveled for many years. You might be familiar with a strange weapon of your homeland, or learned to use one during your travels. In any case you never found much time for staying in one place and writing. | Skald |
White Witch | Not all witches are dark patron-dealing hexers who brings bad luck to those who cross them. White witches instead focus on bringing good luck to others and communing with more peaceful spirits. Just as they are benevolent witches, not all white witches are good-aligned, some might be using their powers for their own interests or even outright malevolent. | Witch |
Wildhunter | This archetype effectively adapts the Bloodhunter of the ranger for the rogue, giving up sneak attack. The wildhunter is effective in combat, while still retaining all the utility capabilities of a rogue. | Unchained Rogue |
Wisen Hermit | Adventuring is a young man's game, at some point you will have to settle down so you can continue your studies study of magic in peace. Luckily with a bit of spellcasting you can have yourself a respectable Wizards Tower. | WIZARD! Prestige Class or a full caster with a level 20 capstone ability |
Witchknife | The witchblade has her power born out of the dark rituals and pacts made by her ancestor, creating a weapon out of pure magical energy. The witchblade lacks much of the psionic abilities normally associated with the soulknife, but gains powerful magical abilities. | SoulknifeDreamscarred Press (High Psionic) |
Woodland Avenger | A ranger’s duty and goal can often place her against the force of laws. Be it an exploitative industrial civilization, or foe of the ranger’s own goal. Unlike foes such as great beasts, the forces of law are relentless at uprooting their opponents. Thus a woodland avenger dons an anonymous identity, allowing her to continue her duty without placing her loved one in danger. Her new opponents are rarely homogeneous, and as such these rangers abandon the focus on certain foes most rangers share, and instead focus on honing their combat style. | Ranger |
Woodland Knight | A woodland knight is a lionhearted protector, fighting with both sword and bow, to seek and fell strong and destructive foes. A woodland knight is almost always associated with a human community, and are often proper knights or royal hunters in the employ of a ruler. Some woodland knights may be knight errant, seeking to defeat her foes as an anonymous protector, or perhaps only for the sake of her glory. Unlike most rangers, a woodland knight is skilled in the use of heavy armor, and often mixes archery as well as melee attacks as their favored fighting style. | Ranger |
Yokai Sealer | A special class of Yokai hunters, the sealers are expert sorcerers who have honed their magic in pursuit of defeating, banishing and sealing evil spirits. | Sorcerer |
Youxia | Known as “wandering vigilante”, or “knight-errant”, the youxia is a valiant warrior who wanders the land. They fight for a variety of causes, some protect the meek while others fight for themselves alone. | Samurai |
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