Musical Pokemaniac (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: SisterAcacia (talk)
Date Created: 27/10/27
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Musical Pokemaniac

For the Bard (Frank's Revision) that wants a co-star

Class: Bard

Level: Many levels, see below

Replaces: Bardic Knowledge, Some Performance Tricks

Benefit: You gain a Pokemon, and the Control Pokemon, Pokedex and Train Pokemon abilities. Musical Pokemaniacs typically choose Normal, Grass, Fairy or Fighting Pokemon.

Every time you gain a Bonus Feat, your Pokemon gains the same one each time. Cosmopolitan, Nymph's Kiss and Open Mind are also available as Feats for you to choose. Alternatively, you may grant your Pokemon an [Idol] feat, however it may only learn one, and you don't also gain it.

At third level, instead of a Performance Trick, you gain Increased Awareness and Heal Pokemon. One of your Pokemon learns Sing (Su): with a Full Round Action it makes a Perform (Sing) check. All creatures within earshot must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or fall asleep for 1 round if they have more hit dice than its ranks in Perform (Sing), 2 rounds if they have hit dice up to 3 fewer than its ranks in Perform (Sing), or 1 minute if even fewer than that. In a Contest, this only works with Perform (Sing), but grants it a +3 Bonus and lets the user go first on the next Round. This is a [Fairy][Mind-Affecting][Sleep] effect.

At ninth level and above, you may either take a Performance Trick or teach your Pokemon one of the following Supernatural Abilities:

  • Rain Dance: by spending a Full Round Action dancing, the pokemon changes the weather to be a proper downpour - clouds gather on the round it dances, there is a light drizzle the next round, and 1d4 rounds after that, the water is pouring down. Make a Perform (Dance) check. The result is the effective Caster Level, and the downpour radiates 10' per Caster Level and lasts 1 round per Caster Level. The effects of rain can be seen in the [Weather] Feat "Drizzle". This is a [Water] effect.
  • Round: with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may begin to sing a song. On the first round, all enemies within 25 feet must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or suffer Sonic damage equal to 1d6 plus its Hit Dice. On the second round, this increases to 1d6 Sonic damage per two Hit Dice and the range extends to fifty feet. On the third round, it increases to 1d6 Sonic damage per Hit Die out to 75 feet. On the fourth round it deals 2d6 Sonic damage per Hit Die out to 100 feet, and on subsequent rounds it deals 10 damage per Hit Die out to 150 feet. If something breaks its concentration (such as being damaged and failing a Concentration check as a result), the user must start again from the beginning. This is a [Normal][Sonic] effect that does not affect creatures that cannot hear the user. This does not suffer the penalty for using it multiple turns in a row in Contests, and also gains a +2 bonus per other contestant that has already used Round in that... Round.
  • Dragon Dance (level 13+): by spending a Full Round Action making a Perform (Dance) check, the pokemon can call up draconic energy to empower it. It gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength and Dexterity and is Hasted. The bonus lasts for 1 round if the Perform Check was smaller than 10, 3 rounds if it was 11-20, and 1 minute if more than that. In a Contest, this gains a +3 Bonus when used with Perform (Dance), and the Bonus is carried over into the following Round. This is a [Dragon] effect.
  • Swords Dance (level 13+): by spending a Full Round Action dancing, the pokemon can enhance their combat abilities. Make a Perform (Dance) check. If the result is less than 13, they double all of their Critical Threat Ranges and gain a +1 Enhancement Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls. These effects last until the end of their next turn. If a 13-17 is rolled, the Bonus becomes +1 per 3 hit dice and the effects last for 3 rounds. If 18 or more is rolled, there is a further damage bonus - a number of d6 equal to the Enhancement Bonus - and the effects last for one minute. This is a [Normal] effect. In a Cool Contest, this can be used alongside Perform (Dance), treating it as a Cool Skill.
  • Hyper Voice (level 13+): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon screeches, sings, shouts or squawks so loud that people collapse. All creatures within Close Range suffer 1d6 Sonic damage per Hit Dice with a Fortitude Save for half (Constitution-based), and all unattended objects in the area are subject to a Shatter effect. Foes who fail their saving throw are Deafened for 1 minute, and fall Prone. This is a [Normal] effect. In Contests, if used with Perform: Sing or Perform: Oratory, it gains one point more than it normally would. It also gives all Perform: Sing and Perform: Oratory checks a -3 penalty for the rest of the Round.
  • Teeter Dance (level 13+): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may dance in an odd way that confuses others. All with Line of Sight to her must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Confused for ten minutes. Before rolling, any target may instead declare they are joining the dance, spending their next Full Round Action dancing inanely and avoiding the Confusion. In a Contest, everyone acting after the user has to try to use the same Skill they did, or suffer a -4 penalty to their skill check. It can be used with Perform (Dance) in Cute Contests, treating that as a Cute Skill. This is a [Normal] effect.
  • Quiver Dance (level 15+): when taking a Double-Move Action, the user may dance in such a way as to increase their speed and power. At the end of this movement, they gain a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma and a +30' Enhancement Bonus to Movement Speed. Make a Perform (Dance) check. If the result is under 15, these effects last until the end of their next turn. If from 16-20, they last one round longer. If 21+, they last for one minute. The user is immune to Paralysis and Dexterity Damage/Drain for the duration as well. When used with Perform (Dance) in a Contest, it provides a +3 Bonus. This is a [Bug] effect.
  • Perish Song (level 15+): with a Full Round Action, the pokemon can cast a Delayed (3 rounds) Wail of the Banshee (Charisma-based) once per hour. This is a [Psychic] effect. If this is used in the first Round of a Contest, all others must, on the fourth Round, pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or gain zero Points that Round.

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AuthorSisterAcacia +
ClassBard +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryFor the Bard (Frank's Revision) that wants a co-star +
TitleMusical Pokemaniac +