Flowering Blossom Monk (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 9th May 2015
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Flowering Blossom Monk

A flowering blossom monk is a Charisma-based monk with a focus on mobility.

Class: Monk

Level: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 12th, 15th

Replaces: Hit Dice, Abundant Step, Quivering Palm

Benefit: A Flowering Blossom Monk gain the following class features: A flowering Blossom Monk gain the following class features:

Hit Dice: A Flowering Blossom Monk hit dice are one size lower (typically d6s rather than d8s).

Zen Monk
This ACF is mostly compatible with the Zen Monk, however the Zen Monk do some things differently. A Flowering Blossom Zen Monk do not gain Blossoming Steps, instead she gain Kirin Step as a Channel Ki 2 ability costing 3 points for the Dimension Door and a 6 points for the teleport. When she gain access to Channel Ki 3 she gain Blossoming Kirin Step which allow greater teleport at the cost of 10 points and area teleport at the cost of 15.

The Flowering Zen Monk receive Voidstrike rather than Five-Point Death Touch at 10th level.

Zen Beauty: The Flowering Blossom Monk's class features and DCs are based on her Charisma, this also applies if she to feat related to her monk ability such as Stunning Fist. She gain Flowing Style Monk as a bonus feat, however her abilities are still based on her Charisma.

Flowering Stride: A Flowering Blossom Monk may add her Charisma in addition to her Dexterity or Strength on Balance, Jump and Tumble checks.

Kip Up (Ex): A 1st level Flowering Blossom Monk can raise from prone as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Dancing Blossom Stance: A 4th level Flowering Blossom Stance gain Dancing Blossom Stance as a bonus feat, except she has unlimited daily uses.

Graceful Evasion (Ex): A 5th level Flowering Blossom Monk successfully use Evasion against an Area of Effect, she may make a jump check as an nonaction, moving the full jump distance up to the nearest edge of the area as a non-action, riding the shockwave out.

Blossoming Steps (Su): A 6th level Flowering Blossom Monk may replicate the effect of dimension door as a move action, she may use this ability in the middle of another movement allowing her to move then teleport and then continue your movement (and then her turn end as per dimension door). She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This ability count as Abundant Step for the purpose of prerequisites and ability which improve Abundant Step.

At 9th level she may also focus as a 1 round action to replicate the effect of teleport, however she may only carry herself and her equipment. Doing so uses two daily use of Blossoming Steps. At 12th level she is no longer restricted in carrying only herself and may bring other creatures alongside her when she teleport. At 15th level she may replicate the effect of greater teleport instead.

Flowing Movement (Ex): A 7th level Flowering Blossom Monk no longer provoke attacks of opportunity from her movement.

One with the Void (Su): A 12th level Flowering Blossom Monk gain the ability to ignore gravity and walk with the wind, gaining a fly speed equal to her land speed with perfect maneuverability and is constantly under the effect of freedom of movement, but only in regard to gravity effects. She may also replicate the effect of wind walk at will.

Voidstrike (Su): A 15th level Flowering Blossom Monk can with a single strike create a void within the body of an enemy. Once per day as a standard action she make a single attack, if it hit it deal triple damage and force the target to make a Fortitude save or die as gigantic hole appear somewhere on their body. A creature without metabolism is immune to being instantly slain but still take full damage from the strike. This ability count as Quivering Palm for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and for ability interaction.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4510 Articles)
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
ClassMonk +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
Rated ByEiji-kun +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryA flowering blossom monk is a Charisma-based monk with a focus on mobility. +
TitleFlowering Blossom Monk +