Mage (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: ErikOfWiki (talk)
Date Created: Nov 24, 2022. Updated Dec 26, 2023
Status: Completed
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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A more elaborate take on specialist wizards. Reducing their versatility but giving flavorful rewards towards their specializations.

Class: Wizard

Level: 1-20

Replaces: Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Bonus Feats, modifies School Specialization, modifies Spellcasting

Benefit: Goal is to have lower balance (but probably still very high) wizards by being more compartmentalized to make them more flavorful, and overall less dominant.
Mage braid.png

The idea is to have ACF for core classes to make an alternate campaign setting with re-jiggered power levels


Mages have academies and in formal settings most spellcasters wear a short braided tassel with a quartz crystal at the end and a number of small rings denoting their level of expertise (alternating gold and silver rings translating to caster levels). In a ritual they dye their braid a certain color to bond with a specialty in a certain school. The braid is often worn in the hair or beard, or sometimes on a belt. The length is usually about 10-15 cm.

Mages are specialist wizards, and refer to themselves in general as mages, or specifically by their school name.

The braid colors are:

  • Abjurer: Orange
  • Conjurer: Blue
  • Diviner: Yellow
  • Enchanter: Green
  • Evoker: Red
  • Illusionist: Ultraviolet
  • Necromancer: Black
  • Transmuter: Purple

Illusionists are a secretive school that will masquerade as another caster type, using the color of their masquerade school under an ultraviolet reflective coating.

Mages are certainly under no obligation or expectation to advertise their powers or weaknesses and some do not wear their braids when adventuring or expecting combat; however, wearing their braid where it can be seen does give the benefit of allowing the mage the ability to cast spells without need for inexpensive material components as the feat Eschew Materials. The braid only functions in this manner for mages of the school it represents.

School Specialization: A school is one of eight groupings of spells, each defined by a common theme. A mage must specialize in one school of magic. Specialization allows a mage to cast extra spells from their chosen school, but they have more difficulty casting spells from other schools. To cast spells outside of their school the mage must use at least 1 level higher spell slot to prepare the spell. Universal spells are not of a particular school and may be prepared by any mage without penalty.

A mage prepares one less spell per level per day from the Wizard table, but they may prepare two additional spells of their specialty school per spell level each day. They also gain a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks to learn the spells of their chosen school. If Pathfinder is used this replaces the normal abilities granted by the specialist school.

An illusionist may use one of their specialization additional spell slots of their highest spell level to prepare a spell of their masquerade school instead of an illusion school spell.

Spellcasting: 10th level Spell Access: A mage adds the following 10th level spell to their spell list, specified by their school.

At 19th caster level the mage gains access to 10th level spells, and 10th level spell slots. Modify the Spells per Day table as such:

Table: The Wizard

Level Spells per Day
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
19th 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
20th 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2

(note: for exceptional ability scores, a mage with an Intelligence modifier of +10 gains 1 bonus 10th level spell slot, and at every additional +4 they gain 1 more bonus 10th level spell slot)

Cantrips: Mages can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Wizard under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. A mage can prepare a cantrip from outside their school, but it uses up two of their available slots. A cantrip from an illusionist's masquerade school does not require an additional slot to prepare.

Innate Power: At 1st level, a mage gains an ability determined by their chosen school.

  • Abjuration- An abjurer gains the ability to create a 5' square wall of force as a spell-like ability using a swift or immediate action. The wall may last a number of rounds up to a daily limit of the mage's level + the mage's Intelligence modifier. The abjurer can sustain multiple walls, but each wall per round subtracts from the mage's daily limit of rounds. When the daily limit is depleted or when the mage releases a wall as a free action, the wall disappears.
  • Conjuration- A conjurer gains pocket conjuration as a spell-like ability usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the mage's Intelligence modifier.
  • Divination- A diviner gains a luck reroll as the Luck domain power usable once per day. The diviner gains an additional daily luck reroll at level 4 and every 3 mage levels thereafter.
  • Enchantment- An enchanter gains sense emotions as a spell-like ability usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the mage's Intelligence modifier.
  • Evocation- An evoker gains ignite as a spell-like ability usable at will.
  • Illusion- An illusionist gains see ultraviolet as a spell-like ability usable at will.
  • Necromancy- A necromancer gains Ghost Touch weapon enhancement (Su) with any weapon they wield and also with their unarmed attacks.
  • Transmutation- A transmuter gains alternate form as a supernatural ability usable in 1 hour increments, up to 1 hour per mage level per day, and limited to a single specific alternate form. The form is limited to tiny, small, or medium size, and must be either an animal, humanoid, or vermin type.

A Life of Study: A mage is treated as having +4 to their intelligence modifier for the purpose of calculating bonus skill points, but half of their bonus skill points (rounded down) must be used on Intelligence-based skills with each mage level. If using Kaelik Skill Group optional rules, then simply gain 2 bonus knowledge skills instead.

Spontaneous Casting: A mage may convert a prepared slot to spontaneously cast a known spell from their school that they have practiced assiduously. For each spell level that the mage can cast, the mage may select one spell known from their school as an assiduously practiced spell available to cast by expending a prepared spell slot of the same level or higher. At each new level the mage may change the school spells that compose the list as they refocus their practice.

Familiarity: At 3rd level mage who obtains a familiar may choose to have their familiar enhanced with powers specified by their school, or replaced by an improved familiar. The mage need not meet the prerequisites to summon the familiar of their school.

  • Abjuration- An abjurer’s familiar looks and feels as though it is made out of earth and stone, or other durable material of the player's choosing. The familiar gains DR/adamantine equal to the mage's level.
  • Conjuration- A conjurer's familiar gains either the celestial creature template or the fiendish creature template. The template chosen may not be opposed to the caster's alignment.
  • Divination- A diviner’s familiar as a supernatural ability may imbue the ability to cast augury as a spell-like ability upon its master at a caster level equal to the mage's level. The familiar may use this ability a number of times per day equal to the mage's intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
  • Enchantment- An enchanter's familiar may as a standard action cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with it as a supernatural ability. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the familiar, and able to pay attention to it. The familiar must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a mage attains beyond 1st, the familiar can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability. The DC to resist being fascinated is equal to 10 + 1/2 the mage's level + the familiar's Charisma modifier. The familiar may use this ability a number of times per day equal to the mage's intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
  • Evocation- An evoker's familiar gains Energy Resistance of the type you select: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The Energy Resistance is 10 of the type chosen plus 1 per the mage's level.
  • Illusion- An illusionist's familiar as a supernatural ability is under a constant effect of blur at a caster level equal to the mage's level. It may be suppressed or activated by the familiar as a standard action.
  • Necromancy- A necromancer’s familiar may as a spell-like ability audibly command (it may sound as a normal animal noise if the familiar cannot speak a language, but the intent is understood regardless) a skeleton or zombie within 30 feet (as command undead) at a caster level equal to the mage's level. Mindless undead never attack the familiar unless compelled. The familiar may use this ability a number of times per day equal to the mage's intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
  • Transmutation- A transmuter with a familiar may have a tiny mimic as a familiar.

A Fork in the Road At 5th level the mage makes a decision about their goals for future advancement. They may choose one of the following benefits:

  • Boon Companion The mage gains a familiar with the benefits of Improved Familiar. The mage uses their character level for the purpose of determining familiar abilities that depend on the master's class level, instead of their mage level. The familiar's maximum hit points is the same amount as the mage's maximum hit points, or their own hit point total, whichever is greater. The mage has a hammerspace which acts as a permanent familiar pocketSpC with the exception that it does not interfere or interact with other extradimensional spaces.
  • Knightly Mage: The mage gains proficiency with all simple and martial weapons and with all armors and shields including tower shields. Their BAB increases by +1 and the mage also gains a number of hit points equal to their current Hit Dice. Each time the character gains a HD (such as by gaining a level), they gain 1 additional hit point. If they lose a HD (such as by losing a level), they lose 1 hit point permanently. Lastly, mage may use any weapon they are proficient in as a casting focus to supply the somatic components of spells, rendering them unaffected by arcane spell failure while armed. The mage is considered to have met the prerequisites to qualify for Eldritch Knight Prestige Class.
  • Multipotentiality The mage gains may select a second school of magic to benefit from their school specialization. The mage does not receive additional bonus spells, but may select their bonus spells for specialization from either school. At mage levels 10, 15, and 20 the mage may select an additional school to benefit from their school specialization.
  • Mystic Dualism The mage gains the ability to cast divine magic. The mage chooses a base class that grants divine spellcasting, and gains 3 virtual levels as a spellcaster of that class only for the purpose of determining their divine spellcasting abilities (caster level, spells prepared, spell known, casting attribute, etc.). The mage's virtual levels as a divine spellcaster increase whenever they would receive an additional divine caster level, but cannot exceed their character level -2. The mage is considered to have met the prerequisites to qualify for Mystic Theurge Prestige Class so long as they have at least 6 ranks in Knowledge (arcana), and 6 ranks in either Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge (nature).
  • Studied Lore: The mage gains a +3 bonus to Craft checks, and can enchant magic items as though the mage had all the prerequisite feats if you have at least 8 ranks in the appropriate craft skill. You still need to meet the other prerequisites for item creation, such as caster level and spells known, or have enough scrolls or wands to meet those requirements for you. The mage also gains a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks and Bardic Knowledge or Lore checks. The mage is considered to have met the prerequisites to qualify for Lore Master Prestige Class so long as they have maximum ranks in at least 2 Knowledge skills and know seven different divination spells, one of which must be 2nd level or higher.
  • Trickster: The mage gains Sneak Attack as a rogue at +2d6. If the mage already has sneak attack, it instead increases by +2d6. The mage gains the Trapfinding ability as a rogue, and also Disable Device and Escape Artist become class skills and gain bonus ranks up to the character's mage level +3. If the mage already had skill points in those skills then may be placed into any other skill they are able to put skill points into. The mage is considered to have met the prerequisites to qualify for Arcane Trickster Prestige Class.

Metamagic Specialization: At 10th level a mage can exert greater power over their spells applying a metamagic feat to their spells, specified by their school. They do not need to meet the prerequisites to gain and use this feat.

  • Abjuration: The abjurer gains Extend Spell as a bonus feat. They may apply it spontaneously to any spell they cast with no adjustment in spell level.
  • Conjuration: The conjurer gains Enlarge Spell as a bonus feat. They may apply it spontaneously to any spell they cast with no adjustment in spell level.
  • Divination: The diviner gains Selective Spell as a bonus feat. They may apply it spontaneously to any spell they cast with no adjustment in spell level.
  • Enchantment: The enchanter gains Focused Spell as a bonus feat. They may apply it spontaneously to any spell they cast with no adjustment in spell level.
  • Evocation: The evoker gains Intensified Spell as a bonus feat. They may apply it spontaneously to any spell they cast with no adjustment in spell level.
  • Illusion: The illusionist gains Silent Spell as a bonus feat. They may apply it spontaneously to any spell they cast with no adjustment in spell level.
  • Necromancy: The necromancer gains Ectoplasmic Spell as a bonus feat. They may apply it spontaneously to any spell they cast with no adjustment in spell level.
  • Transmutation: The transmuter gains Still Spell as a bonus feat. They may apply it spontaneously to any spell they cast with no adjustment in spell level.

Potent Specialization: At 15th level a mage gains +1 to their spell DCs for their school spells, and +1 to their caster level for checks to overcome Spell Resistance with their school spells. The mage is also able to shrug off spells of their school. The mage gains SR against spells from their school equal to 10 + their mage level + their intelligence modifier.

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AuthorErikOfWiki +
ClassWizard +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA more elaborate take on specialist wizards. Reducing their versatility but giving flavorful rewards towards their specializations. +
TitleMage +