Focused Sorcerer (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Adopter: Dragher (talk)
Original Author: Unknown
Date Created: 26 May, 2011
Date Adopted: 5 November, 2012
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Focused Sorcerer

A sorcerer who specialized in one or more schools of magic, gaining additional benefits.

Class: Sorcerer

Level: 1

Replaces: Up to 4 schools of magic for selecting spells known

Benefit: School Specialization: The focused sorcerer may choose to specialize in up to 4 schools of magic: Divination, Illusion, Evocation, Abjuration, Conjuration, Necromancy, Enchantment, or Transmutation. The focused sorcerer is then restricted from learning spells of the opposing school, and also loses the ability to counter-spell any spell of his forbidden schools of magic. The focused sorcerer may still use scrolls, wands, and other magical items that make use of restricted spells.

The focused sorcerer gains the Spell Focus Feat for each school of magic he specializes in. At 10th level he gets Greater Spell Focus feat for each school of magic he specializes in.

The focused sorcerer also gains additional benefits determined by his specializations:

  • Abjuration: If you give up access to the Evocation School of spells, you gain spell resistance equal to 10 + your level. You also gain immunity to one of the following energy types: Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, or Force. At level 5, you may cast Dispel Magic a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier as a spell-like ability (it otherwise functions as though you had cast Dispel Magic.)
  • Conjuration: If you give up access to the Necromancy School of spells, all creatures you summon with Conjuration (Summoning) spells benefit from the effects of the feat Augumented Summoning. In addition, all Evocation and Conjuration (Creation) spells you cast may be modified as if you had used the Sculpt Spell metamagic feat, with no change in effective spell level. All Conjuration (Summoning) spells with a casting time of 1 round only take 1 standard action for you to cast.
  • Divination: If you give up access to the Illusion school of spells, you may use Detect Magic as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. In addition, you may cast any Divination spell with a costly material component without paying for that component. (You must still expend any experience points, if nessecary.) At level 5, once a day you may cast a Divination spell as a swift action, as if you had applied the Quicken Spell metamagic feat.
  • Enchantment: If you give up access to the Transmutation School of spells, all Enchantment spells you cast may be improved by the effects of the Heighten Spell metamagic feat, treating them as spells 3 levels higher (for the purpose of overcoming spell resistance and Will saves.) Spells cast in this way do not use up a spell slot higher than they normally would. At level 5, you may choose an item creation feat.
  • Evocation: If you give up access to the Abjuration School of spells, all Evocation spells you cast benefit from increased damage as though you had applied the effects of the Empower Spell metamagic feat, with no increase in effective spell level. At level 5, all Evocation spells you cast benefit from increased damage as if you had applied the effects of the Maximize Spell metamagic feat, with no increase in effective spell level. Note that an Empowered, Maximized spell gains the separate benefits of each feat; the maximum result plus one-half the normally rolled result. You may choose to modify any Evocation spell cast with the benefits of the Energy Substitution metamagic feat, however each separate feat will add 1 round to the normal time required to cast the selected spell.
  • Illusion: If you give up access to the Divination school of spells, you may choose to modify any spell cast from the Evocation, Conjuration, or Transmutation schools with the benefits of the Invisible Spell metamagic feat. At At level 5, all spells you cast may benefit from the effects of the Silent Spell metamagic feat, with no increase in effective spell level.
  • Necromancy: If you give up access to the Conjuration school of spells, all Necromancy spells you cast that cause ability damage or bestow negative levels benefit from the Maximize Spell metamagic feat, with no increase in effective spell level. At level 5, you exude an aura of fear. All foes within 30 feet that can see you must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Charisma modifier) or be panicked. Even if the Will save succeeds, the creature is shaken for 1 round.
  • Transmutation: If you give up access to the Enchantment school of spells, all Transmutation spells you cast benefit from an increased duration as if they had been modified by the Extend Spell metamagic feat, with no increase in effective spell level. At level 5, all Transmutation spells you cast benefit from an increased duration as if they had been modified by the Persistent Spell metamagic feat, with no increase in effective spell level.

In addition, focused sorcerers add one spell per specialized school to spells known for each spell level. These do not count against the focused sorcerer's normal number of spells known. These additional spells must be of the corresponding school.

I.E.: Hennet, focused Sorcerer, just reached the 4th level in this class; this allows him to choose a new 2nd level spell, he decides to choose Detect Thoughts, but since he gave up the Abjuration school of magic he benefits of an extra Evocation spell so that he can also learn Flaming Sphere; he however does get only 1 more 1st level spell because he already got a Bonus Evocation spell for that level since his first level in this class.

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AdopterDragher +
Article BalanceVery High +
ClassSorcerer +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
Rated ByUndead Knave +, Eiji-kun + and Leziad +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryA sorcerer who specialized in one or more schools of magic, gaining additional benefits. +
TitleFocused Sorcerer +