Time Skipper (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 16th January 2022
Status: Complete
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Time Skipper

While most skippers have anomalous power over space, the time skipper's power is over time. A time skipper has the ability to greatly accelerate her own personal time, to the point of 'skipping' ahead in time. Because of subtle but key differences in their ability, they lack control over inertia and thus rely on surprise attacks to fight.

Class: Skipper

Level: 1st-19th

Replaces: Skip, Decisive Strike, 3rd level Skipper Talent

Benefit: A time skipper receives the following class features.

Time Skip (Su): A time skipper uses her ability to make sudden leaps in her own personal time, appearing as if teleporting. This ability behaves as the skip ability, except that it is not a [teleportation] effect. Additionally, time skip does not need line of sight or line of effect, but requires that the time skipper is able to reach the square it is trying to skip to by a normal method in the allotted movement. Thus time skip is effectively normal movement, except for its instantaneous nature.

This ability replaces skip.

Sudden Strike (Ex): At 2nd level, the time skipper gain 1d6 point of sudden strike as a NinjaCA. At 4th level and each 2 levels thereafter, her sudden strike increases by +1d6.

This ability replaces decisive strike.

Confounding Skip (Su): When a time skipper uses her time skip ability and appears adjacent to a creature, then that creature is denied it Dexterity to AC against the time skipper's next attack. The benefits of this effect are lost if not used until the start of the time skipper's next turn.

This ability replaces the skipper talent gained at 3rd level. This ability counts as a skipper talent and thus allows a time skipper to qualify for Extra Skipper Talent.

Skipper Talent: A time skipper cannot select the following skipper talents: Big Skip, Bypassing Skip, Focused Decisive Strike and Subvert Anchor. However a time skipper gain access to the following skipper talents:

Deadly Patience (Su): A time skipper with this talent gain Lethal Strike as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. A time skipper must be at least 6th level to select this skipper talent.

Greater Confounding Skip (Su): A time skipper with this skipper talent renders their foe flat-footed against their next attack when using Confounding Skip. This ability ignores Uncanny Dodge or similar abilities, unless her foe has 4 or more levels than the time skipper.

Time Breaker (Su): As a full-round action, a time skipper with this skipper talent can replicate the effect of time stop. The time skipper creates only 1 round of apparent time. At 11th level and each three levels thereafter, the time skipper creates an additional round of apparent time. The Time Skipper may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + her skipper focus ability modifier. She must be at least 9th level to select this skipper talent.

This ability modifies Skipper Talent.

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AuthorLeziad +
ClassSkipper +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryWhile most [[Skipper (3.5e Class)|skippers
While most skippers have anomalous power over space, the time skipper's power is over time. A time skipper has the ability to greatly accelerate her own personal time, to the point of 'skipping' ahead in time. Because of subtle but key differences in their ability, they lack control over inertia and thus rely on surprise attacks to fight.
nd thus rely on surprise attacks to fight. +
TitleTime Skipper +