3.5e Flaws
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This table lists all 3.5e homebrew flaws on the wiki.
Flaw | Summary | Flaw Grants |
Abandoned Skill | Your course of life has made you abandon a physical, moral or intellectual aspect of your personality. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Academic Trauma | When studying a particular topic, something in your character's past inflicted trauma, which is now associated with that topic. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Accustomed to Society | You grew up in a place where food was bought in a marketplace, you could always take convenient shelter from natural weather elements and were well protected from wild animal encounters. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Achilles's Heel | You have a tragically exploitable weak point, any blows to it will truly hurt you no matter how tough you are. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Acquisitive | You love gifts, and cannot refuse one, even if you know accepting the bribe is a bad idea. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Addiction | You are addicted to something, and you get cranky when you can't stop the craving. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Addled Mind | You have been dominated for quite some time, resulting in a reduced sense of self and a weakened identity. You often dissociate for large periods of time and do not take care of yourself as much as you should, as you are insensitive to your own needs. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Afraid of the Dark | You are afraid of total darkness, perhaps such fear is a remnant of a childhood fear or maybe you know the most dangerous things crawl where they remain unseen. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Agoraphobia | You are deathly afraid of any wide-open spaces and/or large groups of people (more than a handful in any given area), especially when situated outside or in any large room or cavern. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Agoraphobic | You greatly fear losing control over your own life. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Airhead | No matter your level of Intelligence, you are always a bit of an airhead. You are always distracted by trivial matters and you tend not to think too much. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Almost Dead | You keep dying. Seriously, why are you so sickly? Stop dying. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Altered State | You enter an altered weaker physical or mental state when exposed to a specific trigger. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Amputated Arm | One of your arms has been amputated, completely or partially, leading to a more difficult life. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites if you select the partial amputation option. |
Ancestral Ignorance | You don't know the things the other dwarves do. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Anchored Object | Your life force is tied to an object. If you get out of range of it, you suffer. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Ancient Grudge | You might be related to an hero of old, and the victim of your ancestor still bears grudges against him and his descendants. Or perhaps you have a troubled history with more monstrous folks, leading to bad blood. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Anger Issues | U mad? Yeah, u mad bro. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Animal Attraction | You attract animal attention, which can be good or ill. But it pretty much always annoying. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Animal Aversion | Something about simple minded animals unsettles you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Animal Head | You've got the head of an animal. And the vocal cords of one too. That's going to put a damper on speaking. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Animal Magnetism | How does Snow White manage it? You don't even have to sing, and the critters still come running. OW! GET AWAY!! | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Antisocial | You have some sort of social awkwardness or hostility which makes it hard to work with you. You can still function in a team, but less so than most. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Antitheist | You are revolted at the world and take your anger on the very gods. | A High bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Anxiety | You are wrecked by anxiety, which makes you doubt your own abilities in times of failure. You tend to speak quietly, which makes yourself hard to understand from time to time, especially when stressed. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Aquaphobia | You are afraid of large bodies of water, this lead you to be very careful around them. If you are pushed into it you quickly panic. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Aquaphobia, Kasi Variant | Water scares you, you've heard what it's like to drown... | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Arachnaphobic | Spiders are creepy little things, and you're deathly afraid of them. | |
Arachnophobia | You have an abnormal irrational fear of spider and other arachnids and arachnid-like creatures. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Arcane Allergy | You have an allergy to arcane energy from one school of magic. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Athazagoraphobia | You have a fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Attentiveness Disorder | Studying something that you are uninterested in causes you mental anguish. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Audiosensitive | You are sensitive to sound, which causes you to be unable to stand very noisy places and take extra nonlethal damage from sonic attacks. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Authoritarian | You are used to lord over others, and don't deal well with those who can ignore your authority. This also applies to fighting, losing morale the moment your opponents put up a good fight. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Awkward Aim | With all your strength, and probably oversized weapons, you feel it's difficult to squash all those small targets. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Bad Bogies | You tend to attract random misfortunes and suffer from strange character flaws which eventually fades. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Bad Leg | You have a bad leg, which slows you down a bit and makes it awkward to run. If you fall though, you will feel it. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Badly Drawn | You are badly drawn; that's what you get for getting involved in that Cult of Liefeld. Your proportions change from day to day, with various penalties. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Baneful Wound | Choose two substances you are weak to; these substances make for aggravating wounds that are hard to heal. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Bestial Intellect | Your just a dumb beast. | A bonus feat |
Binding Ring | Your spirit has been bound with a special ring, which can be used to control you. Currently, it's in your possession, but if anyone else gets their hands on it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Binding Spell | A powerful spell was used to bind you in the past, making you more vulnerable to further binding. The spell was potent enough to still be able to hold you in place if it is invoked. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Black Karma | Your lifeforce and soul has been tainted by evil. This could be the result of fiends within your parentage, a great evil done in a previous life, or other unfortunate circumstance. Whether to embrace or spurn your heritage is a choice you must make. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Blind | You are blind. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Blinding Blow | When you are struck by a meaningful blow you become blinded, welcome to hard mode. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Blood Rejection | When you come into contact with blood other than your own, it burns like a terrible acid. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Bloodlusted | You are afflicted by a strong bloodlust, while you retain your mind you can sometimes lose sight of what's important. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Boneheaded | You are a fool who tends to get tangled when doing any complicated tasks, no matter how simple. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Bot Programming | You're not a normal construct; you are much more limited in scope when it comes to your programming. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Botched Resurrection | You were raised from the dead, but the spell was botched or you resisted it somewhat. As a result you are scarred and not quite alive. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Bring My Brown Pants! | You are prone to soiling yourself whenever a situation turns dire. This makes you smell bad, chafes your buttocks, and ruins your pants. And let's not go into what happens if you don't have pants. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Brittle | You are more likely to crumble after a large hit, especially if your weak point is struck. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Brutal | You are inherently cruel and sadistic. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Brutally Honest | You cannot, and will not lie, regardless of any consequences. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Bullseye | Attacks seem to home in on you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Bully Vendetta | You will not stand for bullying. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Burn Scars | You have bad burn scars, which ache and have a bad habit of getting infected. Even through the years, they never seemed to have fully healed. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Burned | You suffer from severe burn scars. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Butt Spammer | You are an unfunny person who repeats the same joke over and over. | You could take any bonus feat for which you meet the requirements, but what's the point? You aren't playing anyway. |
Bygone Tales | The stories of glory have faded and fallen into obscurity. The only things that remained of them are vague memories of old tales you were told as a child. While all but forgotten, these tales still inspire you, even if they mean nothing to others. | You gain Imagined Performance as a bonus feat. |
Call of Glory | You are thirsting for challenge, you only want an ever increasing host of rivals and foes to fuel your personal legend. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Cane Dependent | You need assistance to move freely by yourself. Thankfully a simple can is enough for you to maintain mostly full speed. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Carefree | You are usually trusting of others, or alternatively, you do not think anyone poses a real threat toward you that is worth being concerned over. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Catalyst Spellcaster | You always need a physical implement to cast spells | A Moderate bonus feat for which you meet the requirements. |
Chain Smoker | You are addicted to the cigarette, the pipe or similar tobacco product. In addition of being an expensive habit, it causes health issues. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Channeling Initiator | Rather than being the result of your martial skills, your maneuvers draw upon magical sources. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Claustrophobia | You're afraid of tight spaces. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Claustrophobia, Variant | You are afraid of tight squeezes, small spaces and walls at your back. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Claustrophobic | You are terrified of tight space and feel that the walls are closing in. | |
Clinically Depressed Robot | You are a construct that has an intense depression beyond that of any human, because you have an intelligence beyond that of any human. | |
Clouded Sight | Your have poor eyesight, causing you to have a limited range of vision. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Clumsy Build | "Oops. Uh... I can pay for that." The flip side of Powerful Build, characters with this flaw were huge and ungainly from birth. They accidentally crushed their toys, broke furniture, ripped their clothes and never really learned to function properly in a world sized for people smaller than they are. |
Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Combat Boredom | You are bored of worthless rabbles that get in your way, fighting them half-heartedly. Only if they put up a good fight, or your life is threatened, that you start taking them seriously. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Command Word | You have a command word that controls you; everyone who knows the command word has control over your actions. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Compulsive Behavior | I can't fight now, there is something wrong on the internet! | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Conceited | Either you were born attractive, or you went to great lengths to become so, and you feel joy when basking in your boon. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Conditional Anger | You find it difficult to get angry in most circumstances, needing specific provocation to be able to draw upon the inner strength of your rage. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. Alternatively you may have this flaw have two condition, limiting you to a Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Constant Depression | Perhaps your heart broke, maybe something real bad happened in your past or perhaps your dream just flew you by. You are depressed, which makes you sluggish and your morale tends to be low. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Constant Headaches | You have a constant and consistent strings of minor to major headaches, which hinder your ability to concentrate and that often flare up when you are pushed. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Core Banned | You cannot use core material. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Coughing Fit | You keep coughing, which is highly disruptive for surviving as an adventurer. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Coward | You are a craven and susceptible man, who is more easily scared than most. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Crippled | You are unable to walk or stand up, this lead you to have very limited mobility and make physical activities very difficult. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Crippled Legs | Your legs (or similar appendages) are too weak to support your body, or may be completely paralyzed. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Curse of Scars | You have a curse upon you which make healing difficult and leave terrible scars even after healing. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Cursed in Sin | Because of your actions and the actions of your ancestors, you became gravely cursed; the mark of your imperfection is apparent, the divine shun you, and you are harder to bring back from the dead. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Cute Aggression | Overwhelming cuteness incites your anger. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Damage Magnet | You attract damage. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Damaged Psyche | You suffered from a fateful accident some time ago which left you mentally scarred. You often display erratic behaviors, altered cognitive abilities and an influx of disturbing tics. They become quite apparent while under duress. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Dangerous Allergy | You are dangerously allergic to a common substance. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Dastardly Nature | You're the Starscream of the group. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Debilitating Allergy | You are highly allergic to Oozes, Gels, Jellies, Puddings and Slimes. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Defective Eyesight | You have incredibly weak eyesight, to the point of being legally blind, but you can still make shapes and forms in the distance and maybe the faces of your friends and family. You have trained your other senses to supplement your lacking eyesight. | A High bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Delayed Recovery | You really needed those hitpoints yesterday. What's taking so long? | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Deliberately Unaware | You never cared much for studying economics and have no motivation to do so in the future. As a result, you are naive toward the market bartering system. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Demanding Circadian Clock | It's night, time to sleep. No matter what. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Desperation | Your morale is easy to break, and in situations of struggles, you often find yourself in great desperation. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Did You Know? | Nature abhors a vacuum the way that you abhor a lull in conversation. You are compelled to fill those voids with random info dumps. | A High bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Didn't See That Coming | You are not always aware of your environment, leading to saddening situations where you are caught by surprise when you really have no business to be. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Disease Prone | You are weak to disease, and often are down with something. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Dominating Patron | Your Patron demands more than usual in exchange for granting assistance. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Drunken Rage | To fly into rage you need to drink first. | Any Fury feat for which you meet the requirements. |
EMP Vulnerable | You're susceptible to EMP blasts. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Easily Confused | You are not sure of what is going on. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Easy Target | When you are not at your best you are much easier to hit. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Ego Exploitation | You are exceptionally physically attractive- and, gods, do you know it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Emotionally Sensitive | You are particularly sensitive and it's easy to set you off, | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Endeavor | Once the fighting starts you stop thinking, which can cause you to act incredibly aggressive. When pushed your actions speak much louder than words. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Energy Dependent | Unlike most construct you are dependent on a limited energy supply; eventually you will run out. You must spend some time 'resting' and can become fatigued or exhuasting, much like a living creature. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Energy Sensitivity | You are more vulnerable against certain energy types than normal. They deal more damage and sap away resistances. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Energy Vulnerability | You take extra damage from an energy type. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Enervation Addiction | The feeling of your psychic enervation is intensely pleasurable and addicting, causing you to suffer it it more than normal and relishing on using wild surge. | A [Psionic] feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Ennui | You are constantly bored, especially if your life isn't on the line. You may have resigned to a life of tedium, or perhaps you seek thrill in all its form. In combat you tend to slowly walk toward opponents. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Esoteric Cultist | It's clear that you can use magic- and nosy or suspicious people want to know how. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Ethereal Vulnerability | You exist on two planes, but this is a weakness. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Excessive Bleeding | When you bleed, you bleed. A lot. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Executive Dysfunction | You have difficulty performing actions optimally. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Exposed Cybernetics | You have exposed sensitive cybernetics, which can be damaged and making it difficult to pass as a normal human. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fallen Countenance | You might have been a paladin that fell out of grace, or perhaps a cruel individual that saw the futility of your dreadful actions. In any case your past transgression weighs on your soul, allowing the claws of evil to have sway over you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fear of Flames | You have a great fear of open flames, you irrationally avoid it and opponents facing you with weaponized form of fire have an uncanny advantage against you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fear of Hounds | Perhaps you were attacked by a dog or a wolf in your childhood, maybe you are very superstitious, but you have a strong fear of canine creatures. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fear of Mirrors | You cannot stand your reflection. Fear the polished object. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fear of Needles | Oh god no one told me I was getting a shot! Noooooo!!!!! | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fear of Nobility and Royalty | You’ve never understood why kings scare you. Maybe it’s those crowns – jagged rims glistening like a dozen metal teeth burst forth from their skull, a vestigial maw seeking to devour any so unfortunate to find themselves upon it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fear of Oblivion | You are afraid of death, and doubly so from creatures which can destroy you entirely. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fickle Magic | You struggle to concentrate on your spells and suffer a minor arcane spell failure. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fiery Prohibition | Through some curse of the gods, you unable to partake of some of the finer things in life. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Flammable | Stay away from flames. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Flat Feet | You can be a little slow on the pickup, taking a moment longer than most people to find your feet. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Flawed Recovery | You have a flaw in your otherwise good fighting style. Perhaps you had no master and are self-taught, perhaps your master sought to introduce a flaw in your fighting style or perhaps he just trained you wrong as a joke. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Flesh Altered | Your unorthodox appearance can make it difficult to socialise. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Flimsy Eyesight | Since childhood, everything even mildly away was blurry and difficult to discern. Luckily you have glasses which aid your sight, but woes to you if you lose them. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Flirtatious | You can't bring yourself to harm those you are attracted to, alternatively you may simply not take them seriously. Which to be fair, is likely going to be your undoing. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Floor is Lava | The floor is lava, don't touch it! | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Focus Dependence | One of your main abilities depends on a peculiar focus being used. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. If you select spellcasting as a full casting class (such as a Wizard) this flaw is not limited to moderate-level feats. |
Forbidden Lover | You are eternally and irreversibly in love with an evil monstrous creature. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fragile | You have a definite lack of toughness which makes you prone to injuries and unable to keep fighting as long as many warriors of your caliber. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fragile Feelings | Your feelings are so easily hurt, like extremely easily. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fragile Lifeforce | Negative energy hurts you really, really badly. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Fragile Teeth | You have weak and brittle teeth, which can be damaged, displaced or shatter easily. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Friendly Fire | When an ally is in range of your attacks, be careful or you're apt to hit them by accident. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Frozen Reflexes | Like a deer in the headlights, you fail to move out of the way of obvious danger. | |
Gambler | You are an avid gambler, taking risk and losing money. Even if you rarely make a profits, it all in good fun, you'll never need that money anyway. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Garbledegoop | Due to a habit of rambling, thick accent, or just a fat tongue, your words tends to geut mickkins apu n'oote ven b'oendarestude... | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Gearworn Curse | You can't put things down. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Glass Jaw | When you're hit hard, you're hit REALLY hard. | |
Gloomy | You have a low-energy and depressed attitude, often seeing only the worst of any given situation. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Gloryhound | You want glory, prestige or maybe just a real good fight. A gloryhound will typically risk everything for the glory of a challenge. You may be virtuous or wicked but the call of glory truly capture your heart. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Go Last | You don't take the initiative. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Graceless Aging | Age penalties, no age bonuses | A Low bonus feat feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Greater Sunlight Vulnerability | You have a dire weakness to sunlight. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Groundbound | You can't withstand being in the air. | A Moderate bonus feat for which you meet the requirements. |
Gullible | You are well known for you exploitable gullibility, which make you easy to abuse in certain situation. You are very susceptible to fancy tricks in combat, leaving you flabbergasted every times. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Gymaholic | Your strength comes from hard work in the gym. Gotta keep working at it, lest those gains slip away. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Hampered Decision Maker | You trust your gut over any puny logic or reasonable choices; your instinct rules you, and that's what makes you terrible. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Haunted | You're haunted by a spooky force, and it keeps messing with your gear. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Haunting Flashbacks | You're occasionally met with flashbacks that hinder your ability to function normally. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Haunting Regret, (3.5e Flaw) | You did something unforgivable in your past, something even an evil aligned person could regret. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Head Wound | You have a head wound that has not fully healed or left a sequela, leaving you with bad headaches which troubles you constantly. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Headspace Retreat | If no one is actively engaging with you, then you tend to absent-mindedly daydream without realising it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Health Burn | Whenever you are wounded you take a long time to recover, not even magic can speed up the process. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Heartless | Either literally or figuratively, you have no heart. | A Moderate or lower bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Heavyset | You are heavyset, either in sheer bulk or perhaps a little overweight. This reduces your combat capacities somewhat. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Heavyweight | You're really heavy, and thus slow and steady. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
High Pressure Blood | Every time you take damage from piercing or slashing weapons, you gain 1 point of bleedout. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia | You suffer from a fear of big/long words | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Honorbound | You have a strong sense of honor, which alters the way you fight to be as fair to your opponent as possible. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Hopeless Flirt | You just can't fight the fairer sex. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Hulk Muscle | You are only strong when you unleash your inner fury, otherwise you are a pathetic whelp. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Hummingbard | Instead of making loud and spectacular performances, you just hum to yourself enthusiastically. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Hungry | Your metabolism is too high, and you get hungry and thirsty all the time. | A High bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Hunter's Creed | You carefully prepare yourself every day for what you will fight, leading you to be surprised when you face something else. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Hypochondria | You believe, rightly or wrongly (mostly wrongly), that your body is playing host to hordes of diabolical diseases. | |
Idealistic | No matter your alignment, you have strong ideals which drive you or break you if you compromise them too much. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Imperial Marksmanship | Hey, those ARE the rebels you're looking for! Too bad you can't seem to hit them... | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Impractical Vanity | You hinder yourself by taking measures to preserve your physical appearance while adventuring. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Inattentive Hearing | Perhaps you do not pay attention, or are essentially deaf, but you have difficulties hearing anything not directed at you. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Incomprehensible Foe | You just can't see that duck. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Inherited Vice | You are genetically predisposed to addiction. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Inordinately Inquisitive | You cannot stand the sensation of not knowing something. You will go to great lengths to sate your curiosity, even if it's intrusive or even illegal. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Insomnia | You can't sleep, and it is not pleasant. | |
Insomniac | You have poor sleep, which hampers your recovery and can leads you to become tired and not recover spells and similar resources. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Into the Darkness | You have an ancient curse which will cause your inevitable doom when not standing in the light, all source of magical light seem to shun you and reality itself is hostile to you in the dark. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Intransigent Boundary | Even if you are usually a gregarious and calm person, there is one trigger that causes you to snap. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Iron Susceptibility | You have a bloodline related to demons or feys, which makes you highly sensitive to iron. Anything containing iron in large quantities, including steel, is uncomfortable to the touch and deals additional damage against you. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Irrational Antipathy | You do not get along with a particular group of benevolent creatures. Your reasons are your own but others rarely, if ever, side with you, instead viewing your treatment of others with repugnance toward you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Irritable Temper | You have a bad temper, which makes you unfriendlier and reckless at times. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Jealous Patron | Your patron gives you power but at an high cost. | A Very High bonus feat for which you meet the requirements. You also gain +1 to your caster level and +2 DC when using your patron's invocations. |
Kill Happy | You like killing a little too much, leading to fits of laughter and joy whenever you bring something down. You don't let that put your guard down, at least as long as your life is immediately at risk. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Kiss the Floor | You can never fly, and falling is very harsh for you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Lack of Empathy | You lack empathy for others | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Lacking Recovery | You are unable to recover your maneuvers. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Laid Back | You are laid back to the point were you seem lazy and unmotivated. When you are rushed you tend to do a poor job. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Latent Activity | You don't realize the call of action, or take too long getting ready. This lead to you wasting a lot of time, unless an ally rush you into action. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Lethargic | You feel slow and without energy constantly, you hardly put any efforts in moving or getting things done. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Lethargic Frame of Mind | Those without sleep have to sleep, albeit less than the standard 8 hours. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Light Vulnerability | You are vulnerable to light, and take penalties or extra damage when exposed to it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Limited Repertoire | You have a limited repertoire of spells to draw upon. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Living Curse | You are a curse. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Lobotomy | You were lobotomized by mind flayers or similarly advanced parties. While you were able to escape the worst of it, you suffer permanent consequences from the surgery. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Logo Narcissist | You have created some sort of symbol that represents you, and you absolutely must plaster it all over everything you make... even when it could bite you in the ass, such as by blowing your cover or making your creations easier to subvert (such as climbing a wall you've built or conjured). | A Low bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Loquacious | For you, talking is not a free action. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Lost Past | You've lost your memory, and with it your experience suffers. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Low Gravity Frame | You are used to being much lighter, and no matter how long you stay here you never get used to the weight. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Low-Energy | You can't muster the energy to bother most of the time, and sometimes even being under threat isn't enough. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Luminaphobia | Afraid of Supernatural Light | |
Lunatic | You give off strange vibes which make people shudder when they have their back turned to you. You might mutter to yourself a little too much, hold your knife a little too close or have a smile that is a little too wide. You might be a genuine threat, or maybe just a little too off-putting for most people's taste. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Lustful | You are easily manipulated by people you are attracted to, this can lead to some pretty embarrassing situations. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites., High balance range |
Mad Cough | You have terrible coughing fits which can incapacitate you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Magic Hates You | Nice spells work a little less for you. Naughty spells work a little harder against you. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Magical Arrogance | You are certain of your own magical supremacy, mentally downplaying the threats of nearby opponents and getting tilted if another spellcaster proves better or if one of your spell fails to have an effect. | You gain the a [Metamagic] feat you meet the prerequisites for, or Spell Focus feat for a single school of your choice. |
Magical Drawback Curse | You bring out the worst in magical items, granting you random drawbacks. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Magical Enervation | When you cast or manifest you risk overloading and hurting yourself. | A Metamagic bonus feat feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Magical Lifeforce | Your body is animated partly by magic, and if magic is taken away you quickly become incapacitated. If magic is ripped from you, you suffer great harm. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Magically Inept | You can't cast as many spells. | |
Malfunctioning Limbs | You have limbs which can malfunction when you are heavily damaged or take a serious hit. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Masochist | You consider yourself an enemy. | |
Medication | You must take medication frequently, which costs you and has ill effect if you fail to take it. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Mental Conditioning | You have been heavily mentally conditioned, to the point you follow a set of rules and obey to a command word. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Mental Pressure | Your mind easily cave in to the pressure of mental attack, even if yous shrug off an effect you may find yourself under it effect as you let your will slip. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Metafailure | Your metamagic tends to fumble. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Mimeobox | You have a bad habit of being too good of a mime. | A bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Misanthrope | You hate members of your own race. | |
Misplaced Overconfidence | The more you succeed, the worst at something you become. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Missing Chakra | Some of your magic item slots are missing... | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Moist | You are moist. Too moist. And you must stay moist, or risk a terrible fate. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Monocular Vision | You lost sight in one of your eyes, or maybe even the entire eye. Therefore your depth perception suffers, making spotting targets at range and firing a ranged weapon more difficult. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Monologuer | It seems like every BBEG has this flaw; you can't help but monologue for a bit. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Moonlight Dependence | Your magic depends on moonlight, perhaps because of a curse or peculiarity of you magical abilities. In any case your magic simply does not blossom without moonlight. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Mute | You are unable to speak. | |
Mystical Backlash | Your magical abilities are too overbearing for your own body, and unless you hold back can cause you intense suffering. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Mystical Taboo | You have strange spellcasting traditions with strange and unusual restrictions on which spell you can or cannot cast and some restrictions on how you can act. | A Metamagic bonus feat feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Narcolepsy | You keep falling asleep... | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Need a Hero | You need a hero, otherwise your resolve falter and your fighting skills suffer from it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Nice Save | You epicly fail all over the place. | |
Nightmare Bound | A terrible shadow passes over you whenever you close your eyes. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the requirements. |
Nobody Tells Me What To Do | You are being contrarian. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Non-Combatant | You are not trained to go in the frontline, preferring a peaceful existence. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Nosebleed | Whenever you are struck or heavily stressed you have a terrible nosebleed. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Not Good Enough | You have an inferiority complex which affects you for real. You're good sometimes, but never the best. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Object Obsession | You are utterly obsessed with a single item in your possession, you tend to freak out when you don't feel it in your pocket and you simply cannot bear being away from it for any amount of time. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Obsessive Revenge | You have been wronged in the past, and cannot let it go. To the point where unless you are fighting for your life, you see little interest in other opponents. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Obvious Signature | You place your signature symbol or mark everywhere, you just can't help it. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Obvious Weak Spot | Maybe you should cover up that big red flashing weak spot on your chest. No? Alright then. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Odious Personality | Despite all the charisma in the world you cannot hide your disagreeable personality. You indulge yourself in terrible habits, impoliteness and narcissistic braggings. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Old Wound | You have an old wound, be careful not to aggravate it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
One-Arm | You only have one arm by birth or accident. | |
One-Eye | Through an accident or simple misfortune, you only have one eye. | |
Ooo Shiny | You are easily distracted by valuable things. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Out of Shape | You haven't worked out in a while, and your physical abilities suffer for it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Overconfident | You are highly confident in your abilities, believing yourself to be above the help of others. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Overdoing It | You put everything into your best, at the expense of future rounds. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Overly Focused | You can't focus on two things at once. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Overspecialized | You lose even more spell schools than normal. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Overweight | You are very heavy set. | |
Owned Soul | An outsider owns your soul, usually as a result of a bargain or ancient pact. While they can't call you debt right away, they are able to collect interests. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Pain-Sensitive | Pain really, really bothers you... much more than it bothers most people. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Panic Button | You tend to have an exaggerated response to fear | |
Paranoia | Trust no one! | |
Paranoid | You suffer from irrational paranoia, making you unlikely to trust others. Even those you trust are often mistaken for hostile shadows in the heat of combat. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Partial Deafblindness | You are deaf and blind on one side of your head, perhaps because of a head trauma or a particularly nasty attack that scourged half your face. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Partial Paralysis | Half of your body is either fully or partially paralyzed, greatly reducing your mobility and preventing you from using one of your arm. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Past Injury | You were previously gravely wounded or suffer from a chronic illness, and the injury resisted even magical healing. You have decreased quality of life, and any further grievous blow can cause intense pain as the injury partially reopens. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Pathetic | You are a pathetic being, drawing at best pity from those around you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Peculiar Talents | You are skilled in things that do not make you a better adventurer. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Persistent Misfortune | Negative status conditions last twice as long as normal, while positive conditions have their durations cut in half. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Persistent Theme Music | You have a theme song, awesome! It won't stop playing! Dangit! | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Personal Anathema | There is one word that is more offensive than any other to you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Philosophical Zombie | You have little to no sense of self, acting almost purely out of instinct. This might be due to a freak accident at your birth, or perhaps your mind was re-programmed by mind flayers. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Phoenix Command Rules | My turn in combat took 37 minutes, but at least it was SUPER REALISTIC... | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Plagued | You have a persistent strain of filth fever afflicting you, both incurable and leaving your body full of leaking sores. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Poisoned Blood | You survived an attempt on your life done with a dreadful poison. While you lived, the poison has damaged your liver and still lingers in your body. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Poor Divine Connection | You and your deity have a rather poor connection. You ask for consecrate, he sends you combust. It's almost like he uses Comcast for his divine channeling work. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Poor Immune System | You are easily harmed by diseases and poisons. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Poor Save | One of your saving throws are poor. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Poor Spatial Relations | You keep running into walls, provoking attacks of opportunity, and getting caught in fireballs. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Possessed | You are possessed by an undead spirit, which causes you to become hurt by effect which affects undead, count as another alignment when disadvantageous and will attempt to take your body for itself. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Power Cosmic | Your quest for Godhood and absolute power granted you the power cosmic! Alas, it was not for mere mortals and instead of granting you the promised omnipotence it rendered your body fragile as a statue of ashes, ready to collapse at the slightest touch. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Power Focus | You gained all your powers and abilities through a single artifact you found at the start of your career. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Power Up | You must gather yourself before you can fight at your full potential, which leaves you somewhat vulnerable. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Prematurely Aged | You're a lot older than you should be. Maybe watch your words around witches in the future. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Pride | Your arrogance is your downfall. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Princely Pride | You have a strong sense of pride, preferring to fight alone and without help from those you consider lesser fighters. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Privacy Inclined | Although you may or may not extend the same treatment to others, you cannot stand to have your own privacy invaded. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Privileged Upbringing | You are accustomed to a lifestyle of luxuries and titles, being constantly catered to in every way, both physically and emotionally. This leads to you being unprepared for the adventuring world, where not everyone bows to your whims and words are often cruel. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Privileged Youth | You have never known an existence other than privilege and abundance, almost assuredly spoiled rotten. You dress impeccably, always expect luxury and treat people of lower station either poorly or dismissively. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Profane Blood | Your blood is Unholy, and people of the cloth can see it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Prosthetic Leg | You have a prosthetic leg, which slows you down and make you easy to trip. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Protect the Innocents | You cannot bear to see the innocent being hurt or killed. That may be the result of your upbringing, a code of honor or perhaps a keen sense of sympathy. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Psionicist | You manifest your powers like a spell caster cast a spell. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Psychic Atrophy | You have a much larger head than normal and your body atrophied from overuse of psychic powers. | A [Psionic] feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Psychic Disturbance | Your psychic powers are flawed, projecting an aura of unease and discomfort onto others. Those also psionically sensitive are even more aware of it. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Psychotic Fighter | You have a strange tendency, whether because of a supernatural effect or a personality flaw, to become psychotic and dangerous during a fight. You can hold yourself, but sometime you must stop holding back. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Public Enemy | You have been declared, rightly or wrongfully, as a public enemy by a ruler or ruling body. As a result, you are an hounded outcast who must rely on disguise and paranoia to survive. Even in exile, you rarely feel safe from the wrath of your enemies. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Puny | You are incredibly small and weak for your species. While you surely make up for that in other aspects, your lack of bulk can be a glaring weakness. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Puppetbound | You can only talk through your friendly puppet friend. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Pyrophobia | You are afraid of Fire. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Quadrimurfractiphobia | You are terrified of the fourth wall being broken. | |
Racial Distrust | When you meet a stranger, you automatically consider him/her unfriendly, and refuse to trust him/her. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Ragequit | When you fail, you stop playing. | An High bonus feat or lower for which you meet the requirements. Probably it would be best to choose a Videogame feat, for immersion. |
Reckless Fighter | Your fighting style has a particular and dangerous flaw, whenever you attack you leave yourself open for counterattack. Perhaps this is because of your own impatience, a purposeful flaw impacted by a cruel master or simply a voluntary high risk high reward combat style. | A Fighter bonus feat feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Reclusive | You tend to be reclusive and self-sufficient, and whether out of paranoia or misguided pride you do not readily accept or give assistance. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Recreant | While others perseveres when pushed to their limit, you fold and become scared. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Red Shirt | "He's dead, Jim." | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Reincarnated Misfortune | Things in this life remind you of things from your last, and these things make you sad. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Reincarnated Outsider | You are an outsider who got reincarnated in a human body. Although you find your body has less limitations than you expected. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Restraining Collar | Your abilities always were unstable and volatile, as a result a collar was made for you. It is bulky and uncomfortable, but allows you to use your abilities safely… as long as you remember to activate it. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Ridiculous Hat | You have a ridiculous hat, no one take you seriously. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Ridiculous Voice | You have a really dumb voice, this is not good for you. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Rigor Mortis | Your transformation into an undead did not reverse the effect of Rigor Mortis. Leading you to be extremely stuff and undexterous. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Rotted Limbs | You fall to pieces at the worst possible moment. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Sacred Lineage | Your bloodline is blessed by holy powers, and you bear a sign of your heritage. Even if you veered away from the ways of your ancestors you are unable to shake off their celestial blessing. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Sadness | For a reason, you are eternally sad. Thus you lost your will to live. | |
Scatterbrained | You have trouble concentrating and performing multiple tasks in an orderly manner. | A High bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Schizophrenic | Your personality changes, often vibrantly and unpredictably. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Scientific Curiosity | You have an intensely deep curiosity that demand you stop and look at things in details. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Seasickness | You aren't good when shaken or stirred. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Self-Deification | You have deified yourself, whether it by believing you are of genuinely deific stocks or through self-reinforced tall-tales of a more mundane kind of invincibility. Either way you dislike being reminded of your own mortality. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Self-Taught Disciple | You have not been formally schooled in the sublime way, leading to your talents being severely limited. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Sensitive Soul | You have a deeply good heart and a little taste for violence. This leads you to struggle to inflict suffering, even on the deserving, and you don't have the stomach to see your friends or innocents get hurt. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Sensitive to Loud Noises | You like things quiet. | A feat for which you qualify. |
Shackled Power | Without your protective item, your supernatural powers begin to bleed out uncontrollably. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Shaky Hands | Your hands are shaking badly, most likely caused by nerve damage following a bad wound. You often fail to use your skills with your hands, and you tend to drop your tools and weapons. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Shaky Resolves | You don't want to die. Maybe you were not trained for battlefield action, maybe you are a massive coward. Either way your resolves quickly diminish when in combat. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Shameful Retreat | Whenever you have to withdraw from a foe, you are overcome with shame, to a point where you subconsciously allow yourself to be hit. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Shunned Energy | Maybe fire elementals killed your mom, or you got dropped in acid as a baby. Whatever the case, there’s an energy type that freaks you out and you avoid anything to do with it. | A Metamagic bonus feat feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Shut Down | You tend to react sluggishly when afraid, even to the point of completely freezing for a few seconds when pushed. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Simple Mortal | You do not have the resolve of a true hero. You have not exceeded your peers. You are a simple mortal, barely more than an ascended NPC. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Sleepy | You are sleepy and doze off often. Nobody feels secure when it's your turn to stand watch. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Slightly Hands | You have tiny baby hands! Let's all laugh at you! | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Slow Accelerator | You take a bit to get up to speed. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Slow Recovery | You don't spring back from injuries quickly. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Smoke Adverse | When the air quality goes down, you tend to suffer. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Soaked Powerlessness | You suffer major magical disjunction when exposed to water. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Social Pretender | You are a social butterfly, invited to all social venues and popular to boot. However you tend to overestimate your popularity and your shallow personalty and empty flattering do little to change people's mind in the long term. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Speak Your Mind | You can't think your mental powers properly with your mouth shut. | Metapsionic bonus feat |
Spectral Haunting | Either through a bad experience or too many ghost stories, You became extremely afraid of incorporeal undead. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Spectrophobia | You are afraid of mirrors and your own reflection. This is either due to be repelled by your own reflection, or fear of things which may dwell in mirror. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Spell Miser | But what if you need your spell slots for later? | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Spirit-Linked Heart | Your life is linked with that of a spirit. It brings you power, but if it dies, you die. | Any Monstrous bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Spurned | You are shunned by your peers and are rejected by society for a reason or another, this lead you to be driven to edge of your community or even outside of it. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Squeamish | You really don't want to touch gross and dirty things... | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Squeamish, Alternate | You are prim and proper and maybe a bit of a clean freak. As a result, you get upset when covered in gunk, swarmed in small things or beset by gross foes. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Stiff Neck | You have trouble turning your neck. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Stone at Night | After sunset, you become stone until dawn. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Stony Behavior | You are relatively unfeeling and unsympathetic, which makes it difficult to convince or lie to people. You tend to be quietly apathetic, even in face of a life-threatening situation. Sometime the shell cracks and you show your real color, which can reveal you as an emotional character. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Stretches | You have a bad tendency to cramp up, and you need a good stretch before going into action. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Stubborn Endeavor | You are unwilling to lose grounds, even to those more powerful than you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Stubborn Pride | You refuse to withdraw from battle under any circumstances. | |
Summoning Sickness | You don't travel well dimensionally. | A Moderate bonus feat you meet the prerequisites for. |
Sun Sensitive | Your eyes and skin are highly sensitive to sunlight. Your skin blisters heavily in sunlight, which can lead to health concerns. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Sunburnt | Everyone else gets a nice tan, while you look like a lobster. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Superstitious | You are superstitious against magical abilities, be it from friend or foe. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Susceptible | As per Susceptible (3.5e Condition), but permanent. | |
Sympathetic Death | When you see non-opponents drop or die, your behavior becomes defensive and erratic. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Taking it Easy | The weaklings do not deserve your full strength, you prefer to play with them and only reveal your true strength when facing a worthy foe. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Teleportation Sickness | The downside of interdimensional travel | A Low bonus feat for which you meet the requirements. |
Terrible Secret | You have a terrible secret which puts incredible pressure on your mind. And could lead to a complete mental breakdown if revealed. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Terrified | You have been traumatized by past events, which may have led you to start adventuring, but it still carries deep scar within yourself. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
The Barkening | You are cursed by the God of Dogs. The barking will never end. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
The Meek Hulk | Your great shows of strength only apply when you're stressed out. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Thick Glasses | Your vision is poor, and you need glasses. This is inconvenient to bring into a battle. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Traumatic Flashback | You've had something traumatic happen to you, and every so often it comes back to haunt you. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
True Form | You have one true form, maybe because of a curse or plain forgetfulness you always revert to it subconsciously. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Two Left Feet | You trip up over your own legs. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Uncontrollable Laser Vision | Your eyes are lasers, but they are not under your control. | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Uncontrollable Magic Overload | Your magical power emerges from your entire body, expelling uncontrollable waves of energy around you. | A bonus feats for which you meet the prerequisites. You cannot choose a Very High balanced feat. |
Uncontrolled Premonitions | Due to a divine accident, or perhaps reckless magical experiment, you are bombarded by visions of the future. They are difficult to properly interpret, leaving you less functional than normal. | One bonus feat from the following list, you do not need to meet the prerequisites: Danger Intuition, Deep Divination, Future Foresight, Great Visionary, Momentary Prescience, Omniscient Whisper or Spell Focus (Divination) |
Underguarded | You tend to be overconfident, careless or otherwise rather poor at defending yourself when taken by surprise, this can lead to your downfall. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unfavored Enemy | Enemies gain bonuses against you! | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unfocused Caster | You sometimes botch up your spells. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unhealing | You heal naturally very slow and even magic is only half as effective. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unhealing Wound | You were previously dealt a terrible blow, perhaps with a baneful or cursed weapon. You have a wound on your body still oozing blood occasionally, causing you intense pain. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unholy Bloodline | Perhaps you were cursed or perhaps you share a bloodline with a foul creature like a vampire or a demon, in any case you suffer greatly whenever you encounter anything holy. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unlucky Competitor | When you face opponents, they always seem to be at their best. It make facing peers much more difficult, even if they are less skilled than you are. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unlucky Save | Roll twice and take worse on one of your saving throws. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unorganized | Where did I put my keys? | A Moderate bonus feat feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unruly Familiar | Your familiar isn't particularly obedient. | Any Moderate bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites or Obtain Familiar (see below). |
Unskill Focus | You're slightly worse at a few skills that you should be okay at. You make up for it with a Low feat. | A Low bonus feat feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Untrained Magic | You do not understand the nature of your innate powers, perhaps due to a lack of tutelage or strange mutation. Either way, understanding magic does not come to you naturally, despite your talent. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Unworthy | You are not considered a worthy being, leaving you deserted by the power-that-be and shunned by the supernatural. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Vain | Ooo ooo, you're so vain! I bet you think this flaw is about you! | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Vengeful | Some group or party greatly harmed you in the past, leaving you relentlessly vengeful against them and anyone who causes you harm. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Vindictive | You are vengeful, and hold petty grudges for a long time. You prioritize attacking those who have wronged you than otherwise tactically sound. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Violent Flashbacks | You are prone to a series of violent and unfortunate flashbacks. They may be due to events in your pasts, reincarnated memories or even the complete fabrication of the mindrape spell. They generally occur at the start of a battle or other stressful encounter, when you kill someone or see an ally and friend die. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Vulnerable | You are less able to defend yourself. You may be particularly aggressive or gentle, or maybe your fighting stance is poor. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Vulnerable to Trickery | You are easily tricked into horrible situations. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Walk a Mortal Path | You are mortal, despite being an outsider. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Warm Up | You start with a -5 penalty to attack, ability checks, and skill checks until you stretch a bit. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Weak Heart | You may have a heart disease, or a condition which makes exertion particularly painful. Either way you were probably unfit for the world of adventuring, and yet here you are. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Weak Point | You are dealt extra nonlethal damage by precision damage and critical hit. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Weakling | You have little taste for violence, especially getting hurt. A surprise attack can leave you in shock, while even a glancing blow causes you mental distress. | A High bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
What Does This Button Do | You have a deep seated curiosity that must be addressed. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
What'd You Say? | You are prone to mishearing things. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Wild Magic | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. | |
Witchcraft | Your spellcasting depends on archaic, blasphemous rites that are usually not seen in a favorable light. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Wood Caster | You must use wood as a catalyst for your magic. | A Moderate bonus feat or lower for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Worst Luck | You have the worst luck of all time, it like you kissed a broken mirror under a ladder with a black cat on top of it. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
Wracked with Pain | A constant triggered pain disrupts your ability to act. | Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. |
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