3.5e Feats/High Balance
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High Balance Feats[edit]
Name | Type | Description | Prerequisites |
541 Special | General | You gain five low feats for one. | None |
A Fortitude Quicker Than the Body | General | Use your Reflex save in place of your Fortitude save. | CON 14+, Reflex Save 18+, Lightning Reflexes. |
A Will Quicker Than the Mind | General | Use your Reflex save in place of your will save. | WIS 14+, Reflex Save 18+, Lightning Reflexes. |
Abaddon's Hatred | Minion | You strike down your enemies with the hatred of Abaddon. | Thrall to Demon (Abaddon) |
Aberrant Summoning | General | You summon terrible aberrations instead of animals. | Augment Summoning, must be able to cast a summon nature's ally spell. |
Ability Focus, Variant | General | You are focused on one ability. | Special Attack |
Absolute Strike | Metacombat | Regeneration? Immunity? There is no refuge. | BAB +15 |
Absorb Energy | Xenotheric | You can absorb the energy of incoming attacks to recover your bio-energy. | Deflect Projectiles |
Abundant Magic | General | You may use your major magic spell-like more often. | Major magic rogue talent |
Abundant Spell-like Ability | Monstrous | You gain two additional uses of a spell-like ability. | Must possesses a spell-like ability, usable at least twice per day |
Acid Trip | Metamagic | Cause the target to experience an acid trip | Only usable on spells with acid descriptor, that deal acid damage |
Acquire Telepathy | Psionic | You gain Telepathy with a ranged based on your strongest telepathy power. | Manifester Level 3rd |
Acrobatic Swordfighting | Fighter | Instead of raw martial prowess, you trained to fight with grace and finesse. | Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, Tumble 4 ranks |
Act Fast | Fighter | You act before others in initiative. | Dex 13 |
Adamant Defense | Xenotheric, Setenall | Your defenses improve while you're focused. | Adamant Focus, Setenall |
Adamant Focus | Xenotheric, Setenall | Your have improved upon your innate ability to focus. | Setenall, Concentration 4 ranks. |
Adamantine Resilience | Racial | You gain DR/Adamantine equal to 1 + 1/2 your ECL. | Construct Type |
Adamantine Resolve | Fighter | Double your crusader's steely resolve ability. | Crusader's Steely Resolve ability |
Adamantine Skin | Monstrous | Increase DR/Adamantine and sunder weapons on contact. | Inherent DR/Adamantine |
Adaptable Stunning Fist | Fighter | You can spend extra stunning fist usages to improve your attack. | Stunning Fist |
Adaptable Technique | Fighter | Your constant training has allowed you access to an unconscious collective of sorts, allowing you to pull new tricks and techniques from thin air. | None |
Adaptive Performance | General | Swap bardic music uses for spells, and vice versa | Perform (any) 6 ranks, bardic music class feature, able to spontaneously cast arcane spells |
Additional Forlorn Learning | General | Increase the number of spells that are forbidden to you, increase the number of spell slots you have. | Able to cast Arcane Spells, Forlorn Learning class ability |
Adept Rocketeer | General | You are great at using rocket boots. | Knowledge (Engineering) 8 ranks |
Adjacent Marksman | Fighter | You do ranged combat close and personal. | Bab +1 or Dex 13 |
Adjusted Accuracy | Fighter | You learn to use your missed attacks to compensate for future ones, always finding some way to eventually have your weapon find the opponent. | BAB +1 |
Advanced Companion | General | Your animal companion, familiar, or similar companion gains bonus HD. | Must have an animal companion, familiar, or similar companion. |
Advanced Dagger Mastery | Fighter, Tactical | Your ability to use daggers is above and beyond others. | Weapon Focus in daggers or dagger-like weaponry |
Advanced Design | Autoplate | You've improved your Progressive Design weapon of choice to deadly effect. | Autoplate pilot, Progressive Design class feature |
Advanced Spiked Chain Proficiency | Fighter | You are able to use the Spiked Chain as a Double Weapon. | Proficiency with the Spiked Chain |
Advanced Study | General | Lets fixed list casters count spells takable with Advanced Learning as part of their 'spell list' for things besides intrinsically learning them | None |
Advanced Summoning | General | You summon creatures as if you were casting a summon spell one level higher. | Spell Focus Conjuration |
Advanced Swordsmanship | Fighter, Tactical | You gain special benefits when wielding a bastard sword or longsword. | Bab +1, Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword) or (Longsword) |
Advanced Whip Tactics | Fighter, Tactical | Your whip is an extension of you, and lets you perform many stunts with it. | BAB +1, Proficiency with whips |
Advancing Wall | Metamagic | You make your wall speed slowly move in a direction of your choice. | None |
Advantageous Charge | Fighter | Your charges are more likely to land when they need to. | Improved Charge |
Adventuring Caster | General | 1st level only, arcane caster level 1 | |
Aegis of Athena | Minion | Athena greatly reinforce your ability to use shields. | Bab +1, Favored of Athena, proficiency with all shields. |
Agile Knifemaster Style | Fighter | You are an adept while fighting with a light weapon in one hand, and nothing in the other. | Sleight of Hand 4 Ranks, Weapon Focus (Light Piercing or Slashing Weapon) |
Agile Shield Style | Fighter | You use your Dexterity instead of Strength on shield bash. You take little penalties when fighting defensively. | Improved Shield Bash |
Agile Strike | General | Your fast reflexes and dexterous movements surpass your insight. | Dex 15 or more, Insightful Strike Class Feature |
Agile Thrower | Fighter | You are quite an agile shot with a sling or a javelin. | BaB +1, Proficiency with a throwing weapon. |
Air Juggle | Fighter, Monk | You can knock creatures into the air and combo them! | BAB +4, Fighter or Monk level 4th, Improved Bull Rush |
Alchemical Conspiracy | General | Your schemes are truly grand and worldshaking, when it comes to playing with big symbols. | Know the Surprise Trap Shape Concept |
Alchemical Mastery | General | You can use alchemical items with great skill. | Craft (alchemy) 4 ranks |
All Range Style | Fighter, Tactical | Fight with a ranged weapon and a melee weapon as a seemless whole. | Two-Weapon Fighting, Combat Archery-CE or otherwise not provoking for ranged attacks. |
All or Nothing | Luck | You gain a ridiculous amount luck for one action, or a ridiculous amount of bad luck. | One Luck feat. |
Allegiance to Patron | General | You may pledge allegiance to an eldritch patron to gain additional powers. | Ability to use warlock's invocations. |
Alter Form | Salient Ability | Transform into alternate forms at will, based on your divine rank. | Divine Rank 1 |
Alter Reality | Salient Ability | Gain the ability to duplicate most of the effects of wish once per minute. | Divine Rank 16, at least one domain portfolio |
Alter Size | Salient Ability | Transform anywhere from Fine to Colossal size. | Divine Rank 1 |
Always Aware | Prowess | It takes you much less time to notice things than it does for others. | Perception 6+ ranks |
Always Learning | Multiclass | While those of your profession generally have a thirst for the knowledge of other spells, when they turn away from this profession, they generally lose this interest; you, on the other hand keep researching these new and interesting uses for your magic. | Expanded Learning |
Ambidexterity | Fighter | What Ambidexterity from 3.0e should've been. | Dexterity 15+, Strength 13+, Two-Weapon Fighting |
Ambushing Warlock | General | Use your eldritch blast dice to pay for ambush feat cost. | Sneak Attack +1d6, Eldritch Blast 1d6 |
Amphibious | Monstrous | Gain the Amphibious special quality. | Air breathing creature with a swim speed or water breathing creature with a land speed. |
Amputator | Fighter | You are very good at taking away people's arms. | Improved Sunder, Heal 10 ranks |
Analytic Mind | General | You got big brain powers. | Character level 5th, Intellingence 19 |
Ancestral Heirloom | General | You have a special masterwork weapon which you gain bonuses with, and may enhance as if crafting it. | 1st level only |
Anchoring Sneak Attack | Ambush | Trade sneak attack damage to put a dimensional anchor on your enemy | Sneak Attack +4d6 |
Ancient Beastblood | General | Your curse steam from an ancient beast, making you stronger than most of your kind. | Beastblooded 1st |
Anger Breath | Fury | Channeling your dracofury you may exhale a draconic breath out of pure anger. | Dracofury class feature |
Angled Dimensional Attack | General | A character with feat can flank with themselves when teleporting. | Must be able to cast a [teleportation] spell, or Skip class feature. |
Angry Glare | Prowess | False friends wither under the weight of your glare. | Intimidation 4+ ranks |
Anima Ripple | General | You gain lay on hand as a paladin to damage undead, except it is based on your ki pool. | Ki Pool (as MonkPathfinder or NinjaPathfinder) |
Animalistic Transformation | Spelltouched | You are able to transform into an hybrid humanoid-animal, much like a lycanthrope. | Must have been exposed to a baleful polymorph spell. |
Animating Touch | General | You can animate objects with but a single touch. | Knowledge (Engineering) 4 ranks |
Annihilating Spell | Metamagic | Your spells destroy the bodies of your victims. | None |
Annihilating Strike | Salient Ability | Destroy things with a powerful disintegrating strike. | Divine Rank 11, BAB +20, Str 25 |
Antennae | Xenotheric | You are able to sense things you cannot see. | None |
Antimagic Gaze | Monstrous, Epic | Where you look, the magic disappears | Must have eyes, Must able to see, Medium size or bigger |
Aquatic Initiator | Fighter | Water type Wuxia, whooo. | Aquatic or Water subtype, Swim speed, Initiator 1st |
Arcane Archery | Fighter | Arcane Archer as a feat. Better than the original by a longshot. | BAB +6, Spellcraft 4 ranks, Weapon Focus (Longbow or Shortbow), Combat Casting, Steel And Spell Style, Point Blank Shot |
Arcane Bolt | Reserve | You can fire bolts of arcane residue, and use spells to increase their power. | Must be capable of casting 2nd level arcane spells. |
Arcane Champion | Fighter | You have learned the secrets to combining sword-work and sorcery. | BAB +6, Combat Casting, Mage Knight, ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells, one martial maneuver |
Arcane Collector | General | You have access to a limited number of arcane spells. | Occultist Implement class feature, Skill Focus (Knowledge [Arcana]) |
Arcane Mastery | Salient Ability | Gain all spells in your spellbook, or trade out spells daily as a sorcerer. | Divine Rank 1, Spell Mastery, Spellcaster level 20th, Spellcasting Ability Score 29 |
Arcane Swordsage | General | You gain a 1st level spell as a maneuver. | Must be able to initiate 1st level maneuvers. |
Area Divine Shield | Salient Ability | Spread your Divine Shield salient ability to an area. | Divine Rank 6, Cha 25, Divine Shield salient ability |
Argument by Poetic Language | General | Use Perform instead of Bluff, Diplomacy, and/or Intimidate. | Know at least one Eloquent Speech maneuver, or have 2 ranks in each of Perform (Act), Perform (Comedy), Perform (Oratory), and Perform (Sing) |
Armed Deflect Arrows | Fighter | Deflect arrows when your hands are full. | BAB +1, Weapon Focus |
Armed Grip | Fighter | You are crazy good with the lighter weapons. | Bab +1, Dex 13 |
Armor Ablation | Fighter, Tactical | You can use your armor to it maximum potential, at the risk of breaking it. | Bab +1, proficiency with Light, medium and Heavy Armor alongside all shields (including tower shields) |
Armor Agility | Fighter | You are able to move normally and tumble in medium armor and increase your overall armor dexterity. | Proficiency in any type of armor. |
Armor Channeling | Spelltouched | Gain a scaling enhancement bonus to any armor you wear. | Exposure to magic vestment spell. |
Armor Resonance | Fighter | You have the ability to gain focus with your armor, increasing its defensive capabilities. | BAB +1 |
Armor of Chaos | Abyssal Heritor | Shield yourself in chaotic energies, even as it tears away at your own body. | Chaotic alignment, one abyssal heritor feat |
Armour Training | Fighter | A better, more-scaleable version of the PHB armour proficiency feats. | BAB +1 |
Art of Flying Daggers | Fighter | Your light and one-handed weapons gain the Throwing and Rebound enhancements. | One Thousand Daggers maneuver, Tumble 4 ranks |
Art of the Hunt | Fighter, Tactical | Gain several tactical benefits using the Ars Venatoria discipline. | Survival 9 ranks, Survive the Hunt, Two Ars Venatoria maneuvers |
Artemisian Huntress | Minion | You are favored by Aremis, the goddess of archery and the hunt. | Favored of Artemis, Precise Shot, Track, must be female. |
Ascended Transformation | Grim | When you transform, you can gain two additional alterations at a higher cost to maintain your transformation. | Grim Transformation, Character Level 9th |
Ascetic Initiator | Multiclass | Monk and Tome of Battle base classes stack for Unarmed Strike and one ToB ability | Improved Unarmed Strike and one of the following class features: Steely Resolve, Discipline Focus, Battle Clarity |
Ascetic Priest | General, Multiclass | Level your unarmed strike damage and turn undead level at the same time. | Monk level 1st, Turn Undead |
Ascetic Sage | Multiclass | Combine monk and unarmed swordsage levels for a stronger, more skillful whole. | 1st level monk, 1st level swordsageToB (unarmed variant) |
Ascetic Savant | General, Multiclass | Monk and SwordsageToB levels stack for unarmed strike, speed bonus, quick to act. | Improved Unarmed Strike, ability to add your Wisdom bonus to AC in light armor. |
Aspect of the Ant | Hivemaster | Ants are tremendously strong for their size, and their single-minded determination is almost machine-like. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Aphid | Hivemaster | You have bonded with the hordes of tiny pests that coat every inch of your body, and learned to use them to your advantage. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Beetle | Hivemaster | Burrowers by nature, the massive beetle can still prove a dangerous opponent with its powerful horn and acidic defense mechanism. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Centipede | Hivemaster | A hundred legs and potentially massive size make the centipede a force to be reckoned with. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Cockroach | Hivemaster | Cockroaches are persistent little bastards, extremely resilient and hard to kill (they can even survive for days after their head is cut off). | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Death's-Head Hawkmoth | Hivemaster | You have tied yourself closely with the darker, more quiet side of the insect kingdom, and have turned into something unnerving to even stand near. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Firefly | Hivemaster | The firefly is one of the few creatures in the world that can produce its own light through chemical reactions taking place in its body. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Gerridae | Hivemaster | Known coloquially as water striders or water darters, gerridae use their long limbs to walk on liquid and move quickly from place to place. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Mantis | Hivemaster | The mantis is the consummate predator, a master of remaining perfectly still and blending in with its surroundings. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Mosquito | Hivemaster | Mosquitoes are well-known carriers of disease and death, not to mention the fact that they're annoying as hell when they bite. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Pillbug | Hivemaster | Although not a true vermin, the pillbug is known for its thick exoskeleton and signature curled pose, all of which help you to devastate enemies. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Scorpion | Hivemaster | Scorpions are carriers of some of the most potent venoms in the world, delivered through a long tail ending in a cruel-looking stinger. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Spider | Hivemaster | With their deadly combination of webs and poisons, spiders are deadly and patient hunters. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Aspect of the Tarantula Wasp | Hivemaster | Renowned by researchers for its unique reproductive methodology, the tarantula wasp implants its eggs into the corpses of its prey. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature |
Assassinate | General | You can study a target to find its weak point before exploiting it to have a chance of immediately killing them. | Sneak Attack +3d6 |
Assassination Training | Fighter | You have been trained in the art of the swift, stealthy kill. | BAB +6 |
Attack Blocker | Fighter | You really like to block with whatever you have on hand. | None |
Attack on the Run | Fighter | A better, easier to take version of the PHB move-and-attack feats. | BAB +3 |
Attenuation Attack | General | Your lethal attacks deal non lethal as well | Power Attack or Improved Unarmed Strike or Precise Shot, Strength 17, combat expertise, Improved Critical |
Augment Sacrifice | General | Gate Knight sacrifices become more powerful, at a higher cost. | Least Sacrifices |
Augment Shielding | Monstrous | Your shields become stronger than normal. | Must have the shield special quality. |
Augment Summoning, Variant | General | You summoned creatures are much more potent than normal. | Must be able to cast a [summoning] spell or effect. |
Augmented Damage Reduction | Fighter | You increases your damage reduction and prevent it from being bypassed by | Must have a persistent source of damage reduction. |
Aura Pressure | General | Your imposing presence makes usage of limited-use abilities difficult. | 3 HD |
Aura Sealing Strike | Monk | Block the flow of ki in your adversaries with a strike. | Stunning Fist, Wisdom 15 |
Aura of Life | Exalted | You are constantly consecrated, and other fun bonuses. | Any good alignment, Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks |
Auto Boom | Racial | If subject to fire, or death, you explode. | Eijilund Plushie or Rockettu Plushie |
Automated Drone Proficiency | Fighter | You gain a tiny construct which provide plenty of helpful information and is capable of acting | Craft (Technology) 8 Ranks, Craft Construct or Device Gadgeteer |
Awesome Power Focus | General | Your power focus flaw turn into a boon somewhat. | 1st level only, must have the power focus flaw. |
Axe King | Fighter, Tactical | You have access to tactical maneuvers when using any kind of one or two-handed axe. | Weapon Focus (any one or two-handed axe) |
Axe Mastery Variant | Fighter | Gain additional uses when wielding axe-like weapons. | Proficiency in an axe-like weapon. |
Azure Inspiration | Incarnum | Add invested essentia to your inspiration points total at the start of each encounter | Con 13, Inspiration class feature |
Azure Weapon Proficiency | Incarnum, Fighter | You gain weapon proficiency with a single chosen weapon and bonus when using it. | BAB +1 |
Baalzebul's Affliction | Minion | You are an inheritor of the curse placed upon the Slug King Baalzebul by Asmodeus, which causes you to vomit slugs. | Diabolic Disciple (Baalzebul) |
Back Slash | Fighter | Gain the ability to sneak attack with great force, but only once every 1d4 rounds. | BAB +3 |
Backstabbing Familiar | General | Your familiar possess the same amount of sneak attack damage as you do. | Familiar class feature or Obtain FamiliarCA feat, sneak attack +1d6 |
Baffling Bluffing | General | Your tricky words confound and bewilder your auditor | Bluff 4 ranks or Skill Focus (Bluff) |
Bag Full of Knick Knacks | General | You get an allowance each day used for pulling out just the item you need, up to a certain monetary value. | Appraise 3 ranks, Sleight of Hand 6 ranks |
Ballistic Mastery | Fighter, Tactical | You know how to use crossbow and firearms very effectively. | Precise Shot, Bab +1 or Dex 13, must be proficient with one exotic crossbow or firearm. |
Banestrike | Salient Ability | Choose a favored enemy and strike hard and fast. | Divine Rank 1, BAB +20, at least one Favored Enemy |
Banish Light | Arcane Combat | Create shadowy illumination around you by absorbing light in your weapon and then discharge the absorbed light into a blinding flash. | Fighter level 8, Smoking Shadow Style |
Baphomet's Stature | Minion | You gain immense presence, just like Baphomet. | Thrall to Demon (Baphomet) |
Bardic Endeavor | General | You are more motivated by your own music than you motivate others. | Bardic Music class feature |
Bardic Overdrive | General | You can maintain tow performance at the same time, but doing so damage you and leaves you winded afterward. | Bardic Music, Perform 13 ranks |
Barreling Charge | Fighter | Your training allows you to bully foes out of the way as you charge your intended target. | BAB +3, Improved Overrun, Improved Charge |
Barrier | General | Put up a magical or Psionic barrier at the start of the day at the cost of spell slots or Power Points | Ability to Cast Spells or Psionic Powers |
Battery Core | Racial | Your overheat deals electricity damage instead of fire damage and may shock everyone around you instead of catching fire. | Syntoid Race |
Battle Armour | Monstrous | People are lucky to even dent you. | Rock Pokémon Traits, Steel Pokémon Traits, or Bug Pokémon Traits |
Battle Juggler | Fighter, Tactical | You have the power of juggling, and the ability to use it in battle. | BAB +3, Perform (Juggling) 8 Ranks |
Battlefield Agility | Fighter | You can act while on the move. | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Tumble 8 ranks. |
Battlefield Bully | Tactical | Bull rush related benefits. | Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush |
Battlesense | Salient Ability | You cannot be surprised or flanked, except by a deity of higher rank. | Divine Rank 0 |
Battling Caster | Fighter | You gain extra hit points and a bonus on fortitude save and concentration check. | Must be able to cast 1st level spells, proficiency with a single martial or exotic weapon |
Beast Tamer | General | You scale your animal companion on your character level. | Ranger 5th, Animal Companion or Hunter's Bond class feature, must not have spellcasting |
Become Familiar | General | You gain a creature that considers you its familiar. Hilarity and plot hooks ensue. | Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks, arcane caster level 1st |
Begone, Fiend! | General | Your honor and faith are like a repulsive barrier against fiends. | Ability to Smite Evil or analogous ability, Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks. |
Behemoth Slayer | General | You apply your expertise at slaying giant to other very large creatures. | Favored Enemy (Giant) +4 |
Bel's Directive | Minion | Hell's Supreme Commander whispers in your ear and guides your blade, allowing you to strike with unerring precision. | Diabolic Disciple (Bel) |
Belial's Dominance | Minion | Your success in battle builds upon itself as your opponents into a corner, powerless to fight back. | Diabolic Disciple (Belial) |
Bend Multitasker | Bending | Keeping bends maintained is no big deal for you. | The ability to bend |
Bender's Challenge | Bending | You utter a challenge against the target, giving them a bonus to attack rolls against you, and you a bonus to damage with Bends against them. | Know at least 1 Minor Bend that deals damage. |
Bending Enhancement | Bending | Increase your bender level | Know at least 5 Major Bend and 2 other Bending type feats |
Bending Magic | Bending | Your bending talents help your spells. | Ability to Bend, ability to cast spells of a descriptor matching your element. |
Bending of Weakness | Bending | You seize upon the weaknesses of your enemies, getting a bonus to damage with Bends against them. | Know at least one Minor Bend that deals damage. |
Berserkergang | Fury | You may enter a particularly savage frenzy with random results. | Must be able to Rage |
Bestial Might | Tactical | Synergistic abilities for Stone Dragon and Tiger Claw. | BAB +6, Balance 6 ranks, Jump 6 ranks, two Tiger Claw maneuvers, one Stone Dragon maneuver, and one Stone Dragon stance. |
Bewitched Summons | General | The creatures you summon are hexed and touched by witchcraft | Ability to cast spells. |
Bind Possession | Grim | You gain the ability to establish a connection to an item, allowing you to store it in a pocket dimension. It gains benefits. | Grim Transformation |
Biotic Dart | General | You can craft unique darts which inflict gradual hit point loss or heal allies. | Craft (Alchemy) 5 Ranks, Heal 5 Ranks |
Bioweapon | Xenotheric | By altering your own genetic structure, you have gained a powerful special attack. | Con 13 or Int if the desired bioweapon is psionic (+4 for every subsequent instance of this feat) |
Black Disciple | General | You may grant yourself a minor profane bonus to some action. | None |
Black Lotus Monk | General | You add your assassin prestige class level to your monk level for several class features. | Monk 1st, Death Attack class feature |
Black Magic | General | You opened yourself to heinous acts in the practice of magic | Ability to cast spells, any non-good alignment |
Black Swan's Bravado | Tactical, Fighter | Get some tactical maneuvers based on Hollywood movies. | Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (Any Firearm), Base Attack Bonus +5 |
Black Whirlwind | Monk | Make extra attacks on when you use whirlwind attack. | Flurry of Blows, Whirlwind Attack, Monk 6th |
Blackguard | Vile | You are a paragon of among black knights. | Icon of Sin class feature, Cha 18+ |
Blade Beam | Fighter | You unleash a blade beam from a magic weapon, making a ranged attack with your melee weapon. | Weapon Focus, Spellcraft 1 ranks. |
Blade Rampart | Fighter | Combat Reflexes | |
Blade Thicket | Fighter | You make the battlefield around you difficult to move through, even for the most adept of acrobats. | BAB +3 |
Bladeblast | Psionic | The soulknife may concentrate all of the power within his mindblade and point it in a direction, annihilating all foes in that direction with his condensed psychic power. | Psychic Strike |
Blazing Hadoken | Monk | Now your hadokens leave a terrible burning effect, and can daze. | Monk level 6th, Hadoken, Stunning Fist, Wis 15 |
Bleeding Strike | Metacombat | Cause grievous bleeding damage by taking a -1 penalty or more to hit. | BAB +1 |
Blitz Kreig | Fighter, Speed | You attack and move in sequence. | Dex 15, Swiftness, Mobility, Spring Attack, Strafe, BAB +6 |
Block Evasion | Fighter, General | You can evade blocks. | Character level 5 |
Blocked Opportunity | Fighter | Use AoO to shield ally from provoking AoO. | Combat Reflexes |
Blockout | Reserve | Create blocks of various materials which take up space and can be used for temporary construction material. | Ability to cast 2nd level spells |
Blood Companion | General | Your bestial partner craves blood | Ability to summon a familiar, have an animal companion, or similar |
Blood Drain | Racial | You can drain the blood of creature capable and willing to defend themselves and may heal from drinking the blood of sapient humanoid. | fang class features, Dhampir race |
Blood Rally | Fighter | You recover damage you recently took by going berserk on your opponents. | At least one Blood Feast maneuver known, or BAB +4 |
Blood War Sorcerer | General | As a battle magician in the blood War, you’ve learned killing arts that would amaze common spellcasters. | Blood War Squaddie, caster level 5, must have fought in the Blood war for one year |
Blood War Squaddie | General | Due to your time during the Blood War, you’ve been tainted, honed, and hardened by the horrors you’ve seen. | Knowledge (The Planes) 2, must have fought in the Blood War for one year. |
Blood of Stone | Fighter | You laugh off the blows of foes as they shatter against your weathered hide. | BAB +3, Toughness |
Bloodcloud Bleeder | General | Clouds of Blood, ability to inflict Bleedout via feat or class feature | |
Bloodcloud Prodigy | Multiclass | You have learned to mesh the twin paths of the Bloodcloud. | Clouds of Blood, Eye Bleed |
Bloodied Death Throes | General | Your death throes goes off at 1/2 hp, as well as when you die. | Con 15, Death Throes ability |
Bloodspiller | Multiclass | Oh how pretty that shade of red is... | Bloodcloud Bleeder, Bleeding Cut, Clouds of Blood |
Bloodspiller, Greater | Multiclass | Bloodspiller, Bloodcloud Bleeder, Character Level 8th | |
Bloody Maw Seducer | Vile, Tactical | You look very hot despite the alarming smile. | Willing Deformity, Deformity Dark Beauty, Shark Teeth, Bleeding Strike |
Bloody Path | Fighter, General | Attack everyone in the way during a charge, bullrush, or when you move from your square. | Improved Overrun, Improved Bullrush, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise |
Blue Flames | Epic | All extraordinary, supernatural, or magical abilities and all spells you cast that deal fire damage now bypass immunity to fire and broke resistance to fire from your foes. | 30 HDs or more, must have an permanent immunity to Fire, must not have the [Cold] subtype |
Blueflare Buster | General | You improve your flare buster abilities significantly. | Flare Buster +4d6 |
Body As Hammer | Fighter | Using your weapon as a conduit, you can smack people with other people. | BAB +10, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization for a weapon that can be used to grapple creatures, Improved Grapple, Str 20 |
Body and Soul Style | Arcane Combat | Any weapon you use is a +1 magic item, and previous magic items buff or debuff struck opponents. Opens up the path of channeling negative energy and animating the dead, among other things. | Fighter level 4, Spellcraft 2 ranks |
Boiling Liquid Spell | Metamagic | Use overheated Water spells to inflict fire damage. | Ability to cast Fire spells |
Boiling Waters | Racial | You can superheat your body to become hasted and with fiery benefits. | Elnade, 5 HD |
Bolstered Initiative | Fighter | Your reaction time relies on more than just your reflexes | None |
Bolt of Corruption | Fighter | You may deliver your touch of corruption with a ranged attack. | Touch of CorruptionPathfinder |
Bond of the Ant | Symbiotic, Item Creation | You have begun to immulate even more traits of the ants that spill over you, as they form their intricate colonies on almost every inch of your body. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Ant. |
Bond of the Aphid | Symbiotic | You have started to take on more traits of the aphid, as you have grown attached to them through your symbiotic relationship. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Aphid. |
Bond of the Beetle | Symbiotic | You have developed a bond with the beetles that cling to you, making you a groteque sight to see. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Beetle. |
Bond of the Caterpillar | Symbiotic | You have grown so similar to the larva that creep across your body and devour any plant-life that grows near them, that it is actually unsettling. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Caterpillar. |
Bond of the Centipede | Symbiotic | You have acheived a unique symbiosis with the centipede's that crawl across your body, and have started to grow similar to them on a more and more disturbing level. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Centipede. |
Bond of the Cockroach | Symbiotic | Cockroaches cluster on your body, making you seem like some sort of grotesque, mobile breeding ground full of cracking sounds. At the same time, you have begun to grow into an oversized cockroach. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Cockroach. |
Bond of the Death's-Head Hawkmoth | Symbiotic | The deathly moths that flutter across your form have grown closer to you, till now, you have almost as tight a bond with them, as they do with death. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Death's-Head Hawkmoth. |
Bond of the Firefly | Symbiotic | You have formed a bond with the fireflies that flock around you, making dancing patterns of light around you in the darkness, to the point that your biology has started to take on their traits. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Firefly. |
Bond of the Mantis | Symbiotic | You have grown akin to the silent manti that clutch to you shoulders, unsettlingly still and tense, till you yourself, are unsettlingly still and tense. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Mantis. |
Bond of the Mosquito | Symbiotic | You have spent a long time with the whining vermin that cluster around you, to the point that your blood and their blood are one and the same. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Mosquito. |
Bond of the Scorpion | Symbiotic | Your bond with the scorpions that crawl across you has grown to a disturbing degree, and you have started to take on even more of their traits. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Scorpion. |
Bond of the Spider | Symbiotic | You have formed a raw kind of symbiosis with the creepy arachnids that make their home on your skin, and have started to grow akin to them in ever more unsettling ways. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Spider. |
Bond of the Stone Rat | General | You can create a powerful petrifying poison. | Alchemical mastery, poison use class feature, craft (alchemy) 11 ranks. |
Bond of the Vermin | Symbiotic | Your connection with the bugs that even crawl underneath your skin grows ever stronger. | Aspect of the Vermin class feature, any two [Hivemaster] feats. |
Bonded Weapon | Fighter | You choose a weapon, eventually growing stonger and stronger in it's use. | Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Bone Charmer | General | With some special techniques you manage to influence corporeal undead as you would with living beings | Ability to cast spells, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, Spell Focus (Enchantment) |
Bone Spear | General | This spell summons a long shaft of bone issuing forth from the caster and piercing any opponents in its path. | Teeth 3d4 |
Bone Spirit | General | This powerful spell briefly summons the spirit of a vengeful revenant. This skeletal specter immediately seeks out its objective, ripping free a portion of the target's soul and carrying it away to the plane of the dead. | Bone Spear, Teeth 7d4 |
Bone-Crush | Fighter | You know how to heal the body; you know how to break it. | BAB +6, Heal 8 ranks, Power Attack, Combat Expertise |
Boreal Invoker | General | You deal more cold damage and it debilitate your opponents. | None |
Born Fiend | General | You count as an evil outside for the purpose of meeting prerequisites with some extras. | You may only take this feat at 1st level |
Boulder Hurl | Fighter | Increase damage and combat options with stone-throwing | Rock Thrower, BAB +6 or Sleight of Hand 9 ranks |
Boulder-Splitting Blow | Monk | You can destroy an boulder with a single blow. | Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Sunder |
Bound Shadow Weapon | Arcane Combat | Make a weapon out of bound shadow. | Fighter level 8, Smoking Shadow Style |
Brain Thrust | Psionic | Your mind thrust is much more effective at dealing actual physical damage. | Must be able to manifest mind thrust. |
Brave Dragonblood Surge | Racial | When you use Dragonblood Surge, you purge most status effects. | Mitahnese Human, dragonblood surge |
Brawler Barbarian | General | You are a brawler and a barbarian. | Barbarian 1st, Improved Unarmed Strike |
Breaching Blow | Fighter, General | Breach enemy armor | Strength 13, Constitution 12, BAB 6+ |
Breath of the Elements | Elemental | You have a breath weapon. | Resistance 20+ or immunity to an energy type. |
Brew Potion, Variant | Item Creation | You can craft potions and alchemical wondrous items. | Caster level 3rd or Craft (Alchemy) 6 Ranks |
Brew Restorative Potion | Item Creation | Brew potions that restore hit points and cure ailments. | Caster level 3rd or Heal 6 ranks. |
Bringer of Agony | Torture, Vile | You have learned to torture people in order to extract information that they would never give otherwise, and you are good at it. | Evil Alignment, Intimidate 4 ranks, Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks. |
Broker of the Infernal | General | Due to the study of the Infernal laws, you have learned to harness the powers of True Names in your summoning magic. | Knowledge (The Planes) 10, must be able to cast a spell of the [Calling] subtype |
Brutal Shooter | Fighter | You use your massive muscles to ensure that your arrows strike true. | Str 13+, BAB +1 |
Brutal Sneak Attack | Fighter | You are able to sneak attack with two-handed weapon very efficiently. | Sneak Attack 1d6, proficiency with a two-handed melee weapon. |
Brutal Thrower | Fighter | You are extremely efficient at throwing weapons. | BaB +1, Proficiency with a throwing weapon. |
Brutal Transformation | Grim | When you transform you gain a +2 bonus on Strength and Powerful Build. | Grim Transformation |
Buddha's Palm | Fighter, Monk | Your inner mastery of zen blossoms and you are able to perform a devastating technique. | Stunning Fist |
Bulwark of Defense-CE | Fighter | Increase the bonuses granted to you by your defensive stance ability. | BAB +11, defensive stance 1/day. |
Burn | Elemental | You're hot. You're on fire. You like to burn things. | (Fire) Subtype |
Burrowing Spell | Metamagic | Cast spells without line of effect. | None |
Burst of Speed | General | A better, more useful version of the Run feats. | Character level 6th |
Burst of Wrath | Monstrous | When the creature takes a critical hit, it enters in a powerful wrath. | Any non-Good alignment, Must have an Intelligence score, Must have a Constitution score, BAB +6 |
Butt Gun | Warforged | You have a gun in your butt. You can fire it with your butt. Your butt is deadly. | Warforged, living construct, or something equivalent. |
Butt Slam | Fighter | You drop down and crush the opponent with your thiccness. | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Calculated Shot | Fighter | Add your Intelligence to ranged attack rolls. | Int 13, BAB +1 |
Call Creatures | Salient Ability | Summon creatures to your aid. | Divine Rank 0 |
Calm Mind | Monk | Cannot be Mindless, Wisdom 13+, character level 3 | |
Cantrips Mastery | General | Minor magic is second nature to you. | Ability to cast spells with preparation. |
Cape Resonance | Fighter | You have the ability to gain focus with your cape, improving your saves. No wonder superheroes use such silly-looking outfits. | BAB +1 |
Cataclysmic Tantrum | General | Barbarian's Rage or Concentration 4 ranks | |
Catapult Launch | Fighter | Throw rocks as far as a siege weapon does | BAB +10 or Sleight of Hand 14 ranks, Boulder Hurl |
Caustic Invoker | General | You deal more acid damage and it debilitate your opponents. | None |
Centered Mind | General | None | |
Centric Impact | Xenotheric | You can drive a weapon with immeasurable force by expending portions of you life force. | Centric Strike |
Centric Strike | Xenotheric | By expending portions of your life force, you can land massive strikes, and seem to rewrite the shape of space with mere willpower. | None |
Cerebral Kineticist | General | You base your pyrokineticist class feature on intelligence instead of charisma and can shape some of your blast. | 1st Level Pyrokineticist (or Pyropsyche) |
Chakra Binder | Incarnum | You can bind chakra more efficiently than other meldshaper. | None |
Chakra Fist | Fighter, Incarnum | You can invest essentia in your stunning fist, which grant you extra uses, a higher DC and access to more effect when using stunning fist. | Stunning Fist |
Champion of Ares | Minion | Ares grant you the ability to enhance your weapon with the power of war. | Bab +1, Favored of Ares, Weapon Focus |
Changeling Blooded | General | You gain the minor change shape ability that is possessed by changelings. | 1st level only |
Channel Ghostflame | General | Turn possessed creatures or damage the possessing spirit. | Ghostflame Exorcism, Turn/Rebuke Undead feature or Channel Energy feature. |
Channeling Opportunity | General | You gain the ability to use arcane channeling on AoOs. | Arcane Channeling class feature, Combat Reflexes |
Chaotic Rage-CE | Fighter, Fury | Gain the effects of an anarchic weapon while raging. | BAB +9, Rage 1/day, chaotic alignment. |
Charged Item Training | General | Get extra charges out of daily charged items. | Use Magic Device 5 Ranks |
Charged Mystic Bolt | General | You deal higher damage with your mystic bolt, but it decreases after multiple attacks. | Mystic Bolt class feature |
Charismatic Blood | Multiclass | You always thought your ancestors were different, you just didn't realize it involved dragons. | Must be able to spontaneously cast arcane spells. |
Cheap Shot, Variant | Fighter | Make an unarmed attack as part of a feint. | Bab +1 or Improved Unarmed Strike, Bluff 4 Ranks |
Child Necromancer | General | An obsession with death and experimentation with necromancy early in your childhood perverted your body and blossoming magical talent. As a result, your body never aged past childhood, and you are an adult in a child’s body, magically powerful but physically weak. | Caster Level 1+, Must know at least one necromancy spell of each level you can cast |
Child of Thunder | Tactical | The legacy of the Thunderhead clan lives on through your impressive ability to shoot better than anyone else, and in situations where a lesser bowman would falter. | Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, three Thunder Bolt maneuvers (at least one of which must be a stance), BAB +6 |
Chilling Aura | Undead | You announce your presence with an unnatural drop in temperature | 4HD, Undead type |
Chivilrous Knight | Multiclass | Your Knight levels and Paladin levels stack for the purposes of Knight's Challenge DCs, Lay on Hands, and special mount. You can use your lay on hands when protecting allies. | Paladin level 3, Knight level 3 |
Chivilrous Mage | Multiclass | Your Knight levels and Sorcerer levels stack for the purposes of Knight's Challenge DCs. You can sacrifice spell slots to improve some Knight class features. Your HP from sorcerer levels also increases. | Sorcerer level 3, Knight's Challenge class feature |
Chivilrous Performer | Multiclass | Your Knight levels and Bard levels stack for the purposes of Bardic music progression and Knight's Challenge DCs | Bardic Music (Inspire Competence), Knight's Challenge class feature |
Chivilrous Rogue | Multiclass | Your Knight levels and Rogue levels stack for the purposes of Sneak Attack damage and Knight's Challenge DCs | Sneak Attack +2d6, Knight's Challenge class feature |
Chosen by Zarus | Racial | You are super effective against non-humans. | Human |
Clap Your Hands | Fighter | Ember started humming and clapped her hands on the hapless goblin. The goblin vibrated momentarily and exploded into chunks of meat and bone, wounding several other goblins nearby. "Who's next?" | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Claws of the Wyrm Style | Fighter, Tactical | You are an expert at fighting with dragon claws. | Weapon Focus (Dragon Claws) |
Clear Waters | Racial | You can turn especially transparent. | Elnade, Hide 6 ranks |
Clear the Room | Fighter | You are notoriously gassy and have learned how to weaponize your farts | You have a gas problem, Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Clearsight | Salient Ability | Gain true seeing and a bonus to defeat Disguise checks. | Divine Rank 1, Wis 15 |
Cleave | Fighter | When you down an enemy, other creatures you threaten need to watch out. | Power Attack |
Cleave, Grimoire | General | You may make a cleaving strike upon dropping a foe, and it may be just as strong as your last hit. | None |
Clever Defender | Fighter | You add your Int instead of your Dexterity to AC, with limitations. | BAB +1, Clever Duelist |
Clever Trickster | Fighter | You are able to perform combat maneuver using your Dex, Int or Cha. You may use your ranks in Sleight of Hand instead of your BAB when making combat maneuvers. | BAB +1 or Sleight of Hand 1 Ranks |
Clone Spell | Metamagic | Cast a spell along with a second copy that may have different targets or options. | None |
Close Miss | Fighter | The force of your blow can cause grievous wounds even if you barely miss your target. | BAB +3, Power Attack |
Close Targeting | Fighter | Gain further bonuses when attacking an opponent up-close with a ranged weapon. | Point Blank Shot |
Cobalt Surge | Surge, Incarnum | You can use your essentia to expand your surge point pool. | Con 13, Cha 13, Extra Surging, must be able to use combat surges. |
Codex Awesome Blow | Fighter | An improved version of awesome blow without a borked saving throw. | strength 18, power attack, Bab +3 |
Codex Deflect Blow | Fighter, Monk | Deflect arrow except for melee! | Improved Unarmed Strike or proficiency with tower shields. |
Codex Sniper | Fighter | You can shoot very far and precise. | Bab +1 |
Coin Shot | Spelltouched | You can turn coins into thrown weapons. | Must have been exposed to a magic weapon spell. |
Cold Demeanor | Fighter | You become immune to fear and fatigue effects, you can demoralize opponents quicker. | One Dire Winter maneuver, Intimidate 4 ranks |
Cold Iron Forger | Item Creation | You've practiced crafting with cold iron and know its secrets. | Craft (weapons) or (metalsmithing) 4 ranks. |
Cold Rage | Fury | Your rage burns cold, allowing you to act much more rationally and granting you superior battle clarity. | Rage 1/Day |
Colossus Climber | Fighter, Tactical | Large opponents pose no problem to you, as you bravely scale their bodies and stab at their undersides, making it difficult for them to hit you in the process. | Climb 6 ranks, Balance 6 ranks, Improved Grapple. |
Combat Acrobat | Fighter, Combat Form | In battle, you are able to move fluidly, befuddling your opponents. | Combat Focus, Dex 13 |
Combat Adrenaline | Fighter, Combat Form | In battle, you call upon a reserve of strength deep within you, granting you the ability to do inhuman feats. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Str 15, Any 2 other combat form feats |
Combat Aptitude | Combat Form, Fighter | You have extremely precise while maintaining your combat focus. | Bab 10+, Combat Focus and 2 other combat form feat. |
Combat Archery-CE | Fighter | Don't provoke for firing ranged weapons in melee. | BAB +6, Point Blank Shot. |
Combat Casting, Prowess | Prowess | Training to allow a spellcaster to cast spells in melee without getting stabbed in the face, and better finish them even if they do. | None |
Combat Defense | Fighter, Combat Form | You are able to focus on defense in the heat of battle, parrying with ease. | Combat Focus, Fighter level 4, Wis 13 |
Combat Engineer | Fighter | You gain a bonus on craft, disable device and knowledge (engineering) checks. You also are adept at repairing your own gear and improving the armor you are wearing. | Fighter Level 1st, Knowledge (Engineering) 1 ranks |
Combat Expertise, MS Variant | Fighter | A better, more-scaleable version of the PHB feat. | BAB +1 |
Combat Flurry | Fighter, Combat Form | In the heat of battle, you strike with power and speed. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Base attack bonus +6 |
Combat Focus, Variant | Combat Form, Fighter | A rework of the combat focus feat from player handbook II. | Bab +1, Wis 13 |
Combat Parkour | Combat Form, Fighter | Combat Parkour | Combat Focus, Dex 17+, balance 8 ranks, climb 8 ranks, jump 8 Ranks, tumble 4 ranks |
Combat Reactions | Fighter, Combat Form | While fighting, you notice every little movement, every little flick of the wrist, and this can save your life. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Dex 15, Base Attack bonus +6 |
Combat Reflexes, Greater | Fighter | It is harder to get away from you or your attacks. | Improved Combat Reflexes, +6 BAB |
Combat Reflexes, Improved | Fighter | The very air seems to twist and grow thick and the earth bends and moves to impede your foes from their cowardly escape. | Combat Reflexes, +3 BAB |
Combat Reflexes, MS Variant | Fighter | A better, more accessible version of the PHB feat. | BAB +1 OR Dex 13 OR Wis 13 |
Combat Reflexes, Punishment | Fighter | You punish mistakes | BAB +6, Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Combat Reflexes |
Combat Reflexes, Punishment Variant | Fighter | You strike often when an opening presents itself. | Dex 21 or Mobility, Combat Reflexes, BAB +12 |
Combat Speed | Fighter, Combat Form | You exhibit an incredible swiftness in battle, adrenaline pushing you forward with every step. | Dex 15, Base attack Bonus +3, Combat Focus, Wis 13 |
Combat Swiftness | Combat Form, Fighter | You are swift while focused, allowing you to run long distance and move quickly in combat. | Combat Focus, Bab 4+ |
Combat Trickster | Fighter, Tactical | You are an expert at disarming and feinting. | Bab +1, Improved Disarm or Improved Feint |
Combo Mastery | Fighter | String together successful consecutive hits for a combo bonus to damage! | BAB +6 |
Command Plants | Salient Ability | Speak to plants, rebuke them, and and control the growth and death of plants. | Divine Rank 1 |
Concentrated Defense | Fighter | Shrug off an amount of damage based on your Concentration check. | One Anima River maneuver, Concentration 4 ranks |
Concussive Reload | Fighter | You can hit people while you reload. | Bab +1 |
Conductive Spell Essence | Grim | You gain healing and harming-themed spells to your grim spell list plus a bonus to Heal. | Grim Transformation |
Conduit of Energy | General | You are closely attuned to an energy type. | None |
Construct Hunter | Fighter | You are extremely apt at destroying constructs and avoiding defending yourself against them. | Knowledge (Engineering) 4 ranks, Favored Enemy (Construct). |
Contagious Aura of Success | General | Your contagious success rubs off in an aura. | Cha 13, Contagious Success |
Contagious Success | General | Assist others on simultaneous saves. | Cha 13 |
Continued Mind Enhancement, Rogue Balance | Multiclass | Soulblade weapon enhancement continues to increase at normal rate while taking other classes. | Mind Enhancement +1 |
Control Creatures | Salient Ability | Take control of mooks, possessing them even at range. | Divine Rank 11, Cha 15 |
Cooperative Summoner | General | Allows Tome Warlocks, Summoners and anyone else with the Summon ability to summon from a larger pool | A class feature that allows non-spell-based summoning such as Summon or Call Fiends, must be a material plane native with no [Extraplanar] subtype |
Copy Master | Fighter | You can copy feats more often and with less limitations. | Mirror Move |
Copypasta | General | When you attack, you move your arms in overly symetric patterns. | BAB +6 |
Core Apotheosis | Autoplate | The next level of awareness: independence. | Autoplate pilot, Core Awakening class feature, Core Evolution feat |
Core Evolution | Autoplate | Your autoplate's Energy Core has taken on a life of its own. | Autoplate pilot, Core Awakening class feature |
Core Transcendence | Autoplate | You've awakened something you don't quite understand. But it promises to help you reach enlightenment. | Autoplate pilot, Core Awakening class feature, Core Evolution and Core Apotheosis feats |
Corpse Knight | General | Your corpse companion gains proficiencies in heavier armor and shields. | Corpse companion class feature, Dark Minion |
Corpse Strength | Undead | Your Strength count as 8 points for the purpose of carrying capacity, Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks. Your effective Strength for these things increase by 2 for each Undead feat you possess beside this one. | Corporeal Undead |
Corrosive Spell | Metamagic | Your acid spells are so powerful, they tear through resistances and immunities. | None |
Corrosive Spittle | Racial | Your hairs can spit globs of acidic poisonous substance. | Gorgoneion |
Counter Feint | Fighter | You can fake out people trying to counter you with a feint attempt. | Bluff 4 ranks |
Covenant of the Warp | General | Your essence is tied to a strange energy called 'the warp' which give you amazing inate abilities but you are unable to use magic items. | None |
Covering Grapple | Fighter, Tactical | Grab your allies and use yourself as a human shield, or chuck them hella'va far! | Improved Grapple |
Crab Dance | General | New movement option that makes you look like a crab. | BAB +1, Perform (dance) 6 ranks |
Crackling Invoker | General | You deal more electricity damage and it can cause your opponent to become overcharged. | None |
Craft Artifact | Salient Ability | You can craft artifacts ahead of your time, and better than others too. | Divine Rank 1 |
Craft Item of Prowess | Item Creation, Prowess | You can create skill items, granting ranks, bonuses, and other adjustments to others. | Character level 4 |
Craft Wearable Item | Item Creation | Craft magic items that occupy body slots. | Caster level 3rd |
Crashing Bull Rush | Fighter | You crash into opponents, sending them flying. | Improved Bull Rush |
Create Greater Object | Salient Ability | Create even more rare and exotic matter from thin air. | Divine Rank 11, Craft 28 ranks, Create Object |
Create Illusory Weapon | Arcane Combat | You create an semi-illusory weapon you can fight with. | Two-Weapon Fighting, Serpent Tongue Style or ability to cast 2nd level Illusion spells or spell-like ability. |
Create Object | Salient Ability | Create nonmagical matter at whim. | Divine Rank 6, Craft 23 ranks |
Bodak | Fighter | You fought and slain the terrifying bodak, gaining more insight on death. | must have fought and defeated a bodak, Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Hag | Fighter | The tricks of hags and annis do not impress you. | must have fought and defeated a hag., Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Hydra | Fighter | You fought the opportunistic hydra, gaining knowledge how to avoid being bitten more than once. | Fighter level 4, must have fought and defeated a hydra |
Invisible Stalker | Fighter | After fighting invisible stalker and other naturally invisible creature you learned how to deal with invisible opponents more readily. | must have fought and defeated a invisible stalker or another naturally invisible creature., Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Medusa | Fighter | You fought and defeated the horribly medusa, knowing when to avert your gaze. | must have fought and defeated a medusa or another creature with a gaze attack., Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Troll | Fighter | You know how to deal with trolls and their annoying regeneration. | must have fought and defeated a troll or another creature with regeneration., Fighter level 6 or Bab 12 |
Cremation | General | You increase the DC of fire spell by 1 and you use your fire spells to incinerate your foes. | Must be capable of casting 1st level [fire] spell or higher. |
Critical Freeze | Spell Stance | As long as you have a [cold] spell available your strike have an icy punch. | Bab 5+, caster level 5 |
Critical Mind Rampage | Monstrous | Critical hits break the mind of your foes. | Mind Rampage, Improved Critical |
Critical Statement | Wordcasting | Get bonuses on a natural 20 for your wordcasting check. | Know at least one spell word |
Critical Strike | Metacombat | Ensure you get a critical hit by taking a -10 penalty to hit. | BAB +10 |
Critting Spree | Luck | When you confirm a critical, your luck spreads to others. | One luck feat |
Cross Explosion Spell | Metamagic | Transform your lines into rays, that subsequently explode into multiple lines a round later. | None |
Crossbow Assassin | Fighter, Tactical | You are a deadly marksman with a crossbow. | Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot or Weapon Focus (Any Crossbow) |
Crossbowyer | Archetype | Become better with light, heavy and great crossbows | BAB 1+, Proficient with crossbows |
Crosscut | Fighter, Monk | Attack twice as a standard attack. | BAB +2 |
Crow's Claw Style | Fighter, Tactical | You have learned how to wield multiple daggers in the same hand, enabling several new tactical maneuvers. | Weapon Focus (dagger), Weapon Finesse |
Crow's Talon | Fighter | Think with portals for doing stuff. | At least one Crow's Flight maneuver, Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks |
Cruel Frost | Tactical, Fighter | You gain several tactical maneuvers related to the Dire Winter discipline. | Cold Demeanor, Intimidate 6 Ranks, three Dire Winter maneuvers. |
Crusader of the Desert | Regional | Your nomad life in the desert made you much stronger. | Crusader or Paladin class |
Crushing Blow | Fighter | You may trade a potential critical hit for a chance to stun and deal extra damages. | Weapon proficiency (warhammer) or weapon proficiency (heavy mace) or weapon proficiency (light mace) |
Crushing Overrun | tactical, Fighter | Don't just knock them flat, grind them into the dirt as you pass. | BAB +6, Power Attack, Improved Overrun |
Cryokinesis, Advanced | General | You can manipulate ice and snow through telekinesis and have more potent [cold] abilities. | Cryokinesis |
Cryokinetic Skating | General | You gain the ability to skate on ice you create, which allows you to move over liquid and vertical surfaces. | Cryokinesis |
Crystal Master | Psionic | Your crystal-based power deals additional damage and you may select hail of crystals no matter your power list. | Must be able to manifest Crystal Shard |
Crystallizing Wounds | Curse | Your wounds crystallize, allowing you to ignore damage at the cost of your dexterity. | Must be corporeal |
Cull Life | General | Gain life force from healing potions | Life Force class feature, maximum life force pool of at least 40 points |
Cunning Deceiver | General | You gain a bonus on Bluff, Disguise and Forgery checks, and may use your Intelligence instead of Charisma when using them. | Bluff 4 Ranks |
Cursed Body | Monstrous | Prevent creatures from using the same trick on you twice, and curse them if you drop. | Undead type or Incorporeal subtype. |
Cute Charm | Monstrous | Use cuteness as a special defence | None |
Cyan Utterance | Incarnum | You can ignore the law of resistance a number of time per day per invest essentia. | Con 13, Ability to Speak Utterances |
Cyborg | General | You gain the ability to install warforged components, qualify for warforged feat and are more resilient. | Must be a living corporeal creature. |
Dagger Finesse | Fighter | Your strikes are precise, relying on finesse to inflict damage. | BAB +1, Weapon Focus (dagger/dagger-like weapon), Sleight of Hand 4 ranks |
Daily Expert | General | Once a day you pick up a random new exciting thing to specialize in. | Int 13 |
Damage Resistance | Fighter | Your damage reduction become damage resistance. | Augmented Damage Reduction |
Damage Sponge | Fighter | Gain temp hp equal to your Con modifier or your character level (whichever is lower) every round. | Base Fort +2, Con 13 |
Dampen Affliction | General | When afflicted by a few of the more crippling status effects, you can choose to take on a different effect instead. | Con 13, Endurance |
Dance of the Dead | General | Make undead dance to your bardic music, thus eliminating the threat for now. | Bardic Music (Suggestion), Knowledge Religion 5 ranks |
Dancer of the Dais | Fighter, Tactical | Gain several tactical benefits using the Dancing Goddess discipline. | Eternal Dancer, Perform (Dance) 9 ranks, two dancing goddess maneuvers |
Dancer of the Mirage | Bardic, General | Confuse and hypnotize enemies with your dance. | Fascinate feature, Perform (dance) 8 ranks |
Dancing Swordsman | Combat, Skill | Dance around your enemies and poke them a whole lot. Inspired by Dashing Swordsman. | None |
Dancing Wizard | General | You dance like the rest of them (breastplate provides arcane spell failure), only more competently. | Ability to cast arcane spells. |
Daring Exile | Multiclass | Ronin and SwashbucklerCW levels stack for Grace, dodge bonus, and Cheap Shot dice. | Grace +1, Cheap Shot +2d6 |
Daring Minstrel | Multiclass | Your bard and swashbuckler level stack for grace and spellcasting. | Grace +1, Must be able to cast 1st level bard spells |
Daring Swordsman | General, Multiclass | Swashbuckler and warblade levels stack for initiator level and grace. | Battle clarity, grace +1. |
Dark Arts | General | Your magic comes from powers from deep below, malignant and horrible | Ability to cast spells, any evil alignment, Black Magic |
Dark Awareness | General | Removes the need for sleep, keeps you aware when unconscious. | Character level 3rd |
Dark Brand | General | You have been branded by a dark god or fiend, gaining some of their power. | Any evil alignment. |
Dark Minion | General | Your corpse companion improves as an animal companion and gain multiple proficiencies. | Corpse companion class feature |
Dark Minion Summoner | General | You are able to summon minions for the cause of darkness. | Blackguard or AntipaladinPathfinder |
Darkened Sight | Curse | You gain unlimited darkvision which can pierce some magical darkness, but also gain daylight blindness. | None |
Darker Powers | General | You inflict more madness and may inflict a much more insidious form of madness. | Dark Insight Score, must possess the ability to inflict madness. |
Darklurker | General | Evade magical detection within shadows. | DarkstalkerLoM, Hide 13 ranks |
Darkmoon's Chosen One | Minion | The blessing of Sir Moon allow you to move through space easily. | Favored by a Kingseeker (Sir Moon) |
Darksider | Fury, Vile | You have a dark side which grant you power, at a cost. | 3 HDs or Rage Class Feature |
Darkvolt Warlock | General | Your eldritch blast is imbued with the power of lightning. | Eldritch Blast 1d6 |
Dash | Fighter | You are able to quickly move around the battlefield, dashing from place to place with superior speed. | Dodge |
Daywalker | Undead | You are resistant to sunlight despite your race's weakness. | Must be vulnerable to the light of the sun. |
Deadly Blast | General | Reroll 1s on Eldritch Blast | Dex 15, Eldritch Blast 4d6 |
Deadly Bull Rush | Fighter | When you shove creatures around, you can smack them and throw them. | BAB +1 |
Deadly Overrun | Fighter | You are able to overrun better and faster and deal damage while doing so. | BAB +1 |
Deafening Song-CE | General | Use bardic music to render your opponents deaf. | Perform 6 ranks, bardic music class feature |
Death From Afar | Fighter | Your deadly aim allows you to take out helpless targets from range with nary a sound. | BAB +3, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot |
Death's Arbiter | Grim | You may absorb damage taken by an ally instantly if it would otherwise kill him. | Grim Transformation, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks |
Deathblast Spell | Metamagic | If your spell kills an enemy, they become a waiting proximity mine waiting to explode! | None |
Deathvow Druid | General | Gain access to necromancy spells on your druid list, instead of animal spells. | Must be able to cast druid spells, non-good alignment |
Debris Spell | Metamagic | Area effect spells leave behind a field of difficult terrain which damages creatures passing through it. | None |
Deceptive Strength | Monk | Surprise your enemies with your incredible might and small body | Small size or less, BAB +3 |
Declare Smite | General | You declare you intention to smite, causing evil to experience true fear. | Ability to use Smite Evil or a similar ability |
Dedicated Surgeon | Tactical | Access advanced healing and gain powerful new maneuvers usable with the heal skill. | Heal 4 ranks, Int 15+ |
Deep Freeze | General | You deal more cold damage than normal and cause creatures to freeze. | None |
Defense of Opportunity | Fighter | Shut down Attacks of Opportunity in your reach. | BAB +1, Combat Reflexes |
Defense of the Amazon | Fighter | You have wondrous deflection talents. | Bab 6+, Deflect Projectiles, Codex Deflect Blow |
Defensive Roll | General | You are especially quick, and can dodge blows that would kill another person. | Reflex +6, Dexterity 15 |
Defensive Strike | Fighter | By defending yourself expertly you may make sudden strikes against opponents that attack you. | Combat Expertise, Dodge |
Deflect Arrows, Alternative | Fighter, Monk | You are adept at deflecting ranged attacks away. | Improved Unarmed Strike, Shield FocusPathfinder, or Weapon Focus |
Deflect Blow | Fighter, Monk | Deflect arrow except for melee! | Dexterity 13, improved unarmed strike or proficiency with tower shields. |
Deflect Projectiles | Fighter | You can deflect ranged attacks with ease, even reflecting back attacks from weaker opponents. | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Deflection Barrier | Reserve | You gain the benefits of missile deflection and a bonus on Reflex save while having the listed spell available. | Must be able to cast protection from arrows or mental barrier |
Deformity, Acid Blood | Vile, Deformity | Your blood has grown caustic and corrosive, and eats through flesh and stone, burning like fire as it drips from your body. | Evil Alignment, Deformity (Blood), Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Atrophy | Vile, Deformity | You are disturbingly thin, to the point that your muscles can barely support your weight, and the slightest wind can actually blow you away. | Evil Alignment, Deformity (Gaunt)BoVD, Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Black Blood | Vile, Deformity | You blood is black like oil, and thick like sludge, seeping out of your wounds and your pores like some grotesque infection. | Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD, Deformity (Blood) |
Deformity, Bulky | Vile, Deformity | You made yourself stronger, if less agile. | Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Dark Beauty | Vile, Deformity | Thanks to dark magic, pacts and maybe natural good look. You made yourself a being of true beauty, although still disturbing you are aesthetically pleasing. | Evil Alignment, Cha 12+, Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Empty Eyes | Vile, Deformity | Your eyes appear to be made out of black onyx: blank, empty, sightless globes, set in red, slightly bleeding sockets, that seem to gaze into the soul itself. | Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Face Variant | Vile, Deformity | You scarred your face in a way that make you hideous and/or extremely fearsome. | Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Gaping Crush | Deformity | Capture enemies into your belly to crush them | Deformity (Wicked Guts) |
Deformity, Hooks | Vile, Deformity | Hooks of bone and flesh have grown across your entire body, sinking deep into your flesh and causing you excruciating pain at all times. | Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Numb Body | Deformity | Convert lethal damage into non-lethal damage, and become immune to pain effects. | Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Stomach Mouth | Deformity | Obtain a gaping mouth onto your belly area | Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Toughness | Vile, Deformity | You gain extra hit points. | Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Warded Skin | Vile, Deformity | Your skin is full of strange runes, wards and line that may or may not glow dimly. These act as ward and potent protection against holy effects. | Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Wicked Guts | Deformity | Transform your exposed intestines in a weapon | Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Winged Arms | Deformity | Your arms are feathered or have membranes, at the cost of losing your hands | Character Level 6, must have arms, Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deformity, Withered | Deformity, Vile | You withered yourself, being more dexterous and able to act as a smaller creature. | Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD |
Deft Opportunist | Fighter | The mere presence of a foe may provide an easy opening. | Combat Reflexes, +12 BAB |
Delayed Spell | Metamagic | Make the poor bastards think they're off the hook, only to crush them once most opportune. | None |
Delta Stream | Monstrous, Weather | The mysterious air current blows on regardless! | [Air] subtype or Knowledge (nature) 6 ranks and speak Auran. |
Delving Trickster | General | You gain extra delving tricks, for maximal trickery. | Delving Trick class feature. |
Demogorgon's Insanity | Minion | Your touch spreads the madness at the heart of Demogorgon's being. | Servant of the Obyrith OR Thrall to Demon (Demogorgon) |
Demon's Nail | Fighter, Tactical | Gain several tactical benefits using the Thousand Daggers discipline. | Two thousand daggers maneuvers, Tumble 9 ranks, Art of Flying Daggers |
Demonic Resistance | Abyssal Heritor | You brush off lightning as if you were a demon. | Chaotic alignment |
Desert Shamanism | General | Your spells are more powerful when casted in deserted environments. | Ability to cast spells, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks. |
Desert Storm | Tactical | Electricity-based abilities. | Three Desert Wind maneuvers, Tumble 9 ranks. |
Desperate Spell | General | When you are pushed, you are able to cast a powerful and extremely quick damaging spell. | Spell Focus (Evocation) |
Despotic Furor | Fury | You're really persuasive when you're angry. | Rage ability or similar anger-based temporary rage. |
Destabilizing Impact | Fighter | Take a penalty up to -8 to apply a penalty to others attack rolls. | Bab +1 |
Destiny By Design | General | You know how to stack destiny's deck. | Hexblade's Curse, must not have any luck feats. |
Devoted Paladin | Multiclass | Combine paladin and crusader levels for a stronger, devoted whole. | 1st level paladin, 1st level crusaderToB |
Devoted Templar | General, Multiclass | Crusader and paladin levels stack for initiator level and smite damage. | Divine grace, steely resolve. |
Devour the Soul | Fiend | As a fiend, you gain nourishment from devouring souls. | Must have one level of a Fiend class |
Dexterous Bowmanship | Racial | You're an elf who is even better than normal with a bow. | Elf |
Dexterous Fortitude-CE | General | Use your slippery mind class feature on Fortitude saves. | Dex 20, Slippery mind class feature. |
Dexterous Will-CE | General | Use your slippery mind class feature on Will saves. | Dex 20, Slippery mind class feature. |
Diabolic Disciple | Minion | You bind yourself to a Archdevil of Hell, gaining some power over their portfolio. | Any evil alignment, must swear allegiance to the chosen archdevil before a representative of that devil with at least CR 11 |
Diehard, Alternative | Fighter | You are able to act whole below 0 hit points and can make one last act upon dying. | Endurance |
Diehard, Grimoire | Fighter | You continue fighting after taking enough punishment that would make most of your peers fall, though at lowered strength. | BAB +1 |
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap | General | You can offer a discount on your Deeds since you get to do so many. | Ability to do at least 10 Deeds per day |
Disciple of Tiamat | Metabreath | You can channel the breath weapon of Tiamat. | Dragonblood Subtype or Dragon Type, Evil Alignment |
Disciple of the Ram | General | You are highly proficient in the use of the ring of the ram, and may even craft those rings. | Caster Level 3rd or 6 ranks in Use Magic Device |
Disciplined Charge | Fighter | Use a martial strike during a charge. | BAB +3, One martial strike. |
Disciplined Talent | General | You have the ability to manifest discipline powers. | 1st level only |
Disciplined Will | Fighter, Combat Form | You delay the effects of spells to keep on fighting. | Combat Focus, Wis 13, Base Attack Bonus +3 |
Disdain of the Judicator | General | Deal more damage and more efficiently against criminals | Knowledge (local) 4 ranks |
Disobedient Psyche | General | Resist mental influence at the cost of taking Wisdom damage. | None |
Dispersion | Combat, Fighter | Reflect damage reduced damage. | Damage reduction of any kind/source. |
Disruptive Smite | General | You hold a particular hatred for undead. | Ability to Smite Evil or analogous ability, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks. |
Disruptive Sunder | Fighter | You cause magic items you sunder to blow up in large magical explosion. | Improved Sunder |
Dissolve | General | Your acid spells and abilities are much more effective. | None |
Distracting Barrage | Fighter | You use your ranged attacks to worry foes. | Rapid Shot |
Disturbing Presence | Fighter, Vile | Your intimidating actions drives others to madness. | Evil Alignment, Intimidate 4 ranks |
Disturbing Sadist | Vile | You gain the ability to use Intelligence on Intimidate as well as making creature you demoralize at bay from you. You also become immune to fear and pain, and mostly incapable of receiving moral bonus or penalties. | None |
Dive Drive | General | A feat for King of Racers that allows your astral car to swim, and protect its users while swimming. | Astral Car class feature, All Terrain Wheels, 10 HD |
Divergent Traditions | General | You choose a class and alter one of its key ability scores. | 1st level only |
Divine Air Mastery | Salient Ability | Gain bonuses in combat when you and your opponent are airborne. | Divine Rank 1, Minor Air Domain portfolio, fly speed |
Divine Arcanist | General | you have been blessed by your divinity with the power to pull directly from the sunlight or the stars pure arcana magic, through your divine abilities | Level 1 of the launcher, devotee of a deity with the dominion of the sun |
Divine Archery | Salient Ability | Shoot from really really far, spray a volley of arrows, and ignore cover and concealment with your shots. | Divine Rank 1, BAB +20, Dex 29, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot |
Divine Armor Mastery | Salient Ability | Any armor you wear acts as if you're not wearing armor at all, and what armor you do wear is improved. | Divine Rank 1 |
Divine Bard | Salient Ability | Sing out for miles, quickly, and even effecting things normally not effected. You can even countersong on the fly. | Divine Rank 1, Inspire Courage +4 |
Divine Battle Mastery | Salient Ability | You can attack wide groups of tempo, attack without penalty to attack rolls, and rearrange your bonus feats on a whim. | Divine Rank 1, Fighter 20th |
Divine Blast | Salient Ability | Fire blasts of energy out to a great distance. | Divine Rank 6, Cha 25 |
Divine Blessing | Salient Ability | Grant half your ability score to others. | Divine Rank 1 |
Divine Celerity | Salient Ability | Whenever you're hasted, you gain superior benefits. | Divine Rank 1 |
Divine Cohort | General | You have a spiritual bond with a extraplanar animal, and your deity allows you to call it to your side. | Must select a devoted alignment, able to cast divine spells |
Divine Creation | Salient Ability | Create magic items, or even creatures with your divine mastery. | Divine Rank 16, Craft 33 ranks, Create Object salient ability, Create Greater Object salient ability |
Divine Dodge | Salient Ability | Perfect dodge. It's almost like you're playing Exalted. | Divine Rank 1, Dex 29, Dodge |
Divine Druid | Salient Ability | Change shape in a wildshape as a swift action each round for the duration. | Divine Rank 1, Wildshape (Huge Elemental) |
... further results |
High Balance Epic Feats[edit]
Name | Type | Description | Prerequisites |
Additional Magic Item Space-CE | Epic | Double the amount of magic item slots you possess. | None |
Armor Skin-CE | Epic | Gain a scaling enhancement bonus to natural armor. | None |
Automatic Quicken Spell-CE | Epic | Quicken your spells automatically with no level adjustment. | Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 28 ranks, ability to cast the highest level spells in your spellcasting class. |
Automatic Silent Spell-CE | Epic | Silence your spells automatically with no level adjustment. | Silent Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, ability to cast the highest level spells in your spellcasting class. |
Automatic Still Spell-CE | Epic | Still your spells automatically with no level adjustment. | Still Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, ability to cast the highest level spells in your spellcasting class. |
Bane of Enemies-CE | Epic | Your weapons are bane weapons against any creature you have favored enemy against. | Five or more favored enemies. |
Banefire | Epic | You have hellfire on steroids. | Pyromaniac 20th |
Believe in the Me Who Believes in You | Epic | Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb! | Possession of an Encased Titan |
Blinding Speed-CE | Epic | Grant yourself the effects of haste for 1 round per HD you possess. | Dex 25 |
Damage Reduction-CE | Epic | Gain DR/-, or increase your current damage reduction. | Con 21 or damage reduction |
Death of Enemies-CE | Epic | When you confirm a critical hit against your favored enemy, they must make a save vs death. | Bane of EnemiesCE, Survival 27 ranks, five or more favored enemies |
Devastating Critical-CE | Epic, Fighter | When you confirm a critical hit with your weapon, they must make a save vs becoming helpless. | Str 25, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Overwhelming Critical (chosen weapon)CE, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen weapon) |
Dire Charge-CE | Epic, Fighter | Make a full attack at the end of a charge. | None |
Elder Brain's Will | Epic | Your base will save becomes 1/2 your HD +2. | Iron Will |
Epic Dodge-CE | Epic | Perfect dodge one attack each round. | Dex 25, Dodge, Tumble 28 ranks, improved evasion, defensive roll class feature. |
Epic Inspiration-CE | Epic | Increase your bardic song abilities by +1. | Cha 25, Perform 24 ranks, bardic music class feature. |
Epic Life Force | Epic | +70 lifeforce | Life Force class feature, Knowledge (the planes) 24 ranks. |
Epic Prowess-CE | Epic, Fighter | Gain a bonus on attack and damage for all of your weapons. | None |
Epic Range | Epic | Increase the range of your abilities, and greatly increase the range of a single ability. | None |
Epic Skill Focus-CE | Epic | Gain +10 to a skill, take 10, and critical (and fumble) on skills. | 20 ranks in the skill selected. |
Epic Speed-CE | Epic | Run twice as fast as you did before. | Dex 21, Run |
Epic Spell Focus-CE | Epic | Increase the potency of your spell focus. | Greater Spell Focus and Spell Focus in the school selected, ability to cast the highest level spells in your spellcasting class |
Epic Spell Penetration-CE | Epic | Bypass spell resistance easier. | Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Penetration |
Epic Trainee | Epic | Your skills are developed to an utterly legendary degree. You blow your less diligent peers out of the water. | Intelligence 20, Wisdom 13, Charisma 13, Excellent Trainee, Exceptional Trainee, at least three Skill Focus feats |
Epic Vow of Poverty | Epic, Exalted | You have renewed your vow to forswear material possessions. | Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty |
Epic Weapon Focus-CE | Epic, Fighter | Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, avoid fumbles, and auto-hit more often with a certain weapon. | Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Focus |
Epic Weapon Specialization-CE | Epic, Fighter | Deal an extra +4 damage with your weapon, and damage now affects maximum hp. | Greater Weapon Specialization, Weapon Specialization |
Exceptional Deflection-CE | Epic | Deflect anything. Yes, anything. | Dex 17, Wis 17, Deflect Arrows |
Extended Life Span-CE | Epic | Become immortal, are easier to revive, and don't need to eat, sleep, or breath to live anymore. | None |
Familiar Spell-CE | Epic | Your familiar can cast spells in your stead. | A familiar, Casting Ability Score 25 (Int, Wis, or Cha), Spellcraft 24 ranks |
Fast Healing-CE | Epic | Gain fast healing, or improve fast healing you already possess. | Con 25 |
Great Smiting-CE | Epic | Your smites last much longer, or they deal double damage. | Cha 25, smite ability (from class feature or domain granted power). |
Group Inspiration-CE | Epic | The number of allies you can affect with your inspire competence or inspire greatness bardic music ability doubles. | Perform 9 ranks, bardic music class feature. |
Heighten Senses | Epic | Your extra senses are more powerful than most. | Must possess an alternative sense such as Scent, Blindsense, Blindsight, or Tremorsense |
Hindering Song-CE | Epic | Hinder the casting of enemy spellcasters with your bardic music. | Deafening SongCE, Perform 12 ranks, bardic music class feature. |
Holy Strike-CE | Epic | Your weapons are holy weapons for fighting evil. | Smite evil class feature, any good alignment |
Ignore Material Components-CE | Epic | Ignore material and focus components to your spells. | Eschew Materials, Spellcraft 24 ranks, ability to cast the highest level spells in your spellcasting class |
Improved Alignment-Based Casting-CE | Epic | Align your spells to your domain, and use your aligned domain spells as special spell-like abilities. | Access to domain of Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law, alignment must match domain chosen, ability to cast the highest level spells in your spellcasting class |
Improved Aura Of Courage-CE | Epic | All allies in your aura of courage are now immune to fear. | Cha 21, aura of courage class ability. |
Improved Aura of Despair-CE | Epic | All enemies in your aura of despair take a -4 penalty and lose immunity to fear. | Cha 21, aura of despair class ability. |
Improved Combat Casting-CE | Epic | You don’t incur attacks of opportunity for casting spells when threatened, and concentrate better. | Combat Casting, Concentration 24 ranks |
Improved Favored Enemy-CE | Epic | All your favored enemies are set to maximum, taking the benefit of your strongest favored enemy. | Three or more favored enemies |
Improved Ki Strike-CE | Epic | Bypass all sorts of damage reduction with your bare fists. | Wis 21, Ki strike (adamantine). |
Improved Metamagic-CE | Epic | Decrease the level adjustment of using metamagic effects by 1. | Four metamagic feats, Spellcraft 24 ranks. |
Improved Metapsionics-CE | Epic, Psionic | Metapsionic powers you manifest cost 2 power points less than normal (to a minimum of 1 power point). | Four metapsionic feats, Psicraft 24 ranks. |
Improved Sneak Attack-CE | Epic | Increase the damage die of your sneak attack. | Sneak attack +7d6 |
Improved Spell Resistance-CE | Epic | Improve your spell resistance by +5, to a maximum of 16 + your HD. | Must have spell resistance from a feat, class feature, or other permanent effect. |
Improved Stunning Fist-CE | Epic | Your stunning fist partly works on creatures which are immune, and those it stuns it leaves vulnerable to further unarmed blows. You can change what ability to use for the DC. | Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist |
Improved Whirlwind Attack-CE | Epic, Fighter | Make a full attack against each target of your whirlwind attack. | Whirlwind Attack |
Infinite Range | Epic | Your range increment is your line of sight. | Dex 25, Far Shot, Spot 24 ranks |
Inspire Excellence-CE | Epic | Use your bardic music to give your allies a +4 competence bonus to an ability score. | Perform 24 ranks, bardic music class feature |
Lasting Inspiration-CE | Epic | Your bardic music abilities last forever... at least until you use another song. | Perform 24 ranks, bardic music class feature |
LeShay's Reflexes | Epic | Your base reflex save becomes 1/2 your HD +2. | Lightning Reflexes |
Legendary Manifestation | Epic | Epic powers are hard. Not so much for you, though. | Psicraft 30 ranks, Knowledge (psionics) 30 ranks, Epic Manifestation |
Legendary Prowess | Epic, Fighter | Your perception and skill in combat are the stuff of legend. | Epic Prowess |
Legendary Spellcasting | Epic | Epic spells are hard. Not so much for you, though. | Epic Spellcasting, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Spellcraft 30 ranks, or Knowledge (nature) 30 ranks |
Legendary Wrestler-CE | Epic | You gain a bonus on all grapple checks equal to 1/2 your HD. You can also grapple a creature of any size. | Str 21, Improved Grapple |
Magical Beast Wild Shape-CE | Epic, Wild | You can wild shape into magical beasts. | Wis 25, Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, wild shape 6/day. |
Negative Energy Burst-CE | Divine, Epic | You can use one rebuke or command undead attempt to deal 1d4 negative levels in a 60-foot-burst. | Cha 25, ability to rebuke or command undead, ability to cast inflict critical wounds, any evil alignment |
Overwhelming Critical-CE | Epic, Fighter | You deal extra bonus damage on a critical hit based on your BAB. | Str 23, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen weapon) |
Penetrate Damage Reduction-CE | Epic | You can bypass material, alignment, or essence. | None |
Positive Energy Aura-CE | Epic | You automatically turn undead in a 15 foot range without a turning check or use of turn undead, with limitations. | Cha 21, ability to turn undead, ability to cast dispel evil |
Psicrystal Power-CE | Epic, Psionic | Your psicrystal can manifest powers in your steed. | A psicrystal, Manifesting Ability Score 25 (Int, Wis, or Cha), Psicraft 24 ranks |
Reactive Countersong-CE | Epic | You can begin a countersong at any time, even when it isn’t your turn. | Perform 24 ranks, bardic music class feature. |
Reflective Resistance | Epic | Turn your spell resistance into an offensive force. | Spellcraft 23 ranks, Spell Resistance 31+ |
Self-Concealment-CE | Epic | Attacks against you have a 10% (or greater) miss chance. | Dex 30, Hide 24 ranks, Tumble 24 ranks, improved evasion |
Severing Strike | Epic, Metacombat | Lop off limbs by taking a -10 penalty to hit. | BAB +20, Character level 25+ |
Spontaneous Domain Access-CE | Epic | Spontaneously cast your domain spells with your normal spell slots, just as a cleric channels energy to convert spells into cure spells. | Wis 25, Spellcraft 24 ranks, ability to cast the highest level spells in your spellcasting class |
Superior Initiative-CE | Epic, Fighter | Roll for initiative twice, with a +4 bonus, and act in a surprise round. | Dex 15, Improved Initiative |
Supreme Uncanny Dodge | Epic | Even when you can’t dodge things, you can dodge things... at least partially. | Uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, Dex 22, Escape Artist 27 ranks, Tumble 27 ranks |
Tarrasque's Fortitude | Epic | Your base fortitude save becomes 1/2 your HD +2. | Great Fortitude |
Thundering Rage-CE | Epic, Fury | While in a rage, your weapon is a better version of a thundering weapon. | Str 25, rage 5/day |
Uncanny Accuracy-CE | Epic | Your ranged attacks ignore the miss chance granted to targets by total concealment, and any other miss chance. | Dex 21, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Spot 20 ranks |
Unholy Strike-CE | Epic | Your weapons are unholy weapons for fighting good. | Smite good class feature, any evil alignment |
Upgrade | Epic | Gain +1 to all ability scores. | None |
Vorpal Strike-CE | Epic | Your have vorpal unarmed strike, and kick off people's heads. | Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Unarmed Strike, Keen StrikeCE, ki strike (adamantine) |
Zone of Animation-CE | Divine | Animate undead with your rebuke undead ability. | 12 HD, Cha 15, ability to rebuke or command undead |
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