Shunned Energy (3.5e Flaw)

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Author: Sunwitch (talk)
Date Created: July 2021
Status: Finished
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Shunned Energy

Maybe fire elementals killed your mom, or you got dropped in acid as a baby. Whatever the case, there’s an energy type that freaks you out and you avoid anything to do with it.

Prerequisite: Must be capable of casting Evocation and Conjuration spells, must not be immune to fear

Effect: Select an energy type: [Fire], [Cold], [Electricity] or [Acid]. You cannot attempt to cast spells with this descriptor (even if it is on your spell list) nor can you knowingly activate magic items whose effects bear such a descriptor. If you accidentally or unwillingly cast a spell or use an item with such a descriptor - for instance by casting a spell under a compulsion or activating an item without knowing what it is - you are Panicked (no save) for the next minute, causing you to run away from any effect it creates or Cowering if it affects you personally.

If you are aware of any spell effect with the chosen energy descriptor or any mundane effect which deals energy damage matching that descriptor within 60 feet, you are Shaken. If you enter a 30 foot vicinity of such an effect, once per turn you must make a Will save with the DC of the effect or become Frightened. If you take damage from the effect, you take a -4 circumstance penalty on this save. If the effect does not normally have a DC, it uses 10 + the spell’s level (or half the caster’s level rounded up if you’re using that system) + the caster’s relevant ability modifier if it is a spell, or DC 10 if it is a mundane effect. This only applies if the effect is capable of substantial damage - a torch or small campfire might be slightly unnerving but has no mechanical effect for one who has this flaw for [Fire] and some ice cubes or an inclement winter aren’t going to bother one who has it for [Cold] too much, but things like bonfires, acid pits, glaciers and electrical hazards will be a problem.

Any fear effects on account of this feat overcome non-intrinsic fear immunities, reducing them to a +4 morale bonus on the save if a save is offered at all. If you are intrinsically immune to fear, please regard this Flaw's prerequisites. As normal, one might conquer their fear and “buy off” this flaw at the cost of a feat.

Benefit: A Metamagic bonus feat feat for which you meet the prerequisites.

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AuthorSunwitch +
Flaw GrantsA Metamagic bonus feat feat for which you meet the prerequisites. +
Identifier3.5e Flaw +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryMaybe fire elementals killed your mom, or you got dropped in acid as a baby. Whatever the case, there’s an energy type that freaks you out and you avoid anything to do with it. +
TitleShunned Energy +