Forbidden Lover (3.5e Flaw)

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Author: PeachyFairyFox (talk)
Date Created: 10/01/2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Forbidden Lover

You are eternally and irreversibly in love with an evil monstrous creature.

Prerequisite: The evil monstrous creature that you love must not be mindless, and must have at least one type that you lack [Aberration, Construct, Monstrous Humanoid, Outsider…etc].

Effect: If anyone ever discovers the truth about your lover, they may tell the wrong person, or have a Hostile reaction themself, putting both you and your lover in danger.
This also puts you at risk of blackmail and extortion, as well as makes anyone who can read minds a threat.

Benefit: Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: If you ever fall out of love with your evil monstrous creature, then you lose one feat, chosen by the DM, until you are in love with an evil monstrous creature again. If this feat is a prerequisite to other feats, you lose those feats, as well, by default.

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AuthorPeachyFairyFox +
Flaw GrantsAny bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. +
Identifier3.5e Flaw +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou are eternally and irreversibly in love with an evil monstrous creature. +
TitleForbidden Lover +