Accelerate Spell |
Cast a spell a little faster, but not too fast. |
Acid Trip |
Cause the target to experience an acid trip |
Only usable on spells with acid descriptor, that deal acid damage
Advancing Wall |
You make your wall speed slowly move in a direction of your choice. |
Altered Frequency Spell |
Silence your Sonic spells, just enough to make it unaudible. |
Silent Spell
Amanachian Spell |
Use the energy of the Eater of the Divine to make an anathemic spell. |
Ambush Spell |
Fires weapon-like spells from behind, allowing you to strike at flatfooted targets. |
Bluff 6 ranks
Annihilating Spell |
Your spells destroy the bodies of your victims. |
Artillery Spell |
You're very good at working with other casters to blow things up from very far away. |
Astrological Spell |
Waiting for the stars to align now pays off. |
Black Blood Spell |
You turn energy into vile blood, dealing vile damage. |
Blood Sacrifice, caster level 5th.
Blood Spell |
Your blood empowers your spells. |
Knowledge (Arcana) 6 ranks, any other metamagic feat
Bloodseeking Spell |
Your magic draws out the blood from those it injures, making any injuries more severe. |
Heal 4 ranks
Boiling Liquid Spell |
Use overheated Water spells to inflict fire damage. |
Ability to cast Fire spells
Brimstone Spell |
Burn your evil foes with this fire |
one metamagic feat known, ability to cast spells with the fire descriptor, caster must be non evil, spellcraft 9 ranks
Burnt Spell |
Make a spell much stronger at the cost of yourself. |
Burrowing Spell |
Cast spells without line of effect. |
Cacophonous Spell |
Your sonic spells are so powerful, they tear through resistances and immunities. |
Cast In Hands |
You can use your many floating hands to cast more than one spell at once. |
Signcaster, Hands Aghast racial ability (2 hands or more)
Clone Spell |
Cast a spell along with a second copy that may have different targets or options. |
Corrosive Spell |
Your acid spells are so powerful, they tear through resistances and immunities. |
Creative Bond |
Your creation spells are bonded to you, allowing you to keep track of, summon, or deny access to your creations. |
Cross Explosion Spell |
Transform your lines into rays, that subsequently explode into multiple lines a round later. |
Cult Spell |
Soon, people will understand why you let peasants in deep robes follow you around everywhere. |
Cyclonic Spell |
Become a master of winds by gaining more flexibility with Air spells. |
Ability to cast Air spells, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks.
Deathblast Spell |
If your spell kills an enemy, they become a waiting proximity mine waiting to explode! |
Debris Spell |
Area effect spells leave behind a field of difficult terrain which damages creatures passing through it. |
Delayed Spell |
Make the poor bastards think they're off the hook, only to crush them once most opportune. |
Electroconvulsive |
Cause seizures in the target. |
Ability to cast spells with the electric descriptor, including a spell that deals electricity damage
Enhance Spell-CE |
Increase the damage cap on spells. |
Entropic Enchantment |
Failing to resist mind spells has bad consequences |
must know level 5 enchantment spells, one metamagic feat, spellcraft 8 ranks
Envelope Spell |
Encase a small object (such as a vial) in your spell. |
Expand Spell |
Like Widen Spell, but more versatile. Increase the area of a spell's effect. |
Familiar-Blooded Spell |
You can sacrifice your familiar to empower your spell, spell-like ability or supernatural ability. |
Spellcraft 9 ranks, must have a familiar.
Favored Summon, Variant |
Your summoned creatures gains additional benefits at the cost of quantity |
Ability to summon creatures via a Conjuration (summoning) spell, Augment Summoning.
Force Substitution |
You alter an energy spell into a [force] spell. |
Any other metamagic feat, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks.
From the Breach the Chaos Spread Out |
Spread chaos and darkness from high in a stormy sky and conjure lightning in your enemies. |
Chaotic Alignment, Able to cast Stormclouds of Dark Omens spell, Must have been cast Stormclouds of Dark Omens at least 10 times.
Gatling Spell |
By focusing your power, you can cast spells in quick succession. |
Ghostflame Spell |
Turn fire damage into ghostflame. |
Glowing Spell |
Your spells glow, and leave glowing residue behind. |
At least one [Light] spell known
Gravitic Spell |
You modify spells with intense gravity, dealing bludgeoning damage and bending gravity around it. |
Greater Envelope Spell |
Encase a spell inside another spell |
Envelope Spell, Quicken Spell or a means of casting two spells in the same turn
Guarded Spell |
Your casting does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and if disrupted the spell is not lost. |
At least two abjuration spells known
Hellfire Spell |
You turn your fire spell into hellfire spell, burning people to the bones. |
Hexed Spell |
Use an hexblade curse to deal extra unholy damage and curse the targets of your spell. |
Hexblade's Curse Class Feature
Icy Spell |
Your spells are able to leave slippery ice |
ability to cast spells with cold descriptor
Impetus Spell |
your force spells ignore more effects |
Independent Mage of the Arcane Order |
You do not need to be a member of the Arcane Order to access their Spellpool. |
Must be able to prepare 2nd level spells.
Infinite Spell |
A spell becomes reusable until you next prepare spells (+4 slots) |
Interwoven Spell |
You can weave two spells together and have them affect a similar area. Add a touch spell to a ray, and so forth. |
Any two metamagic feats, ability to cast 2nd-level spells, Spellcraft 8 ranks.
Item Focus Spell |
Allows you to cast with your hands full, provided one of your hands is holding the focus. |
Lapis Metamagic |
You can meld your very soul into your spells when empowering them. Like Midnight Metamagic, but not limited to once per day. |
Caster level 1st, any Metamagic feat, must possess either Con 13+ or at least one point of Essentia
Lasting Spell |
Not quite Persistent Spell, Lasting Spell still increases spell duration significantly. |
Legion Spell |
You buff entire armies in a single fell swoop with legion-augmented spells. |
Lunatic Spell |
Your spells cause madness in all who are struck by them. |
Magic of the Planetary Alignment |
You have 1 chance on 1,382,400 to make your spell near invincible. |
Non-Evil alignment, Caster 8th level., Magic of the Stars Canvas OR Profession (Astrologer) 12 ranks
Magmatic Spell |
Combine fire and bludgeoning damage. |
Mass Spell |
Your spells can benefit more targets. |
Caster level 9th.
Master of Land, Sky, and Sea |
Apply the Animal of the Land, Animal of the Sea, or Skyfish templates on your summons. |
Master of the Mind |
you can effect creatures usually immune to effects |
one metamagic feat, spellcraft 8 levels, must know 5 4th level illusion or 5 4th enchantment spells
Mediocre Spell |
You can make your spells reliable but unimpressive. |
Ability to cast 1st-level spells.
Metamagic Essay |
You make using certain metamagic feat look so easy. |
One Metamagic Feat
Metamagic Expertise |
You may add one free metamagic spell level to your spell by extending its casting time to 1 round. |
One metamagic feat. Must be able to cast 3rd-level spells.
Metamagic Savant |
Use Charisma in place of Intelligence for metamagic feat prerequisites. |
Improved Metamagic, Caster Level 10th, Charisma 20
Metaword |
You can get metamagic for the use of utterances. |
Mist Phantom Spell |
Summons and created objects appear invisible while in a deep mist, as if they had the mist phantom template. |
One other metamagic feat
Molten Spell |
Fire spells leave molten residue behind, scorching the battlefield. |
Muddy Spell |
Cover enemies with soaked earth to slow them. |
Multi-Spell |
Cast multiple spells with a single action. |
Caster level 5th
Nuclear Spell |
Mix force, fire, acid and sonic damage to destroy your opponents. |
Caster level 12th
Numbing Spell |
Your cold spells are extremely gelid. |
Organic Spell |
Avoid damage against animals and plants, and deal extra damage against aberrations and constructs. |
Must be pretentious.
Paranatural Summons |
Your summons count as natural creature whenever doing is advantageous. You may also summon in zone where planar travel is restricted. |
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Persistent Spell, Rebalanced |
A rebalanced version of the SRD feat. |
Extend Spell
Phantasmal Summons |
Summon the object mentally, only affecting intelligent creatures. |
Able to cast at least on Conjuration spell.
Physical Spell |
Turn your fireball into a bladeball and deal slashing damage! Or bludgeoning! Or piercing! |
Spell Focus (Conjuration) or at least two force spells known
Priority Spell |
You cast a spell at the start of initiative. |
Pulverizing Spell |
Add a simple effect to force spells |
Caster level 12th
Purified Energy |
Half the energy damage you deal with spells is divine damage. |
Knowledge (Arcana) 6 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 3 ranks
Rapid Spell |
Cast a spell a little faster |
Rayblade Spell |
You turn your rays into swords. |
BAB +1
Reckless Summoning |
Summon stronger creatures, but lacking any sort of control. |
Able to cast a [Summoning] spell.
Ritual Spell |
Cast a spell over a long time to cast it without consuming the spell slot. |
Spellcraft 4 ranks
Runic Ward |
Make the AC granted by spells apply to touch AC. |
Sacrifice Spell |
How many people have to die before you're satisfied? Ten. The Demon you've summoned might not be, though. |
Safeguard Spell |
Your spells won't affect you, allowing you to target places too close for comfort. |
Sanctuary Healing |
Protect those you heal by forming a magical sanctuary on them. |
Able to cast at least one divine spell from the Conjuration (Healing) school, Heal 6 Ranks, Spellcraft 6 Ranks
Scorching Spell |
Leave a burning mark with your fire spells. |
Selective Spell |
Your spells are laser-focused on only particular types of creature or objects. |
Sentient Spell |
Your spell auto-concentrates for you, and can make spell choices with no action on your part. |
Share Spell Metamagic |
Changes target from "You" to "One Willing Creature" |
Character Level 5
Signcaster |
You use sign language in place of verbal components for your spells. |
Caster level 1st, must be able to speak at least one form of Sign Language (Such as Drow Sign Language).
Single Target Spell |
Make a spell with multiple target only affect a single target. |
Sonorous Spell |
Your sonic spells ruin the earing of their victims. |
Spell Cascade |
You can bottle up your energy, allowing for a cascade of spells that rain quickly upon your foes. |
Must be able to cast 4rd-level spells, spellcraft 7
Spell Drain |
Magical foes damaged by your spell also gain a spellstrained level. |
Spell Macgyver |
When it comes to logical casting you know how to make those around you ask, "How did he do that?" |
Spell-Like Imbuing |
Arcane Archers can normally only use spells with their abilities. Now they can. |
Imbue Arrow or a similar ability and at least one Spell-like ability.
Spells in Communion |
Cast spells in unison with your allies in a surge of magical power. |
Able to cast a spell of 7th level or higher, Spellcraft 18 ranks
Spontaneous Metamagic |
Are you a spontaneous caster who likes metamagic? Of course you are. Here, have a feat. |
Int: 13, Spellcraft: 4 ranks, Must be able to cast arcane spells spontaneously.
Spreadfire Spell |
Like Quicken Spell, but the quickened spell cannot overlap the same targets. |
One metamagic feat
Strategic Spell |
You greatly increase the size of an area of effect spell. |
Widen Spell
Stretch Spell |
Increases the duration of a spell through sheer force of will. |
Sudden Metamagic |
Applies metamagic suddenly. |
Super Quicken |
You cast spells fast enough to react to people. |
Quicken Spell
Superconducting Spell |
Your electric spells are so powerful, they tear through resistances and immunities. |
Swift Spell |
You can cast spells more efficiently, more quickly, but with less staying power. |
Thousand-Spell Style |
You can fight in a flurry of spells and skeletal fists. |
Thousand-Hand Style, Cast In Hands, Combat Casting
Thunderbolt and Lightning, Very, Very Frightening |
Frighten your enemies with electricity |
spell with electric descriptor, able to cast spells
Thunderstruck |
Your electric spells and abilities are so intense that they can damage creatures normally resistant or immune to electricity. |
Toxic Acid |
Acid spells are toxic to living things like real life acid |
must be able to cast spells with acid descriptor
Toxic Combustion |
The spell inflict toxic burn on your targets and may even leave a cloud of toxic fume. |
Tracerlight Spell |
Your spell leaves a tracer behind and marks your opponent. |
Must be able to cast a [Light] spell.
Unbelievable Spell |
Your spells are too good to be true. Oddly enough, they are. |
Ability to cast at least one 3rd level Illusion spell
Undetectable Spell |
You can use Silent or Still Spell with no level adjustment, or both at once at a +1 adjustment. |
Silent Spell or Still Spell
Utility Summon |
Your summons last longer, but can't fight to save their lives. Or Yours. |
Augment Summoning
Vitriolic Liquid Spell |
Use sulphurous Water spells to inflict acid damage. |
Ability to cast Acid spells
Wildfire Spell |
When you burn things, the fire spreads wildly. |
Ability to cast Fire spells, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks.
Wrathful Spell |
Allow you to cast a spell while raging and it deal more damage. |
Zodiacal Spell |
As a master stargazer you can channel the power of constellations to empower your spells. |
Profession (astrologer) 4 ranks