Page history
29 January 2018
12 November 2017
3 December 2015
→Well I was going to rate this, but...: This spell's major shortcoming was always intended to be the fact that it works on a time delay. And the time delay is also its strength, by letting it work in conjunction with Time Stop.
no edit summary
I did say it would only be a dislike without the tl;dr, and this is a step in the right direction.
→Ratings: Blocking the ratings based entirely on "TL;DR"
→Well I was going to rate this, but...: I made some changes to the spell.
no edit summary
→Well I was going to rate this, but...: The end-state thing isn't that complicated.
no edit summary
no edit summary
→Well I was going to rate this, but...: Holy Hold has two separate saves for two separate end-states, but any given creature only has to make one or the other.
2 December 2015
→Well I was going to rate this, but...: Well, logically, it should be possible to jump out of the ring. And the spell was designed from the ground up to work well with Time Stop.
Added rating.
More speeling, more grandma
Added rating.
→Well I was going to rate this, but...
→Well I was going to rate this, but...
→Well I was going to rate this, but...
→Well I was going to rate this, but...: This isn't as long as it seems to be.
4 January 2015
19 August 2013
18 August 2013
31 July 2013
4 December 2012
→Time Stop Stupidity: Fixup
→Time Stop Stupidity: Holy hold is actually a delayed-effect spell itself.
→Time Stop Stupidity
→Time Stop Stupidity: Scrying phase?
→Time Stop Stupidity
→Time Stop Stupidity: I forgot my signature
→Time Stop Stupidity
→Time Stop Stupidity
→Time Stop Stupidity: The damage is high because it's SITUATIONAL.
→Time Stop Stupidity
→Time Stop Stupidity
Two different topics