Body As Hammer [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +10, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization for a weapon that can be used to grapple creatures, Improved Grapple, Str 20Benefit: While grappling a creature with a weapon (including a natural weapon), you can attempt to use that creature as an impromptu club; this takes a standard action (it cannot be done in a full attack) and requires a grapple check to succeed (but you take a −6 penalty on the grapple check and must succeed on a Strength check, DC 15 − the victim's size modifier to AC (therefore making the DC higher for larger creatures), as lifting someone into the air with your weapon as an impromptu hilt and swinging them around like a club is far from an easy task, especially if they're not willing). If you fail on either the grapple check or the Strength check, nothing happens except for you wasting your action. If you succeed on the grapple check and the Strength check, you swing your weapon hard enough to lift your victim off the ground and temporarily use them as the "business end" of your weapon. Make a single melee attack against a creature other than the one you're grappling. (Alternatively, you can attack an object, such as a chest or a pillar, if one happens to be within your reach.) This attack does bludgeoning damage (regardless of what type of damage your weapon normally deals, unless the creature you're grappling is too small to completely cover up your weapon's "business end"), does damage according to the size of the creature you're grappling (see the examples section), and the full damage is dealt to both the creature or object you strike and the creature you're grappling. After your attack is resolved, you must make another grapple check; if you lose this grapple check, the impact (or lack thereof) immediately knocks or flings the creature you were grappling off of your weapon, ending the grapple and causing the (formerly) grappled creature to fall prone in the space of the creature you struck.
Example: The damage of your weapon is modified by using this feat as follows:
- If the creature you are grappling is Fine, your weapon does its normal damage, and the damage is bludgeoning and whatever type of damage your weapon normally deals (piercing and/or slashing). (If your weapon normally does bludgeoning damage, the damage is simply bludgeoning and whatever else it happens to also deal.)
- If the creature you are grappling is Diminutive, your weapon does its normal damage, and the damage is half bludgeoning and half whatever type of damage your weapon normally deals (piercing and/or slashing). (If your weapon normally does purely bludgeoning damage (not bludgeoning and something else), the damage is simply bludgeoning.)
- If the creature you are grappling is Tiny, your weapon deals damage as though it is one size category larger, and the damage is half bludgeoning and half whatever type of damage your weapon normally deals (piercing and/or slashing). (If your weapon normally does purely bludgeoning damage (not bludgeoning and something else), the damage is simply bludgeoning.)
- If the creature you are grappling is Small, your weapon deals damage as though it is one size category larger. (When using a grappled creature that is Small or larger with this feat, the damage from your weapon is completely converted to bludgeoning damage, unless it is already purely bludgeoning damage (not bludgeoning and something else).)
- If the creature you are grappling is Medium, your weapon deals damage as though it is two size categories larger.
- If the creature you are grappling is Large, your weapon deals damage as though it is three size categories larger.
- If the creature you are grappling is Huge, your weapon deals damage as though it is four size categories larger.
- If the creature you are grappling is Gargantuan, your weapon deals damage as though it is five size categories larger.
- If the creature you are grappling is Colossal, your weapon deals damage as though it is six size categories larger.Normal: When grappling a creature, you can't attack creatures other than the one you're grappling, and you certainly can't use the creature you're grappling as a weapon against other creatures.Special: If you know maneuvers from the Chthonic Serpent discipline, Chthonic Serpent weapons are treated as weapons that can be used to grapple creatures, even if they normally can't. You can also use this feat while grappling a creature with a Chthonic Serpent maneuver (such as Binding Constrictor).
You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects don't stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different type of weapon.
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