5e Spells

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5e Spells
Adaptive WardA low-level reactionary Stoneskin, meant to replace Absorb Elements.

Afterimage DodgeA low-level, reactive Mirror Image

Agonizing Word
Alwin's Arcane VirusInfect a caster's spell. A nuisance in the short term, but can turn deadly if left untreated.

Alwin's Spell SiphonA riskier version of Counterspell that can recover spell slots

Arc LoopA small bolt of lightning that bounces from target to target.

Arcane BucklerUseful but modest update of 3.5e's Shield to 5e.

Arcing BladeHit an enemy, causing lightning to lash out at other enemies close to them.

Astral SealMark a target, to heal your allies when it is struck if it is strong, or to suffer additional damage if it is weak.

Blackthorn ArrowRanged "Blade" cantrip; Target can't heal for 1 round.

Blades of Vanquished ArmiesConjure spectral warrior spirits to swirl around you, harming those who come close. You can also command them to surge forth and strike your foes for you.

Blazing RebirthReactive Revivify, with some fire damage and extra healing.

BodyguardA defensive spell for a school of magic that is criminally underdeveloped at lower levels.

Bone PuppetA flavorful cantrip for a school of magic that is criminally underdeveloped at lower levels.

Boreal WindYou create a fierce gust of freezing wind that is 20 feet high and 20 feet wide.

Breathing RoomA quick boop to get enemies away from you.

Cadaver BombAn offensive AOE spell for a school of magic that is criminally underdeveloped at lower levels.

Calamitous CurseA stronger version of Jinx, forcing the creature's next d20 roll to fail catastrophically.

Call SteedCall a mount you've bonded with to travel to your location.

Chilling BladeHit an enemy and grow crystal armor temporarily.

Column of IceConjures one column of ice, 10-ft. radius and 35 ft in height

Conjure Creature
Conjurer's BladeA simple cantrip to create a melee weapon.

Corrosive Grasp3.5e conversion of Rusting Grasp; Smack your targets to corrode their flesh, armor and weapons.

Crashing StoneToss a pebble that turns into a boulder mid-flight.

Creeping ColdYou turn a creature's sweat and the air's ambient moisture to ice, creating blisters as the ice forms on and inside the skin.

Crumbling Curse
Crystal BladeHit an enemy and grow crystal armor temporarily.

DazeMomentarily disorient a creature

DecayCause the slow but inevitable decay of matter over time, dealing 1d6 necrotic damage per round.

Divisive ChallengeChallenge your opponents, Goading those that are Worthy, while Frightening those that are not.

DreadtheftCreate a beam of life-draining energy, withering foes and healing yourself.

EarthwalkGain a burrowspeed and tremorsense

Ekbom's Imaginary InsectsTarget hallucinates insects all over their body and attacks themselves.

Elemental RebukeHellish Rebuke buff. Use at your own risk.

Emberflash ArrowRanged "Blade" cantrip; Target catches fire for 1 round.

Encode Memories
Endure ElementsA creature protected by endure elements suffers much less harm from being in a hot or cold environment.

Extinguishing Strike
Fangblight ArrowRanged "Blade" cantrip; Weapon constricts target for 1 round.

FissurePunch the ground, sending out a line-shaped shockwave.

Flashing BladeHit an enemy and hinder its vision.

Focus BreakerShatters focus and concentration

Freezing StrikeMuch in the line of the Smite spells, imbue your weapon with the power to freeze a foe in its tracks.

Gift of RecoveryA little bit different take on healing; Basically fast healing from 3.5e.

Glyph of Oath-bindingYou inscribe a glyph on one or more willing person to enforce an oath or contract.

HammerBludgeoning damage: The cantrip.

Hand of BlightLaunch clawing hands of necrotic energy at your foes.

Hastening StrikeMuch in the line of the Smite spells, steal your opponent's time.

HeartripperAn update of a 3.5e spell, you use a targeted bolt of force to push a creature's heart out of its body.

Heat DrainThe heat in the room seems to rush toward you, leaving everyone around you in bone chilling pain while you feel amazingly refreshed and alive.

Sanguine SiphonUse your reaction to suck the blood out of your enemies.

Mass Sanguine SiphonUse your reaction to suck the blood out of even more enemies.

Hymn of RecoveryA Channeled healing spell. Don't worry, it's not broken.

Ice Crystal PhalanxFire a line of freezing ice, that leaves spikes behind in its wake.

Impaling ConjurationBriefly summon spears, arrows, and other piercing projectiles to impale your enemies.

Incite RageThe Goad version of Cause Fear, with one extra twist.

Infernal SpheresConjure sphere of flame to protect you, striking those that harm you.

InflameAn AoE Goad, in the vein of the 3rd-level Fear spell.

IrkTouch your opponent to annoy them; The opposite of Guidance.

JinxCurse your target with instant bad luck, dealing random damage to them as something abrupt and painfully inconvenient happens to them.

Kinetic BladePush an enemy around the battlefield by bonking it over the head.

Kiss of VantiPsychic Vampirism

Lithic BlockRaise a 5ft cube out of the ground to hide behind; More cubes as you gain levels.

Lunging MawConjure a giant mouth to swallow your enemies.

Mass Mage ArmorGives Mage Armor to a number of creatures for 1 minute

Mass RevivifyRevivify 3 targets with 1 action, get more with upcasting.

Mass Swift BarrierA mass version of my Shield rework.

Necrotic AwarenessDetect the presence of necrotic cysts

Necrotic BurstEncysted subject killed, cyst begins to roam.

Necrotic CystInfect the subject with an undead sac of tissue.

Necrotic ScryingHear or see encysted subject at a distance.

Prismatic BurstA pop of bright color with various debilitating effects for those that roll a 1.

Quickening BladeHit an enemy and hasten your reaction time.

Redirecting RiftA low-level reactive Conjuration spell to throw an attack somewhere else.

Reflexive ForesightA low-level reactive defense spell, utilizing the painfully utilitarian school of Divination.

Rekindling Touch
Revitalizing WordA Healing Word that is good for something other than a cheap way to bring up a downed ally.

Roaring ArrowRanged "Blade" cantrip; Deals minor AoE Thunder damage.

Saving Grace
ShadowCreates a zone of shadow

Shafts of RadianceBriefly summon spears, arrows, and other piercing projectiles to impale your enemies.

ShoutAn update of a 3.5e spell.

SkyboltA long-ranged small AoE Lightning spell. Too many fire spells these days...

Slow HealingRecover hp slowly over time.

Soul SummonsYou look within yourself to conjure your own soul, which separates from your body and takes its own form.

Sound BurstAn update of a 3.5e spell.

Spectral StampedeRemember that scene from The Lion King? Now with force ghosts.

Swift BarrierA Shield replacement that is more versatile and less annoying.

SéanceA lower-level, riskier alternative to Speak With Dead. As detailed as it is verbose.

TerraformReshape the earth and stone around you into simple objects and structures.

Thousandfold StrikeMuch in the line of the Smite spells, hit your foe with a multitude of attacks across dozens of timelines.

Toxic BladeHit an enemy and hinder its actions.

True DodgeSense your foe's next attack and preemptively evade it.

True Strike, VariantA variant to true strike that attempts to fix the problems with the original.

Twisted Magic FieldYou manipulate and twist magic around you

Twisting BladeHit an enemy, and immediately move without provoking your foe's wrath.

Vampiric SmiteEmpowers your weapon with life-draining force.

Vampiric Weapon
Vanishing StrikeMuch in the line of the Smite spells, charge up, and vanish the moment you strike.

Venomous StrikeMuch in the line of the Smite spells, imbue your weapon with deadly poison.

Vexing WordA Silvery Barbs replacement that doesn't break the RNG.

Warping StrikeMuch in the line of the Smite spells, hit your target and teleport away.

WindshearCut your enemies with a solidified razor of high-speed wind.

Withering BladeHit an enemy and stop them from healing.

Woodwisp ArrowRanged "Blade" cantrip; Ignores cover from wooden objects.

Z's Compelled DuelA rework of Compelled Duel using the Goaded condition.

Z's Cure WoundsMy redux of Cure Wounds. Can't heal targets above half HP.

Z's False LifeA rework of False Life that gets stronger the weaker you are. Y'know... So there's actually a reason to pick it over Armor of Agathys.

Z's Healing WordA Healing Word that is good for something other than a cheap way to bring up a downed ally. Can't heal targets above half HP.

Z's Toll the Dead
Z's Witch BoltA rework of a bad spell, using my Channeling variant rule.

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