3.5e NPCs

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Name Summary CR
Aaron Tagge A man wearing a crisp, clean, white, robe, with a slightly forceful yet smooth aura about him. 17
Admirali Nyota Admiral. 30
Aeshana a Kalashtar NPC 16
Aghalor Oros A monster with eyes that glow in the darkness, glinting like the purest rubies ever mined, the beast charges, smashing through stone and steel alike. 12
Apple A plant man with a craving. 13
Arget Mythweaver A battered Warforged with an unseen and unsettling secret. 13
Armored Wolf Swordsman A mysterious armored knight in wolf headed armor. Built for pathfinder mechanics. 15
Aroghin Temple Guard Elite working soldier tasked with patrols and keeping the peace. 3
Ashilon Baelfire, Scourge Of Damnation A Scourge Warlock specializing in the Damnation talent tree. 12
Ashilon Baelfire, Scourge Of Fury A Scourge Warlock specializing in the Fury talent tree. 12
Ashilon Baelfire, Scourge Of Temptation A Scourge Warlock specializing in the Temptation talent tree. 12
Aubrey the Black Knight A fiercesome pathfinder antipaladin bound within cursed armor. 12
Barry the Lich A severely underpowered lich adversary. 7
Beowulf Dron A noble dwarf dragoon with lance, known for slaying wyverns and amazing speed. 8
Black Widow A charismatic femme fatal bard with a perchance of turning friends upon friends, and killing the survivors. 8
Brightblade Champion A heroic paladin sort. Built for pathfinder mechanics. 13
Captain Jack Lanius A brutal and no-nonsense second-in-command to the battalion of Ianthe the Threefold Death. 6
Carol Impala A mischievious wanna-be adventurer and daughter of a simple farmer, she has obtained the blessings of nature. She is but a newbie, but she keeps slipping out into dangerous territory and getting in trouble. 1
Cat Lady An old woman who lives in a mansion, and has cats. 2
Champion Kira Champion Kira is a Andellion Warrior. She follows the teachings of the Goddess Eden and seeks to destroy the wicked on a quest to purify herself from evil. She wields a large sword and serves as a melee combatant skilled in critical hits. 1
Cirno Cirno the "Ice Fairy" wants to freeze you! Why don't you stay still so she can hit you? 15
Dagger The quiet and edgy archtypical rogue in the corner of the tavern. We are pretty sure Dagger is not his real name either. 3
Damorian Blackstone An imposing voodoo priest who leads a small cult. He'll raise your fallen companion, for a price. 6
Darklord Ruthven A vampiric sorcerer from ancient past, a master of shadows and spells. 19
Daven von Galbret The son of a baron attempting to fill his father's shoes and earn respect. He is trained in the way of a knight, but is honestly a little green. 2
Deeka Thug Deeka muggers out for quick cash. 3
Din Summary needed 15
Doctor Softlove The mad scientist and technoplush Doctor Softlove shall help and/or destroy the world... WITH SCIENCE! 11
Dwarven Pyropsyche Dwarven pyropsyche priestess, masters of the flame. 3
Dwarven White Magus Dwarven white magus healer, largely non-combative. 3
Eleutheria of Erebos A shadow tiefling incarnate that melds the shadows of Erebos with its own soul to create soulmelds of darkness and chaos. 11
Emperor Mundus A powerful and proud human who is convinced he is the reincarnated form of the god of matter. 7
Ethergaunt Bureaucrat An administrator in the Khen-Zai empire. 0.5
Ethergaunt Conscript A basic ethergaunt soldier fighting for the greater good Khen-Zai Empire. 0.5
Ethergaunt Infantryman A trained ethergaunt soldier fighting for the EMPRAH Khen-Zai Empire. 1.5
Ethergaunt Veteran An experienced ethergaunt soldier fighting for the Gawds of Kay-Oss Khen-Zai Empire. 2.5
Eur Tareh The shadowy figure stood calmly in the moonlight, three stones whirling around his head. He grinned widely, his teeth glinting in the ghostly light. 19
Evesor Worm In a high balance game, a scary but fragile melee dork. In anything lower, a means of punishing/trolling the players. 14
Faith Antunes A spider-obsessed blood magister with a summoning background. 8
Fearcaster A fear based sorcerer who can terrify opponents to death. 8
Felix Weathershine The de facto town mage, his interests largely lie in utility magic and study for acedemic pursuits. He wishes to obtain enough funds to eventually leave town and learn from a more prestigous arcane university. 2
Fox Zoss The sneaky traveling sorcerer named Fox, he is an illusionist and con man who uses his magic to his advantage. 4
Full Power Ray Sniper Wilder entirely too focus on powering up the strongest laser blasts. Built for pathfinder mechanics. 12
Gayr Sagol Blood drips from the grey-clad mans long, curved blade as he held up his hand and ordered us to stop in our tracks. 15
Gegglahroque Ahgglin The big gray man in maroon robes. 12
Generic Fatman Pilot A generic Fatman pilot, as a typical ranged specialized Human Machinist Fighter 4. 9
Ghost of Ianthe The ghost form of Ianthe the Threefold Death. 14
Goblin Sneak Goblins with sneaky training. 2
Gorg Ribsplinter Goblin king. 8
Grendel Gronti A giant dwarf knight with ball & chain, and troubling hunger. 8
Gryip A brilliant tactician and powerful mage, she was both the destroyer and the savior of the Enrakkan continent. 16
Hanabusa Genosuke A modified character played in the Empire of the Rising Sun Campaign and released as an NPC. 20
Hannah Tirade This NPC needs a brief summary. 9
Haridan Lonny A tall man stands there, his eyes closed as the wind whips around him, seemingly not even aware of the world before him. 15
Harlee Quinn A smell fills the air, and there he stands, a small, homeless gnome, holding a small sword in his raised hand, and grinning at you. 9
Hev Shamark Hev Shamark. Youngest of four and first son of Kilik Shamark. A native of the Midland's and hero to the Midlandian People. Hev joined the Midlandian Alliance Guild when he turned eighteen. Upon his third assignment Hev single-handedly defeated a Crystal Mountain's Troll, saving a gypsy caravan from certain doom. Ever since Hev's heroic deeds have made him a famous commander of the idealistic Midlandian Alliance Guild. 1
Homeless Madman A madman wandering the street, however unlike many his madness hail from contact with an eldritch being. 2
Ian Jackdaw An unkempt traveling supernatural warrior and exorcist who'll do anything for the right bit of coin. 8
Ian Jackdaw's Ghost An unkempt traveling supernatural warrior and exorcist who'll do anything for the right bit of coin. 10
Ianthe the Threefold Death A three-armed necromantic cleric half-orc who raises the dead for her nation's dark armies. 12
Imion Makrus A tall lithe man with dark seedy looking eyes and tassled brown hair, wearing a simple adventurer's garb, but overly decked out in pockets that seemed packed to the bring with every supply you could think of to get out of a tight spot. 19
Ingleo von Galbret The soft spoken younger son of a baron, he is often kept out of the public eye for he is frail and sickly. Those who know of him say he is possessed with supernatural powers and unusual foresight. 1
Invader Agent Alien Men in Black 3
Irayura Tohi Around the corner canters a stallion of a centaur, dust coating his form, and beads of sweat are visible on his forehead. 18
Irons A warforged with a passion for life, he is a businessman, selling his goods across the world from his merchant airship. 7
Ishan Degosa He stands there, crackling with arcane energy as his rags of clothing hang loosely from his well-muscled frame. "You evil Bastards will not set foot in this Temple!" He hisses. 11
Jack Short A halfling bandit who is the cunning brains for a tribe of hobgoblin bandits. Don't make fun of his height or he'll gut you. 4
James Houlton 14
Jason Gerieth A man wearing a tight, pitch black cloak, with an almost palpable aura of corruption around him, who only has one goal in mind. That of ending all reality. 14
Jerrod Polt An extremely tall Acolyte of the Scythe devoted to the use of his weapon; so much that he has even gained the pseudonym "Scythe". 12
Joe Black The man, the myth, the legend... it's none other than Viewtiful Joe himself, three-time savior of Movieland! (Maybe four-time... it's kinda tough to tell.) 20
Joker For a just as crazy DM 12
Juliette Troubal The air seems cold and still, then there before you is a woman, clad in a green cloak, and holding a beautiful, glowing chain in her hands. 18
Kaine the Betrayer Dangerous swiftblade dhampir, as charming as he is deadly. Built for pathfinder mechanics. 16
King Iscariot Raum de Elmdore Current King of Ghremlond, this charismatic vampire is charming, and without mercy for those who would call him an enemy. 15
Lamaë’an Spider rider servant of Lolth 11, {{{cr}}}
Lizardfolk Least Ranger A CR 3 ranger lizardfolk who hunts down humanoid races. 3
Lyroni Roya A high spirited, bubbly spellcaster who enjoys swimming and long walks on the beach. 3
Macavity An unique one-eyed hellcat (bezekira) of unusual size and strength. It seeks others and makes contracts with them, aiding them invisibly as their newfound puppets do their dirty work. 10
Mad Blazer Joral McGee This page needs a brief summary. 14
Madroth Fhakori A woman who is mad for power. Your typical female big bad, but with an Incarnum twist. 15
Magnus A patriarch lycanthrope (wereape) 14
Makalo Vex A mystic who travels far and wide, gathering knowledge and power with which to lead a crusade to reclaim his homeland. 13
Maleficent Disney's mistress of all evil. 18
Maverick Stone A tall, rather mad looking man wearing a dusty cloak and matching boots. 17
Maya Nay A woman sat there, in the dark, flipping a coin into the air and catching it repeatedly. 19
Mecha-Wolf Mercenary An enhanced lugaru with construct implants. They are skilled mechanics and ruthless mercenaries of the Iron Fangs Corps. 3
Medic Psyblade Healer 12
Melissa Travoris A wizard who uses the practicality of creating her own magic items. 13
Mercedes Powers Mayor of the city of Rhine and former adventurer, the one-eyed archer is retired. For now. 9
Mewtwo The genetic god-thing. 26
Military Melee Unit Generic military melee soldier in a semi-modern fantasy army. 6
Military Ranged Unit Generic military ranged soldier in a semi-modern fantasy army. 6
Military Warmage Blaster Generic military blasting caster, for magical artilary support. 6
Miluda Quivira Miluda is the leader of the Sand Rats, a group of bandits which prowl the Desert of Illusions in Piesok. They make a living off of preying on traveling merchants and bands of adventurers, stripping them of their gear and using their city contacts to sell it for goods. 15
Moonside EB-3 A lost uberich seperated from the colony, fear consumes her every act. 15
Nahum Frost A tall, unkempt, unshaven man wearing a torn and very beaten looking set of cloth armor. 17
Olous Valeron An extremely tall figure, wrapped in shimmering light and distorted space, carrying a massive, heavy looking axe. 11
Omerta Endecha Famous bard possessed by the elder evil Algollied. 20
Orin Maske (3.5e NPC) A man with a calm yet intense air about him, wearing the road beaten gear of a warrior. 14
Orin Maske (3.5e NPC) A man with a warm, jovial air about him, wearing the colorful clothing of a dancer. 14
Orin Maske (3.5e NPC) A man with a cold, calculating air about him, wearing a perfectly clean shirt and pair of pants. 14
Orin Maske (3.5e NPC) A man with a friendly, welcoming air about him, wearing some fine padded pieces of armor, with a thin blade slung over his shoulder. 14
Orq Least Assassin A CR 2 assassin orq which usually work with lesser orq assassins as minions. 2
Orq Least Gate Knight A CR 3 gate knight orq which act as shock troopers. 3
Orq Lesser Assassin A CR 4 assassin orq which is usually sent to close a contract... permanently. 4
Osahar Ini-herit A dark form stands in the shadows just on the edge of vision, it seems to be shifting from one form to another, the only thing remaining fix being it's eyes, eyes that look as though they could pierce your very soul. 17
Queen of the Hunt Charismatic leader of a vampire hunting clan. Built for pathfinder mechanics. 9
Rafael Moncrieff A Soulbinder gone mad with power, he believes he can further the power of his soul if he steals the soul of others. He attacks with his sais in hopes to trap the PC's Soul. 12
Rakkin Galor Rakkin Galor is the top gladiator in the Calantaa Gladitorial Arena. 11
Raphael the Large A half-giant druid and wandering scholar, he has abandoned civilization in search of ancient lore and knowledge. In particular he seeks wisdom from watching the stars and acts as a diviner for those who can find him and convince the surly giant-kin to share. 6
Rasheen Jitog An unshaven man, wearing a ragged, torn, grey cloak, with eyes that seem to split straight into your soul, pupiless and terrifying. 14
Rethar Battle A short, bald man with a rather calm, confident air about him. 15
Rhiannon Ventus A mysterious wind mage who claims to be the daughter of the infamous Vaati. Thankfully, she's not villainous like her supposed father, but she is disturbingly carefree, doing as she pleases without a care for the consequences. 16
Rip Shadowmantle The bastard son of a witch who comes to find he is Nerull's son. 10
Rodrip Evilom A figure with chiseled features and dark, smooth, gray skin that is pockmarked with red sores and green infections. 12
Ronen Kine A powerful Psionic character for use in the Eberron Campaign Setting. 26
Rowdy Elven Youth A young adult elf, just graduated from 90 years in the academy of hard knocks. 4500
Rydel Taerun A sly, charismatic con man who specializes in thievery and all things seedy. 7
Sagittarius This middle aged looking huntsman, common in nigh any village, distinguishes himself with a glowing blue eye and mechanical arm. 5
Sanders A fighter who's practices of shaping his soul into weapons and battle has slowly driven him mad. He wants only for battle. 13
Seyayi Dorval Needs summary 6
Shale Dhole A trader, and eater, of precious metals in the mines and underdark. 12
Shotglass Johnson Shotglass Johnson is the second in command of the nutorious Bloody Nose Boys, he only answers to the big boss Sigfreid 'Three-shot' Kepler 8
Siren Warrior Human born with the siren's curse. 4
Sorrowswamp Mage A fear based sorcerer who can terrify opponents to death. 8
Sphinggo the Gatekeeper A cruel minotaur who guards a travel pass, those who do not please his cruel humor are pushed into the deep ravine. 18
Sylvia Linth A woman sits there in the dark, holding her head high as her hand rests up the arm of the golden throne. 13
Sylvia Salamander-Tongue A charming but devious bard who uses their charm and good looks to manipulate their way into the vaults of others. 3
Taraga Finch A man wearing a flamboyantly cut, purple and green suit, twirling a metal cane around with one hand while an an exceedingly eccentric smile sits, plastered over his pleasant, warm face, and a little odd twinkle shines in his light blue eyes. 20
Tavid Irons The warden of a small town and captain of the guard, he is an adventurer who retired early to settle down in the town he loved. Jokes about arrows to the knee are likely to get you arrested. 4
Temoryn Nighthowl A wild elf raised by wolves, taught to fight like a fearsome beast., A large black wolf with electric-green eyes. Companion of Temoryn Nighthowl. 9
The Amazing Firecat The Amazing Firecat was originally an ordinary person, but he was bitten by a radioactive housecat that happened to be on fire, and transformed into a cat with the ability to fling tremendous fireballs. 8
The Duskwall Plateau/Acolyte Necro-mage Gnoll necromantic mage gnolls- Acolyte 4
The Duskwall Plateau/Adept Necro-mage Gnoll necromantic mage gnolls- Adepts 5
The Duskwall Plateau/Skeletal gnoll Warrior Skeletal gnoll Warrior 2
The Duskwall Plateau/Skeletal gnoll barbarian Skeletal gnoll barbarian 2
The Shadow of the Sky A (literally) shadowy puppetmaster 7
Trallek Maggex A hunter of wizards and other sleeping people, Trallek Maggex would probably make a bad encounter for the players, unless they like fighting in their sleep. 5
Tural Remiel Upon the ridge stands a lone figure, his long, white travelling cloak whipping around him in the wind. 16
V A mysterious man on an even more mysterious mission., V's most talkative familiar., V's most destructive familiar., V's most flexible familiar. 17, {{{cr}}}
Valentine A spectre that controls dreams. 15
Vrajitor Battlecaster Generic low level wizards for the nation of Vrajitor. 2
Vrajitor Soldier Generic low level soldiers for the nation of Vrajitor. 1
White Dragon, Zmeya Tsarsiber A three headed white dragon in the frozen north, which has become fiercely protective of its valuable treasures. 21
Zatoichi A blind master of swords 13

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