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Wildmage's Homebrew (74 Articles) [Collapse]
Classes Ether Knight, Executioner, Master Wild Mage, Monsterslayer, Psion Loremaster, Soul-Rage Skald
Class Ability Components Fool’s Speech, Hornung’s Chaos Shield, Hornung’s Surge Selector, Madness Charge, Minor Dark Summon, Nahal’s Reckless Dweomer, Nahal’s Vortex, Nahal’s Wildfire, Nahal’s Wildstrike, Nahal’s Wildzone, Wild Fate, Yellow Sign
Character Options Frog Chant, Wildmage Variant, High Draconic, Wildmage Variant, Intuitive Reader, Learned Reader, Psion Loremaster, Secret Identity, Soul Reader, Terminology of Concordance, Wildmage Variant, Wild Blood, Wild Born, Wild Mage, Wild Mage Artist, Zen Warrior
Equipment a good deal of them books A Druid's Guide to Redwood Forests' Most Beautiful Places, Advanced Artificer 101, Basic Artificer 101, Death Grimoire of Rahmen I, Death Grimoire of Rahmen II, Death Grimoire of Rahmen III, Death Grimoire of Rahmen IV, Death Grimoire of Rahmen V, Ether Tablets, Etherblade, Executioner’s Blade, Fairy and Troll, The Book About Gods, Jal'vor's Guide to the Bloodwars, Manual of Bodily Health, BoB, Manual of Gainful Exercise, BoB, Manual of Quickness in Action, BoB, Manual of the Lurking Shadow, Tome of Clear Thought, BoB, Tome of Leadership and Influence, BoB, Tome of Understanding, BoB
Variants and Terms Waypoint Style Teleportation, Wild Magic
Other Awakening Soul, Caster's Headache, Common Flu, Demon gifted, Demon's Blessing, Moon Madness, Random MTG Plane, Random Mutation, Random Planescape Plane, The Caretaker, The Commander, The Crafter, The Creator, The Jester, The Keeper, Wild Plague
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