From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Desert Wind[edit]
Arson Step |
1 |
Rush |
Move, lighting nearby objects on fire.
Sand Spray |
1 |
Counter |
When the enemy attacks, you kick dirt in their eyes to throw off their aim.
Oasis Shade Stance |
1 |
Stance |
Enjoy protection from extreme heat and cold, mobility over loose sand, and never being thirsty.
Searing Foehn |
2 |
Stance |
Your flames burn blue with supernatural energy, allowing you to cut through even those resistant to your attacks!
Desert Glare |
2 |
Strike |
With a flash of your blade you redirect the sun into your opponent's eyes, blinding them.
Haze of Lies |
3 |
Strike |
Generate a mirage of enemies being allies, and allies enemies.
Sun's Wrath |
3 |
Boost |
You channel the divine light of the sun into your weapon to smite undead!
Wind Scorpion Pursuit |
4 |
Rush |
Move with the blazing speed of the wind scorpion!
Hungry Earth |
4 |
Strike |
Form a pit of quicksand which will suck your opponents in.
Path of the Dry Ones |
5 |
Strike |
Travel through the sand and earth, teleporting from waste to waste.
Desert Bastion |
5 |
Strike |
Whip up a wall of sand and roaring wind, blocking the path of your foes.
Ghost of the Desert |
6 |
Strike |
Give life to sand and turn it into a creature to fight for you.
Mirage Mirror |
7 |
Stance |
You're under a constant shimmering haze similar to mirror image.
Sandstorm Cloak |
7 |
Strike |
Transform into a swirling cloud of sand.
Heat Sink |
8 |
Counter |
Absorb the heat in the area and transform it into a burst of healing.
Solar Blaze |
8 |
Boost |
Create a massive sunburst to blind a huge amount of foes, or create a long-standing daylight.
Wrath of the Desert |
9 |
Strike |
Creating a blazing tornado of fire, wind, and glass, tearing up the landscape around you.
Devoted Spirit[edit]
Divine Relief |
1 |
Strike |
A creature under an effect with a duration gets a second save to shake off the effects.
Divine Resistance |
1 |
Counter |
Gain energy resistance 5 as an immediate action.
Blessed Journey |
2 |
Rush |
Travel through harmful terrain and effects without taking damage.
Weapon of the Spirit |
2 |
Boost |
Summon a weapon made of force to attack when you do.
Outsider's Wing |
3 |
Rush |
Gain brief flight as a move action.
Soul Armor |
3 |
Counter |
Gain spell resistance as an immediate action for 1 round.
Mobile Bulwark |
4 |
Stance |
You are able to handle shields better, even using two-handed weapons with light and heavy shields.
Greater Divine Resistance |
4 |
Counter |
Gain energy resistance 20 as an immediate action.
Ysgard's Resilience |
5 |
Stance |
Take half lethal and half non-lethal damage, automatically stabilize upon falling, and recover easily from heals and revivals.
Martyr's Sacrifice |
5 |
Counter |
Take the damage meant for another. It could save their skin.
Planar Rift |
5 |
Strike |
Dismiss an outsider back to their home plane, or travel the planes yourself.
Iron Mettle |
6 |
Counter |
Gain mettle against an effect, and a bonus on saving throws.
Body of the Spirit |
6 |
Boost |
Gain celestial, fiendish, axiomatic, or anarchic traits for 1 minute.
Disruptive Strike |
7 |
Strike |
Dispel an enemy's spells, and automatically destroy spells opposite of your alignment.
Divine Immunity |
7 |
Counter |
Gain energy immunity as an immediate action.
Deific Mercy |
8 |
Strike |
Cure ability penalties, ability damage, and negative levels.
Karmatic Rebuke |
8 |
Counter |
If you are affected by a death effect, deflect it back upon them!
Strike of God's Wrath |
9 |
Strike |
Smite them like the fist of an angry god!
Diamond Mind[edit]
Iron Heart[edit]
Cut and Run |
1 |
Rush |
Gain the benefits of the Spring Attack feat.
Steel Precision |
1 |
Stance |
Gain a +1 insight bonus to attack and damage, which scales. Sometimes, simple is best.
Shattered Jade |
1 |
Stance |
Sustain a -2 penalty to Armor Class, add 1d6 + initiator level to attack damage.
Samurai's Salute |
2 |
Boost |
Challenge an opponent to single combat; if they do not accept by attacking you, you do bonus damage to them.
Heart of a Champion |
3 |
Rush |
As Iron Heart Surge, but useable as a move action and clarified to allow for maximum usefulness.
Ogreslayer Stance |
3 |
Stance |
You gain an additional 5 feet of reach, bonus damage against creatures larger than you.
Iron Heart Breaker |
3 |
Strike |
Severely damage your opponent's weapon with a melee attack, making it less effective.
Hammer and Anvil |
4 |
Counter |
Hit an opponent as an immediate action, knocking them prone if you interrupted their movement.
Heart of Stone |
4 |
Strike |
Deal bonus damage based on how weakened the target already is.
Clash of Wills |
5 |
Rush |
Mow through people, forcing them to either move or exchange attacks with you.
Epiphany of Steel |
5 |
Stance |
Critical hits apply even to creatures normally immune, and critical damage multipliers are increased.
Fulcrum Cutter |
6 |
Counter |
Reflect any attack or effect requiring an attack roll with a superior opposed attack roll.
Forlorn Hope |
7 |
Strike |
Charge, deal massive damage if it's the first round of combat.
Pyrrhic Victory |
7 |
Strike |
Attack reduces you to −1 hit points, number of hit points lost is added to your attack damage.
Iron Jawed Angel |
7 |
Counter |
Gain DR X/-, where X is equal to the result of your Appraise check.
Deliverance |
8 |
Stance |
Deal 1d8 points of damage per two initiator levels to all foes you threaten in melee each turn that you maintain this stance.
Iron Sharpens Iron |
8 |
Boost |
All successful attacks made until the beginning of your next turn are automatically confirmed critical hits, and victims of these attacks cannot be raised normally.
Thousand Knives |
8 |
Strike |
Attack repeatedly with cumulative -2 penalties until you miss, adding damage for each previous hit.
Sword of Judgment |
9 |
Strike |
Successful attack is an automatic critical hit, adds 10 points of damage per intiator level which can be exchanged for attack bonuses.
Setting Sun[edit]
Setting Sun Suplex |
1 |
Strike |
Grab on to opponent, throw them to the ground over your head and knock them prone.
Float Like a Butterfly |
1 |
Stance |
Move 5 feet every time you make an attack or another's attack misses you.
No Rest for the Wicked |
1 |
Counter |
Throw grabbed ally or foe 10 feet as an immediate action.
Sundial Twist Kick |
2 |
Counter |
Follow up melee attack with roundabout kick, deal double damage if previous attack missed.
Horizon Line Punch |
2 |
Strike |
Punch all the creatures in a straight line, moving that distance without provoking.
Form Tackle |
2 |
Rush |
Bodily tackle foe, grabbing onto them in the process.
Pivotal Chop |
3 |
Counter |
A successful Sense Motive check allows you to dodge, then counterattack.
Home Run Derby |
3 |
Strike |
Grab on to opponent, throw them to provoke attacks of opportunity for their forced movement.
Breaking Dawn |
3 |
Stance |
Delay your turn without changing your place in initiative.
Flying Knee |
4 |
Strike |
Deal massive damage to big opponents with melee attack, ground fliers.
Gentle Fist |
4 |
Strike |
Negate a foe's ability to use spells, psionics, maneuvers, etc.
Rolling Launcher |
4 |
Counter |
When a creature attacks, throw them instead. More effective if the attacker was moving or charging.
Tears of the Sun |
5 |
Strike |
Causes opponent to bleed, taking damage and rendering them temporarily blinded, deafened, and sickened.
One Inch Punch |
5 |
Counter |
Counter an opponent's counter, continue with your previous action if successful.
The Clock Strikes Midnight |
7 |
Strike |
Grab on to opponent, spin them around to deal damage, and then throw them.
Hurricane Scythe Kick |
9 |
Rush |
Push an opponent backwards with successive melee attacks.
Shadow Hand[edit]
Unwary Harassment |
1 |
Rush |
Twist around enemy, getting into more favorable position.
Shadowshatter |
2 |
Stance |
Ignore hardness and deal double damage to objects
Seen but Unseen |
3 |
Counter |
Creature who would have seen you fails to do so.
Bad Analogy |
7 |
Strike |
Compare enemy to thing. Beat up thing. Enemy dies.
Stone Dragon[edit]
Name |
Level |
Type |
Tiger Claw[edit]
White Raven[edit]
Name |
Level |
Type |