3.5e Skill Tricks
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These tables list all standard 3.5e skill tricks on the wiki.
You can also view our skill tricks in category format, if you wish.
See this page for more information about skill tricks.
Name | Description | Prerequisites |
Alluring Distraction | You can use your seductive guile to buy yourself a few seconds. | Bluff 3 ranks |
Angry Glare | Make an intimidate check to demoralize as a swift action or prevent people from speaking up against you. | Intimidate 5 ranks |
Blinding Maneuver | Use light in combat to hinder opponents. | BAB +1 or Bluff 1 rank |
Chirology | Read the future from palms. | Knowledge (arcane) or (psionics) 1 rank, Sense Motive 5 ranks |
Compassionate Hug | Give a truly heart-felt hug and make someone feel better. | Sense Motive 8 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks |
Counterbluff | Make someone believe you swallowed their lie whole. | Bluff 6 Ranks, Sense Motive 6 Ranks |
Counterfeint | You can trick tricksters and con conmen, and turn their dirty tricks right back upon them. | Bluff 10 ranks, Sense Motive 10 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Gather Information 4 ranks, Spot 4 ranks, Listen 4 ranks |
Cunning Suggestion | You can make a suggestion sound particularly reasonable. | Bluff 8 Ranks, must be able to cast suggestion or insidious suggestion. |
Deriding Comment | Make an incredibly hurtful comment or insult. | Bluff 8 ranks |
Disbelieve the Reality | Treat a spell you are being affected by as if it was partially unreal. | Must know at least one [Shadow] spell. |
Don't Hurt Me | You convince an enemy that you are too feeble to fight. | Bluff 8 ranks, Diplomacy 5 ranks |
Fear Itself | With a mere glare, you cause extreme and intense fear to a single opponent. | Intimidate 10 ranks |
Fire Eating | Learn to breathe flames from a lit torch. | Minor Pyrotechnics, Perform (pyrotechnics) 6 ranks |
Fistful of Blows | Throw many punches as a singular strike. | Flurry of Blows feature |
Flurry of Opportunities | When the enemy drops its guard you hit multiple times. | Flurry of Blows feature |
I Will Make You An Offer You Can't Refuse | You intimidate another party into doing your biding. | Intimidate 11 Ranks |
Intimidating Initiative | Growl at the start of combat to instill fear into opponents slower than you. | Intimidate 4 ranks |
Lasso | Ensnare targets at range. | Use Rope 5 ranks |
Liar Instinct | You use your acumen and instinct as a liar to spot a lie, of course if you are wrong it may cause you to honestly believe the lie. After all, your instinct and mastery can't be wrong. | Bluff 6 Ranks |
Major Pyrotechnics | Deepening your craft with fireworks you gain new techniques with them. | Character level 3rd, Minor Pyrotechnics |
Minor Pyrotechnics | Use fireworks and black powder in efficient ways | Craft (fireworks) 1 rank or Perform (pyrotechnics) 1 rank |
Play 'Possum | You pretend to play dead (or at least unconscious). | Bluff 10 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks |
Predict Action | Predict the opponent's action, forcing them to go through with it or be dazed from the revelation that they could be read so easily. | Cha 13 |
Pretty Eyes | You exchange a look with another, attempting to enamore them to you. | Bluff 4 Ranks |
Reinforce Compulsion | You use cunning words to reinforce your mind control abilities. | Must be able to cast at least one [Compulsion] spell. |
Scare Them Back | Scare foes back who try to scare you | Intimidate 8 ranks, strength 13 |
Secret Identity | You assume a secret identity. | Bluff 9 rank, Disguise 9 ranks |
Secret Society | You are a member of a secret society and know how to communicate secretly with other member of your secret society. | 1st Level only or Forgery 5 ranks |
Smell of Fear | Respond to fear with disgust. | Must not be immune to fear and must have a digestive system. |
Smooth Social Recovery | You can recover from botched social checks handily and efficiently. | Bluff 4 Ranks and Diplomacy 4 ranks. |
Surprising Entrance | You make a scene when you enter a room or into view, causing everyone to look at you. | Bluff 8 ranks or Diplomacy 8 ranks |
Tandem Initiative | Synchronize with your team and act as a group. | Teamwork 2 ranks |
Teamwork Mind Link | Share a moral bonus with your team. | Teamwork 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks |
Terminator Walk | You are really scary when you are walking slowly. | Intimidate 6 ranks |
There Is Logic In What He Says | Gain a large bonus to bluff, but the lie only lasts for a short time before they realize what's up. | Bluff 10 ranks |
Name | Description | Prerequisites |
Alchemize | You turn some reagents into a magical potion | Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks |
Caltrop Panic | Toss out caltrops as an immediate action. | Sleight of Hand 8 ranks |
Cheap Attack | You make a single super cheap attack that leave your opponents open. | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Concussive Maintenance | Fix an object temporarily, and recover broken items into a semi-functional state. | Craft (any) 8 ranks, Knowledge Engineering 8 ranks |
Crystal Exchange | Exchange the magic crystal of equipment in the middle of a fight to adapt your strategy. | Sleight of Hand 5 ranks |
Enraging Taunt | Through clever diversion or intimidation, you can make enemies fly into rage. | Bluff or Intimidate 5 ranks. |
Etamina Stcejbo | You use truespeak to instill life into lifeless objects. | Truespeak 8 ranks |
Flex Off | You flex, and anything that is covering you is thrown off. | Str 13 or Escape Artist 4 ranks |
Going Bareback | ride your mount without a saddle | 9 ranks in ride or 8 ranks in handle animal |
Hands-Free Grapple | Grapple or pin creatures with appendages that shouldn't be well-suited for grappling, allowing you to use your more dextrous appendages for something else. | Improved Grapple, BAB +5, Unarmed Mastery class feature or Str 16 and Dex 15 or Kickmaster |
Human Shield | You use another creature as a human shield. | Improved Grapple |
Improbable Shot | You meant to hit the other guy all along. | Point Blank Shot |
Ki Veil | Suppress your aura and become invisible. | At least 3rd level in a ki-based class, any ki-based feature (such as Stunning Fist attempts). |
Opportunistic Draw | Draw a weapon when so you can make that attack of opportunity. | Sleight of Hand 9 ranks |
Paper Cut | Inflict light but bloodletting cuts with your blade. | Sleight of Hand 1 rank |
Quicker Picker Upper | You can pick up dropped items in your reach as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. | Sleight of Hand 5 ranks |
Razor Cut | A slash of your blade causes a downpour of blood. | Paper Cut, Sleight of Hand 4 ranks |
Relentless Strike | Infuse a part of your martial knowledges in your way of using martials strikes to render them more dangerous. | Martial Lore 8 ranks, BAB +6 |
Scissor Slash | Strike with your weapons as one. | Sleight of Hand 4 rank, Two-Weapon Fighting |
Sensual Robbery | With a sensual gait, and a seductive smile, you approach him by mixing your gaze with hers, your hands wandering over his leather pants before grasping ... a key. | Seduction 8 ranks, Sleight of Hand 8 ranks |
Spitfire | Pour alchemical substances into your mouth and then spit it at targets. | Craft (Alchemy) 6 ranks |
Switch Off Magic | With a well placed strike, you turn off a magic item temporarily. | Appraise 5 ranks, Disable Device 8 ranks |
True Ability | Actually three skill tricks (True Flex, True Agility, and True Vitality), it grants a +20 bonus on a single ability check made in the next round. | Str 13 (for True Flex), Dex 13 (for True Agility), or Con 13 (for True Vitality). |
Veil of the Desert | Use sand as a weapon to blind your foe. | Tumble 8 ranks OR Perform (Dance) 8 ranks |
Ventriloquy | Produce sounds as if originating in other places. | Bluff 4 ranks |
Name | Description | Prerequisites |
Accelerate Vestige | Coax a vestige to replenish the cooldown of its abilities a bit more quickly. | Pactcraft 9 ranks |
Eidetic Memory | Remember scenes, images and details flawlessly. | Autohypnosis 5 ranks |
Erif | You use truespeak to create a small flame or control flames | Truespeak 4 ranks |
Etaminaer Ydob | You use truespeak to create reanimate bodies. | Truespeak 8 ranks |
Give Me a Lever | Apply your knowledge to your efforts. | Knowledge (Engineering) 4 ranks. |
Harmonic Competence | Combine inspire competence efforts to produce a stronger bonus. | Inspire Competence Bardic Music, Perform 6 ranks |
Harmonic Countersong | Combine countersong efforts to produce a countersong that disrupts vocal components. | Countersong Bardic Music, Perform 3 ranks |
Harmonic Courage | Combine inspire courage efforts to produce an inspire courage that has additional benefits. | Inspire Courage Bardic Music, Perform 3 ranks |
Harmonic Fascinate | Combine fascinate efforts to produce a fascination with greater effects. | Fascinate Bardic Music, Perform 3 ranks |
Harmonic Freedom | Combine song of freedom efforts to use the ability quickly. | Song of Freedom Bardic Music, Perform 15 ranks |
Harmonic Greatness | Combine inspire greatness efforts to allow you to share feats and increase the number of targets. | Inspire Greatness Bardic Music, Perform 12 ranks |
Harmonic Heroics | Combine inspire heroics efforts to produce | Inspire Heroics Bardic Music, Perform 18 ranks |
Holmesian Forensics | Analyze what happened in a room depending on your Intelligence or Wisdom check result. | Int or Wis 15, Search 12 ranks, Sense Motive 7 ranks |
Just As Planned | Plan for nearly unknowable factors. Like Holmesian Forensics, but...backwards. | Int or Wis 20, Knowledge(nature, history, Sense Motive 15 Ranks, Spot 15 Ranks, and local) at 15 Ranks or Bard Level 12 |
Just a Flesh Wound | Ah losing your arm isn't so bad, just gotta keep your head cool. Oh the head is gone too. | Bab +3 |
Ki Double | You use your ki to create an afterimage of yourself. | Monk 4th level |
Ki Sense | Detect auras around you. | Any ki-based feature (such as Stunning Fist attempts). |
Ki Trick | Gain various ki-based powers as the need arise. | Character level 3rd, Ki pool (or Stunning Fist attempts). |
Macho Mind | You are scary and know how to protect from fear since you cause it | Intimidate 10 ranks, must have successfully intimidated at least 20 different foes within 2 CR of your character level. |
No Breath | You can hold your breath for a long time using autohypnosis. | Autohypnosis 5 Ranks |
Professional Butcher | Only a surgeon could sever that man's jugular vein with this spoon. Luckily, you're a surgeon. | Heal 8 Ranks, BAB +5 or 5 levels in Expert |
Rapid Dismissal | Dismiss a spell as a free action. | 1st level spells, Concentration 9 ranks |
Spell Ward | Your knowledge of how spells work helps protect you from them. | Spellcraft 8 ranks, Intelligence 14 |
Spontaneous Telepathic Language Learning | You are able to learn language telepathically. | Autohypnosis 4 Ranks, must be able to cast detect thoughts or manifest read thoughts. |
Structural Weakness | Make it possible to critical hit objects and constructs. | Appraise 10 ranks |
Tfola | You use truespeak to move you or objects aloft and maybe even fly away. | Truespeak 6 ranks |
Thought Trick | You attempt various tricks to ward off a potential mind reader. | Concentration 8 Ranks |
Time to Think | Retry a failed knowledge check, and remove the penalties of No Time to Think. | Any Knowledge 5 ranks |
Verbal Hacking | Confound Bots and hack things with microphones. | Program 5 ranks |
Wobble | Wobble a bit before you fall down when knocked unconscious. | Autohypnosis 4 ranks |
Name | Description | Prerequisites |
Airborne Charge | Ignore obstacles that would prevent you from charging by leaping right over them. | Improved Charge, Jump 6 ranks |
Anime's Teleportation | If a creature moves in to flank you, you can teleport to flank them instead. | Any one teleportation spell known, or Jump 8 ranks |
Backward Step | You dash backwards, avoiding an attack. | Dodge or Mobility or Tumble 5 ranks |
Boneless Slide | Briefly gain freedom of movement and pass through impossible spaces. | Escape Artist 10 ranks |
Cautioned Dodge | You become more caution after avoiding a real danger. | Combat Expertise, Tumble 5 ranks |
Combo Jump | After a full-attack with an unarmed strike or monk weapon, you can jump back. | Monk 3rd level, Jump 7 ranks |
Corkscrew Fall | You use your cloak/robe to greatly reduce the impact of your fall. | Tumble 5 ranks |
Dimensional Jump | You can make a jump through folded space, teleporting instead. | Jump 10 ranks |
Dive for Cover | You make a short withdraw and drop prone. | Tumble 4 Ranks |
Dive for Rescue | Dive to save an endangered ally. | Dive for Cover, Teamwork 5 ranks |
Dodge Roll | You roll through things to avoid getting hit. | Tumble 8 ranks |
Double Jump | You make a second jump as you jump, double jump. | Jump 5 ranks |
Dynamic Entry | No need to stop to break the window, when you can crash right through! | Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 8 ranks, Strength 13+ |
Expert Slide | You slide to the ground and get up extremely effectively. | Tumble 5 Ranks |
Extreme Sprint | You blitz across the battlefield so fast no one can react to you. | Run |
Free Step | As an expert of movement tactics, you learn to perfectly take short tactical move. | Tumble 5 ranks |
Houdini's Escape | Escape from an inescapable situation and turn invsiible | Escape Artist 15 ranks, Hide Skill 10 ranks |
Intercept Attack | You intercept an incoming attack, saving an ally. | BAB +5, Tumble 8 Ranks |
Interlaced Strikes | In tandem with an ally, you make a series of intertwined attacks. | Balance 5 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks, Teamwork 8 ranks |
Landing Roll | Roll at landing, for minimum fall damage. | Jump 5 ranks or Tumble 5 ranks |
Limbo Dodge | You limbo under the swinging blade, evading the attack but ending up prone. | Balance 8 ranks, Escape Artist 5 ranks |
Marvel Landing | You can make for a showy landing, reducing falling damage, landing on your feet and possibly creating difficult terrain. | Jump 5 ranks |
Rocket Path | When someone fires siege weaponry at you, you not only avoid it but use it as a leg up to your destination. | Dex 15, Jump 10 ranks, Balance 10 ranks |
Rolling Reload | You reload when you tumble away. | Tumble 7 ranks |
Slide Into Frame | Get into the scene when there's dialogue and immediately slide on over. | Tumble 4 ranks |
Super Suplex | You suplex a creature, that it really. | Improved Grapple |
Tactical Wall Jump | Move tactically, using the walls to your advantage. | Climb 8 ranks, Jump 8 ranks, Tumble 12 ranks |
Trip Slide | You can make a trip attempt when you tumble through an enemy's square. | Balance 5 ranks, Tumble 9 ranks |
Vicious Pounce | Leap onto a foe that flies into your vicinity and bring it crashing down to the ground. | Jump 18 ranks, Climb 6 ranks, base attack bonus of +12 or more |
Wall Pounce | When you run on a wall, you can jump from the wall to a horizontal surface. | Walk the Walls, Wall Jumper, Climb 16 ranks, Jump 8 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks |
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