3.5e Publications
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
The is a list of all publications for Dungeons and Dragons edition 3.5 with an entry on this wiki. It also includes publications for edition 3, which are considered valid in an edition 3.5 game unless they have been reprinted in an edition 3.5 source book.
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Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Publications
Publication | Abbr | Publisher |
Aberrations | Wizards of the Coast | |
Advanced Bestiary | Green Ronin | |
Advanced d20 Rulebooks | Green Ronin | |
Age of Mortals | Sovereign Press | |
Bad Light | Wizards of the Coast | |
Bad Moon Waning | Wizards of the Coast | |
Barrow of the Forgotten King | Wizards of the Coast | |
Bestiary of Krynn | Sovereign Press | |
Book of Erotic Fantasy | BoEF | Valor Project |
Castle Whiterock | DCC# 52 | Goodman Games |
Cave of the Spiders | Wizards of the Coast | |
Champions of Ruin | Wizards of the Coast | |
Chaositech | None | White Wolf Publishing |
City State of the Invincible Overlord | CSIO | Necromancer Games, Judges Guild, Sword & Sorcery Studios, White Wolf Publishing |
City of Peril | None | Wizards of the Coast |
Waterdeep | Wizards of the Coast | |
Cityscape | Ci | Wizards of the Coast |
Complete Adventurer | CAdv | Wizards of the Coast |
Complete Arcane | CAr | Wizards of the Coast |
Complete Champion | CC | Wizards of the Coast |
Complete Divine | CD | Wizards of the Coast |
Complete Gear | CG | Dreamscarred Press |
Complete Mage | CM | Wizards of the Coast |
Complete Psionic | CP | Wizards of the Coast |
Complete Scoundrel | CS | Wizards of the Coast |
Complete Warrior | CW | Wizards of the Coast |
Dark and Stormy Night | Wizards of the Coast | |
Desert of Desolation | Wizards of the Coast | |
Draconomicon | Dra | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 320 | DM320 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 322 | DM322 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 324 | DM324 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 326 | DM326 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 328 | DM328 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 330 | DM330 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 332 | DM332 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 334 | DM334 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 336 | DM336 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 338 | DM338 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 340 | DM340 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 342 | DM342 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 344 | DM344 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 346 | DM346 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 348 | DM348 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 350 | DM350 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 352 | DM352 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 354 | DM354 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 356 | DM356 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 358 | DM258 | Paizo Publishing |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 360 | DM360 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 362 | DM362 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 364 | DM364 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 366 | DM366 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 368 | DM368 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 370 | DM370 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 372 | DM372 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 374 | DM374 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 376 | DM376 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 378 | DM378 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 380 | DM380 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 382 | DM382 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 384 | DM384 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragon Compendium | Paizo Publishing | |
Dragon Magic | DM | Wizards of the Coast |
Dragonlance Campaign Setting | Wizards of the Coast | |
Dragonmarked | Wizards of the Coast | |
Dragons of Krynn | Magaret Weis Productions | |
Dragontown Grotto | Wizards of the Coast | |
Dread Codex | Adamant Entertainment | |
Dread Codex 2 | None | Adamant Entertainment |
Dry Spell | Wizards of the Coast | |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 100 | DM100 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 101 | DM101 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 103 | DM103 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 113 | DM113 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 116 | DM116 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 121 | DM121 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 126 | DM126 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 127 | DM127 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 128 | DM128 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 129 | DM129 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 130 | DM130 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 137 | DM137 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 139 | DM139 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 144 | DM144 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 149 | DM149 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 152 | DM152 | Paizo Publishing |
Dungeon Master's Guide | Wizards of the Coast | |
Dungeon Master's Guide II | DMG2 | Wizards of the Coast |
Dungeonscape | Du | Wizards of the Coast |
Eberron Campaign Setting | ECS | Wizards of the Coast |
Elder Evils | ElE | Wizards of the Coast |
Nymphology | Mongoose Publishing | |
Environmental Impact | Wizards of the Coast | |
Expanded Psionics Handbook | XPH | Wizards of the Coast |
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft | Wizards of the Coast | |
Expedition to the Demonweb Pits | Wizards of the Coast | |
Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk | Wizards of the Coast | |
Eye of the Sun | Wizards of the Coast | |
Eyes of the Lich Queen | Wizards of the Coast | |
Fait Accompli | Wizards of the Coast | |
Fane of the Drow | Wizards of the Coast | |
The Frostfell Rift | Wizards of the Coast | |
Fields of Ruin | Wizards of the Coast | |
Fiendish Codex I | FCI | Wizards of the Coast |
Fiendish Codex II | FCII | Wizards of the Coast |
Force of Nature | Wizards of the Coast | |
Fortress of the Yuan-Ti | Wizards of the Coast | |
Frostburn | FB, Fr | Wizards of the Coast |
Gazetteer of the Known Realms | Goodman Games | |
Grasp of the Emerald Claw | Wizards of the Coast | |
Grim-N-Gritty | GnG | Diamond Thunderbolt Productions |
Halls of the Minotaur | Goodman Games | |
Hasken's Manor | Wizards of the Coast | |
Hellspike Prison | Wizards of the Coast | |
Heroes of Battle | HoB | Wizards of the Coast |
Heroes of Horror | HoH | Wizards of the Coast |
Holy Orders of the Stars | Sovereign Press | |
Hyperconscious | Hyp | Malhavoc Press |
Idylls of the Rat King | DCC# 1 | Goodman Games |
Ill Wind in Friezford | Wizards of the Coast | |
Iron Crypt of the Heretics | DCC# 12.5 | Goodman Games |
Knightly Orders of Ansalon | Sovereign Press | |
Legend of the Silver Skeleton | Wizards of the Coast | |
Legends of the Twins | Sovereign Press | |
Lest Darkness Rise | Wizards of the Coast | |
Libris Mortis | LbM, LM | Wizards of the Coast |
Living Greyhawk Official Listing of Deities for Use in the Campaign | Wizards of the Coast | |
Lochfell's Secret | Wizards of the Coast | |
Lords of Madness | LoM | Wizards of the Coast |
Magic Item Compendium | MIC | Wizards of the Coast |
Magic of Eberron | Wizards of the Coast | |
Magic of Faerûn | Mag, MoF | Wizards of the Coast |
Magic of Incarnum | MoI | Wizards of the Coast |
March of the Sane | Wizards of the Coast | |
Matters of Vengeance | Wizards of the Coast | |
Miniatures Handbook | MH | Wizards of the Coast |
Monster Manual | MM | Wizards of the Coast |
Monster Manual III | MM3 | Wizards of the Coast |
Monster Manual IV | MMIV, MM4 | Wizards of the Coast |
Monster Manual V | MM5 | Wizards of the Coast |
Planar Handbook | PH | Wizards of the Coast |
Player's Guide to Faerûn | PG, PGtF | Wizards of the Coast |
Player's Handbook | Wizards of the Coast | |
Player's Handbook II | PHB2 | Wizards of the Coast |
Price of Courage | Sovereign Press, Margaret Weis Productions | |
Primrose Path | Wizards of the Coast | |
Races of Ansalon | Sovereign Press | |
Races of Destiny | RoD | Wizards of the Coast |
Races of Eberron | RoE | Wizards of the Coast |
Races of Stone | RoS | Wizards of the Coast |
Races of the Dragon | RDr | Wizards of the Coast |
Races of the Wild | RotW | Wizards of the Coast |
Red Hand of Doom | RH | Wizards of the Coast |
Renegade Cleric's Tome | Mongoose Publishing | |
Return to the Temple of the Frog | Wizards of the Coast | |
Road to Oblivion | Wizards of the Coast | |
SRD v3.5 | SRD35 | Wizards of the Coast |
Saga of the Dragon Cult | Goodman Games | |
Sandstorm | Sa | Wizards of the Coast |
Scourge of the Howling Horde | Wizards of the Coast | |
Secrets of Xen'drik | Wizards of the Coast | |
Serpent Kingdoms | Wizards of the Coast | |
Shadows of the Last War | Wizards of the Coast | |
City of Towers | Wizards of the Coast | |
Sheep's Clothing | Wizards of the Coast | |
Shining South | Wizards of the Coast | |
Shoals of Intrigue | Wizards of the Coast | |
Shrine of the Feathered Serpent | Wizards of the Coast | |
Spell Compendium | SpC | Wizards of the Coast |
Spell Treasury | None | Malhavoc Press |
Stone Dead | Wizards of the Coast | |
Stormwrack | Sto | Wizards of the Coast |
Tarus's Banquet! | Wizards of the Coast | |
The Frostfell Rift | Wizards of the Coast | |
The Grand History of the Realms | Wizards of the Coast | |
The Night of Dissolution | Malhavoc Press | |
The Quintessential Human | None | Mongoose Publishing |
The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde | Wizards of the Coast | |
The Sinister Spire | Wizards of the Coast | |
The Temple of Redcliff | Wizards of the Coast | |
The Thief Lord's Vault | DCC# 35b | Goodman Games |
The Thunder Below | Wizards of the Coast | |
To Quell the Rising Storm | Wizards of the Coast | |
Tome of Battle | ToB | Wizards of the Coast |
Tome of Horrors III | Necromancer Games | |
Tome of Magic | ToM | Wizards of the Coast |
Tower in the Ice | Wizards of the Coast | |
Towers of High Sorcery | Sovereign Press | |
Underdark | Und | Wizards of the Coast |
Underdark | Wizards of the Coast | |
Unearthed Arcana | UA | Wizards of the Coast |
Untapped Potential | UP | Dreamscarred Press |
Voyage of the Golden Dragon | Wizards of the Coast | |
War of Dragons | Wizards of the Coast | |
War of the Lance | Sovereign Press | |
Whispers of the Vampire's Blade | Wizards of the Coast | |
Wilderlands of High Fantasy | Necromancer Games, Judges Guild, White Wolf Publishing, Sword & Sorcery Studios | |
The Role Playing Game | WoWRPG | Sword & Sorcery |
Wreck Ashore | Wizards of the Coast |
Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 Publications
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