Name |
Page |
Adamantine Body |
118 |
Armor bonus +8, DR 2/adamantine
Aerenal Beastmaster |
105 |
Gain baboon as animal companion, with increased ability or level
Ancestral Guidance |
105 |
When spending an action point, reroll action point die
Battleshifter Training |
116 |
See feat description
Bladebearer of the Valenar |
107 |
Proficiency and bonuses with Valenar weapons
Boomerang Daze |
108 |
Boomerang attack can daze target
Boomerang Ricochet |
108 |
Boomerang attack can strike secondary target
Brute Fighting |
116 |
See feat description
Call of the Undying |
108 |
Recall previously cast spell in place of granted power
Cliffwalk Elite |
113 |
Climb speed improves by 10 feet while shifting
Cold Iron Tracery |
119 |
Natural weapons are treated as cold iron; +1 bonus on Will saves against spell effects
Construct Lock |
119 |
+2 bonus on damage rolls, attacks can immobilize construct foes
Dancing With Shadows |
117 |
See feat description
Darguun Mauler |
108 |
Proficiency and bonuses with goblinoid weapons
Daylight Adaptation |
108 |
Ignore vulnerability to sunlight or bright light
Dinosaur Hunter |
108 |
+2 bonus on Listen, Spot, and Survival checks; +2 bonus on attack rolls against dinosaurs
Dinosaur Wrangler |
108 |
+4 bonus on Bluff, Handle Animal, Sense Motive, and Ride checks involving dinosaurs
Disturbing Visage |
117 |
See feat description
Dreamsight Elite |
113 |
+5 bonus on Spot checks, see invisible while shifting
Drow Skirmisher |
109 |
Proficiency and bonuses with drow weapons
Extra Shifter Trait |
114 |
Select a second shifter trait
Gestalt Anchor |
112 |
+2 bonus on initiative checks and Reflex saves to you and Kalashtar allies
Gorebrute Elite |
114 |
Charge attack can knock foes prone while shifting
Heroic Metamagic |
109 |
Spend action points to spontaneously apply metamagic effects
Improved Resiliency |
119 |
Immune to nonlethal damage; no regeneration or fast healing
Ironwood Body |
119 |
Armor bonus +3, DR 2/slashing
Jaws of Death |
119 |
Bite attack deals 1d6 damage
Kalashtar Thoughtshifter |
118 |
See feat description
Longstride Elite |
114 |
Base land speed improves by 10 feet while shifting
Longtooth Elite |
114 |
Attacks deal 1 point of Con damage while shifting
Master Linguist |
109 |
Master a new language each level
Mithral Body |
119 |
Armor bonus +5
Mror Stalwart |
109 |
Bonuses with dwarf weapons
Mutable Body |
110 |
Transmutation spells cast on you are at +1 caster level
Path of Shadows |
110 |
+2 on Tumble checks, make Perform (dance) check instead of Concentration check
Persona Immersion |
110 |
Control thoughts to avoid detection while disguised
Quick Change |
110 |
Minor change shape as move action
Racial Emulation |
110 |
Emulate humanoid subtypes to use specialized magic items and spells
Ragewild Fighting |
118 |
See feat description
Razorclaw Elite |
114 |
Make two claw attack after charge while shifting
Reactive Shifting |
115 |
Shift as immediate action
Relic Hunter |
111 |
+5 bonus on Appraise, Knowledge, and bardic knowledge checks involving Dhakaani and Xen'drik items
Second Slam |
120 |
Gain second slam attack
Shadow Marches Warmonger |
111 |
Proficiency and bonuses with orc weapons
Shaped Splash |
111 |
Score direct hit on two targets with splash attack, prevent splash damage to selected targets
Shield of Thought |
113 |
Generate shield of psychic energy
Shifter Agility |
115 |
+1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 bonus on Reflex saves while shifting
Shifter Ferocity |
115 |
Fight without penalty while disabled or dying
Shifter Instincts |
115 |
+2 bonus on initiative checks; +1 bonus on Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks
Shifter Savagery |
115 |
Threat range and damage of natural weapons increases while shifting
Shifter Stamina |
115 |
Immune to nonlethal dmage, not subject to fatigue or exhaustion while shifting
Ship Savvy |
112 |
+1 bonus to AC; +1 bonus on attack rolls on board any ship
Silver Tracery |
120 |
Natural weapons are treated as silvered; +1 bonus on Fortitude saves against spell effects
Soulblade Warrior |
112 |
Enhanced mind blade
Spiked Body |
120 |
Body spikes deal piercing damage while grappling
Spiritual Force |
113 |
Manifest mind blade as swift action, +2 effective level for mind blade enhancement
Stable Footing |
112 |
+4 bonus when resisting bull rush and trip attempts; not slowed by difficult terrain
Strength of Two |
113 |
+1 bonus on Will saves; +5 bonus for 1 round
Swiftwing Elite |
116 |
Good maneuverability, base fly speed improves by 10 feet while shifting
Talenta Warrior |
112 |
Proficiency and bonuses with Talenta weapons
Truedive Elite |
116 |
Swim speed improves by 10 feet, make underwater melee attacks at no penalty while shifting
Unarmored Body |
120 |
No armor bonus or fortification; able to wear armor; reduced change of spell failure
White Scorpion Strike |
112 |
Unarmed strike has ghost touch ability, deals extra 1d6 damage to undead
Wildhunt Elite |
116 |
Gain blindsense while shifitng