Damorian Blackstone (3.5e NPC)
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Male Human Cleric 6 | |
CG Medium Humanoid | |
Init/Senses | +1/Listen +3, Spot +3 |
Languages | Common, Terran, Sylvan |
AC | 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 Armor, +1 Dex) |
hp | 48 (6d8 HD) |
Fort/Ref/Will | +9/+3/+9 |
Speed | 20 |
Melee | +7 (+9 Against undead), +1 Undead Bane Quarterstaff (1d6+3 20/x2 Bludgeoning, +2d6 against Undead) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +4/+6 |
Special Actions | Turn Undead (7/day) |
Combat Gear | 3 Potions of Cure Light Wounds |
Spells Prepared | (CL 6th): 3rd—Resurrection (Modified with Astrological Spell, Blood Spell, Cult Spell and Sacrifice spell) ×3, Speak With Dead (D) 2nd—Hold Person ×2, Lesser Restoration ×2, Gentle Repose (D) 1st—Bless ×2, Magic Stone, Shield Of Faith, Deathwatch (D)
Abilities | Str 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18 |
Feats | Combat Casting, Astrological Spell (Flaw: Shaky)*, Cult Spell (Flaw: Murky-Eyed)*, Sacrifice Spell (Human Bonus Feat)*, Blood Spell, Leadership (Leadership score: 14) |
Skills | Concentration +12, Heal +12, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (The Planes) +10, Profession (Herbalist) +12 |
Possessions | combat gear plus +1 Cold Iron Breastplate, +1 Undead Bane Quarterstaff |
Domains | Animal, Repose. |
Flaws | Damorian takes a -2 penalty on Ranged attack rolls and must roll his miss chance from concealment twice, missing if either or both rolls indicate failure. |
Damorian is the leader of a cult of witchdoctors and practitioners of off-kilter healing, the Cult Of The Fertile Earth (Alignment: Any Nonlawful, nonevil; Domains: Animal, Community, Earth, Healing, Plant, Repose; Clerics of the Fertile Earth channel positive energy regardless of alignment). His Leadership score is 14 (6 (his level), +4 (His Charisma mod), +1 (Special power), +1 (Fairness and generosity), +2 (Base of operations). His Cohort is the right had of the church, Maloren Ravenhand (CG Human Cleric 4) who assists him in his rituals; He possesses the Tower Shield Proficiency, Combat Casting and Shielded Casting feats, and usually acts as Damorian's bodyguard.
His other followers include Maldikai (CG Human Adept 2) and 15 1st-level Human Adepts. All of them have ranks in the Profession (Herbalist) and Heal skills, and they serve as the village's medicine men. Damorian and his cult are often viewed by others as suspicious and as practitioners of black magic, but they are also renowned for their ability to bring back others from the dead.
When the church needs to raise a dead creature, Damorian uses his Knowledge (The Planes) skill to predict the next appropriate alignment of the stars. He uses his Gentle Repose spell every day to preserve the body (Or body part) until the proper time. Then the cult gathers together under the stars at a special altar they have prepared.
Then the cult joins hands begins chanting nine rounds prior to the alignment. On the third, sixth and ninth rounds, Damorian sacrifices a farm animal (Usually a chicken or goat) and smears the blood of the animals, who all die with terrifying screams that can be heard for miles around, on the one to be raised.
As the stars align, Damorian finished casting the spell, the stars shining great beams of light down upon the dead body as he slashes his own wrist and drips blood onto the target. When the spell is cast, Damorian likely falls over dramatically, the cultists rushing over to help.
Damorian and his cult charge 10,540 GP for resurrecting anyone; Though they allow payment in installations, as well as partial payment in services, such as convincing the lord of the next kingdom over to let the cult establish a small, sanctioned church within his kingdom, for example.
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