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3.5e Prestige Classes/High Balance

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These tables list all the High balance homebrew 3.5e prestige classes on the wiki. You can also view this page in category format, if you wish.

NameDescriptionMinimum LevelLengthClass AbilityClass Ability Progression
Aboleth DiscipleYour psionics awaken some hidden power, revealing the abolethian tainting of your ancestors.510PsionicsOther
AbominationAbominations have been present throughout history, some making themselves well known such as the Frankenstein monster, whilst many have tried to emulate their hideous appearance, it takes a truly twisted and deformed mind to create such a being. Though it takes much more vision to become one as opposed to giving life to one...510
Abyssal AlchemistAn Abyssal Alchemist is a very very special spellcaster, she is an expert of twisting and transmuting the chaotic primal essence of the demons, lords of the abyss.55
AdversarialistThe Adversarialist embody the idea of the opposer, causing discord and opposing the Gods.68Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine SpellcastingPartial
Aeon WalkerIn this world, time walkers find themselves offered many thousand different paths to walk, the path of the aeon walker is one such path., A man with a friendly, welcoming air about him, wearing some fine padded pieces of armor, with a thin blade slung over his shoulder.210OtherFull
Air CutterMartial warriors who have linked themselves with the power of air, they dash at great speed unbound by earth's grip.610
Airship PilotControl the skies in your own airship. You may be a army commander or a pirate captain, but you own the air!85OtherOther
AntitheistAntitheists come from many different pantheons and groups. More often the results of dogmatic cultures. They are disillusioned by group-think and the spirits of the times. In the past, anthitheists have been called sorcerers, witches, pagans and satanists. This sensationalism is far from true, it would be more accurate to say that they are iconoclasts. Antitheists of all forms have a lot of abilities that counter clerics, paladins, holy warriors and other illusionists. Surprisingly, antitheist, are not devil-worshippers. Antitheists despise religion and group-think. However, antitheists see a value in going on the offensive against divine spell-casters – using the symbols of Satanism to dispel and thwart holy powers.510Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, OtherFull
AntmasterAntmaster are telepaths or latents telepath who were capable of created a ant hivemind.25PsionicsMinor
Arcane TrickmasterWhat if Arcane Trickster didn't suck so much...610Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Sneak AttackFull
Arcane Trickster, VariantA high-powered version of the arcane trickster prestige class from the Dungeon Master's Guide.6Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Sneak AttackPartial
ArchbladeThe elite of those who take up arms, they are masters of the physical blows.125
ArchkineticistExtend the Pyrokineticist class to become master of all elements, even force!75OtherOther
ArthroparchA master of vermin, with the unique ability to bend them to his will.710
AsceticThere are people in this world who seek wisdom, and they are known as monks. Then there are people who actually have become wise, and they are known as wise men. But then there are Ascetics, and they are as to wise men as wise men are to monks.510
Barbarian, SublimeAn alternate way to use barbarians in your campaign (a prestige class that warblades can follow).515Martial ManeuversOther
BardbarianBarbarians and Bards have always been a good combination. This makes them overlap more effectively.611Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous SpellcastingPartial
Battle BarmaidA battle barmaid is exactly what it sounds like.210OtherOther
Battle ChemistYou are a master of potions, able to employ them to great effect.35OtherOther
Battle RobotA modification of Eiji-kun's Mechwarrior for those who want to play an robot instead of a mech pilot.310OtherOther
BattlerunnerRunning from target to target like a proper skirmisher, you fight best when facing many enemies all lined up and ready to die.510SkirmishOther
Bender of EnergyThe Bender of Energy talked to a big reptile, and can permanently remove people's abilities now.71Alternate MagicFull
Blade DancerStudents of the Sublime Way with a preference for theatrics find a way to express their love of dance through martial combat.710
Blade of the HeavensA remake of the Fist of Raziel, make paladin really good at smiting.610OtherOther
Blademaster of ShambhalaA five level prestige class that Pursues Perfect Mastery of a Weapon115
Bladesong WarriorA bard who stops training his arcane abilities to become a graceful sword fighter.510Bardic MusicOther
Blue Vizier/Al-ZwuriThe Al-Zwuri, or Blue Viziers, are hydromancer warlocks. They get their powers from pacts with mighty marids and use them for ruling, knowledge and religious ceremonies.610InvocationsFull
Boatman of StyxA ship captain on the River Styx510Sneak AttackFull
Bohemian DrifterA odd traveler who wander the world, learning odd and somehow mystical skills.210OtherOther
Bone RiderRider of an undead mount45
Bone Rider, RebuiltA remake and retooling of Tome of War's Bone Rider,6Spontaneous Divine SpellcastingMinor
Boneblade ReaperA hybrid spellcaster-monk who studies death as a form of dark enlightenment.610Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous SpellcastingFull
ButohThe butoh is an actor so skilled that he can alter his appearance to suit his needs. They make excellent spies, infiltrators, and assassins.710Sneak AttackMinor
Capra SpawnThose who don the cursed mask of the capra demon can call on its power, and transform into something like a capra demon themselves.73OtherOther
Carnage ZealotA character who blends essentia and maneuvers to achieve the most soulful of combinations.74Martial Maneuvers, OtherPartial
Carrier of BceilieodYou develop an affinity for the bacteria living inside you.65OtherFull
CausticThe warlock's pact with greater infernal powers has ended, and his power begins to turn on him. His blood becomes acid, slowly killing his body. But, the infernal power is also keeping him alive. This paradox occurring within the warlock ravages his body, but awakens powers inside him to stimulate his mind and further combat opponents. He is a Caustic, and every inch of him is trying to kill him. But, every inch of him... is fighting to stay alive.1010
ChainlordGain various abilities with the spiked chain, largely focused on grappling and slamming opponents.510Other
Champion of PretapodrOne who seeks to bring good and light to the world, sometimes through personality manipulation, and sometimes through sharp objects. Basically a Paladin.65OtherFull
Chaos EngineerA Chaos Engineer blow shit up with bombs.55OtherOther
CheerleaderGive me a B! Give me an A! Give me an R! Give me a D! Bards who focus on supporting through dance and song can find their efforts rewarded as a cheerleader (or marching leader for a more manly look on it).510
ChemistPotion crafting and user expert.610
Chi BlockerThe ability to hit people in their chi pathways is yours to command.35OtherFull
Chosen by GadlnaomGadlnaom chooses to grant you visions of the future for your own benefit.65OtherFull
Church HunterDrawn from faithful ranks of rangers and paladins, these hunters strike down the enemies of the church and other monstrous ilk.56Prepared Divine SpellcastingFull
Combo MakerYou hit things until your combo meter fills up, and then big explosions ensue.46OtherSeparate
Construct GadgeteerA construct gadgeteer is an expert at making and tweaking constructs.33OtherOther
Contemplative MeditantA remake of the meditant, a class for zen psionics.510PsionicsFull
Corpselight AssassinRevived from death rogue who becomes stronger against outsiders and undead.65
Crepuscular VisageThese warlocks gain power by mixing light and darkness, manipulating positive and negative energies to do their bidding.610InvocationsFull
Crimson CorsairA rebuild of the Scarlet Corsair prestige class, become a feared pirate of the seas.510Sneak AttackSeparate
Crow AssassinA rebuild of the assassin class, made to be good and fun to use.510Sneak Attack, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, OtherOther
Cyborg NinjaDue to accident or intentional augmentation, they have rebuilt you. Faster. Stronger. More weeaboo. You are... the cyborg ninja.110OtherOther
Darkwraith AssassinThe initiator rogue, he combines sneak attacks with martial maneuvers.510Martial Maneuvers, Sneak AttackOther
Demi-godA class for new, weaker gods.65Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine SpellcastingPartial
Dervish of the Dark DanceThe Dervish of the Dark Dance is the blade dance Personified, wielding his Greatsword with an almost unnatural grace.510
Desert InitiateA desert initiate is a divine spellcaster with desert oriented powers.45Divine SpellcastingFull
Desert ThiefA desert thief is a master of the desert wind discipline and fighting with two-weapons.35Martial Maneuvers, Sneak AttackOther
Deva ProselyteThe deva proselyte is a path to becoming a martial celestial outsider with several Charisma-based abilities.510OtherOther
Divine HealerA devout Cleric of Pelor who is as kind as he is wise.
Dread ImpalerA warrior who gain blasphemous and semi-vampiric abilities from a dark ritual710Spontaneous Divine SpellcastingMinor
Dream LordThe masters of sleep and distillers of fear; dream lords are the Warriors of Morality, supplanting their own ideas on what is right and wrong.55Alternate Magic, Other, Prepared Arcane SpellcastingPartial
Drunken Master, TomeAKA, the Drunk Monk. Uses Dungeonomicon Monk510
DualistThe dualist is a duelist with dual weapons. She is a melee fighter who relies on exceptionally quick reflexes above all else; as she parries and dodges, she waits for the opportune moment to strike - and then presses her advantage relentlessly.55
Dwarven DefenderA fix to the Dwarven Defender class. Now with features that don't render you a useless lump.510OtherOther
Dwarven DestroyerDwarven Defenders are great, but sometimes the dwarves need to go on the offensive. Enter the Dwarven Destroyer, master of axe and hammer.810
Earth BreakerMartial warriors who have linked themselves with the power of earth, imbued with heavy power.610
EatshaperYou are what you eat, and technically everything is edible. Transform into your foes by eating them.46OtherOther
Ebon BowmanBeneath the earth, a group of archers have learned to channel copious amounts of shadowstuff into their bows, empowering their shots with dark power.610Full
Ebon Eye NinjaDivination focused spies and infiltrators, using stealth and magic hand in hand.410Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Invocations, Sneak Attack, SkirmishPartial
Elastic WonderStretch yourself to the extreme.25Alternate MagicOther
Eldritch AssassinWarlock, Rogue, Assassin310Invocations, Sneak Attack
Eldritch Blast SpecialistIncreases Eldritch Blast Damage
Enlightened FistA mystical fighter that uses astral copies.710
Exalted SaintYou are super good and receive appropriate super good abilities.510Divine SpellcastingPartial
Exiled RulerYour kingdom has been without a rightful ruler long enough5
Faerie WarlockThe warlocks of the Faerie Covenant are mysterious arcanists that benefit from a pact made with a powerful fairy lord or queen or other similar natural spirits. Every pact is usually made with a different fairy for each warlock so they are not a cohesive society, reflecting the chaotic nature of their patrons.10InvocationsFull
Fang of the Four WindsStudents of the Desert Wind discipline expand their mastery over fire until other elements of the world.510
Farspawn ScionRelease your inner eldritch beast as you obtain the half-farspawn template.510Other
Fell ContractYou renew your pact, gaining more invocations at the cost of normal class abilities.65InvocationsFull
Fell WarriorThe warlock's answer to the spellcaster's eldritch knight610
Fellblood ScionA blood-based martial class about exploiting one’s dark lineage.610Other
FencerYou are supreme with rapiers and rapier-like weapons.410OtherOther
Fighter EliteThe best of fighters get a promotion to fighter elite, and have the skills to show for it.416OtherOther
Flare BusterMartial warriors who have linked themselves with the power of fire, their souls burn with an unquenchable flame to cause all their problems to... explode!610
Follower of the ThirdSynergistic abilities between Diamand Mind and Hero's Edge martial disciplines65Martial ManeuversOther
Force Missile SpecialistA remake of the Force Missile Mage PrC from Dragon Compendium, it focuses entirely on turning magic missile into a powerful weapon of destruction.55Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane SpellcastingPartial
ForsakerA Magic Forsaking Warrior who specializes in defeating Spellcasters and Destroying Magic Items. He relies on quick wits, quicker reflexes, and sturdy fortitude to protect himself from the twisted corruption that is Magic.110
Fortune SpinnerSpin the wheel of fortune itself through fate and luck magic.610Divine Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, PsionicsFull
GamblerLife is the luck of the draw, now you learn how to bring some of that random fortune to your bidding.310Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous SpellcastingSeparate
Ghostlight ExorcistA ghostlight exorcist as a combatant who use her skill to fight ghosts and other incorporeal threats.46OtherOther
GlaiveThe King's Glaive is an elite group of rogue-ish fighters who specialize in a teleporting maneuver called Warp Strike. These people gain their power from a royal line of magical kings, these are among the most elite strike forces in the world able to wield magic as well as hold themselves up in battle.5Sneak AttackPartial
Gray MonkLife is disparity. Life and death, light and dark, good and evil. The Gray Monk rejects these, and embraces the peaceful gray existance.710OtherFull
Griffon RiderThroughout history, people have fought on top of their loyal steeds, however, there is that rare warrior who goes beyond the standard land- or sea- based steeds. Thus, we find the Griffon Riders!1010Martial Maneuvers, Sneak AttackOther
GuardianA defensive warrior clad in a thick coat of steel, standing in front of allies and protecting them from harm.510Martial ManeuversFull
HammerlordA warrior with a huge hammer and know how to use it.510
HellwalkerA wanderer of the lower planes.55Arcane Spellcasting, Divine SpellcastingPartial
Henkan MysticSome monks believe it possible for humans to transform into divinity.710Full
Holy HunterA Ranger devoted to the eradication of evil610
Holy KnightHoly Knights have the most Devoted Spirits of all the champions of good and law, and have been granted a minute bit of divinity of their own.610Martial Maneuvers, InvocationsOther
Host of PossessionsA binder that welcome more and more vestige into herself, as well as some other abilities.410OtherFull
Iaijutsu MasterA master of the drawn blade, the Iaijutsu Master can cut faster than the eye can see.610OtherSeparate
ImpedimentThere are those in this world who claim that they cannot be stopped by anything, then there are those who stop them., The shadowy figure stood calmly in the moonlight, three stones whirling around his head. He grinned widely, his teeth glinting in the ghostly light.610
Imperial PolicemanThe imperial policeman is somewhat similar to the justicar from Complete Warrior, except he gains his power and authority from the emperor. Not only is he good at taking in lawbreakers, but he is also adept at politics, since he can arrest anyone who is guilty.510OtherFull
InanomancerThe Inanomancer wields Spell Words like a blunt instrument applied swiftly to the head, causing confusion, havoc, and very little to do with careful spell design.55Alternate MagicPartial
IndeterminableThe Indeterminable is a three level prestige class that adds a bit of versatility to a character. With good Saves and BAB, he doesn't lose out on his combat abilities, and his ability to keep calm in any situation allows him to make checks that others could not.53
Ioun MasterThe Ioun Master has unlocked the true abilities of Ioun Stones, he my use them as weapons and gain further abilities form them.55
JoggerSome people really like running.35Martial Maneuvers, Sneak Attack, Bardic Music, SkirmishFull
Juggernaut KnightA Knightly prestige class focused on ultimate defense and protection.155OtherOther
Knight of KabongA mysterious hero with a stringed instrument for a weapon65Bardic MusicOther
Knight of the Broken HaloNot every fallen paladin falls unto evil. Some redirect their conviction to a more benign focus on good or law.610Divine Spellcasting, Prepared SpellcastingOther
Living TornadoSpin so fast you turn into a tornado.410OtherOther
Lord KnightHoly warriors, crusaders for the cause of their lords, ladies and gods, the Lord Knight fights for all that is good and orderly in this chaotic, unpredictable world, Sir Morlan is the lord residing over the small town of Black Hill, a man only recently past his prime.410
LuchadorA luchador makes grappling a viable tactic in battle, and makes it look good.510OtherOther
Mage MonkMany adventurers begin as either a martial class or a spell caster and wish to learn the intricacies of the other. This prestige class allows just that, without the worry of stagnating in the original.810Spontaneous Arcane SpellcastingOther
Mage Monk, Cleric VariantCombining the skills of both the Cleric and Monk, without the weaknesses inherent in multi-classing.810Prepared Divine SpellcastingOther
MagehänderA mage that specialize in using the mage hand spell for great effect.45Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane SpellcastingPartial
Magus PortalusMaster of the Portal610
Martial MageA dual progressing class between spellcasting and martial maneuvers, designed for 7th to 20th level.614Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Psionics, Invocations, Martial ManeuversFull
Masked KnightMobile fighters who barrage their opponents with a storm of blades.610OtherOther
Master Biomancer<A highly select number of Biomancers posses the drive and aptitude to push their abilities far enough to become Master Biomancers. Master Biomancers are adept at shaping life on a cellular level and excel at mixing life forms and creating new life, new abilities, and new possibilities. They are highly adaptable and limited only by their will and imagination. >
Master ExpertYou are a true master of the art of being an expert.45OtherFull
Master GrifterA social rogue and master con.105Sneak AttackFull
Master of ArmorA master of armor has trained to overcome the penalties often granted by armor.23OtherOther
Master of IncarnumA prestige class just for Soulshapers.1010Alternate MagicFull
Meat Shield, GrimoireA meat shield is a master at taking a hit for the team. Literally.75Martial Maneuvers, OtherOther
Meat Shield, SublimeA meat shield is a master at taking a hit for the team. Literally.75Martial Maneuvers, OtherOther
MechwarriorTransform your heavy armor warrior into a mechwarrior, piloting a robotic exoskeleton into battle!510OtherOther
MercifulThe master of non-lethality can turn most any class into one capable of holding back their power.15OtherFull
MetahandA metahand is a warrior of unusual standing, who focuses upon honing his prowess in battle with the tools that he is granted, instead of stretching his limits and attempting to master every possible form of fighting., Around the corner canters a stallion of a centaur, dust coating his form, and beads of sweat are visible on his forehead.710
Midnight ParagonA pure manifestation of shadow, the midnight paragon is a shadowcaster who has learned to alter the shadow to empower his mysteries.105Full
Midnight SentinelThe midnight sentinels are an order of psionic vigilante who protect the innocent and bring those who crawl in the dark to justice, a somewhat focused arcane trickster for psionics.410Psionics, Sneak AttackFull
MonitorMonitors are nihilistic Monks with their roots in the Kuo-Toa culture69
Monk of the Higher PathA monk dedicated herself to altruism , finding both peace and power from it.810OtherFull
Monk, Prestige410
Mysterious RoseTake up the mantle of this generational hero title, become the Mysterious Rose! You are always there in the time of need to throw roses at people! It is surprisingly more effective than it sounds.510OtherOther
Mystic ProtectorA mystic protector is a arcane spellcaster who use his or her skills to fight evil magic and those who use it.57Arcane SpellcastingFull
MythbinderA Prestige Class for meldshapers that lets them bind harmful effects into opponents.510Alternate Magic, OtherOther
NatarajaDevoted to her god, her receive blessings in the form of multiple arms.
Nightmask?The Nightmask is specialist of stealth, intimidation and using darkness their it advantage.?65OtherOther
NinjaEnigmatic shadow warriors, the ninja are mysterious assassins and spies.710OtherOther
Ninja of LiesA Ninja of Lies is a shinobi who is a master of untruth.4Sneak Attack, OtherFull
Ninja of the Ebon ShadowMasters of stealth that use shadow magic to foil sensors and confuse enemies.65OtherOther
Paladin, SublimeA modification of the Prestige Paladin so that it meshes with the crusader class rather than the cleric.515Martial ManeuversOther
Phoenix StrikerA phoenix striker is a melee-oriented combatant using great speed and fire at her advantages.45OtherOther
Platinum DragoonThis is a Dragoon class that is based fairly strictly off of the abilities and lore of the Final Fantasy series. I started with Kain Highwind as the base ideal model Dragoon and pooled the most common abilities and themes from all Final Fantasy Dragoons, using as little deviation and as little hocus pocus as possible, to stay as true to the original theme of Dragoons through out all Final Fantasy games as possible, and did a small amount of fluffing and tweaking it to balance it for Dungeons & Dragons.
Player5Bardic MusicFull
Precognosis AdeptYour divinations enable you to enhance your evasive defenses and employ many talents.810
Priest of VratimsgotLively fat people who feed the small to the big.65OtherFull
Progenitor of the GithYou were a slave to the illithids. Now you're not, and you've gained from the experience.45
Psicrystal SavantTurn your psicrystal from a tiny pet rock to a powerful battle companion.37PsionicsPartial
PsychebladeA 3 level prestige class meant to replace the entirety of the soulknife class.53PsionicsOther
Psychotic SlasherA psychotic slasher kill lots of people.46OtherPartial
PumpkinheadPumpkinheads are tricksters with a sweet tooth that adore to scare people just for fun. They wear pumpkin as headgear.47Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting
Radiant Wave MonkMonks who focus on their inner ki, allowing them to shoot blasts of energy, fly, and perform other supernatural feats.610OtherOther
Rage MageWhat one gets when the fury of a barbarian and the spellcasting of a sorcerer mix.43OtherOther
RagecasterA revamped rage mage. What ho, will you cast something muscle wizard? YOU CAST FIST!!!!610Spontaneous Spellcasting, Arcane SpellcastingPartial
Revenant PursuerReturn from the dead as an undying ghost in an armor shell, as you pursue your killers, justice, or merely a persistent desire to not die.85OtherOther
Rider of the StormA horseman who harnesses the power of storms to vanquish his enemies.610OtherOther
Righteous RagerA paladin/barbarian multiclass prestige class.410Prepared Divine SpellcastingFull
Rokushiki MasterLearning these techniques can take an entire life time, so most users choose a single ability to make their trademark attack. Rokushiki mainly focuses on either making the human body tougher or faster to execute normally inhuman feats.105
Sanguine EdgeA secretive mage-warrior who uses blood magic to heal and harm.35Alternate MagicFull
SchismsoulThere are voices in your head, driving you crazy. It's time to take control and bend them to a more useful purpose.610
Scion of the Tenebrous DragonA great descendant of the mighty shadow dragons, the Scion has learned to tap his heritage for added power, altering his form in foreign ways.710Full
ScriptwriterThe Scriptwriter wields the power of Word magic to craft magical items to fit the situation.75Alternate MagicPartial
Scyran'ThamithA Scyramorka who has not only overcome, but embraced, their flammability.55OtherOther
Secret AgentA class for playing movie and video game super agents.55OtherFull
Seeker of FormsA shape shifting PrC that grants access to many new forms while still keeping Animal Companion progression.5Full
Seer of the TempestA half-mad mage of Pandemonium.68Arcane SpellcastingFull
SentinelA stalwart defender that shields his allies and can stand his ground against any foe.610Other
Shadow AdeptWarlock slowly transforms into shadow.
SharpshooterThe sharpshooter is at the top of her game when it comes to ranged combat. She is the master of wielding a crossbow in each hand. The Sharpshooter always knows just where to fire to make her enemy feel it the most. Her rate of fire and damage output leave other ranged combatants envious.510Sneak AttackFull
Siege MasterSiege weapons are usually not used in direct combat, but you never played by the rules anyway. Become the one-man siege factory!310OtherOther
Skill MasterA skill master is very obviously extremely skilled at using skills.55OtherOther
SkindancerA unique type of assassin who wears the skins of his victims710Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous SpellcastingFull
Soul SalvagerAn agent of religion who seeks to destroy pact magic by restoring the vestiges binders draw their power from to reality. Ironically, he has to be a binder himself in order to achieve his goal, and his actions are motivated just as much by a desire to help the vestiges themselves as a desire to eliminate the heretical practice of soul binding.610Divine SpellcastingFull
Soul of ErebosSouls of Erebos are meldshapers tied to the dark demiplane of Erebos, which employ the darkness in their souls to enhance soulmelds., A shadow tiefling incarnate that melds the shadows of Erebos with its own soul to create soulmelds of darkness and chaos.55Full
SoulbinderThe soulbinder has learned to master the power of his very soul. He learns to bind his soul into his weapons, armor, and even his fellow adventurers to empower them with the awesome power of his very soul., A Soulbinder gone mad with power, he believes he can further the power of his soul if he steals the soul of others. He attacks with his sais in hopes to trap the PC's Soul.710
Speaker for the DeadA guardian of the souls of the dead, their voices, and their memories.610
SpellstrikerCombine martial maneuvers with spellcasting in this dual-progressing prestige class. Empower your strikes and stances with magic.610Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Martial ManeuversPartial
SpellthiefA rewrite of the Complete Adventurer spellthief to be more of a rogue controller and also a prestige class.610Sneak Attack, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous SpellcastingOther
Spelltouched MutantSpelltouched mutant are thoroughly changed by magical forces they were exposed to.04OtherOther
Spirit of VengeanceTransform into a hellfire wielding divine entity who is able to smite the guilty with supernatural chains and fire.03OtherOther
SportwarriorFight with sport, a sportwarrior turn regular sports into a deadly weapon.45OtherFull
Stalker of LimboStalkers of Limbo are an organization of neraphim hunters, and occasionally other races, that scours the Limbo in search of preys, whether they are are monsters, other outsiders or unsuspecting travellers.610Prepared Divine Spellcasting, PsionicsPartial
Stone SentinelSure, you don't move much in battle but you'll be damned if that stops you from reaching the enemy! Open up the true potential of the Stone Dragon discipline.510Martial ManeuversPartial
StormtamerThese warriors attune with the storm inside of them and dominate it to unlock their true power.

They revere the Storm as driving force, that moves the arm, the blade and the arrow as one thing, one entity. They are elites rangers, fighters and scouts, maybe the three classes most attracted to the stormtamer.

Contrary to the Storm's nature they must not be chaotic, lest they succumb to its sway.
610Prepared Divine SpellcastingFull
Strange CaseRip the Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde in DnD!23OtherPartial
Student of the Second65Martial Maneuvers
Suicide SurvivorYou kill yourself heroically several times per battle.17Full
SurvivorAn update of the Survivor from Savage Species, a class focused on defense to the exclusion of all other things.15Other
Sword FusilierThe sword fusilier is a master of the gun sword, gaining techniques related to its uses.510OtherOther
Sword of JusticeThe Sword of Justice prestige class is for idealists who fight for justice in the shadow.510Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine SpellcastingOther
SwordsmanSpecialists in the art of swordsmanship, whether with rapiers, longswords or mercurial greatswords.4
TerrakineticistA terrakineticist control earth and stone through psionic concentration.510PsionicsOther
The AxeThe Axe is there axe and the best at using axes!25
The EntheomancerThe Entheomancer is anathema to outsiders and divine spellcasters.33
Thrasher of the ThunderbatBards who follow the demon lord of music, they gain various powers of bats, lightning, and heavy metal.510Bardic MusicFull
ThundersmithThe thundering blows of a hammer echo across the land as the Thundersmith toils away in a forge powered by Storms. Grabbing lightning itself with their own hands and shaping it with their own hammer they make weapons of it: swords and spears, arrows and hammers.
Torchlight MageA torchlight mage is an expert of using light spell to repel the forces of evil23Full
Trapsmith, VariantA master trapmaker, the trapsmith excels in using tactical traps in combat to damage and impede his foes.55OtherOther
True ThiefYou can steal anything. Yes, even the hearts of others, someone's soul, or concepts.410OtherOther
Umbral AssassinPart shadowdancer, part assassin, they cloak themselves in false reality to strike out at their prey.510
Umbral WarlockA warlock that delves into darkness, or a shadowcaster who dabbles in the infernal.610Alternate Magic, Invocations, OtherFull
Unnatural WarriorAn unnatural warrior is a remarkably strange character, who has studied several different technique's of fighting, and who attempts to use them all in tandum, resulting in an uncannily strange fighting style., A man wearing a flamboyantly cut, purple and green suit, twirling a metal cane around with one hand while an an exceedingly eccentric smile sits, plastered over his pleasant, warm face, and a little odd twinkle shines in his light blue eyes.137OtherOther
UsumancerA character whose intense study of skills permits them to call forth powerful magics.69Alternate MagicFull
Vivacious RagerYour rage exceeds the limits of the body to the point where you draw on the raw energy of life itself, rendering you a raging unkillable beast, and posing a hazard to yourself.610OtherFull
Waltz of BladesThe Waltz of Blades has mastered the use of Dancing weapons, he learns how to imbue the weapons he holds with the abiltiy, and is eventually surrounded by phantom weapons that rain terror upon his enemies.610
WhipsingerBards that choose to specialize with a whip are able to master the flowing grace of the weapon, turning it into a whirling dance.55
Witch KnightMixing your Mind Blade and Eldritch Blast into a seamless whole.610Psionics, InvocationsOther
Wolfblood SlayerA sublime prestige class using both the amaranth eclipse and wild moon discipline.66Martial ManeuversFull
Word of LiesYou use your word magics to show people what to believe. They are likely to do so, unless they know that you're a Word of Lies.35Alternate MagicPartial
Word of LifeThe Word of Life uses word magic for good and healing purposes.53Alternate MagicPartial
Word of UndeathThe Word of Undeath uses word magic for evil and necromantic purposes.53Alternate MagicPartial
WordsmanThe Wordsman combines the power of words with the power of swords (or other weapons)410Alternate MagicMinor
WrathbladeTurn your rage into a weapon which can cleave the heavens!310OtherOther
Wrathful BrawlerA prestige class for unarmed barbarians.610Other
WrathknightThe Wrathknight is a barbarian prestige class that grant multiple supernatural abilities and eventually tun you into a rage lich.147OtherOther
XenophileTransformation into an alien creature.53
Xingese AlchemistYou wield the power of Alkahestry to work magic at a distance and heal people more effectively.315Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate MagicFull
Zodiac KnightThe heavens contain spirits unknown, those who follow this path can channel those spirits to produce special powers.812

Epic Prestige ClassesEdit

NameDescriptionMinimum LevelLengthClass AbilityClass Ability Progression
ChasseurA nimble epic level warrior who strikes his foes down with a flurry of steel and extraordinary expertise.2010OtherOther
Colossus KnightClad in heavy armor, the colossus knight becomes an unstoppable juggernaut of steel.2010OtherOther
God FistThe paragon of physical potential, your martial arts allow you to exceed above and beyond through mystical eastern fighting arts.2010OtherOther

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