Carrier of Bceilieod (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 3/30/11
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Carrier of Bceilieod[edit]

May your guts be vibrant and prosperous.
—Common Bceilieodic Blessing

Some people are such devout followers of Bceilieod that they develop an association with their inhabitants.

Becoming a Carrier of Bceilieod[edit]

People who truly embrace the teachings of Bceilieod choose to become Carriers in order to spread his glory and gain shapeshifting powers.

Entry Requirements
Race: Only creatures who aren't immune to diseases may become Carriers of Bceilieod.
Skills: Heal 8 ranks.
Patron: Bceilieod.

Table: The Carrier of Bceilieod

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Carry Disease, Increase Susceptibility
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Carry Disease, Rot Touch
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Carry Disease, Infected Regeneration
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Carry Greater Disease, Moldy Vibrance
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Carry Greater Disease, Unicellular Ascendance

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level.
Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Control Shape (Wis), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Carrier of Bceilieod.

Carry Disease: Every level, you permanently become a carrier for a disease chosen from the contagion disease list. You never have to make saves against this disease. At levels 4 and 5, you can become a carrier for a disease chosen from the greater contagion disease list instead.

Increase Susceptibility (Su): Whenever you touch a creature (such as with a melee touch attack, natural attack, or unarmed attack), you may have them be affected as though by increase susceptibility, with a Caster Level equal to your class level.

Rot Touch (Ex): At level 2, you may also deal 1 point of Constitution damage with each touch.

Infected Regeneration (Ex): At level 3, the bacteria suffusing your body choose to help you stitch yourself back together, granting you regeneration. Fire, Cold, and Negative energy deal lethal damage to you. You heal 1 point of nonlethal damage per round per class level. Any lost body parts regrow in 2d4 days, or immediately if reattached.

Moldy Vibrance (Su): You can leave a swath of healthy molds, bacterial mats, and slimes in your wake. All terrain within 30' sprouts life as you pass by, becoming slick and slimy, making it into a DC 15 precarious surface which requires checks to balance on as though it were narrow. In addition, these molds, bacteria, and slimes are edible: consuming them is a valid way to fulfill one's need for food and drink, although doing so puts the consumer at risk of catching any of your non-injury diseases.

Unicellular Ascendance (Ex): At level 5, your individual cells gain independence. Spells and other magical powers that affect a single creature (such as power word blind or raise dead) can no longer affect you. In addition, you gain alternate form as an Extraordinary ability, allowing you to change into any Animal, Magical Beast, Dragon, Aberration, Ooze, or Vermin which has the same size category as you, and CR and HD no greater than your Character level -2.

Ex-Carriers of Bceilieod[edit]

If you stop worshipping Bceilieod, you now have to make saves against the diseases you carry.

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Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorFoxwarrior +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionModerate +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionFull +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
Length5 +
Minimum Level6 +
RatingUndiscussed +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
SkillAutohypnosis +, Bluff +, Climb +, Concentration +, Control Shape +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Ride +, Search +, Spot +, Survival + and Swim +
Skill Points4 +
SummaryYou develop an affinity for the bacteria living inside you. +
TitleCarrier of Bceilieod +
Will Save ProgressionGood +