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3.5e Publications

The is a list of all publications for Dungeons and Dragons edition 3.5 with an entry on this wiki. It also includes publications for edition 3, which are considered valid in an edition 3.5 game unless they have been reprinted in an edition 3.5 source book.

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Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Publications

Aberrations Wizards of the Coast
Advanced Bestiary Green Ronin
Advanced d20 Rulebooks Green Ronin
Age of MortalsSovereign Press
Bad LightWizards of the Coast
Bad Moon WaningWizards of the Coast
Barrow of the Forgotten KingWizards of the Coast
Bestiary of KrynnSovereign Press
Book of Erotic FantasyBoEFValor Project
Castle WhiterockDCC# 52Goodman Games
Cave of the SpidersWizards of the Coast
Champions of RuinWizards of the Coast
ChaositechNoneWhite Wolf Publishing
City State of the Invincible OverlordCSIONecromancer Games, Judges Guild, Sword & Sorcery Studios, White Wolf Publishing
City of PerilNoneWizards of the Coast
WaterdeepWizards of the Coast
CityscapeCiWizards of the Coast
Complete AdventurerCAdvWizards of the Coast
Complete ArcaneCArWizards of the Coast
Complete ChampionCCWizards of the Coast
Complete DivineCDWizards of the Coast
Complete GearCGDreamscarred Press
Complete MageCMWizards of the Coast
Complete PsionicCPWizards of the Coast
Complete ScoundrelCSWizards of the Coast
Complete WarriorCWWizards of the Coast
Dark and Stormy NightWizards of the Coast
Desert of Desolation Wizards of the Coast
DraconomiconDraWizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 320DM320Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 322DM322Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 324DM324Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 326DM326Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 328DM328Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 330DM330Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 332DM332Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 334DM334Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 336DM336Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 338DM338Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 340DM340Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 342DM342Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 344DM344Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 346DM346Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 348DM348Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 350DM350Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 352DM352Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 354DM354Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 356DM356Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 358DM258Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 360DM360Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 362DM362Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 364DM364Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 366DM366Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 368DM368Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 370DM370Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 372DM372Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 374DM374Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 376DM376Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 378DM378Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 380DM380Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 382DM382Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 384DM384Wizards of the Coast
Dragon Compendium Paizo Publishing
Dragon MagicDMWizards of the Coast
Dragonlance Campaign SettingWizards of the Coast
DragonmarkedWizards of the Coast
Dragons of KrynnMagaret Weis Productions
Dragontown GrottoWizards of the Coast
Dread CodexAdamant Entertainment
Dread Codex 2NoneAdamant Entertainment
Dry SpellWizards of the Coast
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 100DM100Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 101DM101Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 103DM103Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 113DM113Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 116DM116Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 121DM121Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 126DM126Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 127DM127Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 128DM128Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 129DM129Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 130DM130Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 137DM137Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 139DM139Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 144DM144Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 149DM149Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 152DM152Paizo Publishing
Dungeon Master's GuideWizards of the Coast
Dungeon Master's Guide IIDMG2Wizards of the Coast
DungeonscapeDuWizards of the Coast
Eberron Campaign SettingECSWizards of the Coast
Elder EvilsElEWizards of the Coast
NymphologyMongoose Publishing
Environmental ImpactWizards of the Coast
Expanded Psionics HandbookXPHWizards of the Coast
Expedition to Castle RavenloftWizards of the Coast
Expedition to the Demonweb PitsWizards of the Coast
Expedition to the Ruins of GreyhawkWizards of the Coast
Eye of the SunWizards of the Coast
Eyes of the Lich QueenWizards of the Coast
Fait AccompliWizards of the Coast
Fane of the DrowWizards of the Coast
The Frostfell RiftWizards of the Coast
Fields of RuinWizards of the Coast
Fiendish Codex IFCIWizards of the Coast
Fiendish Codex IIFCIIWizards of the Coast
Force of NatureWizards of the Coast
Fortress of the Yuan-TiWizards of the Coast
FrostburnFB, FrWizards of the Coast
Gazetteer of the Known Realms Goodman Games
Grasp of the Emerald ClawWizards of the Coast
Grim-N-GrittyGnGDiamond Thunderbolt Productions
Halls of the Minotaur Goodman Games
Hasken's ManorWizards of the Coast
Hellspike PrisonWizards of the Coast
Heroes of BattleHoBWizards of the Coast
Heroes of HorrorHoHWizards of the Coast
Holy Orders of the StarsSovereign Press
HyperconsciousHypMalhavoc Press
Idylls of the Rat KingDCC# 1Goodman Games
Ill Wind in FriezfordWizards of the Coast
Iron Crypt of the HereticsDCC# 12.5Goodman Games
Knightly Orders of AnsalonSovereign Press
Legend of the Silver SkeletonWizards of the Coast
Legends of the TwinsSovereign Press
Lest Darkness RiseWizards of the Coast
Libris MortisLbM, LMWizards of the Coast
Living Greyhawk Official Listing of Deities for Use in the CampaignWizards of the Coast
Lochfell's SecretWizards of the Coast
Lords of MadnessLoMWizards of the Coast
Magic Item CompendiumMICWizards of the Coast
Magic of EberronWizards of the Coast
Magic of FaerûnMag, MoFWizards of the Coast
Magic of IncarnumMoIWizards of the Coast
March of the SaneWizards of the Coast
Matters of VengeanceWizards of the Coast
Miniatures HandbookMHWizards of the Coast
Monster ManualMMWizards of the Coast
Monster Manual IIIMM3Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual IVMMIV, MM4Wizards of the Coast
Monster Manual VMM5Wizards of the Coast
Planar HandbookPHWizards of the Coast
Player's Guide to FaerûnPG, PGtFWizards of the Coast
Player's HandbookWizards of the Coast
Player's Handbook IIPHB2Wizards of the Coast
Price of CourageSovereign Press, Margaret Weis Productions
Primrose PathWizards of the Coast
Races of AnsalonSovereign Press
Races of DestinyRoDWizards of the Coast
Races of EberronRoEWizards of the Coast
Races of StoneRoSWizards of the Coast
Races of the DragonRDrWizards of the Coast
Races of the WildRotWWizards of the Coast
Red Hand of DoomRHWizards of the Coast
Renegade Cleric's TomeMongoose Publishing
Return to the Temple of the FrogWizards of the Coast
Road to OblivionWizards of the Coast
SRD v3.5SRD35Wizards of the Coast
Saga of the Dragon Cult Goodman Games
SandstormSaWizards of the Coast
Scourge of the Howling HordeWizards of the Coast
Secrets of Xen'drikWizards of the Coast
Serpent KingdomsWizards of the Coast
Shadows of the Last WarWizards of the Coast
City of TowersWizards of the Coast
Sheep's ClothingWizards of the Coast
Shining SouthWizards of the Coast
Shoals of IntrigueWizards of the Coast
Shrine of the Feathered SerpentWizards of the Coast
Spell CompendiumSpCWizards of the Coast
Spell TreasuryNoneMalhavoc Press
Stone DeadWizards of the Coast
StormwrackStoWizards of the Coast
Tarus's Banquet!Wizards of the Coast
The Frostfell RiftWizards of the Coast
The Grand History of the RealmsWizards of the Coast
The Night of Dissolution Malhavoc Press
The Quintessential HumanNoneMongoose Publishing
The Shattered Gates of SlaughtergardeWizards of the Coast
The Sinister SpireWizards of the Coast
The Temple of RedcliffWizards of the Coast
The Thief Lord's VaultDCC# 35bGoodman Games
The Thunder BelowWizards of the Coast
To Quell the Rising StormWizards of the Coast
Tome of BattleToBWizards of the Coast
Tome of Horrors III Necromancer Games
Tome of MagicToMWizards of the Coast
Tower in the IceWizards of the Coast
Towers of High SorcerySovereign Press
UnderdarkUndWizards of the Coast
Underdark Wizards of the Coast
Unearthed ArcanaUAWizards of the Coast
Untapped PotentialUPDreamscarred Press
Voyage of the Golden DragonWizards of the Coast
War of DragonsWizards of the Coast
War of the LanceSovereign Press
Whispers of the Vampire's BladeWizards of the Coast
Wilderlands of High FantasyNecromancer Games, Judges Guild, White Wolf Publishing, Sword & Sorcery Studios
The Role Playing GameWoWRPGSword & Sorcery
Wreck AshoreWizards of the Coast

Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 Publications

A Question of EthicsWizards of the Coast
A Tale ManifestingWizards of the Coast
Alchemist's EyrieWizards of the Coast
Arms and Equipment GuideAEGWizards of the Coast
Base of OperationsWizards of the Coast
Bastion of Broken SoulsWizards of the Coast
Black RainWizards of the Coast
Book of Vile DarknessBoVD, BVWizards of the Coast
Burning PlagueWizards of the Coast
Crumbling Hall of the Frost Giant JarlWizards of the Coast
Deep HorizonWizards of the Coast
Desert SandsWizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Annual 6DA6TSR Inc
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 274DM274Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 276DM276Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 278DM278Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 280DM280Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 282DM282Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 284DM284Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 286DM286Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 288DM288Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 290DM290Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 292DM292Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 294DM2294Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 296DM296Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 298DM298Wizards of the Coast
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 300DM300Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 302DM302Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 304Dr304Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 306DM306Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 308DMPaizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 310DM310Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 312DM312Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 314DM314Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 316DM316Paizo Publishing
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 318DM318Paizo Publishing
Dreadmire Spellbinder Games
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 087DM87Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 088DM88Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 089DM89Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 090DM90Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 094DM94Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 095DM95Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 097DM97Paizo Publishing
Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 84DM84Wizards of the Coast
Ettin's RiddleWizards of the Coast
Eye for an EyeWizards of the Coast
Faiths and PantheonsFPWizards of the Coast
Fallen AngelWizards of the Coast
FangWizards of the Coast
City of PerilWizards of the Coast
Fiend FolioFFWizards of the Coast
Forgotten Realms Campaign SettingWizards of the Coast
Frigid DemiseWizards of the Coast
Frozen WhispersWizards of the Coast
Ghosts of AnielWizards of the Coast
GhostwalkWizards of the Coast
Harvest of EvilWizards of the Coast
Haunting LodgeWizards of the Coast
Heart of Nightfang SpireWizards of the Coast
House of HarpiesWizards of the Coast
Icy HeartWizards of the Coast
Into the Frozen WasteWizards of the Coast
Living Greyhawk GazetteerLGGWizards of the Coast
Lord of the Iron FortressWizards of the Coast
Magic of Rokugan AEG
Manual of the PlanesMPWizards of the Coast
Masters of the WildWizards of the Coast
Ministry of WindsWizards of the Coast
Monster ManualMMWizards of the Coast
Monster Manual IIMM2Wizards of the Coast
Monsters of FaerûnWizards of the Coast
One Last RiddleWizards of the Coast
Oriental AdventuresOAWizards of the Coast
Player's HandbookPHBWizards of the Coast
PtolusMalhavoc Press
Races of FaerûnRacWizards of the Coast
Ravenloft Campaign SettingSword & Sorcery
Return to the Temple of Elemental EvilWizards of the Coast
Rokugan AEG
Savage SpeciesSav, SSWizards of the Coast
Sea WitchWizards of the Coast
Secret of the Windswept WallWizards of the Coast
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?Wizards of the Coast
Silver MarchesWizards of the Coast
Somethings CookingWizards of the Coast
Start at the EndWizards of the Coast
Stronghold Builder's GuidebookWizards of the Coast
Sword and FistWizards of the Coast
Test of the DemonwebWizards of the Coast
The Forge of FuryWizards of the Coast
The Fright at TristorWizards of the Coast
The Speaker in DreamsWizards of the Coast
The Standing StoneWizards of the Coast
The Sunless CitadelWizards of the Coast
The Tome of Horrors Necromancer Games
Thicker Than WaterWizards of the Coast
Tigers PalaceWizards of the Coast
Tower of DeceptionWizards of the Coast
Treasure of the Black VeilsWizards of the Coast
Unapproachable EastUnaWizards of the Coast
Vessel of StarsWizards of the Coast
Way of the Daiymo AEG
Way of the Samurai AEG
Greyhawk's Circle of EightWizards of the Coast

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