Stunt Fighter (3.5e Class)
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A more versatile Fighter for higher balance games.
[hide]Fighter, Stunt[edit]
This variant to the fighter class is intended to be stronger than the original fighter from the 3.5e Player’s Handbook. The changes made here can be implemented with drastic or little change to how the fighter functioned in the SRD, since the new Stunt class feature is designed to be either a collection of cool tricks the fighter can do (stunts), or be some passive buffs (stuntless augments). Likewise, if a player doesn't want to take advantage of the combat style class feature or the special ability options, the player may choose to gain another stunt fighter bonus feat instead. Combat styles and special ability options are given on even numbered levels, so the bonus feats would be identical to when they would be granted as per the original fighter class.
Essentially, this can be either a simple, easily implementable fix to the fighter class, it can be a rather involved replacement for the soulknife and barbarian classes, or it can be a highly strategic and exciting way to play a martial character.
Making a Stunt Fighter[edit]
A stunt fighter can be anything from a ruthless Viking of the seven seas to a professionally trained archer. The one thing that all stunt fighters have in common, however, is that they're risk takers, and they love to get rough in fights. It's very rare for a stunt fighter to adhere to a strict code of honor in combat, but it definitely isn't unheard of.
Stunt fighters tend to not understand the ways of academic spellcasting, such as wizardry, but they respect the amount of practice and dedication that goes into their craft. They view paladins as ironic - it's very common for a stunt fighter to argue with paladins that they devote so much time to their deity that they can't practice their combat skills enough. Stunt fighters find the knight's code of honor surprising if they don't have their own code of honor, but usually respect the knight's confidence in calling out foes to duel them. Otherwise, it’s almost completely dependent on the character behind the stunt fighter levels that determine how exchanges with other party members will play out.
1st Level Foundation: At first level, you need to determine what your stunt fighter's bonus weapon proficiency will be, what your stunt fighter's first two focused weapons are, and your stunt fighter's first combat style/bonus fighter feat. These decisions are going to be pretty pivotal for what kind of playstyle the character is going to have in your early levels, until probably about level 4 or 6.
Keeping it Simple: If you're not interested in learning about stunts or any of the fancy combat styles, you can just focus on the stuntless augments, and take bonus fighter feats in place of fighter traits and combat styles.
Abilities: Constitution is usually high among most stunt fighters, but it's commonplace for the Strength or Dexterity score to be the highest ability score. Each mental ability score opens up many more options to stunt fighters, but they aren't necessary to be effective with the class. Charisma might seem like a bit more necessary than the others due to Frightful Presence being a class feature, but stunt fighters can learn a bonus resistance in place of it.
Races: Just about any race sees value in the ways of combat and fighting. Dwarves, half-orcs, and humans make some of the most notable, "traditional" stunt fighters. A halfling's luck and tricky tendencies mesh well with the class, and xeph can make very interesting stunt fighters as well.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: 2d4 x 50 gold pieces.
Starting Age: Moderate.
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | Focused Weapons | Pool of Cool (Max Stunt Pts.) |
Battle Fever | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +1 | +2 | +2 | +0 | Combat Style, Focused Weapons, Stuntless Augments, Stunt Points | 2 | 1 | — | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +0 | Fighter Trait, Focused Weapons (Weapon Focus) | 2 | 1 | — | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +3 | +3 | +3 | +1 | Battle Tendency (Battle Fever, Speedy Draw) | 3 | 2 | +2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +4 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Combat Style, Focused Weapons (Weapon Specialization) | 4 | 2 | +2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +5 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Resistance | 4 | 3 | +2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +6/+1 | +5 | +5 | +2 | Fighter Trait, +1 Focused Weapons | 5 | 3 | +3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +7/+2 | +5 | +5 | +2 | Battle Tendency (Ouchie Wowchie) | 5 | 4 | +3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +8/+3 | +6 | +6 | +2 | Combat Style, Focused Weapons (Greater Weapon Focus) | 6 | 4 | +3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +9/+4 | +6 | +6 | +3 | Resistance | 7 | 5 | +4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +10/+5 | +7 | +7 | +3 | Fighter Trait, +2 Focused Weapons | 7 | 5 | +4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11th | +11/+6/+1 | +7 | +7 | +3 | Battle Tendency (Frightful Presence) | 8 | 6 | +4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12th | +12/+7/+2 | +8 | +8 | +4 | Combat Style, Focused Weapons (Greater Weapon Specialization) | 8 | 6 | +5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13th | +13/+8/+3 | +8 | +8 | +4 | Resistance | 9 | 7 | +5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th | +14/+9/+4 | +9 | +9 | +4 | Fighter Trait, +3 Focused Weapons | 10 | 7 | +5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15th | +15/+10/+5 | +9 | +9 | +5 | Battle Tendency (Rising Reflexes 1/encounter) | 10 | 8 | +6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16th | +16/+11/+6/+1 | +10 | +10 | +5 | Combat Style, Focused Weapons (Super Ouchie Wowchie) | 11 | 8 | +6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17th | +17/+12/+7/+2 | +10 | +10 | +5 | Resistance | 11 | 9 | +6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18th | +18/+13/+8/+3 | +11 | +11 | +6 | Fighter Trait, +4 Focused Weapons | 12 | 9 | +7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19th | +19/+14/+9/+4 | +11 | +11 | +6 | Battle Tendency (The Itch) | 13 | 10 | +7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th | +20/+15/+10/+5 | +12 | +12 | +6 | Battle Tendency (Greater Rising Reflexes), Combat Style | 13 | 10 | +7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level) |
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Stunt Fighter.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies[edit]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A stunt fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light and heavy repeating crossbows, the hand crossbow, and the whip. A stunt fighter is also proficient with light, medium, and heavy armors, as well as shields (including tower shields).
If the Weapon Group variant rule is being used, stunt fighters are proficient with basic weapons or unarmed strikes, exotic weapon versions of each weapon group he's proficient with or unarmed strikes, plus any other four weapon groups.
Bonus Proficiencies: At each level of stunt fighter, the stunt fighter becomes proficient with any weapon that he isn't already proficient with.
Stunts and the Pool of Cool[edit]
No two stunt fighters are the same - not only due to different ability selections, such as feats, combat styles, and the like, but because each stunt fighter has a pool of cool that can be used in so many ways. One stunt fighter's pool of cool enables her to jump and dance around the battlefield, just always out of reach of each foe's blade, and another stunt fighter's pool of cool enables her to not give a single care for how many blows she's shrugged off this combat. The scariest part, however, is that a stunt fighter can change what his pool of cool does from day to day. A stunt fighter can even be different from himself!
Stunt Points/Pool of Cool: A stunt fighter can earn stunt points by performing certain actions in combat (listed below in the Stunt Setups section). Stunt Points are not usable until they are in the stunt fighter’s Pool of Cool, which is where all stunt points are stored. At the beginning of the round, any stunt points earned from the previous round enter the stunt fighter’s Pool of Cool. Stunt Points can be taken from the Pool of Cool to perform Stunts (see the Stunt Descriptions section, below), or he can lower the size of his Pool of Cool in order to gain various passive buffs (see stuntless augments, below). Stunt points remain in a stunt fighter's pool of cool for as long as he is conscious and is able to take actions on his turn (even if they're just mental actions).
At first level, a stunt fighter can have up to 1 Stunt point in his Pool of Cool. At every odd numbered level, his Pool of Cool can hold 1 more Stunt Point, for a maximum of 10 Stunt Points at level 19. In order to obtain a Stunt Point, a stunt fighter must succeed in performing a Stunt Setup (see "Stunt Setups").
A stunt fighter can increase the size of his Pool of Cool by selecting the relevant option as a fighter trait. This can increase the size of his pool of cool up to 5 additional times.
Stuntless Augments (Ex): A stunt fighter can opt to lower his maximum Pool of Cool size in exchange for Stuntless Augments by spending one hour in deep practice and physical exercise. He can only do this once per day. A Stuntless Augment can be chosen multiple times. Its effects stack unless otherwise stated. (For example, you can lower the maximum number of stunt points you can have in your Pool of Cool by 3 to increase your maximum hit points by 5 and gain a +1 insight bonus to initiative, or choose to gain a +3 insight bonus to initiative.)
- -1 Pool of Cool size:
- +1 insight bonus to a number of stunt fighter class skills equal to your Intelligence bonus (minimum 1).
- +1 insight bonus to initiative checks.
- +1 insight bonus to one type of saving throw.
- -2 Pool of Cool size:
- Energy Resistance 5 to one type of energy that the fighter does not have energy resistance to yet, or increases the current lowest energy resistance by 5.
- +1 insight bonus to weapon damage rolls.
- +5 hit points. Your maximum hit points increases by 5. When your stuntless augments are chosen again, you lose 5 hit points as your maximum hit points goes back down.
- -3 Pool of Cool size:
- +1 insight bonus to Armor Class.
- +1 insight bonus to weapon attack rolls.
- +10 ft. insight bonus to all modes of movement that the stunt fighter possesses, +5 more feet if not wearing any armor and not carrying a medium or heavy load.
- Damage reduction 2/adamantine.
- -4 Pool of Cool size:
- The total armor check penalty to each skill is reduced by 1/2 (round down, minimum 0).
- +1d8 damage to foes that are currently denied their Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class against the stunt fighter's attack. The foe must be within 30 feet of the stunt fighter, and the foe must not be immune to the effects of the rogue's sneak attack class feature.
- -5 Pool of Cool size:
- Fast healing 1.
The Combat Style[edit]
Not all martial abilities can be represented accurately through mere feats. Well, at least not in a balanced way, anyways. Each stunt fighter lays claim to at least one combat style. Some tend to specialize in just one, while others tend to dabble all around. Most stunt fighters dip a little bit into the way of the Versatile Style, but rarely does a stunt fighter specialize in just the versatile style. Those who do, however, are probably the most dangerous of all stunt fighters.
Combat Style (Ex): A stunt fighter must choose a combat style to display his particular flare in combat. At first level, the stunt fighter chooses one combat styles presented in the Combat Styles section of this article. He then gains all Tier 1 abilities granted by that combat style. At levels 4, 8, 12, and 16, the stunt fighter can choose to either learn the basics of a new combat style or continue to advance in a combat style he already has. At level 20, the stunt fighter gains 5 more combat style upgrades. Combat styles are listed in their own section.
- Alternate Class Feature - Bonus Feats: At level 1, a stunt fighter gains a feat from the list of stunt fighter bonus feats. This replaces the Combat Style class feature. The stunt fighter may gain another bonus feat from the list ofstunt fighter bonus feats at levels 4, 8, 12, and/or 16. At each level when he chooses to gain a bonus feat this way, he loses the Combat Style class feature that would otherwise be gained that level.
Focused Weapons[edit]
Each stunt fighter has a favorite weapon that they prefer to use over any other. This weapon, referred to as his focused weapon, is studied rigorously by the stunt fighter each day. However, the stunt fighter's intense training branches out to other weapons as his adventures demand more and more versatility.
Focused Weapons (Ex): The stunt fighter begins with two focused weapons. He must be proficient with these weapons, and they must be natural, simple, martial, or exotic weapons. As he gains more levels in the stunt fighter class, the number of proficient weapons that he can apply the benefits of this class feature to increases, as shown in the "Focused Weapons" column on the advancement table.
If the stunt fighter would add an ability modifier to any attack roll or damage roll made with a focused weapon, and that ability modifier is less than +1, then the stunt fighter may replace that ability modifier with a +1 competence bonus to the roll that the ability modifier would apply to. This competence bonus is applied before any changes to an ability modifier would take place, such as dividing in by two for light weapons in his off hand. Any such changes would happen to the competence bonus as if it were an ability bonus.
If any focused weapon is a weapon that would be affected by the Weapon Finesse feat, the stunt fighter may use his Dexterity modifier in place of his Strength modifier on attack rolls made with that weapon. If the stunt fighter has the Weapon Finesse feat, then the stunt fighter may add his Dexterity modifier in place of his Strength modifier on damage rolls made with one of those weapons, and armor check penalties from shields do not apply to the stunt fighter's attack rolls. He only applies 1/2 of his Dexterity bonus, if any, on damage rolls made this way with light weapons in his off hand.
- Weapon Focus (Ex): At level 2, the stunt fighter is treated as having the Weapon Focus feat for each of his focused weapons. Whenever the stunt fighter gains a new focused weapon at a later level, he is treated as having Weapon Focus for that weapon. If the stunt fighter already has or every gains the Weapon Focus feat for any of his focused weapons, then the stunt fighter gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with that weapon. This enhancement bonus does not stack with any enhancement bonus the weapon already has, but it does stack with the enhancement bonus granted from the focused weapons (enhancement) class feature.
- Even thought the stunt fighter does not actually have the Weapon Focus feat for his focused weapons, he still is considered as having those feats for the purposes of fulfilling prerequisites for other feats and for prestige classes.
- Weapon Specialization (Ex): At level 4, the stunt fighter gains Weapon Specialization as a bonus feat for each of his focused weapons, even if he doesn't meet its prerequisites. Whenever the stunt fighter gains a new focused weapon at a later level, he gains this feat for that weapon as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet its prerequisites.
- Enhancement (Su): At level 6 and higher, the stunt fighter applies a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with his focused weapons. This enhancement bonus does not stack with other enhancement bonuses applied to the weapon, aside from any +1 enhancement bonus described in the weapon focus focused weapons feature. Bonuses of the same type do not stack. This enhancement bonus increases to +2 at level 10, +3 at level 14, and +4 at level 18.
- Additionally, starting at level 6, the stunt fighter's focused weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. At levels 10, 14, and 18, the stunt fighter chooses one of the following qualities or special materials that hasn't been chosen yet: Adamantine, alchemical silver, chaos-aligned, cold iron, evil-aligned, good-aligned, or lawful-aligned. The stunt fighter's focused weapons are treated as having each chosen weapon quality or special material for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, even if the chosen material isn't what the weapon is actually made out of. No other weapon properties, such as hit points and hardness, are changed.
- Greater Weapon Focus (Ex): At level 8, the stunt fighter gains Greater Weapon Focus as a bonus feat for each of his focused weapons, even if he doesn't meet its prerequisites. Whenever the stunt fighter gains a new focused weapon at a later level, he gains this feat for that weapon as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet its prerequisites.
- Whenever the stunt fighter gains a new focused weapon at a later level, he is treated as having Improved Critical for that weapon. If the stunt fighter already has or ever gains Improved Critical for any of his focused weapons, the threat range on that weapon is increased by 1. This additional +1 on the threat range is only applied if the stunt fighter has the Improved Critical feat on the weapon. If the weapon's threat range would be doubled through other means, such as the keen weapon property or the keen edge spell, and the stunt fighter doesn't have Improved Critical for that weapon, this does not count. The threat range is not increased by 1.
- Greater Weapon Specialization (Ex): At level 12, the stunt fighter gains Greater Weapon Specialization as a bonus feat for each of his focused weapons, even if he doesn't meet its prerequisites. Whenever the stunt fighter gains a new focused weapon at a later level, he gains this feat for that weapon as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet its prerequisites.
- Super Ouchie Wowchie (Ex): At level 16, whenever a stunt fighter makes an attack roll with a focused weapon, and the attack roll's natural roll result is within the weapon's threat range, he deals 2d4 points of Strength damage to the creature he's attacking, even if the creature is immune to critical hits. This damage is unchanged by any multipliers for damage that would otherwise apply.
Fighter Traits[edit]
There are many abilities shared throughout plenty of martial classes that by convention aren't represented through feats. Shouldn't our fighters (and stunt fighters) get some of these toys, too?
Fighter Trait (Ex or Su): At levels two, six, ten, fourteen, and eighteen, a stunt fighter chooses one of the following fighter traits. He need not choose the same fighter trait option at each level. Each fighter trait can be taken multiple times unless if it is stated otherwise.
- Armor Mastery (Ex): The stunt fighter's total Armor check penalty is reduced by 2, to a minimum of 0. Additionally, the first time you select this fighter trait, medium armors do not reduce your base speed when worn. On the second time this fighter trait is chosen, the total armor check penalty is reduced by up to 6, to a minimum penalty of 0. Heavy armors do not reduce base speed when worn, and the stunt fighter gains damage reduction 2/adamantine while wearing medium or heavy armor. This damage reduction does not stack with any other source of damage reduction, including damage reduction granted by wearing armor made out of adamantine. On the third time this fighter trait is chosen, the total armor check penalty is reduced by up to 12, to a minimum penalty of 0. Wearing medium or heavy armor grants damage reduction 4/adamantine instead of damage reduction 2/adamantine. On the fourth time this fighter trait is chosen, the total armor check penalty is reduced by up to 20, to a minimum penalty of 0. Wearing medium or heavy armor grants damage reduction 6/adamantine instead of damage reduction 4/adamantine. On the fifth time this fighter trait is chosen, the total armor check penalty is reduced by up to 30, to a minimum penalty of 0. Wearing medium or heavy armor grants damage reduction 8/adamantine instead of damage reduction 6/adamantine.
- Bonus Feat: The stunt fighter gains a bonus feat from the list of stunt fighter bonus feats. He must meet all the prerequisites for the feat chosen.
- Bonus Skill Trick: The stunt fighter gains a bonus skill trick. He may choose any skill trick which he meets the prerequisites for. This does not count against the total number of skill tricks he is allowed to know (1/2 character level, rounded down), and he does not need to spend 2 skill tricks to learn it.
- Chuck-And-Duck (Ex): If the stunt fighter has moved at least ten feet during his turn, he gains a +1 competence bonus to his Armor Class and deals +1d6 bonus damage on damage rolls made with melee attacks and ranged weapon attacks within 30 feet. Creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are also immune to this extra damage. Each time this class feature is chosen after the first, the competence bonus to Armor Class increases by +1, and the bonus to damage increases by an additional +1d6. (+1d6 damage/+1 AC, +2d6 damage/+2 AC, +3d6 damage/+3 AC, +4d6 damage/+4 AC, +5d6 damage/+5 AC)
- Evasion (Ex): The stunt fighter gains the monk's evasion class feature. If the stunt fighter is ever subjected to an attack or effect that allows a Reflex save for half damage, he takes no damage on a successful save. If the stunt fighter already has evasion, then he gains improved evasion. Even on a failed saving throw, the stunt fighter only takes half damage.
- Extra Stance Feat: The number of feats granted by the stunt fighter stance is increased by 1. The stunt fighter must have chosen the versatile style combat style at least one time in order to select this fighter trait.
- Eyes on the Prey (Ex): The stunt fighter must have the Dodge feat in order to select this fighter trait. The bonus to Armor Class from his Dodge feat is increased by 2, and the stunt fighter can apply his Dodge feat bonus to a number of foes equal to the stunt fighter's Intelligence bonus (minimum +1). Each time this fighter trait is chosen after the first, the bonus granted by the Dodge feat is increased by +1, and the stunt fighter can select one additional foe to apply his Dodge feat to.
- Fighter Feint (Ex): Whenever the stunt fighter makes a feint attempt, instead of making a Bluff check, he may either make a Sleight of Hand check or roll d20 + base attack bonus + Dexterity modifier. If he is currently wielding one of his focused weapons while feinting, he gains a +3 competence bonus on the feint attempt. This can only be chosen once.
- Freerunner's Stride (Ex): The stunt fighter is able to move through any sort of terrain that would hamper movement due to tricky footing (such as rubble, undergrowth, brambles, etc.) at his normal speed without taking damage or or suffering any other similar impairment. This is otherwise identical to the ranger's Woodland Stride class feature. Freerunner's Stride can only be chosen once. If the tricky footing would require a Balance check, and the footing isn't due to slipperinesss of a magic source or a spilled substance, the stunt fighter may move at full speed without any penalty to the Balance check. Freerunner's Stride does not apply in environments with thick amounts of snow, sand, or mud that would slow movement due to the thickness and deepness and any terrain that has been magically altered to slow movement. As long as the stunt fighter has at least thirteen Hit Dice, Freerunner's Stride applies to any sort of difficult terrain, and the stunt fighter can move at full speed in any difficult terrain (aside from very snowy or muddy terrains) without penalty to any Balance or Climb checks, and the DC's for Tumble checks in difficult terrain are treated as if they were in normal terrain.
- Improved Battle Fever (Initiative checks) (Ex): The stunt fighter adds his Intelligence or Wisdom bonus (whichever is higher, minimum +1) to initiative checks. Additionally, the stunt fighter rolls 2d20 and takes the higher roll result whenever he rolls for initiative. This fighter trait can only be chosen once, and the stunt fighter must have the #Battle Fever class feature in order to choose it.
- Pool of Cool Upgrade: The stunt fighter’s Pool of Cool maximum increases by 1.
- Quick Slip (Ex): The stunt fighter may make feint attempts and trip attempts as move actions. If he has the Improved Feint feat, he may make a feint attempt as a swift action. A stunt fighter must have at least six Hit Dice in order to select this fighter trait. This can only be chosen once.
- Sneak Attack (Ex): The stunt fighter gains sneak attack +1d6, functioning identically to the rogue class feature. The third time the stunt fighter chooses this fighter trait, he rerolls all 1's rolled on sneak attack dice (in addition to gaining +1d6 sneak attack damage). He must abide by each new roll, even if the new roll is a 1.
- Tower Shield Mastery (Ex): Using a tower shield doesn't bestow a -2 penalty on the stunt fighter's attack rolls, and the armor check penalty on tower shields is reduced by 4 (maximum -6, minimum -0).
- Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The stunt fighter can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If the stunt fighter already has uncanny dodge, he gains improved uncanny dodge, as per the rogue class feature. The stunt fighter cannot choose this trait if he has improved uncanny dodge.
Battle Tendency[edit]
Every stunt fighter can't get enough of fighting and opportunities to show off. As a result, their instincts to jump into the fray become like lightning.
Battle Fever (Ex): At third level, a stunt fighter gains a +2 insight bonus bonus to initiative checks and on any saves against daze effects, fatigue effects, fear effects, paralysis effects, and sleep effects. This bonus increases to +3 at level six, +4 at level nine, +5 at level twelve, +6 at level fifteen, and finally +7 at level eighteen.
Speedy Draw (Ex): At third level, a stunt fighter can draw a weapon as a free action. If he has the Quick Draw feat, be it from normally having the feat or from the Stunt Fighter Stance, he can put any weapon away and draw any other weapon as a free action.
Ouchie Wowchie (Ex): At seventh level, even targets immune to critical hits take “extra” damage from a stunt fighter’s attacks. If a stunt fighter makes an attack roll against a foe immune to critical hits, and he rolls within the threat range for the weapon he made the attack with, the weapon’s base damage dice are maximized.
For example, if a stunt fighter with Ouchie Wowchie uses a medium Longsword to attack a stone golem, and his attack roll is a natural 19, then he does not roll the 1d8 damage die for the damage. Instead, it is assumed that he rolled an 8 on the damage die.
Frightful Presence (Ex): At eleventh level, a stunt fighter gains the Frightful Presence monster ability. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the stunt fighter charges, draws his weapon, or attempts to demoralize an opponent, as long as he isn't trying to remain hidden. Creatures within a radius of 30 feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the stunt fighter and can see or hear the stunt fighter. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Stunt Fighter's HD + Charisma bonus, minimum +1) remains immune to that stunt fighter’s frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with less HD than 1/2 the stunt fighter’s total HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds, and those with more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.
Stunt Fighters of at least eleventh level ignore the frightful presence of other stunt fighters.
- Alternate Class Feature - Bonus Resistance (Ex) or (Su): At eleventh level, stunt fighter may gain a bonus resistance ability from the list of stunt fighter resistances. This replaces the stunt fighter's Frightful Presence class feature.
Rising Reflexes (Ex): At fifteenth level, the stunt fighter's reactions and guts escalate as the battle continues. Once per encounter as a swift action, if the stunt fighter is not at the top of the initiative order, he may make an initiative check, include his battle fever bonus, and then add +1d6 to his new initiative roll. This counts as rolling for initiative for any stunts or class abilities that have an effect whenever the stunt fighter rolls for initiative.
The Itch (Ex): Starting at nineteenth level, whenever the stunt fighter makes an initiative check, if his initiative is 30 or higher, he gets an extra surprise round where only the stunt fighter has a turn. This occurs before any other surprise rounds that encounter.
Rising Reflexes triggers the itch. If this causes a surprise round after a combat encounter has began, creatures that have already acted are not flat-footed by default. They can still take actions as normal, but only actions that they would normally be able to take when it isn't their turn.
Greater Rising Reflexes {{Ex}: At twentieth level, at the end of each non-surprise round, there is a 5% chance that the stunt fighter rolls for initiative. Each round that he does not roll for initiative this way, the percent chance increases by 5 more. Whenever the stunt fighter rolls for initiative, this percent chance resets back to 5%.
Even the best of the best get hurt. Sometimes the secret is learning how to ignore it or push through; other times the secret is just never getting tired.
Resistance (Ex or Su): At levels 5, 9, 13, and 17, the stunt fighter gains access to a resistance-related ability. Each ability can only be chosen once unless otherwise stated.
- Ailment Resistance (Ex): The stunt fighter gains a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist the effects of disease and poisons, as well as on any saves that would make him diseased, nauseated, poisoned, or sickened. This resistance can be more than once. Its effects stack. Each time it is chosen after the first, the stunt fighter becomes immune to either poison or disease (his choice).
- Defensive Roll (Ex): The stunt fighter can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than he otherwise would. Once per day, when he would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or fighter trait), the stunt fighter can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the stunt fighter must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC=damage dealt). If the save succeeds, he takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, he takes full damage. He must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute his defensive roll—if he is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, he can’t use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, evasion does not apply. This resistance can be taken more than once. Each time this resistance is taken, the stunt fighter can use defensive roll two additional times per day. The stunt fighter must have at least seven hit dice in order to select this resistance.
- Energy Resistance (Su): The stunt fighter gains energy resistance 5 against one type of energy. If the stunt fighter already has a permanent source of energy resistance to more than one type of energy, he may instead increase each existing energy resistance by 5 or gain energy resistance 5 to a new type of energy. This resistance can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack (as described).
- Improved Battle Fever (Saving Throws) (Ex): The stunt fighter adds his Charisma bonus (minimum +1) to Reflex saves and Will saves in combat from sources that have a lower initiative than he does. For example, if a stunt fighter's initiative is 19, and he triggers a trap during his turn, or a wizard with a lower initiative casts a spell on him, he would be able to add his Charisma bonus to the saving throw, if any. However, if that wizard had a higher initiative, this ability does not apply.
- Phenomenon Resistance (Su): The stunt fighter gains spell resistance or power resistance equal to 10 + stunt fighter level. The stunt fighter must have at least seven or more hit dice in order to select this resistance. If the stunt fighter is caught flat-footed, or if the source of the spell or power effect has a higher initiative than the stunt fighter has, then the spell or power resistance gained from this ability is cut in half.
- Resist Enervation (Ex): The stunt fighter becomes so resilient he becomes immune to enervative effects. He cannot unwillingly gain negative levels. A stunt fighter must have the resist fatigue resistance or otherwise be immune in order to select this resistance.
- Resist Exhaustion (Ex): The stunt fighter is immune to fatigue effects, and is never fatigued or exhausted. A stunt fighter must have the resist fatigue resistance in order to select this resistance.
- Resist Fatigue (Ex): The stunt fighter does not suffer from exhaustion as easily as others do. If a stunt fighter gains the fatigued condition, he is treated as if he does not have the condition at all, unless if he becomes exhausted. If he is exhausted, then he is treated as if he is fatigued instead. If he can't overcome an exhaustion effect while he is fatigued, he becomes exhausted. Essentially, in order to increase his fatigue, the effect must be able to make him exhausted.
- Second Wind (Ex): The stunt fighter of can have a surge of stamina to keep doing what he loves best. Two times per day, as a full round action, a stunt fighter can heal Xd8 hit points, where X is the stunt fighter's level divided by 5, rounded down. This is essentially a deep breathing exercise where the stunt fighter lets his guard down in order to slow down his breathing for a moment, so it provokes attacks of opportunity. This resistance can be chosen multiple times. Each time it is chosen, the stunt fighter can use this ability two more times per day.
- Shrug it Off (Ex): The stunt fighter can still take full actions and standard actions when disabled or dying. As long as the stunt fighter is conscious and his hit point total is equal to or greater than his nonlethal damage total, he can still take a move action and a standard action every round. The fighter must have at least 13 hit dice in order to select this resistance.
- Slippery Mind (Ex): This ability represents the stunt fighter’s ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel him. If a stunt fighter with slippery mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails his saving throw, he can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. He gets only this one extra chance to succeed on his saving throw. The stunt fighter must have at least seven hit dice or have the still mind resistance in order to select this resistance.
- Improved Battle Fever (Still Mind) (Ex): The stunt fighter adds his battle fever bonus on saving throws to resist any mind-affecting effect. This can not cause battle fever to be applied more than once to the same saving throw.
- Roll With It (Ex): The stunt fighter is immune to ability damage and ability drain. The stunt fighter must have at least ten hit dice in order to select this resistance.
Combat Styles[edit]
A daredevil is a stunt fighter that revels in doing everything that would be red flags to anyone else - the lower their Armor Class, the better. The lower their hit points, the better.
Tier 1
- Reckless Offense: The stunt fighter receives Reckless Offense or Reckless Offense, Variant as a bonus feat.
- Risk it For the Biscuit (Ex): At the beginning of the stunt fighter's turn, if he willingly gave himself a penalty to his Armor Class on his previous turn - such as from the Reckless Offense feat, raging, or charging - he gains 1 stunt point per tier of Daredevil. If his Pool of Cool is already at maximum size, stunt points gained this way disappear at the end of his turn, and then he gains that many hit points. Any hit points that would put him over maximum hit points are granted as temporary hit points.
Tier 2
- Adrenaline Rush (Ex): Once per day per three levels of stunt fighter, for a number of rounds equal to 2 + Constitution bonus (minimum +1), the stunt fighter can enter an adrenaline rush. While in an adrenaline rush, the stunt fighter gains a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity, a +10 ft. morale bonus to all forms of movement, takes a -4 penalty to his Armor Class, and gains a +2 morale bonus on saves against fatigue and fear effects. This is otherwise identical to the barbarian's rage class feature, except the stunt fighter does not gain or lose any hit points from entering or ending an adrenaline rush (due to not changing his Constitution modifier), and the stunt fighter can still make Balance, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival, and Tumble checks, in addition to all other skill checks normally allowed during a rage. The adrenaline rush ends immediately if the stunt fighter becomes fatigued, exhausted, shaken, panicked, sickened, or nauseated.
- The bonuses from adrenaline rush scale with the stunt fighter's hit dice.
- Adrenaline rush can be used as a prerequisite for feats in place of rage. Any time the stunt fighter would gain a bonus feat "from the list of stunt fighter bonus feats," the stunt fighter may instead gain any feat from the list of daredevil bonus feats, as long as the stunt fighter meets all prerequisites for that feat.
Tier 3
- Fast Healing Rush (Ex): While in an adrenaline rush, if the stunt fighter does not have any stuntless augments, the stunt fighter has fast healing X, where X is equal to the stunt fighter's base attack bonus divided by 5, rounded up.
- Punishing Adrenaline Rush (Ex): Whenever the stunt fighter is dealt damage from a hostile source (such another creature in combat with you who isn't an ally, or a trap) while in an adrenaline rush, the duration of the adrenaline rush is increased by 1d2 rounds, and the morale bonus to the stunt fighter's movement speeds is increased by +5 feet.
Tier 4
- Unstoppable Adrenaline Rush (Ex): While in an adrenaline rush, if the stunt fighter would ever gain a status condition (other than unconscious) that would end the adrenaline rush, the stunt fighter may expend a remaining use of adrenaline rush to end the effect.
Tier 5
- Improved Punishing Adrenaline Rush (Ex): Whenever the stunt fighter is dealt damage from a hostile source (such another creature in combat with you who isn't an ally, or a trap) while in an adrenaline rush, the duration of the adrenaline rush is increased by 1d4 rounds, and the morale bonus to the stunt fighter's movement speeds is increased by +10 feet.
Tier 6
- While in an adrenaline rush, the stunt fighter's fast healing (if any) is increased by 1, the morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity in an adrenaline rush is increased by +2, and the penalty to Armor Class is increased by 1.
Martial Adept (WIP)[edit]
The martial adept combat style incorporates martial maneuvers from the Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords expansion book.
Tier 1
- Maneuvers: A martial adept stunt fighter begins play knowing three martial maneuvers. The martial disciplines available to him are Diamond Mind, Setting Sun, Stone Dragon, Tiger Claw, and White Raven. Like other martial adept classes, the stunt fighter must ready maneuvers before they can be used (see maneuvers readied for more info). These maneuvers don't provoke opportunity attacks unless otherwise stated. These maneuvers count as extraordinary abilities unless otherwise stated. If a maneuver has a prerequisite to be able to learn it, the stunt fighter must meet the prerequisite. His initiator level is equal to his stunt fighter level plus 1/2 all other class levels (including racial Hit Dice), rounded down. The highest level maneuver a stunt fighter can learn is determined by his initiator level: if the maneuver's level is equal to or less than 1/2 of his initiator level, rounded up, then he is able to learn maneuvers of that level. For example, a level 3 stunt fighter would be able to learn maneuvers of 1st or 2nd level.
- Whenever the stunt fighter advances to a new tier in Martial Adept, he may trade out any known martial maneuvers in exchange for other ones. The new maneuver must either be of the same level as the old maneuver or be of the same discipline of the old maneuver. He mus still meet all prerequisites for maneuvers known after trading out old maneuvers for new ones when "relearning" maneuvers this way.
- Maneuvers Readied, Expended, and Recovered: The stunt fighter can only use maneuvers that he has "readied." At first level, he can ready up to two of his three known maneuvers. Whenever he initiates or expends a readied maneuver, he cannot use that maneuver again for the rest of the encounter until it is recovered. The stunt fighter recovers maneuvers in two ways, but he gains more ways as he levels up:
- 1. Whenever a stunt fighter gains stunt points, he can use stunt points to recover that many total levels-worth of expended maneuvers instead of using them to perform stunts. This is done as a swift action.
- 2. A stunt fighter can spend a standard action to recover 1 martial maneuver per tier of Martial Adept.
- Stances Known: A stunt fighter learns 1 stance from one of his available disciplines upon obtaining the first tier of Martial Adept. He learns more stances as he gains more tiers in the Martial Adept combat style. Stances, unlike other maneuvers, do not need to be readied ahead of time. They are always available to the stunt fighter.
- Feat Prerequisites: A stunt fighter with the martial adept combat style counts as a swordsage for the purposes of feat prerequisites. His effective swordsage level is equal to his stunt fighter level plus his swordsage level.
- Fighter Trait variant: Whenever a stunt fighter with the martial adept combat style chooses a fighter trait, he may instead choose to learn another martial maneuver from one of the martial adept combat style martial disciplines which he meets the prerequisites for. He cannot choose to learn a martial stance this way (aside from choosing the Martial Stance feat, of course).
- Focused Weapons Limitation: At least two of the stunt fighter's focused weapons must be weapons associated with the disciplines that he is able to learn maneuvers from.
Tier 2
- Maneuvers II: Upon reaching tier 2 of the martial adept combat style, the stunt fighter learns two more maneuvers (for a total of five), and is able to ready 4 maneuvers at once. He also learns an additional martial stance. All maneuvers and stances chosen must be of the appropriate level and discipline, and the stunt fighter must meet all prerequisites.
- Stance Recovery (Ex): Whenever a stunt fighter uses a swift action to change his active stance, he may choose to recover one expended maneuver. The expended maneuver and the new stance must be of the same discipline.
- Weapon Stance (Ex): Whenever a stunt fighter uses the speedy draw class feature to draw a focused weapon, he may switch his active stance as a free action to another martial stance he knows. The stance chosen must be of the same discipline that the focused weapon is associated with. If the focused weapon has no discipline associated with it, the stunt fighter can't use this combat style feature with it. The stunt fighter cannot use this feature more than once per round. Weapon Stance does not trigger Stance Recovery.
Tier 3
- Maneuvers III: Upon reaching tier 3 of the martial adept combat style, the stunt fighter learns one more maneuver (for a total of six). All maneuvers and stances chosen must be of the appropriate level and discipline, and the stunt fighter must meet all prerequisites.
Tier 4
- Maneuvers IV: Upon reaching tier 4 of the martial adept combat style, the stunt fighter learns two more maneuvers (for a total of eight), and is able to ready 5 maneuvers at once. He also learns an additional martial stance. All maneuvers and stances chosen must be of the appropriate level and discipline, and the stunt fighter must meet all prerequisites.
Tier 5
- Maneuvers V: Upon reaching tier 5 of the martial adept combat style, the stunt fighter learns two more maneuvers (for a total of ten), and is able to ready 6 maneuvers at once. He also learns an additional martial stance. All maneuvers and stances chosen must be of the appropriate level and discipline, and the stunt fighter must meet all prerequisites.
Tier 6
- Maneuvers VI: : Upon reaching tier 6 of the martial adept combat style, the stunt fighter learns two more maneuvers (for a total of twelve), and is able to ready 7 maneuvers at once. He also learns an additional martial stance. All maneuvers and stances chosen must be of the appropriate level and discipline, and the stunt fighter must meet all prerequisites.
Mental Weapon[edit]
A stunt fighter sometimes awakens to a psionic talent, and he is able to form copies of his focused weapons out of pure mental energy. They're like soulknives, but better.
Tier 1
- Mind Weapon (Su): As a move action, the stunt fighter can create a semisolid weapon composed of psychic energy distilled from his own mind. The weapon is identical in all ways (except visually) to a masterwork version of any of his focused weapons.
- Aside from its form, the mind weapon is identical in all ways to a soulknife's mind blade, except its enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls is completely determined by the Focused Weapons Enhancement ability.
- The mind weapon cannot be shaped in the form of an improvised weapon, a shield, a ray, a touch attack, or a soulknife's mind blade. If the stunt fighter has the weapon focus feat for unarmed strikes or a natural weapon, the mind weapon takes on the form of what appears to be a thin aura around the stunt fighter's hands and feet (or wherever the natural weapon is), slowly fading away as they travel up his limbs, and, while the mind weapon is formed, the stunt fighter's unarmed strikes deal damage as if they were one size category larger than they actually are.
- The mind weapon counts as a mind blade for the purposes of feat prerequisites.
- Bonus feats: The stunt fighter receives Wild Talent as a bonus feat. If he already has this feat, he gains one of the following feats instead: Psionic Body, Psionic Talent, Psionic Fist, or Psionic Weapon. In addition, the stunt fighter may take a mental weapon bonus feat in place of a bonus feat "from the list of stunt fighter bonus feats."
- Throw Mind Weapon (Ex): As long as the mind weapon is a melee weapon, the stunt fighter can throw his mind weapon at a range increment of 10 feet, +10 more feet per tier of Mental Weapon. If the mind weapon is a two-handed weapon, this range increment is cut in half.
Tier 2
- Shape Mind Weapon (Su): The stunt fighter gains the ability to change the form of his mind weapon. As a fullround action, he can split his mind weapon into two identical light weapons (other than unarmed strikes and natural weapons) which he has the weapon focus feat for, suitable for fighting with a weapon in each hand. (The normal penalties for fighting with two weapons apply.) However, both mind weapons have an enhancement bonus 1 lower than the stunt fighter would otherwise create with a single mind weapon.
- Additionally, the stunt fighter can make the size of a one-handed or two-handed mind weapon one category larger, and is able to make attack rolls with it normally, albeit at a -1 penalty (this replaces the normal penalty for wielding oversized weapons).
- The stunt fighter can split his mind weapon up into three light weapons as long as he is performing the juggler stunt.
- Psychic Strike (Su): The stunt fighter gains psychic strike +1d8, as per the soulknife class feature, and he has a number of psychic strike dice equal to his total stunt fighter level divided by 4, rounded down.
Tier 3
- Mind Weapon Enhancement (Su): The stunt fighter is able to bestow any number of psionic enhancement weapon abilities upon his mind weapon with a collective enhancement bonus of +2. At each tier of mental weapon after tier 3, this collective enhancement bonus-worth of psionic enhancement weapon abilities increases by +1. He can only choose abilities listed under the soulknife's mind blade enhancement class feature. This is otherwise identical to the soulknife's mind blade enhancement class feature.
- Speedy Shape Mind Weapon (Su): The action used to shape the mind weapon is the same action to draw a weapon due to the stunt fighter's speedy draw class feature.
Tier 4
- Psionic Power (Su): The stunt fighter gains a power point reserve equal to a psychic warrior with an effective psychic warrior level equal to 1/2 his stunt fighter level. He also has an effective manifester level equal to his effective psychic warrior level. He bases his power save DC's off of and gains bonus power points for having a high ability score based off of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (chosen by the player or the DM at the time this ability is gained). He then learns two psionic powers. The powers must be chosen from the psychic warrior power list, and the powers can only be of any power level that a psychic warrior of the stunt fighter's effective psychic warrior level would be able to learn. Additionally, if Wisdom is the stunt fighter's manifesting ability, the stunt fighter's effective manifester level stacks with any actual psychic warrior levels he may have for determining power points per day, powers known, and highest psionic power that he can learn powers from.
- Whenever the stunt fighter gains a new tier in mental weapon, he learns a new psychic warrior power.
Tier 5
- Knife to the Soul (Su): The stunt fighter gains the knife to the soul ability, as per the soulknife class feature.
Tier 6
- Multiple Throw (Ex): The stunt fighter is able to create mind weapons and throw them within one single attack roll. Therefore he can make full attack actions composed of nothing but thrown mind weapons.
Tavern Brawler[edit]
The tavern brawler is yang to the monk's yin. Stunt fighters with the tavern brawler combat style like to fight drunk, fight naked, and solve problems with fists or improvised weapons.
Tier 1
- Get Wasted (Ex): The stunt fighter, for whatever reason, prefers to drink alcohol while fighting. As a move action, the stunt fighter can produce a drink (if he has one) from whatever bags he may have on his person and drink it without provoking an attack of opportunity. This does not apply to potions. Whenever the stunt fighter does this, his Strength and Charisma scores gain a +2 circumstance bonus, he gains a +1 circumstance bonus to AC to avoid attacks of opportunity, and he gains 1d4 temporary hit points. Each drink after the first increases these bonuses by +1, +1, and +1d4, respectively. These effects last for one minute per stunt fighter level. Drinking multiple drinks of alcohol do not have separate durations - their effects all end at the same time as the first drink that started this encounter's drunken downward spiral. The stunt fighter can only get wasted once per day for each tier of Tavern Brawler.
- Drinks used for get wasted cannot be conjured through magical means.
- The stunt fighter cannot cast spells while wasted, and he automatically fails any Concentration checks he may need to make.
- The stunt fighter is considered flat-footed while wasted, and does not add any dodge bonuses or his Dexterity bonus (if any) to his Armor Class unless if he has an ability like uncanny dodge.
- Drunken Step (Ex): At the end of each of the stunt fighter's turns, there is a 10% chance per drink currently affecting the stunt fighter that he moves five feet in a random direction (there are 8 possible directions; using a d8 to determine the direction should suffice) - this does not count towards the stunt fighter's total movement for the round. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity.
- Improvised Weapon Proficiency (Ex): The stunt fighter is proficient with improvised weapons. By default, improvised weapons deal 1d4 damage if it's a light weapon, 1d6 damage if it's a one-handed weapon that benefits from Weapon Finesse, 1d8 if it's a one-handed weapon that doesn't benefit from Weapon Finesse, and 1d12 damage if it's a two-handed weapon.
- Unarmed Strike (Ex): The stunt fighter becomes proficient with unarmed strikes if he isn't already, and receives Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. The stunt fighter's unarmed strikes deal damage equal to that of a monk with a monk level equal to his stunt fighter level. If the stunt fighter has levels in monk, levels in monk and stunt fighter stack for the purposes of determining effective monk level for unarmed damage.
- Unarmored (Ex): The stunt fighter gains the [[SRD:Monk|monk]'s Unarmored class feature, and his effective monk level for the purposes of determining his Unarmored bonus to his Armor Class is equal to his stunt fighter level. If the stunt fighter has levels in monk, levels in monk and stunt fighter stack for the purposes of determining effective monk level for unarmored AC bonus. The stunt fighter uses Constitution in place of Wisdom for his unarmored AC bonus. This does not stack with other sources of unarmored AC bonuses. The stunt fighter's effective monk level stacks with other monk levels he may already have from other classes, such as the Monk class from the Player's Handbook or the Ninja class from Complete Adventurer.
- The stunt fighter can freely multiclass between the stunt fighter class and the monk class.
Tier 2
- Passing the Tankard (Ex): The stunt fighter gains an additional attack during a full attack action with his unarmed strike and/or improvised weapons using his highest base attack bonus, but each attack the stunt fighter makes this round is made at a -3 penalty. The third time this combat style is chosen, the stunt fighter becomes able to make two additional attacks with his unarmed strike during a full attack action at his second highest base attack bonus, and the -3 penalty is reduced to a -2 penalty. The fourth time this combat style is chosen, the -3 penalty on attack rolls made during full attack actions with extra unarmed strike attacks is removed. All attacks made during these full attack actions must be made with either an unarmed strike or a special monk weapon with which he is proficient.
- Smashing the Tankard (Ex): Once per round, whenever a stunt fighter successfully lands a melee attack with an improvised weapon, he may choose to deal damage to his own improvised weapon equal to his unarmed damage. If the weapon breaks, the stunt fighter deals bonus damage to the foe he's attacking equal to the amount of damage he dealt to his improvised weapon.
Tier 3
- Drunken Misdirection (Ex): While drunk, a stunt fighter adds his Charisma bonus (minimum +1) to his AC against attacks of opportunity caused by drunken step.
- Improved Drunken Step (Ex): Whenever an attack aimed at the stunt fighter misses, and whenever the stunt fighter successfully makes a Reflex save, the stunt fighter may make a 5 foot step as a free action. This five foot step does not count against the other five foot step a fighter may make during a round. If the stunt fighter chooses to use this five-foot step, drunken step is triggered as normal.
Additionally, whenever an opponent attacks the stunt fighter in melee and misses, the stunt fighter may make a feint attempt on that opponent as a free action.
- Improved Smashing the Tankard (Ex): The stunt fighter always adds his unarmed damage to damage rolls with improvised weapons as long as equal damage is dealt to the weapon itself, even if the weapon doesn't break.
Tier 4
- Greater Drunken Step (Ex): Whenever the stunt fighter has to move five feet in a random direction from drunken step, he may instead choose to initiate a charge attempt and move directly towards any opponent, even if that opponent is within 10 feet. He also gains a +5 increase in movement speed until the end of the round for each time he has to move in a random direction while charging.
Tier 5
- Abundant Drunken Step (Sp): This is identical to the monk's abundant step class feature, except it can be used at will, and it's affected by the stunt fighter's drunken step ability. Whenever the stunt fighter uses dimension door this way, there is a 10% chance per drink affecting the stunt fighter that he uses dimension door' a second time in a random direction to the furthest away open space.
Tier 6
- Superior Drunken Step (Ex): All movement caused by drunken step can be doubled at the stunt fighter's option, and movement from drunken step does not provoke attacks of opportunity (also at the stunt fighter's option).
The versatile combat style is the most challenging combat style to truly master. Stunt fighters with the versatile style are completely unpredictable, as they can effectively have as many feats as a traditional fighter, but then change their entire feat build in the middle of combat and perform more stunts more often than other stunt fighters. This is for experienced players that want to truly take advantage of what the stunt fighter's stunts have to offer, as well as being able to forge their own answers to practically any situation.
Tier 1
- Stunt Fighter Stance I (Ex): As a full-round action, the stunt fighter can enter a special state of focus called the Stunt Fighter Stance.
- Whenever the stunt fighter is in his Stunt Fighter Stance, he gains one bonus feat of his choosing which he does not already have (this feat is referred to as his "stance feat"). The feat is chosen when entering the stunt fighter stance. The stunt fighter need not choose the same feat each time he enters the stance. Any feat from the list of stunt fighter bonus feats can be a stance feat, except for feats that can be taken multiple times, such as Improved Critical or Toughness. Weapon Focus, however, can be taken as a stance feat in spite of this rule. A stunt fighter does not need to choose the same feats every time he enters his Stunt Fighter Stance.
- Once every 1d10 rounds, the stunt fighter may use a full-round action to change which feats are applied to his stunt fighter stance. (Feats which are being applied through the Stunt Fighter Stance are referred to as “stance feats”.) In order to apply a feat to his Stunt Fighter Stance, a stunt fighter must meet all the normal prerequisites for the feat.
- A stunt fighter may use one of his stance feats to fulfill feat prerequisites for being able to apply another stance feat (or skill trick, see below). For example, a Stunt Fighter Stance can have Point Blank Shot and Far Shot as its active stance feats. For example, Far Shot lists Point Blank Shot as a prerequisite. While the stunt fighter may not have Point Blank Shot outside of his Stunt Fighter Stance, he can still apply Far Shot to his Stunt Fighter Stance as long as he also applies Point Blank Shot to his Stunt Fighter Stance.
- Stance feats (and stance skill tricks, once that ability is granted) may be used to fulfill requirements for Stunts.
- The stunt fighter stance does not have a duration, but the stunt fighter cannot change its stance feat(s) more than once every 1d10 rounds. Changing stance feats provokes attacks of opportunity. If the fighter is fatigued, exhausted, nauseated, sickened, shaken, or panicked, he is unable to use or benefit from his stunt fighter stance.
- Bonus Skill Tricks: The stunt fighter learns a bonus skill trick for which he meets the prerequisites for at each tier of the versatile combat style. If he does not meet the prerequisites for any more skill tricks, he can choose a skill trick that he doesn't meet the prerequisites for, but is unable to use it until he meets the prerequisites for it.
Tier 2
- Stunt Fighter Stance II (Ex): The number of stance feats the stunt fighter has while in a stunt fighter stance increases by 1.
- Standard Versatility (Ex): The stunt fighter is able to enter his stunt fighter stance and/or alter the stance feats it grants as a standard action for as long as he doesn't have any stuntless augments.
- Stunt-aneous Reflexes (Ex): Whenever a stunt fighter rolls for initiative, his Pool of Cool gains a number of stunt points equal to one fourth of his initiative check, rounded up, even if this would give him a number of stunt points that is greater than his Pool of Cool's maximum size. If he does have more stunt points than he can normally have at one time, those stunt points disappear at the end of his next turn.
Tier 3
- Stunt Fighter Stance III (Ex): The number of stance feats and/or skill tricks (see improved stunt fighter stance, below) the stunt fighter has while in a stunt fighter stance increases by 1.
- Quicken Cooldown (1d8): The stunt fighter can alter any number of the stance feats in his stunt fighter stance once every 1d8 rounds for as long as he doesn't have any stuntless augments.
- Improved Stunt Fighter Stance (Ex): The stunt fighter can gain a skill trick which he meets the prerequisites for in place of a bonus feat in his stunt fighter stance. He cannot change any skill tricks in his stunt fighter stance unless he spends two stunt points per skill trick to change (or one stunt point per skill trick if he has used that skill trick already). Just like stance feats, these skill tricks are unlearned and lost once the stunt fighter ends his stunt fighter stance or changes those skill tricks to other abilities. Skill tricks "learned" this way do not interact in any way with the stunt fighter's tricky fighting ability. Their uses per encounter function normally.
- Tricky Fighting (Ex): Instead of being able to use each skill trick once, the stunt fighter's skill tricks share a collective pool of uses for the encounter. As long as the fighter has no stuntless augments, he can use skill tricks a number of times per encounter equal to the number of skill tricks he has. Once he has used that many skill tricks, he cannot use any more for the rest of the encounter (unless if he has additional uses of skill tricks from sources other than the skill tricks themselves).
- Versatile Focused Weapons: Whenever the stunt fighter changes any part of his stunt fighter stance, the stunt fighter may change which weapons are chosen to be his focused weapons from the focused weapons class feature.
Tier 4
- Stunt Fighter Stance IV (Ex): The number of stance feats and/or skill tricks the stunt fighter has while in a stunt fighter stance increases by 1 for as long as he doesn't have any stuntless augments.
- Mobile Stunt Fighter Stance (Ex): The stunt fighter is able to enter his stunt fighter stance and/or alter the stance feats it grants as a move action for as long as he doesn't have any stuntless augments.
- Greater Stunt Fighter Stance (Ex): Whenever the stunt fighter changes each and every ability granted by his stunt fighter stance at once, his pool of cool is immediately filled to its maximum capacity. All stunt points gained this way disappear at the beginning of the stunt fighter's next turn (these stunt points are spent first before other stunt points that he already had). This does not happen if the stunt fighter has any stuntless augments.
Tier 5
- Stunt Fighter Stance V (Ex): The number of stance feats and/or skill tricks the stunt fighter has while in a stunt fighter stance increases by 1 for as long as he doesn't have any stuntless augments.
- Quicken Cooldown (1d6): The stunt fighter can alter any number of the stance feats in his stunt fighter stance once every 1d6 rounds for as long as he doesn't have any stuntless augments.
- Superior Stunt Fighter Stance (Ex): Whenever the stunt fighter uses a number of stunt points equal to or greater than the size of his pool of cool, if he doesn't have any stuntless augments, he can change any of the valid abilities in his stunt fighter stance, which resets his cool down for the next time the stunt fighter stance can be reconfigured.
Tier 6
- Stunt Fighter Stance VI (Ex): The number of stance feats and/or skill tricks the stunt fighter has while in a stunt fighter stance increases by 1 for as long as he doesn't have any stuntless augments.
- Swift Stunt Fighter Stance (Ex): The stunt fighter is able to enter his stunt fighter stance and/or alter the stance feats it grants as a swift action or as a move action for as long as he doesn't have any stuntless augments. If done as a swift action, this does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Stunt Setups[edit]
Setups are methods for a stunt fighter to gain stunt points in an encounter. There are three kinds - Technique, Gamble, and Conditional.
Technique: For every two Technique Setups met, one stunt point is added to the stunt fighter's pool.
- Attack with a melee weapon and a ranged weapon (not a thrown weapon) within the same round
- Bull rush an opponent at least 10 feet or as far as possible before slamming them against a wall.
- Use a standard action to make a ranged attack roll against a foe when just barely outside the foe’s threatened area.
- Drop a weapon to avoid an attack of opportunity or avoid being tripped.
- Start an end a move action in an opponent's threatened area.
- Make two different skill checks with two different skills in the same round - each skill check must require the use of a move or standard action.
- Break an opponent's weapon.
- Knock a foe off of a mount.
- Board a mount.
- Make a ranged attack roll after tying the end of a rope to the object that was shot or thrown.
- Roll a natural 20 on an attack roll.
- Reduce a conscious opponent to 0 or fewer hit points via an attack of opportunity.
- Use two or more martial maneuvers within the same round.
Gamble: 1 stunt point is granted for every Gamble Setup a stunt fighter makes in a round.
- Willingly take disadvantage on an Attack roll (roll 2d20, use the lower roll for the attack roll and ignore the higher roll). Your attack must hit.
- Instead of moving around a foe's threatened area to reach a desired location, move through the foe's threatened area instead. You must move through at least two threatened squares, and you cannot tumble through any of them.
- Forgo any flanking bonuses from flanking an opponent for 1 round.
- While on fire, do not try to put yourself out. The fire deals normal damage to you in spite of any energy resistance, immunity, or other means of avoiding or minimizing damage you may have.
- Make a ranged attack roll with a ranged weapon while in an enemy's threatened square and provoke an attack of opportunity from that opponent.
- Successfully disarm an opponent, then hand that opponent a different weapon.
- Succeed on a grapple to hold on to an opponent and make a Tumble check within the same round, in that order.
Conditional: 1 stunt point is granted for every Conditional Setup a stunt fighter makes in a round.
- You failed a saving throw against a hostile effect with a duration of instantaneous.
- A subject succeeds on a saving throw to completely negate an effect caused by you.
- You provoked an attack of opportunity from a foe, and the foe's attack was a critical hit.
- At the end of your turn, you have less than half of your total hit points.
- At the end of your turn, you are staggered or disabled.
- At the end of your turn, you are dying, dead, or unconscious.
- At the end of your turn, you are stunned, paralyzed, or petrified.
- At the end of your turn, you are sickened or nauseated.
- At the end of your turn, you have at least five or more points of ability damage/drain to at least one ability score.
- At the end of your turn, you have one or more negative levels.
- Take the full-defense action for 2 or more consecutive rounds.
- You made a full attack action, applied no penalties to your attack rolls from two-weapon fighting, power attacking, etc., but you missed every single attack.
Stunt Descriptions[edit]
The number next to each stunt denotes the cost of Stunt Points to use the stunt. The same stunt cannot be activated more than once in the same round. You must be able to move in order to perform stunts.
Each stunt has a name, an action required to perform the stunt, and some sort of effect. Some stunts have prerequisites that you must meet in order to be able to perform it in the first place.
X Stunt Points: Sometimes a stunt will refer to a value called "X." This is usually because the effect of the stunt is based off of how many stunt points are spent on performing the stunt. Look in the Cost section of the stunt to see what X is.
'Scaling Costs: Sometimes the number of stunt points required to perform a stunt increase the more times you use them within the same round, encounter, or day. The amount of extra stunt points, as well as if it applies for the round, encounter, or day, are noted in the stunt's Cost as "+(number) more stunt points per use per (round, encounter, or day)."
Multi-round Stunt Costs: Sometimes a stunt can last for more than one round. Usually it requires a number of stunt points to spend on subsequent rounds to continue the stunt. If this is the case, it is noted in the Cost as "+(number) stunt point to continue each round."
A stunt's save DC, if it has one, is described in the stunt's description. It's usually 10 + 1/2 hit dice + either Strength or Dexterity modifier. (So far, only one stunt requires a saving throw.)
- Big Boi Damage (Melee)
- Cost: Standard action; X stunt points, +1 more stunt point per use per encounter
- Requirements: Sneak Attack +1d6 or Power Attack
- Make a melee attack roll with one of your focused weapons. If the attack is successful, it deals +Xd4 bonus precision damage.
- Big Boi Damage (Ranged)
- Cost: Standard action; X stunt points, +1 more stunt point per use per encounter
- Requirements: Sneak Attack +1d6 or Precise Shot
- Make a ranged attack roll with one of your focused weapons. If the attack is successful, it deals +Xd4 bonus precision damage.
- Check the Bases
- Cost: Immediate action; 3 stunt points
- Requirements: Combat Reflexes or Rapid Shot; Quick Draw or Speedy Draw class feature
- For the rest of the current turn, you can one make attack of opportunity with a ranged weapon you're holding, and your threatened area extends out to your ranged weapon's first range increment. You may perform this stunt in response to any action if that action would have provoked an attack of opportunity while within your threatened area.
- Cost: Immediate or Swift action; X stunt points
- Requirements: Improved Grapple or be currently grappling with a foe
- Deny a foe their size modifier to their grapple check against you. You can only use this stunt while grappling with a foe who is up to X size categories larger than you.
- Dirty Trip
- Cost: Standard action; 1 stunt point
- Requirements: Base Attack Bonus +4; Improved Trip or Tumble 8 ranks
- Make a trip attempt against an opponent you threaten in melee. You don't provoke an attack of opportunity if you fail. If you are wielding a weapon with the tripping property, such as a sickle, you can make a melee attack roll against the target as a free action if you succeed in the trip attempt. Additionally, your target cannot apply any size bonus it would have on any checks it would make against you.
- Extra Attack
- Cost: Free action; 5 stunt points, +1 more stunt point per use per encounter
- Requirements: Base Attack Bonus +6
- Make an extra attack with a weapon as part of a standard action or full attack action to attack with a weapon. If you have the Spring Attack feat, you may use the benefits of that feat an additional time next turn.
- Fake Out
- Cost: Immediate action or 1 attack of opportunity; 1 stunt point
- Requirements: Any Manipulation skill trick or Bluff 4 ranks; An opponent you threaten just missed a melee attack roll against you
- The basic stunt anyone knows is to make it look real when you get hit. The stunt fighter blends optical illusion with reality. As you perform this maneuver, you take 1 point of nonlethal damage as the foes's weapon just barely strikes true, then you make a feint attempt against the opponent as a free action, then fall prone to seal the deal that the hit really stroke true. As you fall prone, you may make a melee attack against the foe, or you can pretend to play dead. If you have the Improved Feint and Lighting Reflexes feats, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on the feint attempt and a +2 circumstance bonus on the attack roll.
- Flashy Evasion
- Cost: Free action; 1 attack of opportunity; 3+X stunt points
- Requirements: None
- The next time you would provoke an attack of opportunity this encounter, you may not provoke that attack if you succeed on a DC 10+X (X is the highest HD of a creature threatening you) Balance, Perform (dance), or Sleight of Hand check. You gain a +X morale bonus on this check.
- Juggler
- Cost: Move action; 4 stunt points, +2 stunt points to continue each round
- Requirements: Able to apply your Dexterity modifier to attack rolls with light weapons
- You begin to juggle three light weapons with your hands. If you have more than two hands, you can juggle a number of light weapons equal to the number of hands you have plus 1. for the rest of the round, you gain another "off hand" to be considered armed with a light weapon as long as you're only wielding light weapons. Your new off hand gets as many additional attacks as your other off hand does. When the round ends, you must either spend 2 more stunt points to continue this stunt, else you drop one of your light weapons onto the ground.
- Jumping Hand Stand
- Cost: Any action required to make a Jump check; 3 stunt points
- Requirements:
- Mettle
- Cost: Free action (any turn); 2 stunt points, +1 more stunt point per use per day
- Requirements: Battle Fever class feature
- If you succeed on the saving throw, you take no damage instead of half damage. If you fail on the saving throw, you take half damage instead of full damage.
- Mr. President
- Cost: Immediate action, your next turn's Move action; 5 stunt points
- Requirements: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative
- In response to a ranged hostile effect (such as a line effect, ranged attack, etc), you move up to your speed and put yourself in front of an ally to block the effect. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity, but you may Tumble through squares at the cost of 10 ft of movement per 5 ft tumbled. If you make it, all effects that would have happened to your ally instead happen to you (any effects that would logically make sense, at least). If the ally would have been dealt damage and it was a line, cone, or similar type of range, you split the damage between you and the ally.
- Pocket Sand
- Cost: Move action; 1 stunt point
- Requirements: Combat Expertise or be in a very dirty or sandy area
- Throw sand or dirt or dust in someone’s face, blinding them for the rest of your turn. Resolve as a trip attempt, but with a +4 competence bonus if you were holding the sand or whatever in your hand.
- Power of Faith
- Cost: Free action; 1+X stunt points
- Requirements: In combat with a religious opponent or a Manipulation Skill Trick
- Boast that a deity is going to help you succeed on your next attack roll. If you succeed, and the deity you name is heavily worshiped by the target of your attack roll, you may make an Intimidate attempt to demoralize that foe as a free action. If the target is less than X size categories larger than you, they do not add their size bonus to their check, and you don't add a size penalty to your check. You must make your attack roll within the same round that you perform this stunt, and it must the first attack roll you make must be successful.
- Projectile Barrage
- Cost: Full-round action; 5 stunt points
- Requirements: Manyshot or able to make more than one ranged attack roll with the same weapon in the same round with the ranged weapon you use for this stunt
- Range: Cone with a distance equal to your ranged weapon's range increment
- Make one ranged attack roll against each foe within this stunt's range at your highest base attack bonus, but with a cumulative -2 penalty for each attack roll after the first. This provokes attacks of opportunity, but not from any foes within this stunt's range.
- Quickrope
- Cost: Swift action; 1 stunt point
- Requirements: You must be holding least 5 feet of rope in one of your hands
- As a swift action, you make a Use Rope check (even if you are untrained) to tie one end of your rope to a weapon you are wielding or to a creature you are grappling. This provokes an attack of opportunity if you are not trained in Use Rope.
- Quickstealth
- Cost: Move action; 3 stunt points
- Requirements: Hide 1 rank
- Make a Hide check if you have at least partial cover or concealment. You may move up to your speed and make a Move Silently check while you move.
- Rush of Insight
- Cost: Swift action; X stunt points
- Requirements: Stunt Fighter Stance class feature
- You gain X extra stance feats for 1 minute. At the end of these ten rounds, you must make a DC 10 + 2*X Fortitude save or become exhausted.
- Shot on the Charge
- Cost: Full-Round action; 2 stunt points
- Requirements: Base Attack Bonus +6; Point Blank Shot or Spot 5 ranks
- Charge at an opponent. At any point during your movement, you may make up to one attack roll against another opponent with the bonuses from charging. You must use a ranged or thrown weapon on the attack roll you make before you reach the target of your charge. If you use one weapon in either hand, one for the ranged attack and one for the charge, standard penalties for using two weapons apply.
- Snagging Shot
- Cost: Free action before a ranged or thrown attack; X stunt points
- Requirements: Point Blank Shot or Spot 4 ranks; a foe to target this stunt with
- If your next ranged or thrown attack roll against the chosen target is successful, and the target is a living, corporeal creature, each of the target's movement speeds are cut in half for X rounds.
- Staggershot
- Cost: Free action as part of a ranged attack; X stunt points
- Requirements: Point Blank Shot; Your attack roll must use a crossbow, firearm, composite longbow, or composite shortbow
- Range: Within your weapon's first range increment
- Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (DC 10 +1/2 hit dice +Str bonus)
- If your ranged attack roll is successful, the projectile causes the foe to be staggered for X rounds. The target gets another chance at the saving throw each round.
- Step-Swipe
- Cost: Free action; 3 stunt points, +1 more stunt point per use per round
- Requirements: Base Attack Bonus +6; Combat Expertise or Mobility
- Replace an attack in a full attack action with a five foot step. This does not consume the five foot step you’d be able to make normally during a full attack action.
- Tooth Grip
- Cost: Move action; 4 stunt points, +2 stunt points to continue each round
- Requirements: Strength 13; Improved Grapple or able to wield a weapon that's a size category larger than appropriate for your size
- You can wield a one-handed or light weapon designed to be wielded by a creature of your size in your mouth as if it your mouth is an extra off hand. Normal two-weapon fighting penalties apply to attack rolls with this weapon, except the penalty is increased by 2 more. You cannot make more than one attack with the weapon in your mouth each round, and you cannot make attacks of opportunity with a weapon wielded this way.
Stunt Fighter Bonus Feats[edit]
The following feats can be taken by any stunt fighter as a stunt fighter bonus feat.
- Acrobatic
- Agile
- Alertness
- Any feat that grants proficiency in a weapon, armor, or shield (if multiclassing into stunt fighter)
- Any fighter bonus feat (yes, none of the other feats listed here are fighter bonus feats)
- Athletic
- Closed Mind
- Diehard
- Endurance
- Eyes in the Back of Your Head
- Fleet of Foot
- Flyby Attack
- Great Fortitude
- Hold the Line
- Iron Will
- Lightning Reflexes
- Open Minded
- Persuasive
- Run
- Sidestep Charge
- Skill Focus with any skill from the list of stunt fighter class skills
- Stand Still
- Toughness
Some combat styles allow more feats to count as stunt fighter bonus feats.
Daredevil Bonus Feats
- Any non-epic feat that lists the barbarian's rage class feature as a prerequisite
- Mind Over Body
- Rapid Metabolism
Mental Weapon Bonus Feats
Only officially published feats are listed here. A list of recommended homebrew feats will appear on the talk page.
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Article Balance | High + |
Author | Madman From Space + |
Class Ability | Other + |
Class Ability Progression | Full + |
Identifier | 3.5e Class + |
Rating | Unrated + |
Skill | Balance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Concentration +, Craft +, Escape Artist +, Handle Animal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Martial Lore +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Profession +, Ride +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim +, Tumble + and Use Rope + |
Skill Points | 4 + |
Summary | A more versatile Fighter for higher balance games. + |
Title | Stunt Fighter + |