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Hazmat Suit (3.5e Equipment)

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[[Summary::A hazmat suit provides mundane protection against all manner of deadly toxins and disease.]]
The hazmat suit is a thick rubber suit which fully encases the body (consuming the use of the body slot and preventing the user from wearing armor). It has a plastic visor to let the user see through, and thick rubber gloves. The hazmat suit is not considered armor and provides no armor bonus, but does provide a +5 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves vs [[SRD:Poison|poison ]] and [[SRD:Disease|disease]], and immunity to contact poisons and disease. The bonus only applies if you are struck with the poison or disease while you are wearing the suit, ; you gain no benefit putting the suit on after you are already poisoned or diseased.
Due to its bulk, you take a -1 −1 armor check penalty, and donning and removing the suit takes as much time as donning or removing breastplate.
If you take more than 5 points of piercing or slashing damage while wearing the hazmat suit, the suit is critically ruptured and ; the immunity to contact poisons and disease is removed and the bonus on saves drops to +1 until the suit is repaired. Repairing a hazmat suit typically takes at least 1 hour and a DC 20 Craft Textiles check or similar.
Price [[Cost::800 gp]], 5 lbs.

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