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Hazmat Suit (3.5e Equipment)

341 bytes added, 10:47, 27 December 2017
Price drop, and a reason why it's not a form of armor. Beware of zombie bites.
Due to its bulk, you take a -1 armor check penalty, and donning and removing the suit takes as much time as donning or removing breastplate.
If you take more than 5 points of piercing or slashing damage while wearing the hazmat suit, the suit is critically ruptured and the immunity to contact poisons and disease is removed and the bonus on saves drops to +1 until the suit is repaired. Repairing a suit typically takes at least 1 hour and a DC 20 Craft Textiles check or similar. Price [[Cost::4,000 800 gp]], 5 lbs.

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