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Truenamer, Rebuild (3.5e Class)

74 bytes removed, 10:04, 25 October 2015
Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Power Word Echo}} {{Ex}}:''' A 17th level truenamer is not only immune to Power Word spells, it actively reflects them. If a Power Word is used on the truenamer or anywhere within the truenamer's reach, the effect is reflected back on the caster.
'''{{Anchor|Primal Utterance}}:''' At 19th level the truenamer can invoke "primal utterances", which augment how their utterances function. Primal utterances are very powerful, and once used the utterance it was used with "burns out" for 24 hours, as if the truenamer never knew the utterance. ''This ability will matter only when unique utterances are added, TBA.''
'''{{Anchor|Become the Word}}:''' At 20th level, the truenamer has encoded themselves into the very fabric of the universe. They become an [[SRD:Outsider|Outsider]], though they may still count as a member of their original type when beneficial, and gain DR 10/magic. If the truenamer dies, they can be revived by another creature making a successful truespeak check to pronounce their truename. If successful, the truenamer re-appears as if revived by ''[[SRD:True Resurrection|true resurrection]]'' by the speaker after 24 hours. Be wary, for a creature can also make the truespeak check with your name and force you to make a [[Will]] save against 10 + 1/2 their HD + their [[Cha]] modifier. If you fail, you are banished and cannot be restored through this method for a year and a day.

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