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Truenamer, Rebuild (3.5e Class)

1,141 bytes added, 14:40, 29 May 2015
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FLUFF INCOMINGMagic only scraps the surface of the mysteries of the universe. For underneath magic, DOING A LEZIADunderneath reality, underneath everything is the code of the universe, the very first language which resonates with power and sung existence into being. Sometimes spells touch upon their strange power in the form of Power Words. And truly the strength of bardic magic also touches upon it. Things such as Dark Speech and Words of Creation are all elements of the primal language of old: truespeech. Through words, comes power. Through truenames, strength. Some have claimed that truenaming "hacks into the universe", giving it strange and evocative names such as "becoming The One" or "CHIM". However one sees it, there is no denying that their mastery of the ancient tongue has paid off.
===Making a Truenamer===
Utterances may be used at will, making truenamers similar to binders<sup>ToM</sup> and warlocks<sup>CA</sup>. However they much succeed on a [[Truespeak Fix (3.5e Variant Rule)|truespeak]]. check in order to properly speak the utterance, with a diminished effect on a failed truespeak check. In addition they are restricted to the Law of Echoes and Law of Chorus, as detailed by the truespeak skill. ''Until replacement utterances are created, failing a truespeak check reduces the effect of the utterance by half (for damage, healing, and the like) or negates it entirely (for status effects).''
The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against your utterances is 10 + 1/2 HD + your [[Cha]] modifier. Utterances are not inhibited by arcane spell failure, and have no somatic components. However they always have vocal components. For now Utterances also require a truespeak of 11 + the CR of the target, and some may even require that a personal truename be spoken. The higher the result, the faster you can use the utterances same utterance again, as per the Law of Echoes. One can also increase the DC via the Law of Chorus to achieve more targets, but you may risk failure by increasing the original Truenamer<sup>ToM</sup>DC in this way, though slowly these will be updated and replacedend up with a less powerful result0th (Interjections)&mdash;TBA 1st&mdash;TBA 2nd&mdash;TBA 3rd&mdash;TBA 4th&mdash;TBA 5th&mdash;TBA
6th&mdash;TBAThe truenamer draws its utterances from the [[3.5e Utterances|truenamer utterance]] list. Gone are the old separated lexicons of the original truenamer. For this truenamer there is only one lexicon, the lexicon of the primal word.
'''{{Anchor|Maximum Utterance Level Known}}:''' This column determines the highest level power he can learn at this level.

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