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Truenamer, Rebuild (3.5e Class)

1 byte added, 02:05, 26 October 2015
Magic only scraps scrapes the surface of the mysteries of the universe. For underneath magic, underneath reality, underneath everything is the code of the universe, the very first language which resonates with power and sung existence into being. Sometimes spells touch upon their strange power in the form of Power Words. And truly the strength of bardic magic also touches upon it. Things such as Dark Speech and Words of Creation are all elements of the primal language of old: truespeech.
Through words, comes power. Through truenames, strength. Some have claimed that truenaming "hacks into the universe", giving it strange and evocative names such as "becoming The One" or "CHIM". However one sees it, there is no denying that their mastery of the ancient tongue has paid off.

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