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Graven (3.5e Bloodline)

6 bytes removed, 08:05, 21 November 2012
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They must be any good alignment for have this bloodline.
|HowIntroduced=This remains unknown to mostly everyone including family members. Only the three heads of the family truly know.
|PersonalityEffect=The bloodline affects the one whom manifest it in two ways. One they gain a knowledge of the art of necromancy in such as way that they learn necromancy spells in half the time it would take others. Second, they are boen born with the power to talk to the dead and undead and can reason with them. |Affinity=Paladins of any kind (; usually LG, LE, and CG, CE) ; are generally hateful to them just because they have the ablity ability this bloodline.
|Skill1=Knowledge of Arcana

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