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Graven (3.5e Bloodline)

3 bytes removed, 08:02, 21 November 2012
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|Skill3=Spell craft
|Ability1=Must be a NecomancerNecromancy
|Special1=Young Magic
|SpecialInfo1=Members of this bloodline have the ability to learn magic at a young age and quicker than most others whom study and practice magic. Therefore they may start at a simple age and know spells that would usually take many years to master. However, this only applies to the school of necromancy.
|Special2=Quick read of the dead
|SpecialInfo2=If they are trying to a necromacy necromancy spell it only takes them half the time to learn it.
|Special3=Greater Knowledge for the weak
|SpecialInfo3=They gain a +2 to Intellgence Intelligence but take a -2 to Strength|Special4=My skellaton skeleton friend|SpecialInfo4=When they are young the first spell they are taught is a family spell called "Undead Protector" . This allows them to summon a undead fighter with 1d10 + the user's CON mod. The stats for the Undead fighter a the user's stats - to each. This lasts 1d6 + user's INT mod mintuesminutes. If the undead fighter is killed or the spell wears off they user csn can't cast the spell for 30 minutes.
|SpecialInfo5=They may use Diplomacy on the undead.
|Special6=Speak no evil
|SpecialInfo6=Any Necromacy Necromancy spell that is evil they cannot learn. They may only learn good and neutral necromacy necromancy spells.
|Special7=Exalted Resurrection
|SpecialInfo7=If their Wisdom is 30 and their Intellgence Intelligence is 25 they gain 'Exalted Resurrection'. This allows them to bring back the dead to life. However, they may not gain control of the person and if they bring an evil person back to life they become of the same alignment of they Graven that brought them back.
{{3.5e Bloodlines Breadcrumb}}

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