Elemental (3.5e Feat Type)
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[hide][Elemental] Feat Type[edit]
Feats of the [Elemental] type represent a connection to an elemental energy source, and the expression of that power. Feats of this type can only be taken by Outsiders and Elementals of origin on the Elemental Planes, or races with ancestors from the Elemental Planes (such as Genasi), and by creatures from other planes with a specific close affinity for an elemental plane (sources of such affinities will be labelled). All Genies, regardless of type, may also take [Elemental] Feats. Many [Elemental] feats require specific subtypes.
Elemental Feats
Feat | Summary | Prerequisites | Balance Point |
Abode of Earth | You are at home within the earth. | (Earth) Subtype, Burrow speed, Character level 3+ | Moderate |
Adept Flyer | You are a natural flyer. | (Air) subtype, Fly speed, Character level 5+ | Very High |
Binding Growth | You grow on people. | Wood Elemental Creature (e.g., Psuedoelemental Being (Wood) feat) | Moderate |
Breath of the Elements | You have a breath weapon. | Resistance 20+ or immunity to an energy type. | High |
Burn | You're hot. You're on fire. You like to burn things. | (Fire) Subtype | High |
Burning Feet | When you are on fire, you're faster than normal. | Fire subtype | Moderate |
Double Strike | You can strike twice as fast. | Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, one Slam natural weapon. | High |
Drench | Your body puts out fires. | (Water) Subtype | Moderate |
Drowning Grasp | You drown your enemies in your watery embrace. | (Water) Subtype, Character level 3+ | High |
Drying Sandstorm | Turn a simple earth creature to a deadly earth creature. | (Earth) Subtype, 8 HD or more, Huge size or more, must have a Constitution Score | High |
Earth Splitter | You charge a powerful strike with your two joined fists channeling a fiery power...and you torn the ground. | (Earth) or (Fire) subtype, Large Size or more, Strength 24+, Quake class feature OR Quake Slam class feature OR Heavy Stomp OR Gaia's Wrath (at least one at choice) | High |
Elemental Aura | Your close relationship with primal elemental forces has manifested in a damaging aura. | Character level 7, must have a subtype granting immunity to a form of elemental damage | Moderate |
Elemental Avatar | You gain the full Elemental type. | Hardiness of the Elements | Very High |
Elemental Resistance | Your elemental heritage gives you the ability to resist energy attacks. | None | High |
Elemental Whirlwind | You gain the signature ability of Air Elementals to transform into a Whirlwind. | (Air) Subtype, Character Level 5+ | High |
Extra Arms, Book of Elements | You have more arms than normal. | Character level 9+ | Very High |
Extra Legs | You are quadrupedal. | None | High |
Freezing Breeze | Turn a simple cold creature to a deadly cold creature. | (Cold) Subtype, 8 HD or more, Huge size or more, must have a Constitution Score | High |
Huge Size, Book of Elements | Your size increases to Huge | Character level 10 | Very High |
Ice Trail | You leave a trail of ice where-ever you go. | Character Level 3+, (Cold) Subtype | Moderate |
Large Size, Book of Elements | Your size increases to Large. | Character level 5 | Very High |
Primal Armor | Your body deflects blows off of itself. | None | High |
Rending Flames | Your fire isn't just hot, but also solid and sharp. | Burn | Moderate |
Scorching Fog | Turn a simple fire creature to a deadly fire creature. | (Fire) Subtype, Huge size or more, must have a Constitution Score, 8 HD or more | High |
Stolen Breath, Book of Elements | You take people's breath away by force. | Character level 3, one of (Air) Subtype or Drowning Grasp | High |
Touch of Shadow | Your shadowy touch can bypass armor. | Shadow Elemental Creature (Psuedoelemental Being (Shadow), Shadow Genasi, or similar), Natural weapon, Character Level 3+ | Very High |
Tremorsense | Your close connection to your home element gives you Tremorsense. | (Earth) or (Water) Subtype, Character level 6+ | Very High |
Scaling Elemental Feats
Feat | Summary | Prerequisites | Balance Point |
Elemental Bodied | Your body changes to resemble your elemental nature. | None | Very High |
From a Shrine of an Ancient Nature | You become an ambassador of nature and earth. | (Earth) Subtype, Level 1 only, Non-Evil alignment, Must have a tutelary god with the Nature Domain. | High |
Frozen Heart | Your icy aura freezes everything around you. | Must have the [Cold] subtype. | Very High |
Innate Invisibility | You can conceal yourself from the world. | Must have the [Air] subtype | Very High |
Unearthly Flames | Your body burns with unnaturally hot fire. | Must have the [Fire] subtype | Very High |
[Elemental] Feats available as [Fiend] Feats[edit]
A number of Elemental Feats are also available as Fiend feats. However, as Elemental Feats, they are often slightly different. These changes are listed below:
- Elemental Aura: Unchanged.
- Extra Arms: Prerequisites increased by three levels (first pair at 9, second at 15).
- Huge Size, Large Size: If you are an Air, Fire, or Shadow elemental, you may decrease your Strength and Natural Armor increases for the size increase by 2 to remove the Dexterity decrease. This may be repeated for final results of Strength +4, Dexterity +2, Natural Armor +0 (Large), +1 (Huge)
- Stolen Breath: Prerequisites change to (Air) Subtype or Drowning Grasp, Character Level 3+.
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Summary | Feats of the [Elemental] type represent a connection to an elemental energy source, and the expression of that power. + |