Dark Insight Incantation (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 20th October 2015
Status: Finished
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Dark Insight Incantations[edit]

Dark magic is handled strangely in DnD; corrupt spells had a strange bias toward prepared casters and their 'corrupt cost' was super easy to dodge or remove. Dark Insight spells work as a replacer kinda sorta, working in tandem with the dark insight and mindbreak rules.

Firstly, dark insight incantations require the caster to have a dark insight score equal to twice the spell level to cast them. If the caster does not meet the dark insight prerequisites, the spell simply fails. Some dark insight incantations have a special cost associated with them, either an insight cost or a madness cost:

  • Insight Cost: Upon casting a spell or power with an insight cost, you lower your dark insight by the amount listed. If the cost would put your dark insight below 0, the spell simply fails (and you do not pay the cost).
  • Madness Cost: A more insidious cost, a spell or power with such a cost inflicts the the listed number in madness points. These madness points do not recover until you either mindbreak or you recover your spells.

Dark Insight incantations must be learned from occult tomes and forbidden texts. However a persistent enough caster can find the required text either by spending much money in researching and acquiring the text, finding a teacher to learn the spell from, or by making a deal with a power from beyond for the knowledge. The guideline cost for acquiring such a text is based on the following formula: incantation level x incantation level x 500 gp.

When the incantation is learned, spontaneous casters simply add it to their spells known list; prepared casters either add it to their spellbook or prayerbook (in case of wizards, wu jen, and archivists), power known list (for power users) or to their spell list (in the case of clerics or druids). You must be able to cast spells or manifest powers of the required level to learn and cast a dark insight incantations, following the rules for spellcasting or manifesting as normal.

When casting a dark insight incantations from an item, you still require the amount of dark insight necessary to cast the spell, and the caster (not the crafter) must pay the insight or madness cost of the spell or power held within.

Black Scroll/Slabs[edit]

Dark insight spells are not placed in ordinary scrolls; instead, they must be placed into specially made scrolls or slabs of stone that require some dark knowledge to activate. Casting from a black scroll or slab requires a dark insight + charisma check equal to the equivalent use magic device check. Only a creature with dark insight can attempt to activate a black scroll or a black slab; not even use magic device can be used to pierce this restriction.

A black scroll costs the same as a scroll of the same level. Like a normal scroll, the black scroll is consumed upon use. Creating a black scroll requires the scribe scroll feat.

A black slab costs 7.5× the cost of a scroll of the same spell; however, unlike a scroll, it can be used 1/day. Creating a black slab requires the scribe scroll feat.

The rules for creating other items holding a dark insight incantations remain mostly unchanged; the only change is that it requires a dark insight check (as described above) instead of a use magic device check to activate if the spell is not on your spell list.

Dark Insight Spells

1st-Level Dark Insight Spells

Dark Healing: Use your dark insight for a powerful burst of healing.

Dark Scholar's Insight: Gain a massive bonus to knowledge or dark insight at the cost of your sanity.

Elder Bolts: A fire a scaling number of magic bolts.

Minor Dark Summon: Summon Creatures faster by removing the safeguards.

Whispers of Otherworlds: Perform a ritual to gain dark insight.

2nd-Level Dark Insight Spells

Lifereap: Call the powers from beyond to take the life force and sanity out of your foes.

Madness Charge: use Madness to kill your enemies.

Yellow Sign: Paint the magical rune of Hastur and madness.

3rd-Level Dark Insight Spells

Bolt of Azter: Summon a bolt of horrifying unholy energy that reap the blood out of your targets.

Reality Warping Sight: You open a hole in reality, showing the horror beyond through and maddening everyone who can see it.

Scribe Elder Sign: Create a sanctuary against the forces from beyond.

4th-Level Dark Insight Spells

Termination of Will: You cause massive madness and then prevent the recovery of madness.

5th-Level Dark Insight Spells

Chaos Dimension: Impose the insanity of the Far Realm onto the material plane in an area.

See Untruth: A more powerful version of true seeing, but with mindbreaking consequences.

7th-Level Dark Insight Spells

Window to the Old God: You open a tiny window into the realm of the Old God, allowing it light through.

8th-Level Dark Insight Spells

Abominable Form: Turn into an eldritch abomination.

Dark Insight Powers

1st-Level Dark Insight Powers

Eldritch Augur: Summons an eldritch tentacle that knocks your opponent on their back.

2nd-Level Dark Insight Powers

Psionic Madness Charge: Inflicts 1 madness per round on the target.

3rd-Level Dark Insight Powers

Other Memory: Get a brief flash of memory from someone, or delve in the memories of all living things.

Worm of the Void: Summons an eldritch worm to devour your opponent. Just make sure to move out of the way.

4th-Level Dark Insight Powers

Angles of Tintalos: Move through the angles of time and space to attack in strange means.

Eyes Behind the Walls: A power that summon a strange eldritch pest to spy on your enemies.

5th-Level Dark Insight Powers

Enlightenment of Yith: Divine the future by sending your brain there via time travel and aliens.

6th-Level Dark Insight Powers

Birth Brain Worm: Create a brain worm, infecting the mind of your target and granting you terrible control.

7th-Level Dark Insight Powers

Manifest Flayer: Manifest mind flayer servants who follow your orders and act as a mental connection for you.

8th-Level Dark Insight Powers

Experience the Infinite: Send your opponent on a mind trip which induces madness, and forces them out of time and space.

9th-Level Dark Insight Powers

Awaken the Chaos: A stronger but far more dangerous unreality zone which briefly stirs Azathoth from his slumber.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4507 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Variant Rule +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryRules for dark spells and forbidden magic to work in tandem with dark insight. +
TitleDark Insight Incantation +