Better Disease Implementation (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Author: Aarnott (talk)
Date Created: 22:34, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
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Better Disease Implementation


The standard D&D rules are pretty terrible when it comes to diseases. There are very few cases when it actually matters to the PCs and even then, the progression isn't really all that deadly. In a world where wizards are moving from one location to another in an instant and creating matter out of nothing, it would seem logical enough that common diseases aren't really a problem for the superheroes that are called adventurers. And that is already the case. We need super diseases for the superheroes!

The problem is, we could get rid of diseases completely and probably have no major impact on the game. As it is right now, diseases are just a fancy form of poison that take effect sometime later when they aren't likely to be relevant, which is kinda lame. Cackle fever doesn't even make you cackle and blinding sickness doesn't always blind you. This rewrite puts diseases into different stages that become increasingly worse. It also attempts to make diseases a bit more relevant for the creatures employing them.

Rule Mechanics[edit]

Diseases now come in stages. When a character is hit by an attack that causes disease (or exposed to some disease-producing effect), they must make a Fortitude save or else immediately enter Stage 1 of the disease. Multiple failed saves against a disease-producing attack do not advance the character further in the disease progression (normally). Each disease has different effects described for each of its stages and the effects are cumulative between stages.

Diseases also have a cycle, which is how often the character must make a new Fortitude save to see if they improve or advance further with the disease. These Fortitude saves are taken at the initial disease saving throw DC. A success means the disease does not advance for that cycle. A success by 5 or more means that it improves by 1 Stage. A failure means that the disease advances 1 stage. Bed rest reduces the DC by 2 and a heal check can be substituted for the saving throw in the case of long-term care.

Like the original rules, diseases can be caused by Contact, Ingestion, Inhalation, or Injury. Any disease can be caused by injury if it is carried by a monster, but otherwise, the listed infection type is the only way the disease can spread.

Generally, the base save DC for a disease should be 7 + 1/2 the monster's CR + its Constitution modifier. If the creature does not have a Constitution score, use its Charisma modifier instead.

Table: Diseases
Disease Infection Type Cycle SRD monsters carrying this disease Homebrew monsters carrying this disease
Blinding sickness Ingested (Stage 1) 8 hours Floating Eye
Cackle fever Inhaled (Stage 3) 4 hours Annis Hag, Green Hag
Demon fever Injury 1 day Night Hag Night Hag
Devil chills Injury from a Pit Fiend 1 day Pit Fiend Pit Fiend
Filth fever Contact (Stage 3) 1 day Dire Rat, Otyugh Dire Rat
Mindfire Inhaled (Stage 2 & 3) 1 day Oliphryea
Mummy rot Injury from a Mummy 1 round / 1 day Mummy, Mummy Lord Mummy, Mummy Lord, Pharoah
Red ache Injury (Stage 3+) 1 day Fire Sprite
Slimy doom Injury from a Green Slime 1 hour Green Slime

Below are rewrites of SRD diseases.

Blinding Sickness[edit]

Blinding Sickness Ingested, 8 hour cycle
Within a day, many people exposed to this disease become legally blind.
You are cured. You are dazzled. You take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, search checks, and spot checks and a 20% miss chance against opponents that are farther than 60 ft. away. Opponents that move more than 30 ft. in a turn gain partial concealment (20% miss chance) against you. Your vision radius is reduced to 100 ft.

Infection Type: Ingested (Stage 1)

Cycle: 8 hours.

Stage 1:

Your eyes develop a white mucus film over them, which drips like a runny nose and covers them almost immediately after being wiped off. They are constantly sore and you find it difficult to focus your vision.

You are always considered dazzled (−1 to attack rolls, search checks, and spot checks).

Blinding Sickness can actively spread through the mucus if the mucus is ingested. Although this seems unlikely, the mucus is extremely resilient and can infect even in the smallest quantities, so a drop diluted in a water supply is likely to infect several people. Similarly, food handled by an infected individual, even with washed hands, will also likely expose anyone that eats the food to the disease.

Stage 2:

Your pupils contract, your irises disappear, and your eyes appear to be almost completely white now. The mucus film hardens frequently making your vision extremely poor.

You take an additional −1 to attack rolls, search checks, and spot checks. Opponents beyond 60 ft. (or 120 ft. if you have darkvision or low-light vision) are treated as if they have partial concealment (20% miss chance) against your attacks.

Stage 3:

The film of mucus constantly hardens into a solid crust, far too quickly for you to even remove it, which is excruciating when you even try. You have trouble tracking things that are moving quickly.

Whenever a creature has moved more than 30 ft. on its last turn, it gains partial concealment against your attacks.

Stage 4:

Everything looks so shadowy and indistinguishable. The white film cracks off and your pupil disappears. Your eyes now are solid white in color, with a bloody red ring around the edges.

Your vision radius is reduced to 100 ft. (or 200 ft. if you normally had darkvision or low-light vision). Everything you see has lost most of its color as if you were in the dark.

Cackle Fever[edit]

Cackle Fever Inhaled, 4 hour cycle
You get a horrible fever and go crazy. You laugh like a maniac.
You are cured. You take a −4 penalty to Concentration checks. You also take a −2 penalty to AC. Save vs. Hideous Laughter whenever you lose more than ¼ your max hp in an encounter. You take a −4 penalty to social skills. Save vs. confusion whenever you lose more than ½ your max hp in an encounter. You are staggered.

Infection Type: Inhaled (actively contagious during stage 3).

Cycle: 4 hours.

Stage 1:

You develop a mild fever and find it difficult to concentrate. You giggle without reason occasionally.

You take a −4 penalty to Concentration checks. You also take a −2 penalty to AC.

Stage 2:

Your fever becomes more severe and you start bursting into uncontrolled bouts of laughter, especially when under stress.

The first time you lose more than ¼ of your total hit points in an encounter, you must make a Will save at the disease DC. If you fail, you are affected by Hideous Laughter for one round.

Stage 3:

Your fever is dangerously severe and you lose control of your actions when under stress. You frequently shriek out in laughter, making communication much more difficult.

You take a −4 penalty to all social skills (Bluff, Diplomacy, etc.).

The first time you lose more than ½ of your total hit points in an encounter, you must make a Will save at the disease DC. If you fail, you are confused for one round, treating the caster as the nearest enemy creature or ally if there is no enemy.

During this stage, the disease is exposed to anyone in a 5 ft. radius of you. They must make a single saving throw every 4 hours they are exposed or become infected.

Stage 4:

Your fever increases and you constantly laugh as loudly as you can. You laugh so much, you have trouble acting.

You are always staggered.

Demon Fever[edit]

Demon Fever Injury, 1 day cycle
You become easily agitated, constantly angry, and lust for blood.
You are cured. You must make a Will save when you lose 1/2 your max hitpoints in an encounter or else attack a nearby ally. You gain Deathwatch and must make a Will save to avoid performing a coup de grace on enemies you drop.

Infection Type: Injury from a Night Hag.

Cycle: 1 day.

Stage 1:

You become enraged whenever you are severely wounded. You are especially pissed off at your allies for not doing a good enough job to take care of the monster you are fighting, so that you wouldn't have been hurt so badly.

Whenever you take more than 1/2 your maximum hp in damage in a single encounter, you go into a frenzy. You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls per HD and pounce for 1 round (this effect happens regardless of whether you make or fail the following save). You must make a Will save at the disease DC or attack the nearest ally with a full attack action with whatever weapon you are carrying on your next turn.

When you initially get the disease, you are treated as if you have been dealt ¼ your maximum hp in damage this encounter, so you will trigger the effect when you lose another 1/4 of your hp.

Stage 2:

You feel a murderous drive to make sure you kill every creature you fell.

You have Deathwatch against your enemies.

Whenever you bring a creature below 0 hitpoints or make it helpless, but it is not dead, you must make a Will save at the disease DC or else spend your next turn performing a coup de grace on the creature, if you are able.

Devil Chills[edit]

Devil Chills Injury, 1 day cycle
I got chills, they're multiplying. And I'm losing control.
You are cured. You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls and DCs of your abilities. You are shaken, but don't take the -2 penalty to attack rolls from stage 1. You always deal minimum damage with your attacks. Whenever you take damage, you may start taking ongoing cold damage.

Infection Type: Injury from a Pit Fiend.

Cycle: 1 day.

Stage 1:

You feel alternating, painful sensations of searing flame and freezing cold.

You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls and DCs of your abilities.

Stage 2:

You feel a creeping fear chill your spine, keeping you constantly on edge.

You are shaken, but don't take the -2 penalty to attack rolls from stage 1.

Stage 3:

The chills leave you feeling weakened and powerless.

You always deal minimum damage with your attacks.

Stage 4:

Whenever you are injured, the icy grip of death begins clutching at your heart.

Whenever you take damage, make a Will save at the disease DC. If you fail, you take cold damage equal to the disease DC each round (save ends). This effect does not stack with itself.

Filth Fever[edit]

Filth Fever Contact, 1 day cycle
Your body develops pus pockets, which become necrotic tissue, rendering your legs useless.
You are cured. You take a -1 penalty to attack rolls and DCs of your abilities. Your max hp is reduced by 1 per 2 HD you have. You take a -1 penalty to your AC, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Your max hp is reduced by 1 per 2 HD you have. You take an additional -1 penalty to attack rolls and DCs of your abilities. Your max hp is reduced by 1 per 2 HD you have. You take an additional -1 penalty to your AC, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Your max hp is reduced by 1 per 2 HD you have. You are immobilized and prone.

Infection Type: Contact (stage 3)

Cycle: 1 day.

Stage 1:

You develop an infectious pus pocket on your skin, which is extremely painful. You break out into a mild fever.

You take a -1 penalty to attack rolls and DCs of your abilities until the disease is cured. In addition, your maximum hitpoints are reduced by 1 per 2 HD you have (this is not damage, but may reduce your current hitpoints, minimum 1 point).

Stage 2:

The infection has spread rashes all over your body and your skin is fragile, tearing easily. Your fever becomes quite severe, accompanied by strong migraines.

You take a -1 penalty to your AC, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Your maximum hitpoints are reduced by a further 1 point per 2 HD you have.

Stage 3:

The white boils found at the site where the infection began have turned to necrotic tissue. The pus pockets burst occasionally, leaving a slimy residue all over your body.

You take an additional -1 penalty to attack rolls and DCs of your abilities until the disease is cured. Your maximum hitpoints are reduced by a further 1 point per 2 HD you have.

The disease is actively contagious during this stage. Any creature that tends to you or is in close proximity for more than 10 minutes must make a saving throw or contract Stage 1 of the disease themselves. If they make a successful saving throw, they do not need to roll another against contracting it for 1d4 hours.

Stage 4:

You take an additional -1 penalty to your AC, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Your maximum hitpoints are reduced by a further 1 point per 2 HD you have.

Stage 5:

Your legs become blacked and useless. You can barely move around.

You become immobilized and prone. You can crawl around using your arms as a full-round action, moving 5 ft.


Mindfire Inhaled, 1 day cycle
Your brain feels like it is on fire!
You are cured. You take a -2 penalty to all int-based skill checks. You don't gain +2 to hit when flanking. You cannot make attacks of opportunity. You take a -1 penalty to your AC and saving throws. You take an additional -1 penalty to your AC and saving throws. You take damage and might become nauseated whenever you take more than a standard action.

Infection Type: Inhaled (actively contagious during stage 2 and 3).

Cycle: 1 day.

Stage 1:

A somewhat weird sensation: your brain feels hot. You have a lot of trouble thinking clearly and you have trouble thinking in tactical terms.

You take a -2 penalty to all int-based skill checks. You also do not gain the +2 bonus to hit when flanking and you cannot make attacks of opportunity.

Stage 2:

Your brain feels like it is burning. Your movements become more predictable because you cannot think clearly enough to be more careful with them.

You take a -1 penalty to your AC and saving throws.

During this stage, the disease is exposed to anyone in a 5ft. radius of you. They must make a single saving throw every day they are exposed or become infected.

Stage 3:

Red hot veins bulge around your forehead. You sweat profusely and are wracked with pain.

You take an additional -1 penalty to your AC and saving throws.

During this stage, the disease is exposed to anyone in a 5ft. radius of you. They must make a single saving throw every day they are exposed or become infected.

Stage 4:

You are unable to perform strenuous actions without your mind aching.

Each round that you take more than a standard action, you take 1 damage per 2 HD you have and you must make a Fortitude save at the disease DC or else become nauseated on your next turn.

Mummy Rot[edit]

Mummy Rot Injury, 1 round/1 day cycle
You have been struck with the Pharaoh's Curse! If you don't stop it soon, you will become one of his slaves.
You are cured. You are fatigued. Every time your disease cycles, you take 1d6 damage per 4 CR of the mummy. You gain light fortification. Every time your disease cycles, you can only heal 1/2 as much hp. Every time your disease cycles, you become entangled. Every time your disease cycles, you must make a Will save or become dominated. You become a Sand Slave.

Special: Mummy rot is a unique magical disease in that an afflicted creature cannot improve when they roll a successful saving throw against the disease. It just doesn't become worse. Once the afflicted creature has a Break Enchantment or Remove Curse spell cast on them, they can heal from the disease normally. Destroying any mummy within 300 ft. of an afflicted character reduces the disease to stage 1.

Infection Type: Injury from a Mummy.

Cycle: 1 round when the mummy is within 60 ft., 1 day otherwise.

Stage 1:

You become extremely dehydrated and you are sweating sand from your pores.

You are fatigued. If you were already fatigued, you become exhausted.

Stage 2:

Your body starts having wounds appear on it that bleed for a few moments and then become black like rotted flesh.

Every time your disease cycles (including when you enter this stage), you take 1d6 damage for every 4 CR the mummy that cursed you was. If you successfully saved against advancing the disease, this damage is halved.

Stage 3:

Pieces of of your body begin rotting and turning into a gritty substance like sand.

You gain light fortification (25% chance to ignore critical hits and sneak attacks).

Every time your disease cycles (including when you enter this stage), any hp you heal (magical, extraordinary, or otherwise) until your next turn is halved.

Stage 4:

Scarab beetles crawl in and out of the wounds in your body, threading black ropes through your insides. The ropes draw your muscles together like a puppet and you must put all of your strength into moving against it.

Every time your disease cycles (including when you enter this stage), you become entangled, which can be broken as a move action with a Strength check DC 12 + 1/2 the mummy's CR.

Stage 5:

You feel a compulsion to protect the mummy that cursed you.

Every time your disease cycles (including when you enter this stage), you must make a Will save at the disease DC. If you fail, it has one of the following effects:

  • If the cycle was a 1 round cycle, you are dominated by the mummy that cursed you for 1 round. It can control you as a free action. You skip the next 1 round cycle of the disease.
  • If the cycle was a 1 day cycle, you take the fastest means you have available to seek out the mummy for up to 1 day. You innately know the location of the mummy during this time and you will violently attempt to break free should someone try to divert or restrain you.

Stage 6:

Your transformation into a slave for the mummy is complete. You become composed of sand, bound with black ropes in the shape of your former self. You now live to serve the mummy that cursed you.

You become a Sand Slave.

Red Ache[edit]

Red Ache Injury, 1 day cycle
You slowly transform into a being of fire.
You are cured. You gain a vulnerability to cold damage. You emit light as a torch. Whenever you move, you must move half as much your next turn or else take cold damage. You gain 1 fire resistance per disease stage. You deal 1 fire damage per disease stage in a 5 ft. radius. Up to 30 stages, each with no new effects past stage 3.

Infection Type: Injury (Stage 3+).

Cycle: 1 day.

Stage 1:

Your skin is covered in a horrible red rash. Your skin radiates heat and you feel much more sensitive to cold.

If you have cold immunity or a cold resistance of 30 or greater, you lose it.

If you have cold resistance, you replace it with a mild cold vulnerability equal to 30 - your cold resistance. Whenever you take cold damage, you take 50% more, up to a maximum of your mild cold vulnerability.

If you did not have cold resistance or cold immunity, you gain cold vulnerability (you take 50% more cold damage).

Stage 2:

Your skin glows like embers in a dying fire. You have trouble cooling down when you run and you are wracked with pain if you try to slow down too quickly.

You emit light as a torch.

Whenever you move, the next round you must move at least half as much distance (round down) or else take 2 cold damage per 5 ft. you moved last round.

For example: In order to avoid damage after moving 30 ft., you would have to move 15 ft., 10 ft., and then 5 ft., before being able to rest.

Stage 3+:

Your skin bursts into flame, which you seem strangely resistant to. Objects you carry are subjected to the flames.

You gain 1 fire resistance per stage of the disease you are at.

You deal 1 fire damage per stage of the disease you are at to everything within 5 feet of you, including items you are holding. This damage is often very dangerous inside buildings. Any creature damaged by the fire is also exposed to the disease (but only needs to save once per day from exposure from you). Note that fire damage deals half damage to objects and object hardness applies. You aren't damaged by the heat.

As a helpful rule of thumb, here is the kind of hardness values normal objects have:

  • Paper, rope, ice = 0 (these will ignite and burn)
  • Glass = 1 (stage 4 of the disease will start melting it)
  • Leather, Hide = 2 (stage 6 of the disease will ignite it)
  • Wood, including hafted weapons = 5 (stage 12 of the disease will ignite it)
  • Stone, silver, crystal = 8 (stage 18 of the disease will melt/shatter it)
  • Most metals = 10 (stage 22 of the disease will melt it)
  • Mithral, adamantine (immune to damage from the disease)

Unlike other diseases, Red Ache can progress up to 30 stages, each with no new effect (other than increasing the effects of stage 3).

Slimy Doom[edit]

Slimy Doom Injury, 1 day cycle
You begin turning into jelly, eventually becoming a Green Slime.
You are cured. You cannot move faster than half your speed otherwise you might trip. You have trouble holding things and also take a -4 penalty to damage rolls and suffer a 20% spell failure on spells with somatic components. Your move speed becomes 0 and you have trouble standing. You cannot speak or eat.

Infection Type: Injury from a Green Slime. Any creature that dies while at the final stage of the disease (typically from starvation) becomes a Green Slime and mindlessly begins hunting for living creatures to spread the Slimy Doom disease to.

Cycle: 1 hour.

Stage 1:

Your legs become wobbly like jelly. You find yourself tripping if you don't move carefully.

If you move more than half your speed in a round, you must make a balance check with a DC equal to the disease DC + 5 or else fall prone.

Stage 2:

Your arms become wobbly now too. Holding onto things becomes much more difficult and you just can't put the same finesse or power into your attacks.

Whenever you hit an opponent with a melee attack, make a ranged attack roll, or otherwise use an item that causes an impact, you must make a Reflex save at the disease DC or drop the weapon or item you are using.

You take a -4 penalty to damage rolls and suffer a 20% spell failure on spells with somatic components.

Stage 3:

Your legs become completely bendy and gelatinous, making it impossible to walk.

You can no longer use your legs to move; your land speed becomes 0. Whenever you are hit by an attack you must make a balance check with a DC equal to the disease DC + 5 or else fall prone.

Stage 4:

Your throat is constantly filled with jelly and you can barely breathe, let alone talk.

You cannot speak or eat.

Updated/New Spells[edit]

The following spells are either rewrites of existing spells, or new spells, which are designed to work with this disease rule system.

Accelerate Disease
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Blackguard 2, Cleric 2, Destruction 2, Druid 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The subject of this spell has all of their diseases advanced by 1 stage immediately.

Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Blackguard 1, Cleric 1, Destruction 1, Druid 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 2, see text
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The subject contracts stage 1 of a disease selected from the following list: blinding sickness, cackle fever, filth fever, mindfire, red ache, shakes, or slimy doom.

You can prepare this spell in a higher level spell slot (or simply cast it as a higher level spell if you are a spontaneous caster). For each spell level this spell is increased, the stage of the disease is increased by 1, to a maximum of the final stage of the disease.

Improve Disease Recovery
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Cleric 3, Druid 3, Ranger 2
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

All of the diseases the subject is suffering from are improved by 1 stage. If this would bring the disease to "stage 0" it is cured.

Remove Disease
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Cleric 4, Druid 4, Ranger 3
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Same effect as before (note the increased spell level).

Slow Disease
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Cleric 2, Druid 2, Ranger 1
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The recipient of this spell automatically passes the next saving throw they make against each disease they have. They still roll the saving throw to see if their condition improves; the condition just cannot become worse from that roll.

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AuthorAarnott +
Identifier3.5e Variant Rule +
Rated BySurgo +, Eiji-kun +, Wildmage +, ThunderGod Cid +, Ghostwheel +, Sulacu + and LenKagetsu +
RatingRated 3.7 / 4 +
TitleBetter Disease Implementation +