From a Shrine of an Ancient Nature (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Neostar (talk)
Date Created: July 2020
Status: Finished
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From a Shrine of an Ancient Nature [Elemental] Prerequisites: (Earth) Subtype, Level 1 only, Non-Evil alignment, Must have a tutelary god with the Nature Domain.Benefit: At character creation, you receive a special gift from your tutelary god to protect nature and biodiversity. You become an ambassador of nature. And each decision you make must include the impact on nature. As your HD rise, your god of nature give you other special gifts :

1 HD : A thick layer of supernatural moss grows on your shoulders, and on part of your back and torso. This moss is in symbiosis with you. As long as this supernatural moss is alive, it captures the ambient humidity and restores it to you in the form of vital energy. You gain a Rapid Healing equal to half your Constitution modifier. This effect ends if you are in dry environment. The supernatural moss has 5 HP/HD you possess. The moss is immune to all weapon damages, has a resistance of 10 to Cold, Electricity, and Force but has a vulnerability to Fire and Acid. When it is completely destroyed, it takes a full day in a humid environment OR three days in normal environment for it to fully reform. You can no longer wear armour, or wear items on the shoulders slot.

4 HD : Your body become stronger, and vines climb from your feet to your legs, to the top of your body and around yours arms. The forces of nature grant you more life force and your body become tougher. When you calculate your additional HP due to your constitution modifier, you now add your HD to your constitution score for calculate the additional hit points you receive. In addition, the hardness of your body makes you more resistant to falling damage and you take now half damage for falling to a distance equal or lower than 10 ft x your HD. Due to the vines that colonize your body, you cannot wear gloves, boots, or shoes. You lose the feet item slots and the hand item slots.

8 HD : Your bond with nature becomes stronger, giving you the ability to naturally breathe new life into environment that surround you. When you stay 4 hours or more in the same place, grass, moss, and various other small plants come to life supernaturally around you. You create plants on 10 feet around you after spending 4 hours in the same place, plus 10 more feet for each additional 4 hours where you stay in the same place (to a maximum of your HD x 3 ft). In addition, once per day, you can animate the plants around you as by the effect of Entangle. This is a supernatural effect.

12 HD : The supernatural moss on your body grow and now are capable of photosynthesis. These mosses are capable to absorb sunlight and stock these energy into your body. You can concentrate this energy in your hand to deliver a supernatural sunbeam. It takes 8 hours of sunlight to concentrate an enough of energy for a supernatural sunbeam. This ray is fired as a standard action in a 60 ft line and deal Xd6 (X equal your Constitution modifier) and can blinded all creatures in the path. A Fortitude saving throw must be rolled by all affected creature (DC = 10 + Half you HD + your Constitution modifier) to avoid the blindness. You can maintain this ray a maximum number of rounds equal to half you HD. Undead creatures take double damage, and Construct creatures take automatically half damage. You can This ability can be used only once per day and is supernatural.

16 HD : The ultimate gift of nature. To receive this gift, you must relinquished to all you magic item slots, and you no longer wear magic items that is assigned in a particular item slot. You now can use the Entangle ability twice per day. It takes now 4 hours under sunlight to charge a sunbeam and you can use it twice per day. The layer of moss on you has now 10 HP/HD and it resistance to Cold, Electricity and Force rises to 20. It takes now 12 hours in humid environment or 36 hours in normal environment to fully reform the supernatural mosses after their destruction. The mosses grant you Rapid Healing equal to your Constitution modifier (instead of half your Constitution modifier). At last, Once per week, you can roar a Call of Nature. You must take a full-round action to use Call of Nature (which provoke attacks of opportunity). It can be heard at 1 miles around you. All Animals, Vermines, and Plants within the range of this call understands that you are in danger and can rally to you in battle. It can be take some times before the first creatures arrive. The number of Animals, Vermines, and Plants which have heard the call is decided by the DM and must remains coherent with the environment in where you are. This ability is a supernatural ability. Special: You must keep a good alignment and follow the dogma of your tutelary god. If not, you lose access to these effects. For purpose of this feat, you count as a Druid with level equal to half your HD. This virtual level of Druid cannot be used for prerequisites to other feats or prestige class.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorNeostar +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
Prerequisite(Earth) Subtype +, Level 1 only +, Non-Evil alignment + and Must have a tutelary god with the Nature Domain. +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou become an ambassador of nature and earth. +
TitleFrom a Shrine of an Ancient Nature +
TypeElemental +