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3.5e Magical Materials

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Magical MaterialsEdit

Name Summary
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Achiralium The perfect mirror, this shiny reflective substance is not formed from traditional matter, and is more akin to a continuous field of force, a deformation in space time that reflects energy in equal and opposite strength.
Aemulus This artifact-tier material is said to arrive from an alien or extradimensional source. It is a living material which possesses the ability to manipulate space and time, and a subtle will of its own. It's said that in its original form, whatever it was, it was a sapient being of unknown nature. Now it is fragmented into portions, each containing a faint spark of its former being.
Atmawater A strange fluid substance not unlike water, it reacts with psychic energy to form constructs and shapes.
Conductive Wool The wool shaven from Storm Giants’ thundersheep, it is highly conductive to electricity.
Crystallized Protons A rare magical material, created by ghost-hunters by binding a building block of matter 'protons' into a crystalline form.
Deep-Ore Alloy This dark-colored material is prized among underdark races such as drows and duegars.
Dreamstone A sort of psychic residue left by dreams, dreamsand converts under the right circumstances to produce a psychically active crystaline material known as dreamstone.
Elderein A dark bronze-like material, Elderein is about on the same quality level as steel. The surface of refined elderein is decorated with strange patterns which are said to be related to the star above.
Empyrean Jade Empyrean Jade is a rare material highly resembling mundane jade, it is however noted for it hardness and ability to remain active in dead magic area.
Ensorcelled Aurum Ensorcelled Aurum is a material said to have been created to sate the desire of a greedy king who wanted his magic armor made of pure gold and be more effective than steel.
Hungry Iron In spite of the name hungry iron is not actually iron (or at least not completely), but is rather a non-living but self propagating "fungus" that devours its surroundings (primarily carbon, oxygen, and iron) and converts it into more of itself, materials providing.
Lubium A remarkable discovery of the magical students of the Polybius Academy. This strange crystal is incredibly slippery to the touch, which limits it uses.
Soulsteel Living metal, forged from interwoven strands of soulstuff that were folded repeatedly and beaten into shaped.
Soulweave Cloth woven out of strands of soulstuff.
Spectral Silver An alloy of silver and ghostly ectoplasm, spectral silver is a partially incorporeal material.
Telekill Alloy Telekill alloy is a silvery metal, which is non-magnetic and highly resistant to rust and corrosion. The particular call to fame of telekill alloy is that it possesses a strong anti-telepathy channel, which make it useful in various uses and applications.
Weirdstone Weirdstone alters the probability of events around it, making fortune for good and ill and causing strange chaotic mutations.
Wighthairs Wighthairs or haunted fabric is a material with necromantic affinity.

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