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Saiyan Warrior Lesser; 5th, Ki Warrior Lesser; 5th |
Requirements: Must already have Ki Transmutation.
A user that takes this ability has learned to completely transmute his beam blast into any element that he can already transmute his ki into. After he takes this ability, anytime a user does a beam blast, he may spend 12 extra ki points as a free action and completely turn his beam blast into any element he is proficient in. If he does this, all of his beam blast's damage is considered to be his elements damage and he gets an additional 3d6 elemental damage on top of his normal ki volley and beam blast damage any time he transmutes some of all of the ki into elemental damage.
In addition, any opponent struck by either a ki volley or a beam blast that uses greater ki transmutation invocation (12 ki points) must also make a saving throw or suffer one of the following conditions as well.
- Lesser Fire Transmutation: An opponent must make a Reflex saving throw or be caught on fire and take an additional 1d6 fire damage each round until they take a full round action to put it out.
- Lesser Frost Transmuation: An opponent must make a Fortitude saving throw or become slow for 1d4 rounds.
- Lesser Electrical Transmutation: An opponent must make a Fortitude saving throw or become stunned for 1 round.
The saving throw for this ability is separate from the saving throw for avoiding damage from the initial damage from the ki volley or beam blast. The saving throw if it was done by a ki volley is DC 10 + user's Dexterity modifier + 1/2 user's class level. The saving throw if it was done by a beam blast is DC 10 + user's Dexterity modifier + user's class level. Each time an opponent is effected by any one of these abilities, the next time the user attempts to use the same energy against them, their saving throw DC goes down by 1 for each time they have been affected with the last 24 hours.
For example, Toma an 10th level Saiyan Warrior has taken this invocation and has Lesser Electrical Transmutation, and wants to use electricity damage against a water elemental. He then throws an electical ki volley at the elemental. He spends an extra 12 ki to infuse his ki volley for a total of 14 ki spent. His damage would be 1d10, all of which would be considered electricity damage, and deals an additional 3d6 electricity damage. Making this attack 1d10 + 3d6 and his opponent must make a Fortitude saving throw or be stunned for 1 round. Alternatively, if he also has Beam Blast, he can use the Beam Blast invocation and can spend an extra 12 ki to turn all of his beam blast damage into Electricity damage + his 3d6 bonus Electricity damage, and his opponent must also make a Fortitude saving throw or be stunned for 1 round.
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