Victini (3.5e Monster)
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Victini | |
Size/Type: | Tiny Outsider (Psionic, Fire, Pokémon, Native) |
Hit Dice: | 15d8+90 (156 hp) |
Initiative: | +10 |
Speed: | 40 ft. |
Armor Class: | 30 (+2 size, +6 Dex, +2 dodge, +10 natural), touch 20, flat-footed 22 |
Base Attack/Grapple: | +15/+19 |
Attack: | Slam +25 melee (1d6+6) |
Full Attack: | Slam +25 melee (1d6+6) and monk-like magic chaotic good adamantine unarmed attacks +20/+15/+10 melee (1d8+6 damage) and headbutt +20 melee (1d10+6 damage plus flinch plus second strike) |
Space/Reach: | 2 ft./0 ft. |
Special Attacks: | Killer Rabbit, Searing Shot, Confusion, Incinerate, Headbutt, Flame Charge, Reversal, Flame Burst, Zen Headbutt |
Special Qualities: | Psychic Pokémon Traits, Fire Pokémon Traits, fast healing 15, Victory Star, Heal, Focus Energy, Quick Attack, Endure |
Saves: | Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +11 |
Abilities: | Str 22, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 22 |
Skills: | |
Feats: | Tarrasque's FortitudeB, LeShay's ReflexesB, Elder Brain's WillB, Improved Initiative (1 HD), Catfall (3 HD), Dodge (MS Variant) (6 HD), Dash (9 HD), Hero (12 HD), Insight (15 HD) |
Environment: | A small room at the base of a lighthouse |
Organization: | Solitary (only one known to exist) |
Challenge Rating: | 15 |
Treasure: | Triple standard |
Alignment: | Chaotic good |
Advancement: | 16-23 HD (tiny), 24+ HD (small) |
Level Adjustment: |
This creature looks like a rabbit carved from an apple... only it's very, very much alive. In fact, it's super-hyperactive. As it spots you, it runs up to give you a hug for no apparent reason. You feel invigorated as it touches you.
Victini is an endless font of positive energy — in fact, it generates so much energy that its body can't contain it all. Its small size is misleading, for this little bunny packs a serious punch — so much so that it's rumored that the Pokémaster who obtains Victini will never, ever lose any battle. Ever. ...That's probably an exaggeration, but you still should take Victini itself seriously, as goofy as it may appear to be.
Victini's dangerous if angered, but luckily, if you don't do anything to piss it off, Victini's a very friendly creature. Its favorite pastime is sharing its boundless energy with others, which it can do with a mere touch.
Victini won't harm you if you don't give it any reason to. If you do, though... well, if you don't have fire resistance and power resistance, you might as well start writing your will. It can dish out some major hurt.
Fast Healing (Su): Victini has fast healing equal to its Hit Dice. Yep. It generates that much positive energy. But due to having a connection to the Positive Energy Plane as its source, Victini's fast healing can be mitigated by effects that suppress supernatural effects, such as antimagic field. If its fast healing is suppressed, Victini still has fast healing equal to ⅓ of its Hit Dice (rounded down) as an extraordinary ability, as its connection to the Positive Energy Plane is simply too powerful to suppress entirely.
Victory Star (Su): Victini's positive energy output doesn't just keep it alive — it also invigorates Victini and its friends to fight extra-well. This boosts Victini's accuracy and the accuracy of all allied creatures within 40 feet of it, granting them a +2 bonus to attack rolls, save DCs, checks made to successfully perform special techniques (including but not limited to turning checks, the Spellcraft check needed to cast epic spells or certain pre-epic spells, and the skill checks made while initiating certain maneuvers), and checks to defeat ability resistances (spell resistance, power resistance, martial defense, etc.). Oddly enough, even undead creatures benefit from Victory Star, though they do not like it one bit (they feel a mild, yet highly unpleasant burning sensation while under Victory Star's effects). Victory Star's benefit is already included in Victini's stats — if Victory Star somehow gets suppressed, just lower Victini's attack roll bonuses and save DCs by 2 each.
Heal (Sp): As previously mentioned, Victini shares its positive energy with other creatures just by touching them. It may cast heal as a spell-like ability at will. The save DC is Charisma-based. (Of course, creatures not harmed by positive energy need not make a saving throw against heal.)
Killer Rabbit (Ex): Victini may be small and cute, but it's also quite capable of kicking many creatures' @$$es in melee combat — even if said other creatures are much larger than it is! Despite its lack of Fighting Pokémon Traits, Victini can make unarmed attacks as a monk does (including the use of iterative attacks based on BAB). However, these unarmed attacks are secondary weapons. Victini's monk-like strikes are considered to be magic, chaotic-aligned, good-aligned, and adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. (The sample Victini is just 1 BAB shy of being able to make 4 unarmed attacks in a round in addition to its natural weapon attacks).
Focus Energy (Ex): If Victini spends a swift action focusing, and does not move more than 5' in the round, its next physical attack threatens a critical on a natural 17-20. If Improved Critical is taken, this becomes 15-20.
Unlike many other Pokémon's Focus Energy moves, Victini's Focus Energy isn't limited to slam attacks. It can also influence unarmed attacks, or even attacks with weapons! (Victini isn't proficient with anything other than its natural attacks, but the option is there, and it can become proficient just like any other creature could.)
Searing Shot (Su): Victini's signature move, this mighty attack replicates the effects of a merton spell, except that it does no damage to Victini, there is no damage cap, and creatures slain by Searing Shot remain intact instead of being burned to ash. (Victini still has to be careful around allies without immunity to fire.) Unlike a spell, Searing Shot uses normal DC calculation rules; thus, its save DC is 25 (the save DC is Charisma-based). Searing Shot is a [Fire] effect. Searing Shot is usable five times per day.
Confusion (Ps): Victini may manifest confusion as a 4th-level power at will. Victini's confusion also deals 1d4 damage to its target, regardless of the save result. The save DC is Charisma-based. Confusion is a [Psychic] effect.
Incinerate (Su): Once every 1d4−1 rounds, Victini can breathe intense flames. Well, maybe "intense" is the wrong word — this attack is extremely specialized, and does its job very well, but performs poorly at stuff other than its job. Incinerate takes the form of a 30-foot cone, and all creatures and objects in the area take (1d6 + ¾ HD (rounded down) + Cha mod) − 2 fire damage. Creatures (but not objects) caught in the area are entitled to a DC 25 Reflex save for half damage (the save DC is Constitution-based; like Ember, Incinerate is considered to be a breath weapon). Objects take triple damage from Incinerate, and don't even get a saving throw if magic or being carried by a creature — they just get roasted. Objects on a creature's person are affected by the Incinerate attack, regardless of any saving throw result their wielder may get (except for a natural 20). Flammable objects like scrolls and berries are just utterly destroyed by this attack. Flammable creatures, not so much — oh, sure, it'll hurt, but nearly as much as something like a fireball. Heck, even Ember is more powerful than Incinerate (against creatures, anyways). All but the weakest of creatures can shrug off Incinerate, weakness to fire or no, but it's a great way to ruin the day of gear-reliant creatures and put them at a severe disadvantage. Incinerate is considered a [Fire] effect.
Quick Attack (Ex): Victini can put itself under the benefit of a haste effect and gain the Spring Attack feat for a total of 1 minute per Hit Die per day. It may toggle this effect on or off as a free action once per round, and may do so at will until it reaches its limit on how many rounds it can spend under the effect. This is a [Normal] effect.
Endure (Ex): Victini may use indomitability[1] as a swift action once per minute. This is an extraordinary ability, so it cannot be dispelled or suppressed by an antimagic field. Unlike the spell, the duration of Endure is only 1 round.
Headbutt (Ex): Victini's headbutt attack can temporarily knock a creature's lights out. A creature struck by Victini's headbutt attack must succeed on a DC 25 Fortitude save; failure results in the victim being stunned for 1 round. The save DC is Strength-based. This is a [Normal] effect.
Flame Charge (Su): Victini may move up to 4× its speed when making a charge action (instead of the normal 2×). If it does so, all of the damage it inflicts is treated as fire damage. This is a [Fire] effect.
Reversal (Ex): Victini gets more dangerous as it loses vitality. As its hp dwindles down (see the following table for details), Victini may fight as though it was its normal size category or a number of size categories larger corresponding to its remaining hp, whichever is more advantageous. Nonlethal damage counts as lost hp for this purpose. If Victini's actual size changes (including due to an HD increase), its effective size increases due to Reversal are changed accordingly. What this boils down to is that the closer Victini is to death (or unconsciousness), the more it'll be able to hurt you. This ability is a [Fighting] effect (which makes Victini's slam attack a [Fighting] effect as well).
% of max HP | Effective Offensive Size |
71%-100% | Normal (Tiny) |
36%-70% | +1 (Small) |
21%-35% | +2 (Medium) |
11%-20% | +3 (Large) |
10%-5% | +4 (Huge) |
4%-1 HP | +5 (Gargantuan) |
Flame Burst (Sp): This functions like a fireball, except that it has a secondary blast radius extending out to 180 feet. All creatures caught within this secondary blast radius (but not the primary blast) take 2d6 points of fire damage (Reflex save negates). Creatures caught within the primary blast radius are affected as normal for a fireball, except that flame burst has no damage cap (well, at least not when Victini uses it). This move is a [Fire] effect. The save DC is treated as a non-spell effect (so the DC is 25, Charisma-based).
Zen Headbutt (Su): Victini can hit you so forcefully that it may take you a little while to realize just how much damage you've taken. 1 round after being struck by Victini's headbutt, the victim must succeed on a DC 25 Will save or be hit with the headbutt again (the damage roll is identical to the original headbutt attack, including any factors that augmented the original damage roll (such as critical hits)). In this scenario, the victim is treated as if they had been hit with a second headbutt, which means that it has to make a DC 25 Fortitude save or else be stunned for 1 round. The Will save DC of Zen Headbutt is Wisdom-based (the Fortitude save is actually considered to be part of Victini's Headbutt ability, so the Fortitude save DC is Strength-based. Not that it makes any difference, unless somebody fiddles with Victini's ability scores...) Zen Headbutt is a [Psychic] effect, and so the second Headbutt can hit a creature even if the first headbutt missed due to incorporeality or Ghost Pokémon traits (for this to apply, the actual attack roll must have registered as a hit). (Likewise, since Headbutt is a [Normal] effect, the first headbutt can strike a creature with Dark Pokémon traits, but the second headbutt would fail to have any effect.) Incorporeal Dark-type creatures or creatures with both Dark and Ghost Pokémon traits (such as Spiritomb) are completely unaffected by Zen Headbutt.
Victini does not get an ability score increase for every 4 Hit Die it gains. Rather, it gains +1 to all of its ability scores for every Hit Die it gains, up to 20 HD (where these shenanigans stop and it starts gaining ability score increases at every 4 HD like everyone else. Seriously, keeping that progression up into the epic levels would snap game balance so utterly, I don't know where to begin...)
At 17 HD, Victini learns Inferno (Su). This is a fireball that does (Victini's HD + Victini's Charisma modifier)d20 fire damage to all creatures caught in its radius, and also burns them... but the Reflex save DC is simply ½ Victini's HD + Victini's Charisma modifier (plus the +2 bonus from Victory Star), and a successful Reflex save outright negates the damage and the burn. It's a highly all-or-nothing attack. Inferno is a [Fire] effect.
At 21 HD, Victini learns Double-Edge (Ex). Victini may add 3d12 damage to any attack it makes as part of a charge, but if it does, it takes 2d8 backlash damage. This is a [Normal] effect.
Backlash damage may not be resisted by any means, and a creature killed by it loses 1 extra level if and when it is brought back to life.
At 23 HD, Victini learns Flare Blitz (Su). As a Swift action, Victini may cast fire shield. It may then dispel the effect by making a melee attack, dealing 1d8 extra fire damage per HD and setting the opponent on fire for 2d8 fire damage per round. Doing this deals 1d8 damage per 4 HD to Victini. This may be cast once per 5 rounds. This is a [Fire] effect. In a Contest, using this automatically gains a fantastic success, gaining 2 points and raising the DC, but Victini takes a −4 penalty on the following turn.
At 25 HD, Victini learns Final Gambit (Su). When making a melee attack, Victini may put all of its power into its attack. If it does so and connects with its attack, it takes enough lethal damage to place its remaining hp at −1 and enough nonlethal damage to make its nonlethal damage equal its maximum hp ×2. The opponent takes lethal damage equal to the sum of the lethal and nonlethal damage Victini suffered in this way. Using Final Gambit completely suppresses Victini's fast healing for 1 minute (it doesn't even have its extraordinary fast healing), which means that Victini may die after using this attack unless it has someone to tend to it. Even if it survives, Victini will be exhausted upon awakening. Final Gambit is a [Fighting] effect.
At 27 HD, Victini learns Stored Power (Ps). Victini may utilize its boosts to execute an intense Psionic attack. It chooses a creature in Close range, and that creature takes 1d4 damage plus an additional 1d4 damage for every +1 worth of bonuses affecting Victini. A Will save (DC = 10 + ½ Victini's HD + Victini's Cha modifier) is allowed to halve the damage. This is a [Psychic] effect.
At 29 HD, Victini learns Overheat (Su). Once per hour, Victini may cast a maximized empowered expanded quickened intensified nine acre fire with a save DC of 10 + Victini's HD + Victini's Cha modifier. Using this imposes a −4 penalty to Victini's Charisma that is not cleared until the next time it rests. Overheat is a [Fire] effect.
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Luigifan18v [Expand] |
Alignment | Chaotic good + |
Author | Luigifan18 + |
Challenge Rating | 15 + |
Environment | A small room at the base of a lighthouse + |
Identifier | 3.5e Monster + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Size | Tiny + |
Subtype | Psionic +, Fire +, Pokémon + and Native + |
Summary | Victini is an endless font of positive ene … Victini is an endless font of positive energy — in fact, it generates so much energy that its body can't contain it all. Its small size is misleading, for this little bunny packs a serious punch — so much so that it's rumored that the Pokémaster who obtains Victini will never, ever lose any battle. Ever. ...That's probably an exaggeration, but you still should take Victini itself seriously, as goofy as it may appear to be. eriously, as goofy as it may appear to be. + |
Title | Victini + |
Type | Outsider + |