Talk:Grimm Creature (3.5e Template)

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Do you also get the size bonuses from increasing in size?

Yes from this template and from other templates or just plane increasing the creatures size, but not from the creatures base size. --Furhammer (talk)

All it says is that its inherited but doesn't say what creature types can inherit it. Assuming this is based on RWBY like I think it is I'd say typically the template is applied to Magical Beasts, Animals, and Vermin but, as we see at the end of Season 4, this isn't always the case. - Aeturo (talk) 00:39, 27 February 2017 (MST)

It does not state what type can because creature can inherit the trait; and yes it is based on RWBY. --Furhammer (talk)
Even on Inherited Templates I normally see a list of the kinds of creatures that can inherit it. Not sure if that's the norm or my 3 AM induced headache - Aeturo (talk) 00:46, 27 February 2017 (MST)
Yes but it is easier to list the creatures that can't inherit it. --Furhammer (talk)
Which I just did. --Furhammer (talk)
Yep that works for me. (ignore this was done with an IP, I'm Aeturo I'm just too lazy to log in on this computer) - Aeturo (talk) 00:57, 27 February 2017 (MST)
Any other thoughts on the template? --Furhammer (talk)
It sticks pretty close to the source material without being hindered by it. The only thing that really stuck out as weird is flying Grimm have a couple extra feats over regular Grimm so their CR might be a bit more. Though I'm not sure if Flyby and Hover are good enough for a CR increase. I've no eye for balance really but overall it's pretty sound. Maybe some more fluff in the description though. Really describe the Grimm for people who aren't fans of RWBY - Aeturo (talk) 1:10, 27 February 2017 (MST)