Grimm Creature (3.5e Template)

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Author: Furhammer (talk)
Date Created: 11/28/2016
Status: Completed
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Grimm Creature[edit]

A Grimm creature, while not always hostile depending on the base creature, they are quick to anger and are drawn to negative and hateful people.

Creating a Grimm Creature[edit]

A Grimm creature is a Inherited template that can stack with templates such as Dire. All creature types, except Constructs and Oozes, can inherit this template.

Size and Type[edit]

Size: Increases by 1 step. Medium>Large>Huge. This size change is calculated before size changes granted by dire or other templates.

Hit Dice[edit]

A Grimm creatures hit points to HD is increased by 1 step up to D12. D6>D8>D10>D12. If the creatures base hit points to HD is already 12 it gains +2 hp per HD it has. A Grimm Creature has 2 more HD than the base creature.


Speed remains same as base creature.

Armor Class[edit]

A Grimm Creature gains +3 Natural armor.


A Grimm gains bite and claw(Slam or Talon if applicable) attacks in addition to the base creature's attacks, if it did not have them already.

Special Attacks[edit]

A Grimm retains all the special attacks of the base creature.

Special Qualities[edit]

A Grimm has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus darkvision with a range of 60 feet. A Grimm Creature has a DR 10/magic and Fast healing 5, Fast healing negated for 1 round if hit by a Magic attack. A Grimm creature can sense negative emotion, Bloodlust and combat out to 5 miles.


Old Grimm: Grimm do not stop growing, a excessively old Grimm rat could be Colossal. Each size increase past initial grimm increase increases HD by +2, Natural Armor by +2 and CR by 1; every other size increase increases physical stats by +4 and mental stats by +1, Fast healing +5 and DR by +5.


Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int -2(min 2), Wis +0, Cha +0.


Grimm gain Blood Feast, Snatch (if large or smaller this is Grab) Flying only Feats: Flyby Attack, Hover


Same as Base Creature


Grimm are usually animals, but can come in many shapes in sizes. while uncommon and usually solitary more intelligent Grimm will form hunting parties; while the animals will form packs.

Challenge Rating[edit]

+2, Varies
",Varies" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 2.


Standard x2 for base creature


Always Evil

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AuthorFurhammer +
Identifier3.5e Template +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA Grimm creature, while not always hostile depending on the base creature, they are quick to anger and are drawn to negative and hateful people. +
TitleGrimm Creature +