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Sunlight Breath (3.5e Martial Discipline)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 3rd May 2023
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An ancient discipline developed by mountain-dwelling monks, Sunlight Breath allows the users to manipulate their body energy through breathing. Through the breathing techniques developed by the monks, the body produces inner positive energy known as nyimo, giving the discipline its name. Since the chi created by Sunlight Breath is positive energy, it is deeply dangerous to undead, and particularly skilled users of Sunlight Breath are able to have their nyimo replicate sunlight itself.

Game Mechanics of the Sunlight Breath

Available To: Swordsage

Discipline Skill: Listen (Wis) - The most basic of Sunlight Breath's meditation is one where the user listens to their own breath and heartbeat, attuning themselves with their own energy.

Discipline Weapons: Unarmed Strike, Natural Weapons - The energy created through the use of Sunlight Breath, is channeled through the skin or certain material. 

Saves: 10 + Maneuver Level + Wisdom bonus. 

Special: Sunlight Breath is only available to initiators who are living and capable of breathing. It is impossible to use Sunlight Breath maneuvers when incapable of breathing. All Sunlight Breath maneuvers are supernatural abilities, unless noted otherwise.

Breath Energy: All users of Sunlight Breath generate an amount of 'breath energy', also known as 'nyimo', which can be used to empower Sunlight Breath maneuvers. The maximum amount of breath energy points a user of Sunlight Breath has is equal to the amount of sunlight breath maneuver known by the user + the user's Constitution or Wisdom bonus (whichever is higher). After 8 hours of rest, the user's breath energy pool refreshes to its maximum amount. Some Sunlight Breath generates temporary breath energy points, which does not count against the user's maximum. The user may freely decide to spend temporary points or points from her pool if she has both.

Conducting Weapons: Most Sunlight Breath maneuvers are delivered through touch, unarmed strike or "conducting weapons". What a conducting weapon is, is simple, it is a manufactured weapon made of biological matter (wood, leather, bone, etc) or made of silver (alchemical, silversteel, etc). It is impossible to use a strike, or a damaging boost from Sunlight Breath, without an unarmed strike, a natural weapon or a conducting weapon. An unarmed strike or natural attack delivered through a graft of prosthetic limb must be made of a conducting material, or be biological in nature.

Positive Energy: All extra damage dealt by Sunlight Breath is positive energy damage in addition to the listed damage type. This positive energy damage does not heal creatures normally healed by positive energy, but does not damage them. For example, if a Sunlight Breath maneuvers deals unlisted extra damage, then that damage is both positive and the listed damage, thus allowing it to bypass the damage reduction of a creature damaged by positive energy. As usual unlisted extra damage dealt by Sunlight Breath maneuver is of the same type as the attack used to deliver the strike. Additionally since Sunlight Breath maneuver deals positive energy damage, the extra damage dealt by them applies in full if the attack connects.

Path of War Pathfinder Adaptation: If using the Path of War ruleset from Dreamscarred Press make the following changes:

  • The Discipline Skill associated with Sunlight Breath is Perception.
  • The Weapon Groups associated with Sunlight Breath are Flail, Monk and Thrown.
  • The user's initiation modifiers replaces Wisdom for the DCs of maneuvers, effect of maneuvers, and the amount of breath energy in the initiator's breath energy pool.

Maneuvers of the Sunlight Breath DisciplineEdit

To see the full, expanded description of every maneuver, click here.

1st-Level Maneuvers

  • Janpo Stance: Stance — You gain several abilities based on manipulating your own mass.
  • Nyimo Imbuement: Stance — In this stance, the initiator can conduct Sunlight Breath maneuvers through all weapons, and gain the ability to use household objects as improvised weapons.
  • Ripple Drive: Strike — Make an attack which deals an extra +1d6 damage; spend breath energy to gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll and deals an additional +1d6 damage.
  • Synchronized Breathing: Boost — You gain 1 temporary point of breath energy.

2nd-Level Maneuvers

  • Ripple Cross Guard: Counter — Gain a shield bonus to AC and damage reduction against an attack, if attacked in melee with a conductive weapon deal 1d6 damage back; spend energy point to increase armor class bonus, DR and damage dealt.
  • Warm Sunlight Touch: Other — You use nyimo to stabilize the dying and staunch bleeding; spend breath energy to heal 1d8 + half your initiator level.

3rd-Level Maneuvers

  • Deep Breath Mantra: Boost — You gain 3 temporary point of breath energy.
  • Red Ripple Drive: Strike — Make an attack which deals an extra +3d6 fire damage and deals damage over time to creatures vulnerable to sunlight; spend breath energy to gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll, deals an additional fire damage and may cause the target to catch fire.

4th-Level Maneuvers

  • Blue Ripple Drive: Strike — Make an attack which deals an extra +3d6 cold damage and deals damage over time to creatures vulnerable to sunlight; spend breath energy to gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll, deals an additional cold damage and may cause the target to become immobilized in ice.
  • Gentle Sunlight Touch: Other — You use nyimo to stabilize the dying, staunch bleeding and cure ailments; spend breath energy to heal 3d8 + half your initiator level.

5th-Level Maneuvers

  • Burning Ripple Crossguard: Counter — Use this counter to gain a shield bonus to AC and damage reduction against an attack, if attacked in melee with a conductive weapon deal 2d6 fire damage back and heat up metallic weapons; spend energy point to increase armor class bonus, DR and damage dealt.
  • Electric Ripple Drive: Strike — Make an attack which deals an extra +5d6 electricity damage and deals damage over time to creatures vulnerable to sunlight; spend breath energy to gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll, deals an additional electricity damage and possibly stun the target.
  • Perfect Breathing Rhythm: Stance — You are able to repeatedly gain temporary breath points.

6th-Level Maneuvers

  • Hermetic Sunlight Touch: Other — You use nyimo to stabilize the dying, staunch bleeding and cure ailments; spend breath energy to heal 5d8 + half your initiator level.
  • Lightspeed Step: Rush — You move up to long range with a single move action, at the cost of ending your turn; spend breath energy to continue acting.

7th-Level Maneuvers

  • Sunlight Ripple Drive: Strike — Make an attack which deals an extra +7d6 damage, deals damage over time to creatures vulnerable to sunlight and exposed to creature to sunlight; spend breath energy to gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll, deals an additional damage and possibly blind the target.

8th-Level Maneuvers

  • Divine Sunlight Touch: Other — You use nyimo to cure all ills; spend energy point to heal 5 hit points per initiator level.
  • Sunlight Yogi Stance: Stance — The positive energy damage dealt by Sunlight Breath deals half damage to the livings, your attacks deal extra positive energy damage and you gain fast healing 5.

9th-Level Maneuvers

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