Starvation (3.5e Disease)

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Author: Grog toad (talk)
Date Created: 3/13/2015
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Infection: Neglect
DC: 15
Incubation : None
Damage : Debilitation, see text


This was inspired by LenKagetsu's Exhaustion and the following is modified from said disease Starvation works like a disease, and is treated like one, but is impervious to the effects of anything that would remove disease or fatigue. Instead, you just need to eat. This utilizes this alternative rule for diseases. The main difference is that this disease provokes a constitution check rather than a fortitude save. Even the most badass heroes you can name need to eat.

Things that don't need eat are obviously immune to this disease.

If you go three days without eating a decent meal (about a pound of food according to the SRD), you are prompted to make a DC15 constitution check. Unlike other diseases, successful rolls do not make you recover. The only thing that will let you recover is eating a decent meal (1 decent meal removes a stage, 3 days of decent meals removes the first stage). If you are suffering permanent fatigue or exhaustion from another source, you take a -2 penalty to the constitution check.

Effects that impose temporary fatigue or exhaustion progress the disease by 1 or 2 stages until its expiration or removal.

Starvation Neglect, 1 day cycle
A lack of food has left you weak and weary.
You are cured. You cannot do anything that cannot be done when fatigued, and take a -2 penalty to all Strength based checks and checks and to various other checks. You cannot do anything that cannot be done when exhausted. You heal half as much from natural and magical healing. Your Strength and Constitution scores are reduced by 6. You're at risk for collapse and are weakened to uselessness. Your body is devouring itself.

Infection Type: Neglect

Cycle: 1 day

Stage 1:

"I missed dinner?"

You've missed a few meals, and are starting to feel it. You are unable to do anything that cannot be done while fatigued. You take a -2 penalty to all Strength or size based checks and checks listed under the Endurance feat.

Stage 2:

"I'm trying this new diet, it's called the not eating diet."

Your circumstances have forced you to stay up for a few days now. You cannot do anything that cannot be done while exhausted. You heal half as much hp and ability damage/burn from natural and magical sources of healing (including the Regeneration and Fast Healing abilities).

Stage 3:

"You look delicious"

Hunger has sapped your Strength. You suffer a -6 penalty to Strength and a minus 6 penalty to Constitution.

Stage 4:

"SooOooOo... HuUunnGrrYy..."

You are numbed. Each day or every time you take nonlethal damage, you need to make a con check against the save DC of the disease or be Nauseated for 2d6 minutes.

Stage 5+:

"(stomach rumbles)"'

Not eating has deprived your body of necessary materials, and so it begins to break down. The check for Stage 4 takes place every hour, and you take 1d6 nonlethal damage per hour for each stage of the disease. Considering how hard your constitution is taking a hammering, you'll soon collapse. If your nonlethal damage exceeds twice your maximum hit points you take 1d6 lethal damage that cannot be healed as long as you are suffering from this disease and remain on the current stage each hour. At 0HP, you die from Starvation.

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AuthorGrog toad +
DC15 +
DamageDebilitation, see text +
Identifier3.5e Disease +
IncubationNone +
Rated ByEiji-kun +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryMy Tummy Hurts!!!!! +
TitleStarvation +