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Sniper (3.5e Prestige Class)

61 bytes added, 07:13, 22 February 2010
Class Features: Improving Sniper's Patience description.
Aiming at your opponent this way denies your dexterity bonus to AC, and if you are hit, you must make a concentration check (DC 10 plus damage taken minus your attack bonus) to continue to hold your aim steady. If you move more than half your speed while aiming, you must make a concentration check (DC 10 plus each foot of distance traveled past half your speed). At the DM's discretion, additional concentration checks may be imposed for anything that may disrupt your aiming.
At level 3, you may roll three two extra times by skipping two of your attacks, then at level 5 you may roll four three extra times by skipping three of your attacks. This increases every odd level to level nine: 9, where you may skipping up to five 5 attacks to roll your next attack roll six five extra times in addition to your actual attack roll, and take the highest rollresult. At level 10, you may skip any number of attacks, and get that many bonus rolls to your next attack.

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