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Clawfoot (5e)

875 bytes added, 16:53, 3 March 2024
{|align="right"|{{5epointer|Eberron Rising from the Last War}}|-|{{5e setting=Eberron}}|}{{5e Monster Pointer|name=Clawfoot <!--Creature Name-->|sorttext=Dinosaur Clawfoot |refs=<!--Usually blank, category sort--ref name="erftlw.289">{{Cite Pub|pub=Eberron Rising from the Last War |pages=289}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <!--Publication ref name="uohab">Habitat (unofficial) --User</ref>|size=Medium <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->|type=Beast <!--Dragon, Humanoid, Outsider, Swarm, etc.-->|swarm= <!--if If swarm, enter size of individual creature of the in swarm-->|subtype=Dinosaur |align=Unaligned |ac=13 |acfluff= <!--reason if given-->|hp=19 |hd= <!--Elf10d8, Goblinoid4d12, etc.-->|alignspeed=40 ft. |movetype=Walk |saves= |skills={{SRD5|Perception}}, {{SRD5|Stealth}}|damageresistances=|damageimmunity=|conditionimmunity=|senses=|perception=Unaligned 13 <!--Lawful Good, Chaotic EvilPassive-->|hplanguages=|habitat=Grassland|mount=true|riders=19Halfling
|cr=1 <!--Challenge Rating-->
|xp= <!--Experience points for destroying-->
|descpointer=Two-legged dinosaur true|canon=true|summary=Theropod used as a mount <!--UNOFFICIAL/UNPLAGIARIZED 1-2 line unofficial, UNPLAGIRIZED, description of the monster--> |feature1=Pack Tactics<!--monster feature names up to 10-->|flimit1=|fdesc1={{SRD5trait}} The clawfoot has {{srd5lc|Advantage}} on an {{srd5lc|Attack Roll}} against a {{srd5lc|Creature}} if at least one of the clawfoot's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {{srd5lc|Incapacitated}}. 
|flimit2=|fdesc2={{SRD5trait}} If the clawfoot {{srd5lc|Move}}s at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same {{srd5lc|Turn}}, that target must succeed on a {{SRD5|DC}} 11 {{SRD5|Strength}} {{srd5lc|Saving Throw}} or be knocked {{srd5lc|Prone}}. If the target is prone, the clawfoot can make one bite attack against it as a {{srd5lc|Bonus Action}}. |action1=Multiattack<!--action names up to 10-->|alimit1=|adesc1= 
|adesc2=''{{SRD5|Melee Weapon Attack}}''
|reaction1alimit3=<!--action names up to 5-->|adesc3=''Melee Weapon Attack''
===Sources and Notes===
* {{pub|Eberron Rising from the Last War}}
{{5e Monster Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:==Sources and Notes==<references /> {{5e Mounts]]Footer|Dinosaur, Eberron}}{{Navboxes}}

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