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Argent Battle Mage (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Becoming a Argent Battle Mage
| 4th || +2 || +1 || +1 || +4
| class="left" | Piercing Extended Energy +2, Energy Thesis 2
| class="left" | +1 Existing Arcane Class
| 5th || +2 || +1 || +1 || +4
| class="left" | Energized Energy Thesis 2, Bonus Feat, Innate Energy
| class="left" | +1 Existing Arcane Class
| 6th || +3 || +2 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | Energized 3, Bonus Feat, Energy ReductionPower Overwhelming
| class="left" | +1 Existing Arcane Class
The first time this feature is used will not result in any adverse effect. If this feature is used again before a long rest, the Argent Battle Mage takes 1d12 necrotic damage per spell level, immediately after the spell is cast. Each time this feature is used before a long rest, the damage is increased by 1d12 per spell level. This damage ignores resistances immunities.
'''{{Anchor|Extended Energy}} {{Ex}}:''' Starting at 3rd 4th level, Whenever an Argent Battle Mage casts a spell with the force descriptor that has a duration measured in minutes or hoursother than instantaneous, that duration is doubled. If it has a duration measured in rounds increase the total duration by 1 round.
'''{{Anchor|Overpowering EnergyPower Overwhelming}} {{Ex}}:''' At 3rd 6th leveland higher, the Argent Battle Mage’s force spells with the force descriptor become especially potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal. He She gains a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome a creature's spell resistance with a force spell. This ability also grants the Argent Battle Mage a +2 to In addition, the DC of his force spells and effects required to defend against counter or dispel or counter attempts. In addition, a the Argent Battle Mage’s magic missiles might penetrate shield spells, Wall of Force force spells, Immunity or resistance to Force, and brooches of shielding. Against such protections, he makes a caster level check with a DC equal to the caster level, in the case of Shield or Wall of Force; or DC 20, in the case of a brooch; or DC 20 + Targets HD in the case of Immunity or Resistanceincreases by 4.
'''{{Anchor|Innate Energy Force Abeyance}} {{SpEx}}:''' An Ardent Battle Mage of 5th level is so intertwined with the raw energy of magic that they can use it at will. As a standard action an Argent Battle Mage may fire a single Magic Missile as a SLA, or they may use a swift action Due to add 1 damage per caster level her improved understanding of magical force damage to their next melee or ranged attack. If they have enough actions available to do both they can only choose one of theses options per turn. The missile strikes unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat or has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can’t be singled out. Inanimate objects are not damaged by the spell. This spell is effected by all effects, penalties, defenses and bonuses that would effect a Magic Missile spell. There can only ever be one missile per casting and it is cast at a caster level equal to the characters ECL. '''{{Anchor|Energy Reduction}} {{Ex}}:''' An an Argent Battle Mage of 6th 7th level or higher can prevent force damage to himselfhold arcane forces at bay. He She subtracts his ECL her class level from damage dealt by any force spell or effectagainst her. A force spell producing multiple attacks, such as magic missile, is considered a single attack for this purpose; deduct the mages’s level from the total damage dealt by the spell, not the damage dealt by each individual missile. '''{{Anchor|Extra Extended Energy}} {{Ex}}:''' Starting at 8th level, Whenever an Argent Battle Mage casts a spell with the force descriptor that has a duration measured in minutes or hours, that duration is tripled. If it has a duration measured in rounds increase the total duration by 2 rounds.
'''{{Anchor|Disrupt Energy}} {{Su}}:''' As a standard action, an 8th level Argent Battle Mage can attempt to dispel a single force spell or effect within 60 feet (even those normally immune to dispel magic, such as wall of force). If he succeeds on a caster level check (DC 11 + opposing caster’s level), the force effect is disrupted. This immediately dispels the effect and deals 1d6 points of force damage per level of the dispelled spell to all creatures and objects within 10 feet of the unbound spell. For example, if an Argent Battle Mage Disrupts another caster’s wall of force, the released spell energy would deal 5d6 points of force damage to anyone within 10 feet of the wall’s former location. This damage cannot be increased by any spells or abilities.
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