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Deathball (3.5e Invocation)

65 bytes added, 20:10, 28 October 2021
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Any creature with an intelligence score of 8 or higher will perceive the attack as extremely dangerous.
'''Special:''' The user may spend an addition 100 ki to enhance this attack, causing the damage and size of the ball increase drastically. If the user chooses to enhance Deathball in such a way, the blast radius also increases from 20 ft. to 300 ft and the damage to suddenly increase by 15050%.(EX 2d6 to 3d6, 4d6 to 6d6, and so on.)
If the user chooses to enhance Deathball in such a way, the blast radius also increases from 20 ft. to 300 ft.
If a creature is knocked to HP were they would be considered dead, the target is treated as if it was effected by disintegration, even if they are immune to such effects.
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