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Talk:Nuclear Spell (3.5e Feat)

2 bytes added, 15:59, 25 June 2021
One topic to rule them all
Ok, let's discuss the feat here.
I will change it as suggested by foxdownfarms (multiple energy damage, bull rush) and maybe add something that Eiji said (sickened condition for sure, I'm not sure aby about the fire damage into typeless damage, I like it and it was one of my original options, but maybe for another feat, though I admit it fits. I could even make all elemental damage effectively typeless and ignore all immunity/resistance or maybe just resistance, idk I'm kinda reluctant on stacking so many effects). In any case this will be the new Nuclear Spell.
With all this said, I still want to use the disintegrate effect, probably in something like "Pulverizing Spell", applied to Force spells only, maybe with an higher CL as a requirement (maybe even epic), and I'd like to balance it with something like what Eiji said on level based threshold. Maybe instead of saving throw against a fixed DC it could be against a caster level check?

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