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*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Trailblazer | '''Trailblazer''']] - Tracking, surviving and travel in general.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Beastmaster | '''Beastmaster''']] - Animal companion/special mount/familiar; Animal communication.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Scholar | '''Scholar''']] - Knowledge, bardic knowledge, and divination.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Tinker | '''Tinker''']] - Item creation and manipulation, both mundane and magical.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Performer | '''Performer''']] - Bardic music/battle dancer dances, as well as other distracting tactics.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Doctor | '''Doctor''']] - Healing and medical talents.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Fury | '''Fury''']] - Rage/frenzy and similar abilities.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Hunter | '''Hunter''']] - Favored enemy and ranged combat.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Vessel | '''Vessel''']] - Binding and possession.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Noble | '''Noble''']] - Social influence, etiquette and grace.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Vagrant | '''Vagrant''']] - Inconspicuous disguise, hardiness and perseverance.
*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Bestown | '''Bestown''']] - Legacy item and related abilities.
Backgrounds based on cultural teachings: