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Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)

1,890 bytes added, 02:01, 18 July 2019
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== List of Backgrounds ==
Below is a list of Backgrounds existing under this variant rule. Feel free to add your own; I'm designing mine to be of High balance, so please try to keep yours along the same lines.
Backgrounds based on class abilities:*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Dilettante | '''Dilettante''']]- The Multi-Background background.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Arcanist | '''Arcanist''']]- Arcane spells, mysteries, Warlock or Dragonfire Adept invocations.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Disciple | '''Disciple''']]- Divine spells, turn undead, smite heretic.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Warrior | '''Warrior''']]- Martial maneuvers, fighter feats.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Primal | '''Primal''']]- Druidic magic, Verdant Channeler invocations.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Vagabond | '''Vagabond''']]- Sneak Attack, dirty fighting in general.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Meditant | '''Meditant''']]- Monklike abilities, Incarnum magic.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Psychic | '''Psychic''']]- Psionic powers/mantles.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Trailblazer | '''Trailblazer''']]- Tracking, surviving and travel in general.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Beastmaster | '''Beastmaster''']]- Animal companion/special mount/familiar; Animal communication.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Scholar | '''Scholar''']]- Knowledge, bardic knowledge, divination.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Tinker | '''Tinker''']]- Item creation and manipulation, both mundane and magical.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Performer | '''Performer''']]- Bardic music/battle dancer dances, as well as other distracting tactics.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Weaponmaster | '''Weaponmaster''']]- Mastery of a weapon, eventually several weapons.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Vanguard | '''Vanguard''']]- Protecting creatures and location; Tanking.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Tactician | '''Tactician''']]- Tactical abilities like duels, granting your actions to allies, etc.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Drunkard | '''Drunkard''']]- Drunk fighting; Poison/alcohol tolerance, unarmed combat.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Doctor | '''Doctor''']] - Healing and medical talents.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Fury | '''Fury''']]- Rage/frenzy and similar abilities.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Hunter | '''Hunter''']]- Favored enemy and combat. *[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Vessel | '''Vessel''']] - Binding and possession. Backgrounds based on cultural teachings:*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Dwarven Culture | '''Dwarven Culture ''']]- You were raised by Dwarves; You can hold your liquor and you know how to swing an axe.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Elven Culture | '''Elven Culture ''']]- You were raised by Elves; You know how to fire a bow and cast a few cantrips.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Human Culture | '''Human Culture ''']]- You were raised by Humans; You can fit in almost anywhere and copy almost anything.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Halfling Culture | '''Halfling Culture ''']]- You were raised by Halflings; You're good at fending for yourself and making crowds like you.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Gnomish Culture | '''Gnomish Culture ''']]- You were raised by Gnomes; You're good with your hands, and with your wit.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Orcish Culture | '''Orcish Culture ''']]- You were raised by Orcs; You're scary when you're angry and you know the wild like no other.*[[Backgrounds (3.5e Variant Rule)/Goblin Culture | '''Goblin Culture ''']]- You were raised by Goblins; You're sneaky and merciless, and you like fire a liiittle too much.
==Alternate Background Options==